19 Jun, 2015 by Dave Hodges
California then……California now….
The United States Drought Monitor map is showing that 78% of the state is currently experiencing an “exceptional drought” stage. This represents a 22% increase from just a year ago.
Droughts can prove devastating to a community as widespread crop and pasture losses and shortages of water in reservoirs, streams and wells accompany drought conditions.
Exceptional drought, the most extreme category, indicates the most extreme conditions of drought and is considered to be a precursor to
Lynne Wilson, who serves on the climate change delegation in the United Nations, “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought. We may have to migrate people out of California.”
It seems certain that at this rate of increasing drought, millions of Americans, presently living in California, better begin packing their collective bags because it could soon be moving day.
At this point, people are undoubtedly wondering if there isn’t something that can be done to save California from this massive drought?
The Air Force Has the Solution to California’s Drought
Since its first publication, “Owning the Weather 2025“, and “The Weather As a Force Multiplier“, both published in 1996, the Air Force has made it clear that it has the capability to control the weather to the degree that their documents admit that they can weaponize both weather and earthquakes (see Exhibit 2 in the Appendix). Before you wrinkle your nose up and fall back on the phrase that so many have been conditioned by, “You must be a conspiracy theorist”, I have published the Air Force’s annotated bibliography on this subject of weather modification which is listed below in the Appendix (see Exhibit 1). I dare any reasonable person to read the data contained in the Appendix and not be able to conclude that the California drought , now in Arizona, now in New Mexico, now in Nevada and et al, in the Southwest, is not being artificially manipulated.
The Air Force actually maintains a separate entity in its branch known as the “Air Force Weather Agency”. Its mission is weather modification.
This agency has the ability to “fix” California’s extreme drought conditions (see Exhibit 3 in the Appendix).
I am going to stop short of saying this Air Force agency created the drought conditions. Although, a circumstantial case can be made that major political capital and money is at stake in the California drought. Further, the Air Force clearly has the ability to mitigate the situation. (see Exhibits 1,2,3 located in the Appendix). Additionally, don’t the citizens of California pay taxes to the federal government who in turn, oversees the Air Force? Then why aren’t the full resources of the Air Force Weather Agency being brought to bear in this crisis? Further, why isn’t a massive cloud seeding program being implemented in California’s mountains? I grew up in Colorado and when the ski season was delayed by late snowfalls, the state simply “seeded” the clouds to expedite the process. If this worked in Colorado in the 20th century, then why would it not work in California in the 21st century?The simple answer is because that is not the plan.
Lynn Wilson, Kaplan University and a Very Bad Boy Named Peter
Lynn Wilson from Kaplan University has stated that climate change is behind what is happening to California. Lynn Wilson has conducted no meaningful research in the area of climate change. In fact, Kaplan University has never published a research study on climate change! Then why is Wilson speaking out on this issue? Wilson’s and Kaplan’s lack of meaningful credentials in this area are puzzling that any media outlet would give them the time of day, until one considers that Kaplan, a for-profit university is owned by the globalist propaganda mouthpiece, The Washington Post.
Lynn Wilson
Amazingly, Lynne Wilson serves on the climtate change delegation in the United Nations. This fact makes Wilson’s statement that “Civilizations in the past have had to migrate out of areas of drought. We may have to migrate people out of California”, to be very suspect with regard to moving Americans out of California.
Why is Wilson promoting the mass migration of Americans from California? More importantly, why would anyone listen to someone with no credentials to have the authority to make such a claim? Most importantly, why is Kaplan, which is basically an online university that does no research, being thrust into the forefront by such media outlets as CNBC?
Peter Sutherland an insider’s insider. Head of the UN Migration Council. He will soon be your next landlord.
Lynn Wilson meet Peter Sutherland. I recently wrote about Peter Sutherland and pointed out that this Bilderberg Steering Committee member, former head of the Western Europe Trilateral Commission, the former head of the Bank of Ireland and the person I identified as the mastermind of the conspiracy related to the Gulf oil explosion, would be in charge of any population movements inside of the United states. Most significantly, in 2006, Peter Sutherland was appointed as the special representative (SRSG) on the United Nations International Migration and Development.The UN’s International Migration and Development would be in charge of large scale population movements. It is clear that Lynn Wilson is a convenient puppet and a bumbling mouthpiece for Sutherland.
