
-Donald Trump Schools NBC’s Chuck Todd on Political Correctness
-Trump campaign: ‘Only a deviant’ would misunderstand Kelly remark
-Erick Erickson, Red State, Praises Fox Moderators

-Megyn Kelly’s game plan To Push The Candidates’ buttons, KNEW there would be flak
Trump Leads GOP Outsiders Surge in First Post-Debate Poll
-Donald Trump Says He ‘Cherishes’ Women in Defiant Talk Show Spots
-Mark Levin: Fox News, Megyn Kelly ‘Hosted a National Enquirer Debate, Not a Republican Debate—Owe American People an Apology’
Rush: Fox News Tried to Torpedo Trump, But Failed

08 Aug 2015 By Sandy Fitzgerald

Fox News’ moderators, not the candidates, apparently got the orders from “big-time Republican donors” to take out Donald Trump during Thursday night’s GOP debate, talk show host Rush Limbaugh claims.

“We all made a mistake,” Limbaugh said on his radio show on Friday. “We assumed that the orders went out to the candidates. But the candidates did not make one move toward taking Donald Trump out. The broadcast network did; the candidates didn’t.”

On the day of the debate, Limbaugh talked on his show about an article on the DC Whispers website that claimed donors had contacted the candidates and put out an order to make Trump look bad during the debate.

It was apparent that Fox News and its moderators got the order instead, Limbaugh said.

“I mean, let’s review,” said Limbaugh. “The first question from Megyn Kelly to Trump was, ‘You’ve called women fat slobs, pigs, whatever,’ and he said, ‘No, just Rosie O’Donnell.'”

The audience began laughing, and Kelly told Trump, “No, its more than that,” and then asked him if such statements belong in the White House, Limbaugh continued.

“Trump was clearly caught entirely off guard by it, and even today he said, ‘I’m not… I don’t know when I’ve ever said this stuff,'” said Limbaugh.

Limbaugh said it’s doubtful Trump writes all the tweets that turn up in his Twitter account, but he does know that the frontrunner does not use a cell phone or email.

“You know, this is the danger that when you start going in the social media stuff and tweeting stuff and maybe you hire somebody to do it for you,” said Limbaugh. “My first question is, ‘Does he write these tweets himself or does he have somebody on his staff doing it just because it’s hip and it’s hot and he wants a presence in it?'”

Limbaugh denied he is attacking Kelly for the question, but he said he knows “full well” nobody would dare ask a Democrat the same question or try to make Democrats justify their existence.

“The point is, if you’re going to enter this arena, you have to know that that’s what it’s going to be for you if you’re on the Republican side, and you can’t complain,” said Limbaugh, adding that Trump isn’t complaining.

He said he’s sure Trump regained his footing after that question, because he “shines when he’s in control.”

Not one of the other nine candidates joined Kelly in taking the shot, Limbaugh said, while there were “orders from Republican donors to take Trump out. And there were a couple of other instances when Trump restated his views.”

Trump was also cornered in the debate by demands that he prove the Mexican government was sending rapists and more to the United States.

“But I’ve reported stories like the Mexican government is advertising in Mexico how to get on the American welfare rolls, how to get food stamps,” said Limbaugh. “The Mexican government is doing it all. Trump was right.”

The candidates were given more chances to pile onto Trump, but they didn’t, even after Kelly’s question or on the topic of immigration. Some, like Ohio Gov. John Kasich, even praised Trump.

And even while New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul dueled over government spying, Trump was not targeted.

Trump has said that the phrase “illegal immigration” would not have been a topic under so much discussion if not for him, and Limbaugh said that can’t be denied.

“There isn’t anybody in the political class that has been discussing illegal immigration and sanctuary cities and the criminal element that’s coming across the border, and nobody doing anything about it, in either party,” Limbaugh said.

Despite the efforts taken Thursday night, Trump still tops the post-debate online polls, showing he did not take himself out, Limbaugh said.

“Some in the Republican Party establishment might think so, but we’ll find out,” he said.

“You know, it’s gonna be almost like one of these incidents we had with the illegal immigrant comment followed by the McCain comment. Remember the political class thought Trump ended it? They’ve been waiting for him to step in it and they thought he did, particularly with the McCain comment. It turned out he grew his support.”

