
Barack Obama and John Kerry should be FORCED to answer for what’s on this video

Low income families evicted to make way for asylum seekers


Migrants are being housed at a 4 star hotel in Germany while Germans themselves are being told to leave their homes to make way for asylum seekers.

The sheer number of asylum seekers making their way to the Saxony-Anhalt region has resulted in an accommodation crisis, with the Maritim Hotel in Halle now being used to house at least 80 migrants who began arriving last week.

The 4 star hotel boasts an indoor swimming pool, sauna and fitness room and is located just a 10 minute walk from Halle’s historic old town.

According to one report, the relief agency behind the relocation of the migrants is concerned that some of the refugees are simply leaving the hotel and not returning, while others are complaining about the lack of activities, with games evenings and film screenings not being sufficient to keep them entertained.

Staff members are also said to be annoyed at the fact that the migrants are constantly breaking hotel rules. The refugees are not subjected to passport checks until they arrive at the hotel. Taxpayers are footing the bill for a permanent presence of ten police cars and 30 officers.

With more migrants expected to arrive, the Maritim’s Booking.com page confirms that the hotel isn’t taking any reservations at the moment. While authorities assert that the situation is only temporary, others speculate that the hotel could become a permanent migrant center, with numerous staff members who have worked there for 25 years losing their jobs.

While the migrants are enjoying all the comforts of a 4 star hotel, low income Germans are being ordered to leave their homes. As the Telegraph reported, Germans are beginning to receive notices of eviction to make way for asylum seekers.

As we reported last week, a regional governor told residents of a municipality in Germany that if they didn’t embrace the arrival of hundreds of new migrants, they should leave.



Entitled immigrants raping Sweden’s women


Once dubbed the “Great Humanitarian Power” by its ex-prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt Sweden is on the edge of a brutal collapse due to a wave of entitled immigrants raping Sweden’s women at a rate of 53.2% and bleeding the economy of the country dry.



Authorities want to avoid ‘racist’ backlash from critics of migrant influx


Finnish cops have been ordered by the country’s national police board not to publicly identify migrants as criminal suspects over concerns that doing so would encourage a ‘racist’ backlash against the wave of asylum seekers entering Scandinavia.

The new guidance, reported on by Finnish news outlet Iltalehti.fl, is designed to prevent “negative” attitudes being attached to asylum seekers, as well as maintaining “law and order and a sense of security” by not radicalizing local populations who are opposed to migrants entering the country.

By keeping the migrant status of the suspect confidential, the police board hopes that crimes committed by asylum seekers will not “stir up anger.”

The order means that press releases or pleas for public help in identifying suspects will not include information identifying the suspect as a migrant, making it easier for would-be criminals and rapists to evade detection.

This is particularly egregious given the alarming number of rapes that have occurred in and around migrant camps, as well as Sweden’s crippling rape epidemic, for which Muslim migrants are largely responsible.

As we have previously highlighted, authorities in Germany are also covering up crimes committed by migrants.

Last month it emerged that police in Germany are keeping quiet about a spate of rapes targeting children committed by Muslim migrants in and around refugee camps so as not to “legitimize” critics of mass migration.

Germany’s top broadcaster ZDF is also refusing to run crime stories about Muslim rape suspects because, in the words of Editor in chief Ina-Maria Reize-Wildemann, “We don’t want to inflame the situation and spread the bad mood. [The migrants] don’t deserve it.”

The German government is also working with Facebook on a program to censor anti-migrant posts. The initiative is being overseen by Anetta Kahane, an ex-informant for the Stasi, the official secret police of the former Communist government of East Germany.



Marine Le Pen faces a year in prison


The leader of the French nationalist and eurosceptic National Front political party, Marine Le Pen, faces a year in prison and a 45,000 euros fine for criticizing Muslims.

The state considers Len Pen’s remarks about Muslims praying in the streets to be hate speech and has accused her of “inciting discrimination, violence or hatred toward a group of people based on their religious beliefs.”

France has one of the toughest hate speech laws in Europe. The law has been used against journalists, authors, filmmakers, newspapers and periodicals, including the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo. In January Islamic terrorists stormed the office of Charlie Hebdo and killed 12 people.

“I’m sorry, but for those who like talking a lot about World War II, if it comes to talking about the occupation, we can talk about it, because that (Muslims praying on the street) is the occupation of territory,” she said in 2010.

“It is an occupation of part of the territory, suburbs where religious law is applied. Sure, there are no armored vehicles, no soldiers, but it is an occupation nonetheless and it weighs on residents.”