Over the past month, I have written about Sutherland being the point man resulting in the takeover of the US by the UN. I am surprised that the propaganda aspect of these intentions is already in the mainstream media. My fear is that this plot is going to move very quickly.
A more detailed synopsis about the threat posed to the United States by Sutherland can be obtained here.
Simultaneous Agendas Connected to the Evacuation of California
For those that are wondering why I am presenting the notion of climate change without a change, it is your turn. Climate Change is a term which evolved out of the term “global warming” which was debunked as a scientific concept as a result of the hacked emails discovery from East Anglia University in what became known as “Climategate” in which it was admitted that the scientists promoting the concept were cooking the books. Thus, “Climate Change” came into being. Now, man is responsible whenever there is a hail storm, snow storm, a tornado, etc. Any deviation in a “normal” weather pattern is due to man’s use of energy, particularly fossil fuels. Thus, the concept of Cap and Trade was born which would hand over all energy to a few enlightened men so that they could save the planet. Forget save the planet, the science does not support the fraud. Handing over the world’s economy based on pseudo science is the goal. The present crisis in California helps to establish the public “legitimacy” of this goal and will serve to convince the people to give up their property, their rights and their fortunes in order to save the Earth. It will work because how many people in the general population knows the difference between a control group and an experimental group?
The proposed nation of Atzlan.
There is yet another reason connected to the evacuation of California at some point because of artificially caused drought. I previously written about the Atzlan concept as well as the role that MECHA and La Raza’s have proudly stated as their intent to establish a new country entitled Atzlan. The concept has been in formal existence for over a decade. It is based on the premise that in 1848 the United States illegally provoked the Mexican War which resulted in the loss of the present American Southwest from the country of Mexico. The historical allegations by MECHA and La Raza are correct. However, most reasonable Americans see the solution as being more unreasonable than the war which led to the loss of land in the first place. Atzlan advocates call for the expulsion of people of European descent from this seven state area. At one time, I saw this as a race-baiting divide and conquer strategy intended to create an unnecessary rift between whites and Latinos. Now, I see this in an entirely different light. This is the beginning of the breakup of the United States under the North American Union and the SPP agreement signed by President George W. Bush.
The initial Jade Helm map is match for the Atzlan map. And there is more…..
If drought conditions can force evacuation under the auspices of the United Nations, the Atzlan concept could be a major step in the planned breakup by the United States by the United Nations. This would bring the United States closer in line to the following map which is also UN inspired. And the Jade Helm forces wil be on the street to enforce the exodous.
As the drought worsens, Jade Helm or its successor will be in place to facilitate the evacuation of California and eventually, the entire Southwest due to “water shortages”.
As the drought worsens, Jade Helm or its successor will be in place to facilitate the evacuation of California.
Only, it is not just going to be California that is going to be evacuated, it is very likely to be the entire Southwest; California is just the start! Repetitively, in my home state of Arizona, we are hearing the MSM rhetoric that we in Arizona are headed towards a California type of drought while completely ignorning Arizona’s massive water canal system known as the CAP. Colorado, Utah and Nevada are hearing similar rhetoric. The is the preconditioning of the people, through the corporate controlled. six-headed monster media. This seven state area is going to picked off one state at a time.
Created under UN auspices during the Nixon Presidency, this map represents the former United States broken up into regions. Certainly, KBR and Halliburton would be at the forefront of constructing new residences for “displaced Americans”.
Where will the UN’s Lynn Wilson and Peter Sutherland send displaced Californians?
Don’t Californicate America.
Are the dots beginning to connect?
And is there any proof of this intention? Please consider these recently published photos sent to me by an Arizona resident who lives near Quartzite in which we see a large military presence in the town. And where is Quartzite? It is on the Colorado River located at the border between Arizona and California.
Why would U.S. troops be training on the Colorado River? Are the Russians going to be rafting down the river? Or, is it more likely that these troops are going to stationed at the Arizona/California ports of entry in order to receive refugees resulting from the mass migration of California residents due to the extreme and artificially controlled drought?
Why would U.S. troops be training on the Colorado River? Are the Russians going to be rafting down the river? Or, is it more likely that these troops are going to stationed at the Arizona/California ports of entry in order to receive refugees resulting from the mass migration of California residents due to the extreme and artificially controlled drought?
Analysis and Conclusion
I am in possession of 18 documents which clearly demonstrates that the Air Force has known how to control the weather to a large extent for almost 2 decades. I have published 3 of the documents which are listed below in the Appendix. The weather patterns in California, which are contributing to the drought, are anomalous to say the least and the length of time that this have been going on defies all statistical probabilities.