Some think that after the Kelly question and his refusal to take a pledge about not running as a third-party candidate, Trump’s campaign is over, Limbaugh said. “But they’re not gonna go out and brag about it right now in case they’re wrong. So time will tell on that.”

If Trump’s support stays steady or grows, Limbaugh concluded, “you are gonna see a mainstream establishment that will not have any idea how to explain it. They will not believe it, and it might drive ’em nuts.”


Erick Erickson, Red State, Praises Fox Moderators

“I think about the only people who stood out were the Fox moderators who gave us the best debate possible with ten candidates on stage.

But in two weeks, this debate will be forgotten, new events will change the polling, and everyone will be wondering when the first debate is having forgotten we’ve already had it.”


Donald Trump Schools NBC’s Chuck Todd on Political Correctness

August 9, 2015

Appearing on Meet the Press, Donald Trump corrects misrepresentations made by the establishment media


Megyn Kelly’s game plan To Push The Candidates’ buttons, KNEW there would be flak

Aug 9, 2015

Debate anchor expected blowback

Trump Leads GOP Outsiders Surge in First Post-Debate Poll

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump reacts as he speaks at the 2015 FreedomFest in Las Vegas, Nevada July 11, 2015. REUTERS/L.E. Baskow/Las Vegas Sun – RTX1K0ZU

9 Aug 2015 by Mike Flynn

A new NBC News poll provides the first glimpse of the Republican race following the Fox News debate on Thursday.

The survey, conducted Friday and Saturday, finds Donald Trump holding his lead with 23 percent support among Republican primary voters. This is consistent with a Gravis Marketing poll taken after the debate, where 19 percent of Republicans said Trump won the debate.

The Gravis poll found that more Republicans, 22 percent, felt Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon and political rookie, won the debate. In the NBC poll, Carson surged into third place in the nomination contest, earning 11 percent support.

Texas Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) 96% was the second choice in the NBC Poll, receiving support from 13 percent of Republican voters. Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina was fourth, with 11 percent, following her widely recognized domination of the “undercard” debate earlier Thursday evening.

The exact breakdown and percentage of the first seven spots in the NBC poll are: Trump (23), Cruz (13), Carson (11), Fiorina (8), Rubio (8), Bush (7) and Walker (7).

In other words, the highest poll ranking of a candidate acceptable to the Republicans in D.C. is Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 80% , in fifth place with just 8 percent. This is stunning considering the obvious attacks on Trump by Fox moderators, the limited number of questions offered to Cruz and Carson and the relegation of Fiorina to a non-prime time debate slot.

In the post-debate analysis, Fox News roundly criticized Trump and heaped praise on Rubio and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a former Fox News anchor.

Obviously the NBC News poll is the first of many post-debate polls and the nomination contest is still in its very early days. Trump created a silly controversy for himself with an attack on Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly over the weekend, which isn’t factored into this poll’s results.

That said, something undeniably interesting is happening in the GOP nomination contest. Ratings for the Fox News debate were historic, with some 24 million Americans tuning in. The debate was one of the most watched shows on cable ever, never mind other news or political debate programs.

On Saturday, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 47% , who is inexplicably also running for President, said Donald Trump was “inflicting permanent damage on the GOP.” He wants him booted from the nominating contest.

Trump is a volatile chemical, but there is no doubt his presence on the stage helped attract far more people than would have otherwise watched an early Presidential primary debate. The GOP should embrace the opportunity to reach millions of new voters with its message.

Of course, that assumes the GOP has a message it wants to communicate.

Watching both debates, it is obvious that Trump, Cruz, Carson and Fiorina were the most interesting people on the stage. The rest of the candidates were political pod people, repeating anodyne talking points that had been focus-grouped to within an inch of their lives. One would be very hard-pressed to match the text of an answer to the candidate who said it.

Americans are increasingly fed-up with politicians of all stripes. The fact that an aging hippy socialist with no prayer of becoming President (Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 16% ) can attract more than 10,000 people for a speech is as much an indictment of the entire political class as it is of Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Dem frontrunner.

The Presidential politics will likely settle down into its ordinary, and boring, slog through November next year. The odds still favor the two parties coughing up two uninspiring career politicians to quibble before the declining number of Americans that still participate in politics.

Or, maybe not. This early post-debate poll confirms that the public is frustrated and turned off of politicians, no matter their resume or rhetoric. For most of the people on those twin debate stages, the message is very simple: We really don’t like you.


