I was passing by this tattered flag earlier today and the Lord gave me another idea to write. It was standing outside an auto insurance place along with several others, all torn, neglected, and having seen better days. I wondered why the business owner doesn’t just take them down. What an eyesore, and on a major highway to boot. Welcome to Filthy-delphia.
This flag reminds me of how rotten and spiritually neglected our society has become because of the lack of the Word of God and prayer in public schools since the early 1960’s. Nowadays public schools are penitentiaries and harbors of demonic activity. That’s what happens when you deprive innocent children of the God they know exists and see in all they do.
I thought how ironic it is, that this once great and beautiful country was at a time a shining beacon to those across the world who desired a better life for themselves and their posterity. I thought of how my grandparents had immigrated to the United States from Sicily so long ago. They indeed had a good life and our family, though poor, was fortunate to be in the land of the free and the home of the brave. They were hard workers and family was first. I’m sure not a day went by that they took it for granted.
What a shocking turnaround there is today. Back then, hard work was rewarded, encouraged and extolled. Laziness was nonexistent. Family was strong, multiplying exceedingly. Marriages were strong and lasted for decades. Our country was strong, because it was blessed by God and people had the fear of God in their hearts. Now, laziness is predominant and rewarded with government assistance (welfare). Families have been torn asunder because of selfishness and greed. God help the children growing up in these end times. Relationships are temporary and abominable to the Lord. Our country is dying a slow, painful death, and no CPR, peacemaker or politician can revive her to the superpower that she once was in her prime. Her fate is sealed. Oh God have mercy on this wretched nation.
It makes me ashamed that I was born in the era of Woodstock, rebellion, “free love” and so-called “peace.” It was nothing more than evil, and it’s gotten far worse in the 21st century. You think it was bad then with hippiedom, drug use and the strengthening of the sins of rock and roll. Satan has sunken in his vile claws and will not let go. My, how this nation has degraded since the year of my birth.
Nothing is going to make this country great again as long as we continue worshipping sin, self and Satan. Hard-core King James Bible preaching and Godly sorrow that leads to repentance are sorely needed. We are not right with God. We are not going to have peace until the Prince of peace comes, casts the Devil into the bottomless pit, and sets things aright. Only the Lord Jesus Christ has that power, the King of kings Who opens doors and closes doors, Who setteth up and casteth down.
By the way, I strongly believe that America will be destroyed in the judgments of the Great Tribulation. She cannot possibly hope to recover from her sins because she loves them too much. She boasts that God doesn’t exist, the Bible is labeled as “hate speech,” and true Bible-believers are despised and ridiculed all day long in 2015. Since America has cast her Lord behind her, she must be judged. We are seeing just a small sample of God’s mighty, judging hand recently. Jesus is coming quickly. I believe that with all my heart.
However, while the church is still here (by “church” I mean BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS), the Holy Spirit is still seeking out those who would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Other countries across the world are experiencing great joy and revival because they are not tied down by the cares and riches of the American Laodicean (lukewarm) church. They have nothing to lose, and with Jesus they have everything to gain. They are more worthy of righteousness than we are. Once God sees the last sinner saved by grace, I believe that’s when the Rapture will occur. We have no idea when that will happen, but it will happen.
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:6,7 KJB
While you still breathe, you can be saved. You don’t have to be like the world, reader. You can choose the right and be blessed. You still have that opportunity. Choose Jesus Christ, the One Who died in your place on the Cross so that YOU WOULDN’T HAVE TO GO TO HELL. See this page for more. HOW TO BE SAVED!
26 November, 2015 DR. MARK CREECH
On my ride to work, a church sign jumped out at me. It read:
“We pray for the atheist, who has no one to thank on Thanksgiving Day.”
Not more than five more miles down the same road was another church sign with a potent message which read:
“Be thankful you don’t get what you deserve.”
Recent Research shows that atheism is rapidly growing and gaining respectability in America. Practical atheism, however, flourishes more than ever.
Practical Atheists don’t necessarily deny God’s existence; they just live as though there is no God.
R.C. Sproul has eloquently stated, “Practical atheism appears when we live as if there were no God. The externals continue, but man becomes the central thrust of devotion as the attention of religious concern shifts away from man’s devotion to God to man’s devotion to man, bypassing God.” [1]
In a recent article, Arthur Milikh, assistant director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics at The Heritage Foundation, argues that avoiding the many pitfalls of a national self-satisfaction and pride was partly behind Washington and Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamations.
Milikh marvelously writes:
“In the present time it has become fashionable to espouse if not open atheism, then at least antagonism toward religion. These opinions come forth in various, sometimes obfuscated, forms.
“Part of the left’s recent fanaticism originates from the fact that progressivism’s quasi-religion lacks any understanding of gratitude and humility. Progressivism precludes belief in these since progress as an alleged cosmic force is neither merciful nor beneficent but is merely abstract and all-powerful. As such, it does not encourage its believers toward humility or gratitude.
“Neither does belief in the abstract, and inhuman forces of progress require humility on account of human frailty and ignorance. Rather, progress, claiming perfect knowledge of the laws of the universe, leads to fanaticism.
“Is the individual, modeled on these assumptions, of the kind required for self-government? Rather, does not self-government require generosity between citizens, which can be the product only of a common recognition of an America inhabited by one people, united in a common cause, with common beliefs, grateful for what has come before us?
“What happens to a people when they lose the ability for gratitude? Insolence and impudence rule, while the various factions devour each other, competing for the national stage. Alternatively, one might inquire whether a people are up to the task of ruling itself once gratitude is lost, since then it loses its ideals and the justification for its self-government.” [2]
Is this not the end of our nation’s current practical atheism?
When our nation was engaged in a monumental conflict between the States, Abraham Lincoln declared the root of our national calamity, saying:
“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.” [3]
Later, in the same year, Lincoln would call for a national day of Thanksgiving, acknowledging that while the nation had suffered greatly for its many sins, God “had nevertheless remembered mercy.” [4]
Could Lincoln’s words be any more pertinent to our times?
The apostle Paul warned in the book of Romans about the sad results of a nation’s ingratitude. He wrote, “Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain [empty, or foolish] in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”
The apostle continues, saying, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections.” And then he adds, “And even as they did not retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind” – meaning a disposition or attitude of life incapable of good.
America’s greatest problems today can be traced directly back to the lunacy of its thankless, self-satisfied and self-congratulatory practical atheism.
Perhaps this Thanksgiving we would do well to be thankful that we haven’t yet received what we deserve – God’s final, full, and irrevocable wrath.
[1] Sproul, R.C. “What Is Practical Atheism.” Ligonier Ministries. N.p., 12 Jan. 2015. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.
[2] Milikh, Arthur. “Why George Washington Thought the Practice of Gratitude Was Essential for the American Character.” The Daily Signal. N.p., 24 Nov. 2015. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.
[3] Peters, Gerhard, and John T. Woolley. “Proclamation 97 – Appointing a Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer.” The American Presidency Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2015.
[4] Ibid, Proclamation 106 – Thanksgiving Day, 1863
Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, Ebola, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House