
EXAMPLE of TPP Dangers in practice… GOP votes to repeal country-of-origin labeling on meat

June 10, 2015 by Judi McLeod

‘RINO’ Paul Ryan is swilling President Barack Obama’s Free Trade Kool-Aid. In fact the second act on Mitt Romney’s failed 2012 presidential ticket is not only swilling the O-flavoured Kool-Aid, he’s belching it in America’s face.

“Before they were allies, they were campaign-trail foes,” writes Lauren Fox of Obama and Ryan on her National Journal story yesterday.

But were Obama and Ryan ever really campaign foes as much as they were deceivers under the skin?

Makes you wonder when Ryan jumped so quickly into the sack with the man who has so radically “fundamentally transformed” America.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership secret negotiations have been going on behind the backs of We the People for six long years—or not long after Obama came into power.

We all know how long Obama has been working behind the backs of main-street Americans to render the U.S. into a Marxist state. The question Ryan’s voters should be asking is: “How long has Paul Ryan been working in the dark to sell out America?”

“President Obama’s GOP salesmen are telling fellow House members that fast-track trade promotion authority (TPA) will “constrain the president” to do what Congress wants when he negotiates the Trans-Pacific Partnership. (National Journal, June 9, 2015)

“Sounds reassuring, but there’s one problem: It’s just not true.

“Pointing to the negotiating objectives the Senate-approved bill lays out, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) says that “TPA makes the president follow dozens of strict objectives in his negotiations so that your priorities come first — not his.”

“First, let’s be clear: The Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations have been underway for six years. According to the U.S. trade representative, they are in the “end game” and will be wrapped up once TPA is approved. Scalise and company are a little late setting objectives for negotiations that have already taken place.”

In the bitter disappointment about the Republicans throwing in with Obama and the Democrats straight after being handed a majority mandate by voters in the last election, it is easy to see House Speaker John Boehner. He’s goofy, weak and weeps in public, giving in to feelings rather than commonsense.

But Ryan, who offered himself as America’s vice president, is a much more covert snake in the grass.

This is how the National Journal describes his place in the current power structure in an America with no real political opposition:

“Yet, since taking the gavel of the influential Ways and Means Committee, Chairman Paul Ryan has emerged as President Obama’s most convincing messenger on Capitol Hill on behalf of a free-trade agreement that would be a big boost to the president’s legislative legacy.

“The House could vote on Trade Promotion Authority, also known as “fast track,” as early as this week. The legislation would limit Congress to an up-or-down vote on future trade deals negotiated by the president. If it passes, it will be a kind of graduation moment for Ryan, the first major legislative accomplishment since he left the Budget Committee. Unlike his visionary budget documents that made him a sensation in conservative circles, however, trade puts Ryan on the same side as a president conservatives distrust and tests the relationships he has carefully built with those in the far right of his party.

“Since taking over the House Ways and Means Committee six months ago, Ryan has been engaged in mapping out the way forward on a trade bill that is a key priority for Obama. But Ryan’s calculation, and the message he gives to Republicans, is that it is just as important to the GOP’s own economic and electoral success.”

Try being a stand-up conservative that puts America and its people first, Mr. Ryan!

This is the covert Ryan’s soft-sell schtick:

“If Republicans derail trade, we add to the narrative that America is on decline, which is now uniquely tied to Obama’s policies—policies we disagree with profoundly as Republicans,” Ryan told National Journal.

“Even before Republican leaders began whipping the bill weeks ago, Ryan was undertaking his own member-tracking operation. He held dozens of education seminars. He invited conservatives to meet with him privately. He listened to concerns and made his pitch that trade was an essential part of growing the economy. This week alone, Ryan has met with 20 members of his party in one-on-one meetings. While he acknowledges he’s working on the same side as the president, Ryan underscores that the trade bill he is pushing will outlast this president, and that trade deals are fundamentally conservative.

“If the name Obama was nowhere to be seen in this, it would be fine for most people,” Ryan says. “We believe in free trade. That is one of our party’s primary principles.”

“As the vote on TPA approaches, there is increasing pressure on Ryan and Republican leadership to deliver votes from conservatives who are skeptical of supporting anything that boosts Obama. While the White House has its own whip operation, it’s been difficult for administration officials to garner the 25 to 30 Democratic votes they will need to deliver. Several GOP aides have expressed frustration that the administration isn’t holding up its side of the bargain. Many have blamed the administration for leaning on members it had—up to this point—failed to build relationships with. And to make things more difficult, trade unions have stepped up their lobbying efforts and Democratic leaders are staying on the sidelines.