Mark Levin: Fox News, Megyn Kelly ‘Hosted a National Enquirer Debate, Not a Republican Debate—Owe American People an Apology’

9 Aug 2015 by Robert Wilde

Lawyer, constitutional scholar, best selling author, and conservative talk radio host Mark Levin, in an interview on the Breitbart News Saturday radio program, expressed outrage at the Thursday night GOP presidential debate hosted by Fox News.

Levin asserted, “I think that we were all duped. The fact of the matter is that this was a ratings gambit.”

Levin spoke to the program’s host, Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon on the phone, while riding a train to a book signing event in Huntington, Long Island for his latest best seller, Plunder and Deceit: Big Government’s Exploitation of Young People and the Future.

Levin claims that “We the people” were overlooked in the debate, and the event became a media spectacle with more emphasis on the show’s moderators than on discussing the important issues that face America. “Even today, it’s all about who has Megyn Kelly’s back. We the people, this is our process. We don’t get that many opportunities to go through the primary process. There are only nine debates,” he said.

“The Great One” pointed out that Fox had an opportunity to host one of these important debates, “And they took advantage of us, they took advantage of the audience.” Levin explained that Kelly”s “question two,” accusing Donald Trump of making inappropriate comments to Rosie O’Donnell and others, “was outrageous.” Levin suggested that Fox went to great lengths to engage in “oppositional research” on Mr. Trump.

“This isn’t a matter of who I support but a matter of basic fairness and what a debate is to be like,” he clarified.

Levin complained that Fox sifted through 185 shows and 14 seasons of Trump’s Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice to come up with “a line that they had to take out of context about some lady on her knees. He didn’t tell her to get on her knees, They brought it up to him. He responded to it, but not in a sexual context.”

The conservative author expressed sincere disgust with Megyn Kelly for pointing to that incident as an example of misogyny. Levin said that Kelly was a “lawyer, she was law review, and she should know better.” He admitted that he blames Fox News management more than Kelly for the outrageous question. He said Fox turned the gathering into a “National Enquirer Debate, and not a Republican Debate.”

Bannon observed that the debate reeked of “opposition research” and had a definite “adversarial” tone with the questions they asked Trump and others. Levin agreed and recounted that the question they asked Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker about abortion seemed prosecutorial in nature.

Moreover, Levin objected to the format where in which we heard six or seven minutes each from the ten candidates, and a third of the time the Fox moderators dominated the event. Fox brags they had 24 million viewers, he pointed out, but he concluded that it amounted to an “embarrassment as far as I’m concerned… while the New York Times and CNN praised the event, I considered it an exploitation of the process, which is supposed to inform the American people. Not gotcha questions, not gossip… I think the American people are owed an apology.”

Levin acknowledged that Fox has been good to him over the years, inviting him on frequently, and it “pains me to criticize them.” But they want to talk about being fair and balanced, “Well I want to talk about being fair and balanced,” he said. He added that he is a friend of Fox News and often promotes their shows.

Levin observed that Fox orchestrated the undercard debate very professionally and proved they know what they are doing. Yet, he believes that with the top tier debate, Fox decided that they were “going to go for the ratings… and turned it into reality TV.”

This was an “enormous opportunity” for the ten candidates, “breaking their backs to get their message across, to get an opportunity to talk to the American people,” Levin asserted. For Trump, that opportunity was completely “eviscerated by question two.”

Levin described the debate as a failure to address the two hundred trillion that America faces in unfunded liabilities, the bankruptcy of the Social Security system, the fact that Medicare and Medicaid are on the brink of collapse, that our educational system costs a trillion dollars a year and is a “complete failure,” our immigration policy is a disaster, the EPA is destroying our economic system, and that our Constitution is being undermined. Levin rebuked Fox for wasting time on “pardon the phrase—trumped up stuff. To me it is such an outrage what took place. And it was planned. The questions were planned. I am very troubled by it too.”

Levin admitted that he doesn’t have all the answers as to how to correct the current format, but it may need to be taken from the media and put in the hands of the conservatives, the Republicans, the American people: ‘This is a process that belongs to us… People tuned in to watch the candidates debate, not to watch Megyn Kelly… I’m sick and tired of the dumbing down of very crucial issues.” On top of that, he said, “We know this country is going over a cliff, and we want to do something about it.”