We have California coastal areas which seem to be operating outside the laws of the transpiration cycle. This can only be accomplished through the manipulation of the Jet Stream and the Jet Stream patterns have been unique. to say the least when it comes to California weather. The technology to do this is described in the various references in the Appendix (Exhibit 1; see also Dr. Nick Begich and his book “Angels Don’t’ Play This HAARP“). Certainly, the drought in California could bring together the long-term dream of the globalists to control all energy under Cap and trade laws. Further, California provides an estimated 40-50% of certain agricultural products for the nation as a whole. A lack of water could have a devastating effect on the economy with regard to food pricing. If one’s goal is the collapse of the economy as a means to destroy the United States, this would be an excellent covert plan.
The presence of the UN on American soil is indeed troubling. However, California is just the beginning. To establish a New World Order, the globalists have to utterly destroy the main opposition which is our country. I submit that this process is already underway.
Please take note that Deborah Tavares will be my special guest, on The Common Sense Show, this Sunday evening (6/21/15), from 8pm to 11pm (Eastern) and she will be shedding light on these issues and more.
Exhibit 1- United States Air Force Annotated Bibliography of Past Weather Modification Theories, Techniques and Past Practices.
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Appleman, Herbert S. An Introduction to Weather-modification. Scott AFB, Ill.: Air Weather Service
(MAC), September 1969.
AU-18, Space Handbook, An Analyst’s Guide Vol. II. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, December
AWS PLAN 813, Appendix I, Annex Alfa. Scott AFB, Ill.: Air Weather Service (MAC), 14 January 1972.
Banks, Peter M. “Overview of Ionospheric Modification from Space Platforms.” In Ionospheric Modification
and Its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems, AGARD Conference
Proceedings 485, October 1990.
Batton, Louis J. Harvesting the Clouds. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1969.
Brown, William. “Mathematicians Learn How to Tame Chaos.” New Scientist, 30 May 1992.
Byers, Horace R. “History of Weather-modification.” In Wilmot N. Hess, ed., Weather and Climate
Modification. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
Centner, Christopher, et al., “Environmental Warfare: Implications for Policymakers and War Planners.”
Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air Command and Staff College, May 1995.
Coons, Capt Frank G. “Warm Fog Dispersal-A Different Story.” Aerospace Safety 25, no. 10 (October 1969).
CJCSI 3810.01, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations, 10 January 1995.
Dawson, George. “An Introduction to Atmospheric Energy.” In Wilmot N. Hess, ed., Weather and Climate
Modification. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
Duncan, Lewis M., and Robert L. Showen “Review of Soviet Ionospheric Modification Research.” In
Ionospheric Modification and Its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems
AGARD Conference Proceedings 485, October 1990.
Dwyer, Maj Roy. Category III or Fog Dispersal, M-U 35582-7 D993a. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University
Press, May 1972.
Eisenhower, Dwight E. “Crusade in Europe” quoted in John F. Fuller, ed., Thor’s Legions. Boston: American Meterology Society, 1990.
Facts on File 55, No. 2866 (2 November 1995).
Frisby, E. M. “Weather-modification in Southeast Asia, 1966-1972.” The Journal Of Weather-modification
14, no. 1 (April 1982).
Frisby, E. M. “Weather-modification in Southeast Asia, 1966-1972.” Journal of Applied Meteorology 15
(April 1976).
Gray, William M., et al. “Weather-modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy.” Journal of
Applied Meteorology 15, (April 1976).
Halacy, Daniel S. The Weather Changers. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.
AF2025 v3c15-7 | Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning… | (Bibliography) http://www.au.af.mil/au/2025/volume3/chap15/v3c15-7.htm#v3c15–7
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Hall, J. Storrs. “Overview of Nanotechnology” Adapted from papers by Ralph C. Merkle and K. Eric
Drexler. Internet address: http://nanotech.rutgers.edu/nanotech/-intro.html (Rutgers University, November
Horner, Gen Charles. “Space Seen as Challenge, Military’s Final Frontier” (Prepared Statement to the Senate
Armed Services Committee) Defense Issues, 22 April 1993.
Hume, Capt Edward E., Jr. Atmospheric and Space Environmental Research Programs in Brazil (U), March
1993. Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center, AF Intelligence Command, 24 September 1992.
(Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.
James, G. E. “Chaos Theory: The Essentials for Military Applications” ACSC Theater Air Campaign Studies Coursebook, AY96, Vol. 8. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, 1995.
Jiusto, James E. “Some Principles of Fog Modification with Hygroscopic Nuclei” Progress of NASA Research on Warm Fog Properties and Modification Concepts, NASA SP-212. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Division of the Office of Technology Utilization of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1969.
Johnson, Capt Mike. Upper Atmospheric Research and Modification-Former Soviet Union (U) supportingdocument DST-18205-475-92, Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center, AF Intelligence Command, 24 September 1992. (Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.
Kasemir, Heinz W. “Lightning Suppression by Chaff Seeding and Triggered Lightning.” In Wilmot N. Hess, ed., Weather and Climate Modification. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
Keaney, Thomas A., and Eliot A. Cohen, Gulf War Air Power Survey Summary Report. Washington D.C.: GPO, 1993.
Klein, Milton M. A Feasibility Study of the Use of Radiant Energy for Fog Dispersal Abstract. HanscomAFB, Mass.: Air Force Material Command, October 1978.
Kocmond, Warren C. “Dissipation of Natural Fog in the Atmosphere,” Progress of NASA Research on Warm Fog Properties and Modification Concepts, NASA SP-212. Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Division of the Office of Technology Utilization of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1969.
Kossey, Paul A., et al. “Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors (AIM) A. Concept and Issues,” In Ionospheric Modification and its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems, AGARD Conference Proceedings 485, October 1990.
Maehlum, B. N., and J. Troim, “Vehicle Charging in Low Density Plasmas” In Ionospheric Modification and Its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems AGARD Conference Proceedings 485, October 1990.
McLare, James. Pulp & Paper 68, no. 8, August 1994.
Meyer, William B. “The Life and Times of US Weather: What Can We Do About It?” American Heritage 37, no. 4 (June/July 1986).
Petersen, Rear Adm Sigmund. “NOAA Moves Toward The 21st Century.” The Military Engineer 20, no. 571 (June-July 1995). AF2025 v3c15-7 | Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning… | (Bibliography) http://www.au.af.mil/au/2025/volume3/chap15/v3c15-7.htm#v3c15–7 3 of 7 1/10/2003 6:33 PM
Riley, Lt Col Gerald F. Staff Weather Officer to CENTCOM OIC of CENTAF Weather Support Force and Commander of 3d Weather Squadron. In “Desert Shield/Desert Storm Interview Series,” interviewed by Dr William E. Narwyn, AWS Historian, 29 May 1991.
Seagraves, Mary Ann, and Richard Szymber “Weather a Force Multiplier.” Military Review,
November/December 1995.
SPACECAST 2020. Space Weather Support for Communications White paper G. Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2020, 1994.
Stuart, Gene S. “Whirlwinds and Thunderbolts,” In Nature on the Rampage. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1986.
Sullivan, Gen Gordon R. “Moving into the 21st Century: America’s Army and Modernization” Military Review. July 1993. Quoted in Mary Ann Seagraves and Richard Szymber “Weather a Force Multiplier” Military Review, November/December 1995.
Sutherland, Robert A. “Results of Man-Made Fog Experiment,” In Proceedings of the 1991 Battlefield Atmospherics Conference. Fort Bliss, Tex.: Hinman Hall, 3-6 December 1991.
Tascione, Thomas F. Introduction to the Space Environment. Colorado Springs: USAF Academy Department of Physics, 1984.Tomlinson, Edward M., Kenneth C. Young, and Duane D. Smith Laser Technology Applications for Dissipation of Warm Fog at Airfields, PL-TR-92-2087. Hanscom AFB, Mass.: Air Force Materiel Command, 1992.
USAF Scientific Advisory Board. New World Vistas: Air and Space Power for the 21st Century, Summary Volume. Washington, D.C.: USAF Scientific Advisory Board, 15 December 1995.
US Department of State. The Department of State Bulletin 76, no. 1981 (13 June 1977.
Notes 1. The weather-modification capabilities described in this paper are consistent with the operating environments and missions relevant for aerospace forces in 2025 as defined by AF/LR, a long-range planning office reporting to the CSAF [based on AF/LR PowerPoint briefing “Air and Space Power Framework for Strategy Development (jda-2lr.ppt)].”