“But those within the Republican whip operation say all of the turmoil on the Democratic side has hardly distracted Ryan. Instead, it has emboldened him to double down on his engagement strategy. Republicans say the strategy has been far more involved than the typical whip operation, as leaders reach out to state movers and shakers in agriculture, business, and manufacturing to influence wavering members. Business Roundtable spokesman Kevin Madden said his group has spent in the “seven figures” on advertising in 160 districts.

“Each pitch has been tailored to each individual,” says Rep. Tom Cole, who is on the whip team and is supporting TPA. “We are trying to move people on a one-on-one basis. This is very unusual that we are going to this kind of effort.”

“But Cole says Ryan continues to be the single most convincing member on the issue.”

It should come as no surprise that one of Ryan’s top enablers as Obama’s chief Repub flight lieutenant is the cunning Grover Norquist.

“Americans for Tax Reform founder and president [Cancer to America] Grover Norquist, who supports TPA, said he’s been impressed to see Ryan’s intensive reach-out operation. (National Journal) [Search Grover Norquist on this blog for more of the dangers of Grover Norquist]

“Ryan spends more face time with more members than any other Republican,” Norquist says.

Norquist is doing his own outreach as well on Capitol Hill, and ATR is making calls in 40 districts to encourage voters to contact their members of Congress.

Guess Obama’s latest puppet could care less that he is being supported by at least two TPA advocates who have suspected ties to terrorists, Obama and Norquist.

Guess The Man Who Would Be Veep does not watch Glenn Beck TV.


The Rising of the Beast: TPP is the planned Communist Utopian dream

June 10, 2015 By Doug Hagmann

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its agent of tyrannical empowerment, the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) exists today as the most overt and sinister example of the Communist utopian dream of a one world government.

The “conspiracy theory” detailing the establishment of a “New World Order” where national sovereignty, the destruction of the middle class and ultimate enslavement of all people except the global elite remains a conspiracy, but is no longer a theory to be ridiculed. Its final stages are being put into place for all to see, or at least those who have eliminated the corporate media from their daily diet of disinformation, deception and distortion.

Due in large part to a media captured and controlled by global corporate interests, and the unabashed secrecy that surrounds this “trade” agreement, most people are in the dark about the intent and consequences of the TPP and the TPA. Moreover, there is deliberate obfuscation of the terms being used and the insincere attempts to legitimize the need for the TPA, which was once known as “Fast Track Negotiating Authority.”

Although the TPP is being constructed in secret and disclosure of its contents is a criminal offense, it would seem reasonable to argue that no one knows exactly what it contains. That is only partially true. There have been several leaks and allegations by those privy to the voluminous document that it extends well beyond trade and is more of an international treaty that will adversely impact our national sovereignty and individual rights.

The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) is being promoted as a measure that will compel the President into compliance and transparency with Congress, and, ultimately, the American people. At least that’s the reason given by presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, for example, a proponent of the TPA, as cited by his campaign and echoed by his supporters. But is this assertion accurate, or is it being used to justify the transference of power and facilitate a global government?

Clarifying the Terminology: TPP and TPA

The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA): The Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) was created by the Nixon administration (along with globalist Henry Kissinger) as a temporary yet extremely controversial transfer of authority from the Congress to the President, giving the President the power and authority to negotiate international agreements. Fast Track Negotiating Authority, as it was formerly known, prohibits Congress from amending (or filibustering) any trade deal created by the President. It was first written into the Trade Act of 1974, Section 151–154 (19 U.S.C. 2191–2194) and passed by Congress. Set to expire in 1980, it was extended for another eight years under the Trade Agreements Act of 1979.

In 1988, the Fast Track Negotiating Authority was renewed again, this time serving as the mechanism that ushered in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and ultimately the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Note that this was the general time period of the George H.W. Bush administration.

Perhaps most importantly and arguably most significant push of the TPA was by George W. Bush, who continued his father’s “New World Order” legacy by making Fast Track part of his campaign platform in 2000. Early during his first term, Bush spoke at the Council of the Americas (May 2001), a group founded by globalist David Rockefeller in 1965. It is relevant, if not critical to note that Henry Kissinger (via Kissinger McLarty Associates) is a member of the Council of the Americas, a group that was instrumental in getting the TPA passed again through Congress. The Fast Track Authority passed the House by a mere three votes at 3:30 a.m. on July 27, 2002, the Senate on August 1, 2002, as part of the Trade Act of 2002.