Muslim groups filed a complaint under France’s hate speech laws and demanded Le Pen be investigated and prosecuted.

Le Pen was protected by parliamentary immunity until 2013 when the European Parliament removed her legal safeguard and human rights groups pushed for prosecution.

“I have committed no crime,” Le Pen told the media as she entered a courthouse in Lyon, a city in southeastern France.

Prosecutors in the case have asked that the nationalist leader be acquitted.

“Mrs. Le Pen, by denouncing these prayers in the public space, which did not refer to the entire Muslim community but to a minority, only exercised her freedom of expression,” prosecutor Bernard Reynaud told the court.

The National Front is popular in northern France, particularly in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region near the English Channel where gangs of illegal migrants have repeatedly attempted to break into the Eurotunnel terminal at Calais and reach Britain.



Says it is the “duty” of the West to “respect” migrants who undermine its culture and social mores

OCTOBER 21, 2015

Peter Sutherland, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration, told the UN News Center it is not only the responsibility of Europe but also the United States and Canada to accept illegal immigration.

“Proximity doesn’t define responsibility,” he said.

Sutherland said it is “not merely a moral but a legal obligation (under the UN 1951 Refugee Convention)” to accept millions of “economic migrants” he said are “also deserving not merely of respect, and due regard to their rights, but also a constructive engagement in regard to migration more generally.”

In other words, it is the duty of Europeans and North Americans to open their borders and respect people who may not respect their cultural norms and not only do not intend to assimilate but, as the European example demonstrates, undermine legal and cultural norms in favor of Sharia law and often violent intolerance for other religions and customs.

He said opposition to massive illegal migration and concerns about the undermining of cultural norms, the destruction of social cohesion and threats to national sovereignty are “racist and xenophobic, and (ought) to be condemned.”

In June, following a meeting with Pope Francis, the boss of Goldman-Sachs International and Bilderberg attendee Sutherland told RTÉ radio 240,000 immigrants flooding into Europe each year is not an economic burden on countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom.

“Governments have to lead by giving the positive news that migrants are good for a community, economically and every other way rather than constantly expressing them as a burden because they are not really a burden,” Sutherland said. “Within a very short period of time they contribute positively to the community in which they live.”

The experience in Europe, Britain and North America betrays Sutherland’s remarks on assimilation and contribution.

“Muslim immigration to the Western world has not had much to do with the West as a ‘land of opportunity’ or a place where one has personal and individual freedoms unfettered by politics or government. Rather, it too frequently represents a threat to these grand traditions, this because there is often no intention to ‘assimilate,’” writes Daniel Gallington for Human Events.

The practice of Islam is inconsistent with the cultural and social mores of the West. “Muslim integration into Western cultures — especially ours — requires the abandonment of laws, rules and practices inconsistent with living in free societies.”


Barack Obama and John Kerry should be FORCED to answer for what’s on this video

October 19, 2015 by Allen West

There are times when you simply let the enemy speak for himself and tell you his intent. And with the Islamists, we are blessed to have such an enemy who does not hide.

The horrific aspect of all this is the Islamapologists who refuse to accept reality — preferring unicorns and rainbows – and referring to those exposing the Islamists as “islamophobes.” And we must also acknowledge the emissaries of the “stealth jihad” such as CAIR, ISNA, MAS, and MPAC are the ones who coined this term as a means of censorship. Well, I gotta tell you fellas, that dawg don’t hunt.

If you REALLY want to know what’s happening over in Jerusalem and who the REAL terrorists are, take a gander at this video. Hat tip to our friends at Palestinian Media Watch for this one.

Here’s the transcript you can share with your Islamapologist pals: “Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi, teaches Islam twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque: “The Children of Israel will be forced – they will not concede – they will be forced to change their plans to build the Temple inside the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and will have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque… A Temple of heresy to worship the Devil. Why? Because the Anti-Christ won’t appear unless this Temple is built and the Devil is worshipped there… [At the End of Days] we will follow the Jews everywhere. They will not escape us. They will not be able to escape us. The rock and tree will speak, according to the Hadith (tradition) of the Prophet [Muhammad]… and it is a reliable promise from the Prophet according to which the tree and the rock will speak and say: ‘O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’ The Children of Israel will all be exterminated, the Anti-Christ will be killed and the Muslims will live in comfort for a long time.”