2. General Gordon R. Sullivan, “Moving into the 21st Century: America’s Army and Modernization,” Military Review (July 1993) quoted in Mary Ann Seagraves and Richard Szymber, “Weather a Force Multiplier,” Military Review, November/December 1995, 75.
3. Gen Gordon R. Sullivan, “Moving into the 21st Century: America’s Army and Modernization,” Military Review (July 1993) quoted in Mary Ann Seagraves and Richard Szymber, “Weather a Force Multiplier,” Military Review, November/December 1995, 75.
4. Horace R. Byers, “History of Weather-modification,” in Wilmot N. Hess, ed. Weather and Climate Modification, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974), 4.
5. William B. Meyer, “The Life and Times of US Weather: What Can We Do About It?” American Heritage 37, no. 4 (June/July 1986), 48.
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4 of 7 1/10/2003 6:33 PM 6. Byers, 13.
7. US Department of State, The Department of State Bulletin. 74, no. 1981 (13 June 1977): 10.
8. Dwight D Eisenhower. “Crusade in Europe,” quoted in John F. Fuller, Thor’s Legions (Boston: American Meterology Society, 1990), 67.9. Interview of Lt Col Gerald F. Riley, Staff Weather Officer to CENTCOM OIC of CENTAF Weather Support Force and Commander of 3rd Weather Squadron, in “Desert Shield/Desert Storm Interview Series,” by Dr William E. Narwyn, AWS Historian, 29 May 1991.
10. Thomas A. Keaney and Eliot A. Cohen. Gulf War Air Power Survey Summary Report (Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1993), 172.
11. Herbert S. Appleman, An Introduction to Weather-modification (Scott AFB, Ill.: Air Weather
Service/MAC, September 1969), 1.
12. William Bown, “Mathematicians Learn How to Tame Chaos,” New Scientist, 30 May 1992, 16.
13. CJCSI 3810.01, Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations, 10 January 95. This CJCS Instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for conducting meteorological and oceanographic operations. It also defines the terms widespread, long-lasting, and severe, in order to identify those activities that US forces are prohibited from conducting under the terms of the UN Environmental Modification Convention. Widespread is defined as encompassing an area on the scale of several hundred km; long-lasting means lasting for a period of months, or approximately a season; and severe involves serious or significant
disruption or harm to human life, natural and economic resources, or other assets.
14. Concern about the unintended consequences of attempting to “control” the weather is well justified.
Weather is a classic example of a chaotic system (i.e., a system that never exactly repeats itself). A chaotic system is also extremely sensitive: minuscule differences in conditions greatly affect outcomes. According to Dr. Glenn James, a widely published chaos expert, technical advances may provide a means to predict when weather transitions will occur and the magnitude of the inputs required to cause those transitions; however, it will never be possible to precisely predict changes that occur as a result of our inputs. The chaotic nature of
weather also limits our ability to make accurate long-range forecasts. The renowned physicist Edward Teller recently presented calculations he performed to determine the long-range weather forecasting improvement that would result from a satellite constellation providing continuous atmospheric measurements over a 1 km2 grid worldwide. Such a system, which is currently cost-prohibitive, would only improve long-range forecasts from the current five days to approximately 14 days. Clearly, there are definite physical limits to mankind’s
ability to control nature, but the extent of those physical limits remains an open question.
Sources: G. E.
James, “Chaos Theory: The Essentials for Military Applications,” in ACSC Theater Air Campaign Studies
Coursebook, AY96, 8 (Maxwell AFB, Ala: Air University Press, 1995), 1-64. The Teller calculations are
cited in Reference 49 of this source.
15. SPACECAST 2020, Space Weather Support for Communications, white paper G (Maxwell AFB, Ala.:
Air War College/2020, 1994).
16. Rear Adm Sigmund Petersen, “NOAA Moves Toward The 21st Century,” The Military Engineer 20, no.
571 (June-July 1995): 44.
17. Ibid.
18. William Brown, “Mathematicians Learn How to Tame Chaos,” New Scientist (30 May 1992): 16.
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19. A pilot program known as Project Popeye conducted in 1966 attempted to extend the monsoon season in order to increase the amount of mud on the Ho Chi Minh trail thereby reducing enemy movements. A silver iodide nuclei agent was dispersed from WC-130, F4 and A-1E aircraft into the clouds over portions of the trail winding from North Vietnam through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam. Positive results during
this initial program led to continued operations from 1967 to 1972. While the effects of this program remain disputed, some scientists believe it resulted in a significant reduction in the enemy’s ability to bring supplies into South Vietnam along the trail. E. M. Frisby, “Weather-modification in Southeast Asia, 1966-1972,” The Journal of Weather-modification 14, no. 1 (April 1982): 1-3. 20. William M. Gray et al., “Weather-modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy,” Journal of Applied Meteorology 15 (April 1976): 355.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Ibid., 367.