Levin concluded in saying that not one moment of the debate addressed the dismal future America’s progeny will endure, on which he eloquently expounds in Plunder and Deceit, as a result of “what this big centralized government is doing as a matter of policy. How it is destroying our society.”


Trump campaign: ‘Only a deviant’ would misunderstand Kelly remark

August 9, 2015 By Neetzan Zimmerman

Donald Trump is pushing back against the growing backlash over his most recent comments in an ongoing barrage of criticism against Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

During a phone interview Friday night on CNN, Trump blamed Kelly’s alleged mistreatment of him during this week’s GOP debate on having “blood coming out of her wherever.”

In a statement released Saturday morning, the Trump campaign insisted the billionaire businessman meant to say “blood was coming out of her eyes and whatever, meaning nose.”

“Only a deviant would think anything else,” the statement continued.

The fallout from Trump’s interview on CNN came swift, with excoriation from both the right and the left that culminated with Trump being uninvited to the 2015 RedState Gathering — a major conservative forum where many presidential candidates are due to speak — by RedState founder and Fox News contributor Erick Erickson.

“I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal,” Erickson said in a late-night blog post. “It just was wrong.”

In its statement, the Trump campaign called Erickson a “total loser” with “a history of supporting establishment losers in failed campaigns,” adding that “it is an honor to be uninvited from his event.”

“Mr. Trump is an outsider and does not fit his agenda,” the campaign said.

The campaign promised to make up for the lost speaking opportunity with an as-yet-announced campaign stop.


Donald Trump Says He ‘Cherishes’ Women in Defiant Talk Show Spots

Republican presidential front-runner’s latest controversial comments about a Fox News anchor leave the party in a quandary.

Aug 9, 2015

One day after his comments about a female Fox News anchor led to Donald Trump being dumped from a conservative gathering and set off a furious debate within the Republican party, the Republican front-runner for 2016 refused to apologize and insisted he was being misunderstood.

His remark Friday about Fox’s Megyn Kelly — that “you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever” — was meant to refer to “her nose or ears,” Trump said on CBS’ Face the Nation, one of four morning news show appearances he made Sunday. “Only a deviant would have thought otherwise.” Kelly, at Thursday’s Republican debate, had questioned the billionaire about his history of misogynistic comments.

Other presidential rivals termed Trump’s remarks “vulgar,” unpresidential and reflective of a thin skin. But Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus canceled a planned Sunday appearance on CBS’ Face the Nation without explanation. That underscored the dilemma that having Trump as its standard bearer creates for a party that wants to harness his supporters without alienating other key voters.

The Republican Party seeks in 2016 to turn the so-called “war on women” playbook on Democrats. In the 2012 race for the White House, Democrat Barack Obama had 56 percent of the vote among female voters to Republican Mitt Romney’s 44 percent. That 12-point difference was the largest seen by Gallup since it started tracking the measure in presidential elections in 1952.

Carly Fiorina, the lone woman in the 17-person field of major Republican candidates and one of the first and sharpest critics of Trump’s comment about Kelly, acknowledged on Fox News Sunday that the front-runner “taps into an anger… with the ineptitude of the government and the professional political class. I agree with that anger.” On CNN’s State of the Union, Ohio Governor John Kasich emphasized his own admiration for strong women but would not be drawn into discussing Trump. Asked if he is afraid to criticize the front-runner, Kasich said: “I just don’t want to be negative.”

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, in an interview pre-taped for airing on NBC’s Meet the Press, were careful to avoid criticizing the billionaire-turned-Republican presidential front-runner, who claims he is the victim of political correctness.

On CNN, Trump went out of his way to say “I cherish women” and contended he went out of his way to promote them in the construction industry. “I’ve had such an amazing relationship with women in business. They are amazing executives. They are killers,” Trump said on ABC’s This Week.

In several interviews Trump pivoted to criticize one of his rivals, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who on Saturday was outspoken in his criticism of Trump’s remarks. “What he said about women and women’s health is ridiculous,” said Trump, a reference to a comment Bush made about funding for women’s health that he had to walk back.

Trump also said on This Week that he has no intention of apologizing to Kelly, whom he faulted for asking “a very nasty question.”

That’s revealing, Fiorina said on Fox News Sunday. “Presidential campaigns are about watching someone under pressure and over time,” she said, adding: “I don’t think you get things done by insulting everyone.”