So the liberal progressive leftists who have those cute little “coexist” bumper stickers, what say you? No, this is not a “doctored video.” And the words this fine fella quoted come as he stated, from the Hadiths of Muhammad — you know, that guy who was a murderous warlord, sociopath, deceiver and pedophile. And I hate to tell you, but all that came from his Hadiths and traditions, as well.

You see, this is what the Israelis face every single day. The Israeli people are seeking a willing peace partner, but that does not exist. They’ve given up land and more land, concessions and more concessions, and all they ask is the right to exist. And as you can see from this video, it’s nothing more than a pipe dream.

This Imam is a perfect example of what Egyptian President al-Sisi talked about the beginning of the year, when he chastised the Islamic clerics for their preaching of hate. Now, ask yourself, name a church or synagogue that was preaching killing Muslims this past weekend? And U.S. State Department spokesperson John Kirby had the gall to equate Israel to this — as we shared.

I must inquire, President Obama, what do you say after watching this short video? Are you still more concerned about a new government agency to combat “violent extremism” which we know means your political opposition? John Kerry, who conflates Israel’s self defense with Palestinian terrorism, what do you say? Secretary Jeh Johnson, is this a reflection of Islamic terrorism, or does saying that offend the Sheik and therefore I am guilty?

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, all you folks who want to be president and commander-in-chief, what do you have to say about it? I know what Bernie would say: if we would just tax the rich Jews more and redistribute the wealth, everything would be fine. And Mrs. Clinton would probably just abandon Israel and blame all the violence there now on a video – and probably put me in jail for sharing this.

And you just have to ask if Jewish members of Congress — Wasserman-Schultz, Schumer, Deutch, and Frankel — would join in with the rocks and trees and condemn their own brothers and sisters?

ISIS reads the Koran to girls before raping them as justification. This cleric states the objective is to exterminate the Jews. When did we last see evil such as this? And yet, we are doing nothing.



21 Oct 2015 by CAROLINE MAY

Illegal immigrant students have a right to a quality, taxpayer-funded education that prepares them for college and a career, according to the Department of Education.

In pursuit of that objective, the Obama administration has released a 63-page guide for educators, administrators, and other stakeholders about how best to serve the illegal immigrant student continent across the nation. http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/focus/supporting-undocumented-youth.pdf

The lengthy manual, released Tuesday, focuses on the rights of illegal immigrant students and provides tips and best practice advice about how to be meet their needs.

“Embrace and value diversity and the cultural backgrounds of all students. Teachers (and other educational personnel) who serve immigrant students should understand the cultural and educational backgrounds of their students,” reads one tip for educators.

The manual also instructs institutions of higher education on how to best serve illegal immigrants.

“Develop services and resources that specifically support undocumented students. Case studies of undocumented youth in higher education have highlighted lingering feelings of stigma and fear related to their status, as well as instances of discrimination on campuses,” another tip advises such institutions.

While illegal immigrants are ineligible for federal financial aid, much of the document focuses on highlighting the ways in which illegal immigrants may qualify for reduced cost college education— namely detailing what kinds of tuition benefits are available to illegal immigrants in certain states, financial aid advice, and a list of scholarships for which illegal immigrants may apply.

The states receiving the most recognition in the guide for their illegal immigrant-friendly tuition rates include: California, Washington, New Mexico, Texas, and Minnesota.

According to the manual, 80,000 illegal immigrants turn 18 annually, an estimated 65,000 of whom graduate from high school. Just 5 to 10 percent, however, pursue higher education and “far fewer successfully graduate with a degree.” Overall, the manual notes that just 54 percent of illegal immigrants have a high school diploma (compared to 82 percent of native-born Americans).

“We know undocumented youth face unique challenges and we also know that educators and other caring adults in schools and colleges can play a major role in helping all students, including undocumented students, to achieve at the highest levels,” deputy education secretary John King said in a statement Tuesday. “This guide provides actionable information and resources that educators and school and campus leaders can use to help improve outcomes for high school and college students.”

In addition to the focus on education success, the guide offers a good deal of ink to students accessing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, President Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty program which shields certain illegal immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children from deportation.

To date more than 680,000 illegal immigrants have received DACA and the Obama administration expects another 400,000 to be eligible for the program “in coming years.”

“We strongly encourage those who might be eligible for DACA to use this resource guide. We applaud the Department of Education for providing these resources to the undocumented young people in this country who can benefit from DACA,” U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Leon Rodriguez said in conjunction with the manual’s release.


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Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, Ebola, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, ISIS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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