24. AWS PLAN 813 Appendix I Annex Alfa (Scott AFB, Ill.: Air Weather Service/(MAC) 14 January 1972),
11. Hereafter cited as Annex Alfa.
25. Capt Frank G. Coons, “Warm Fog Dispersal-A Different Story,” Aerospace Safety 25, no. 10 (October
1969): 16.
26. Annex Alfa, 14.
27. Warren C. Kocmond, “Dissipation of Natural Fog in the Atmosphere,” Progress of NASA Research on Warm Fog Properties and Modification Concepts, NASA SP-212 (Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Division of the Office of Technology Utilization of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1969), 74.
28. James E. Jiusto, “Some Principles of Fog Modification with Hygrosopic Nuclei,” Progress of NASA Research on Warm Fog Properties and Modification Concepts, NASA SP-212 (Washington, D.C.: Scientific and Technical Information Division of the Office of Technology Utilization of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1969), 37.
29. Maj Roy Dwyer, Category III or Fog Dispersal, M-U 35582-7 D993a c.1 (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, May 1972), 51.
30. James McLare, Pulp & Paper 68, no. 8 (August 1994): 79.
31. Milton M. Klein, A Feasibility Study of the Use of Radiant Energy for Fog Dispersal, Abstract (Hanscom AFB, Mass.: Air Force Material Command, October 1978).
32. Edward M. Tomlinson, Kenneth C. Young, and Duane D. Smith, Laser Technology Applications for Dissipation of Warm Fog at Airfields, PL-TR-92-2087 (Hanscom AFB, Mass.: Air Force Material Command, 1992).
33. J. Storrs Hall, “Overview of Nanotechnology,” adapted from papers by Ralph C. Merkle and K. Eric Drexler, Internet address: http://nanotech.rutgers.edu/nanotech-/intro.html, Rutgers University, November 1995.
34. Robert A. Sutherland, “Results of Man-Made Fog Experiment,” Proceedings of the 1991 Battlefield
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Atmospherics Conference (Fort Bliss, Tex.: Hinman Hall, 3-6 December 1991).
35. Christopher Centner et al., “Environmental Warfare: Implications for Policymakers and War Planners”
(Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air Command and Staff College, May 1995), 39.
36. Louis J. Battan, Harvesting the Clouds (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1960), 120.
37. Facts on File 55, no. 2866 (2 November 95).
38. Gene S. Stuart, “Whirlwinds and Thunderbolts,” Nature on the Rampage (Washington, D.C.: National
Geographic Society, 1986), 130.
39. Ibid., 140.
40. Heinz W. Kasemir, “Lightning Suppression by Chaff Seeding and Triggered Lightning,” in Wilmot N. Hess, ed., Weather and Climate Modification (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1974), 623-628.
41. SPACECAST 2020, Space Weather Support for Communications, white paper G, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2020, 1994).
42. Gen Charles Horner, “Space Seen as Challenge, Military’s Final Frontier,” Defense Issues, (Prepared Statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee), 22 April 1993, 7.
43. Lewis M. Duncan and Robert L. Showen, “Review of Soviet Ionospheric Modification Research,” in Ionospheric Modification and Its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military
Systems,(AGARD Conference Proceedings 485, October, 1990), 2-1.
44. Ibid.
45. Peter M. Banks, “Overview of Ionospheric Modification from Space Platforms,” in Ionospheric Modification and Its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems (AGARD Conference Proceedings 485, October 1990) 19-1.
46. Capt Mike Johnson, Upper Atmospheric Research and Modification-Former Soviet Union (U),
DST-18205-475-92 (Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center, AF Intelligence Command, 24September 1992), 3. (Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.47. Capt Edward E. Hume, Jr., Atmospheric and Space Environmental Research Programs in Brazil (U)
(Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center, AF Intelligence Command, March 1993), 12. (Secret) Information extracted is unclassified.
48. Paul A. Kossey et al. “Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors (AIM),” in Ionospheric Modification and ItsPotential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems (AGARD Conference Proceedings 485, October 1990), 17A-1.