On “Face the Nation” Fiorina said that woman “are really sort of horrified” by Trump’s comments on Kelly. “I think you cannot have a president who is thin-skinned,” she added.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, on Fox News Sunday, called Trump’s comments about Kelly “vulgar.” He also questioned Trump’s conservative bona fides. “I have no idea what his philosophy is, other than promoting himself.”

Bush, at the RedState Gathering in Atlanta where Trump’s evening appearance had been scratched, said his rival’s rhetoric risks was costing Republicans the votes of women. “Give me a break,” Bush said. “I mean, do we want to win? Do we want to insult 53 percent of all voters?”

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson, who organized the gathering, said he disinvited Trump because “I just don’t want someone on stage who gets a hostile question from a lady and his first inclination is to imply it was hormonal.”

Trump’s camp denied he was referring to menstruation and, on Twitter, edited his comment to suggest he was referring to a nosebleed.

Re Megyn Kelly quote: "you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever" (NOSE). Just got on w/thought

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 8, 2015

A number of conservative activists at the evening party where Trump had been scheduled to speak, said they found the remark out of line. “When he started talking like a street fighter, he lost me,” said Carol Gill of Sahuarita, Arizona. “There was no need for him to get so down and dirty.” Katherine Wilson of Austin, Texas, said: “If you are president, you just don’t say stuff like that.”

Trump, whose Sunday morning Twitter feed featured many retweeted posts from supporters, contended that the real losers were the RedState attendees who didn’t get to see him. About 500 attended the evening event, held at the College Football Hall of Fame. Trump insisted there would have been more had he been the headliner.

Adding to Trump’s eventful weekend, his campaign on Saturday parted ways with veteran strategist Roger Stone. It was unclear if Stone was fired, as a campaign spokeswoman said, or quit, as the adviser asserted on social media and in interviews. “Wish he would talk ISSUES and specific plans,” Stone said Sunday on Twitter after catching Trump’s talk-show appearances.

Small crowds at @RedState today in Atlanta. People were very angry at EWErickson, a major sleaze and buffoon who has saved me time and money

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2015



WOW! Woman who Trump wanted to see “on her knees” drops THIS bombshell, receives flak

August 7, 2015 by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor

In case you’ve been living under a rock or just inexplicably separated from your phone for the past 48 hours, Donald Trump’s participation in last night’s GOP presidential debate lived up to its promise to make for some, shall we say, memorable moments. Besides his confirmation that he would NOT promise to endorse a GOP nominee other than himself, Trump made waves when he answered moderator Megyn Kelly’s question about some less-than-PC comments he’d allegedly made about women.

Among the women called out in Kelly’s question was former “Celebrity Apprentice” candidate — and former Playboy model — Brande Roderick, to whom Trump allegedly said it would “be a pretty picture to see her on her knees.” Predictably, The Donald has been swirling in controversy — and condemnation — for both the original comments and his response to them.

However, today he’s also receiving support from an unlikely source — Ms. Roderick herself — who surprised just about everyone when she spoke in the candidate’s defense.

Via The Daily Caller:

During the GOP debate Thursday night, Megyn Kelly brought up the season of “Celebrity Apprentice” when Donald Trump told Brande Roderick it would be “a pretty picture to see her on her knees,” and now Roderick is defending Trump, saying she doesn’t remember him making the comment in the first place.

“Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks,” Kelly said to Trump. “You once told a contestant on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?”

Trump defended himself by arguing that the country is too politically correct, and the former Playboy Playmate is defending him as well.

“Like him, I didn’t even remember him saying that,” Roderick said during an interview on MSNBC Friday morning. “I’ve always had a positive experience around Donald. He’s always been encouraging. He’s never been disrespectful to me.”

“I don’t condone men being derogatory, but I think he’s just on television. He’s trying to be funny. He didn’t mean anything horrible by it.”

Now, Ms. Roderick herself is the target of some flak for standing up for Trump. Apparently, she should’ve been more outraged.

Personally, I think we all should be free to feel how we feel — rather than adopt faux outrage because someone else tells us to. While I may or may not have reacted differently in her shoes, I respect Ms. Roderick’s right to feel Trump’s comment was no biggie based on her overall experience with him personally.

Similarly, we’re all free to decide for ourselves whether such comments make any difference on a candidate’s qualification to be President of the United States.




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