49. Ibid., 17A-7.
50. Ibid., 17A-10.
51. B. N. Maehlum and J. Troim, “Vehicle Charging in Low Density Plasmas,” in Ionospheric Modification and Its Potential to Enhance or Degrade the Performance of Military Systems (AGARD Conference Proceedings 485, October 1990), 24-1.
52. Hall. AF2025 v3c15-7 | Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning… | (Bibliography) http://www.au.af.mil/au/2025/volume3/chap15/v3c15-7.htm#v3c15–7
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53. Mary Ann Seagraves and Richard Szymber, “Weather a Force Multiplier,” Military Review, November/December 1995, 69.
54. Daniel S. Halacy, The Weather Changers (New York: Harper & Row, 1968), 202.
55. William Brown, “Mathematicians Learn How to Tame Chaos,” New Scientist, 30 May 1992, 16.
56. AU-18, Space Handbook, An Analyst’s Guide Vol. II. (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University Press, December 1993), 196.
57. Thomas F. Tascione, Introduction to the Space Environment (Colorado Springs: USAF Academy Department of Physics, 1984), 175.
58. SPACECAST 2020, Space Weather Support for Communications, white paper G, (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air War College/2020, 1994).
59. Referenced in ibid.
Exhibit 2- Earthquakes As Weapons (partial listing)
This technology abstract is a submittal by the general public. The views expressed in this abstract are strictly those of the author and do not reflect the official policy, position, or programs of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States Government. DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
Document ID: 800062 Technology Abstract Title: Earthquake Weapon
Description: Ultrasonic or acoustic weapon to destroy runways, buildings, bridges. Weapon will
generate a very strong acoustic wave that causes structures to resonate, and thereby destroy them. This has the advantage of being a destructive force that is not designed to kill people.
Advantages: Destructive to structures and warmaking potential, but does not directly threaten people. Challenges: How to generate a strong enough acoustic field.
Countermeasures: Acoustic wave cancellation methods (generate a wave out of phase with the
weapon) standard earthquake protection methods, such as flexible structures, truss designs, reinforced materials.
Possible Applications: Destruction of structures Attacking hardened, hidden structures. Airfield
interdiction (destroy runways) Civilian application: demolition.
References: None.
Technology Areas:
Directed Energy and Kinetic Energy Systems Technology (PRIMARY)
Munitions Devices and Energetic Materials Technology
Survivability and Hardening Technology
Exhibit 3- The Air Force Weather Agency
Air Force Weather Agency is a field operating
agency of the Headquarters U.S. Air Force
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and
Space Operations, Weather Directorate
(AF/XOW). It was formed October 15, 1997,
and is located at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb.
The agency is the Department of Defense’s
Meterorological Satellite Center of Excellence.
The Air Force Weather Agency mission is to
maximize our nation’s aerospace and ground
combat effectiveness by providing accurate,
relevant and timely air and space weather
information to Department of Defense, coalition,
and national users, and by providing
standardized training and equipment to Air Force Weather.
Personnel and Resources
AFWA manning consists of more than 900 active-duty, reserve, civilian and contract personnel
and is headquartered on Offutt AFB, Neb. AFWA serves as lead command executing a $200
million annual budget.
AFWA is organized into a headquarters element, consisting of staff agencies, four directorates,
two subordinate centers and five observatories.
The Operations Directorate directs agency scheduling and production of quality, worldwide,
mission-tailored, terrestrial and space weather products 24-hours a day to meet the requirements
of the President, Department of Defense, unified commands, combat forces of the Air Force and
Army, and the national intelligence community.
The directorate oversees the agency’s back-up of five national centers: Aviation Weather Center,
Kansas City, Mo.; Storm Prediction Center, Norman, Okla.; Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory
Center, Camp Springs, Md.; Space Environmental Center, Boulder, Colo.; and the National
Center for Environmental Prediction, Asheville, N.C.
The Communications and Information Directorate manages worldwide weather
communications systems for Air Force Weather, ensures operational control and information
assurance through the Network Operations and Security Center and manages the Information
Assurance Awareness Program analyzing computer, communications and emissions security
standards. The directorate assesses network activities and Time Compliance Network Orders.
The directorate also operates headquarters data processing resources, develops and maintains
software running on headquarters computer systems, and establishes and oversees information
management policies and practices across AFWA.
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