Established for five years, it expired in 2007, except for negotiations that were continuing under the act while it was in effect. It officially ended in 2011, at which time Obama began pushing for its renewal despite his vocal opposition to the authority as a candidate.

It is important to note that Fast Track Negotiating Authority is considered to be such an extreme ceding of power from the legislative branch to the executive branch of government that it has only been used 16 times during its history and during the history of the United States. It has also been renamed from Fast Track to the current Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for the sake of political propriety.

The Fast Track Authority or the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) allows the President unprecedented power to actually write legislation that cannot be amended, circumventing normal congressional committee processes. Historically it has permitted the executive branch to write bills that had little to do with trade, such as matters pertaining to immigration visas, food labeling, and even energy policy.

The Fast Track Authority, now commonly referred to as the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), is considered antithetical to the United States Constitution by many Constitutional scholars as it gives too much power to the President, and allows for negotiations to extend far beyond its initial intended scope under the cover of complete secrecy. Currently, the TPA passed the U.S. Senate and is headed for a vote in the House of Representatives where it appears to have enough support to pass.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: The TPP began in 2005 as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP or P4). At present, twelve countries are involved in the proposed trade deal, including: The United States, Mexico, Canada, Brunei, Singapore, New Zealand, Vietnam, Chile, Australia, Peru, Japan, and Malaysia. The United States did not enter the negotiations until 2008 under George W. Bush. Obama quickly became a proponent of both the TPP and the TPA as he began his tenure in the Oval Office.

The TPP is being negotiated under heavy secrecy, with criminal penalties for anyone who leaks information about the agreement to the public. Nonetheless, there have been several leaks that indicate the TPP involves far more than normal trade agreements, and will be the framework for a “New World Order” that begins with a “New Financial Order” anchored by the TPP. It is important to understand that the TPP will involve nearly two-thirds of the world’s economy as it currently stands.

TPP: A Trojan Horse: As previously noted, there have been several leaked documents (including through wikileaks in 2013) about the TPP. Based on extensive research from numerous open source data sources, it appears that the TPP presently consists of 29 chapters, although that number is subject to revision. Yet only three-(3) chapters, based on some admissions and assertions, actually deal with international trade.

An assessment of what we know suggests that some components of the TPP includes various unpopular iterations of initiatives such as SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, the SPP, NAU, internet regulation, and even ObamaCare are included within the framework of the TPP. This secret agreement also calls for restrictions to be placed on “intellectual property defined as trademarks, patents, copyrights and geopolitical indicators.” It also details U.S. corporate control regarding the three most important things to mankind: health, land use, and the environment. It can be considered “Agenda 21 on a near global scale” merging with NAFTA. It reportedly calls for the “nationalization and equitable distribution of all natural resources.”

Worse, it reportedly contains measures that would allow for both small arms control and unfettered immigration into the United States, while voluntarily subjugating Articles of the United States Constitution to world arbitrating bodies. It would deliver a massive blow to our nation as an independent country and usher in the stated objectives of the globalists, from the members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, members of the Bilderberg Group, and even the architects of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).

In sum and substance, the TPP appears to be one of the most important end-game mechanisms necessary to usher in a state of global governance.

To achieve the Communist utopian dream of a one world authoritative body, national sovereignty must first be destroyed. Looking at the TPP with a wide-angle lens, it is now much easier to not merely see, but contextualize the building blocks that have been previously erected that brought America to this point of acquiescence to a global authority. It puts previous initiatives such as NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, etc. in proper perspective and identifies them for what they are.

Using that same wide-angle lens, we begin to gain some clarity about domestic matters of importance and controversy. For example, we wonder why America’s southern border remains wide open and illegal aliens flood into the United States without molestation by federal law enforcement. Some ascribe it to incompetence while others merely politicize the matter, making it all about increasing the number of “democratic voters.” When viewed in the context of the TPP or a global government, it makes much more sense as the culture of America must be demographically altered, not preserved.

We look at the orchestrated killing of the U.S. Dollar, an issue about which I’ve previously written. When viewed by itself, it makes little sense why the leaders of our country would want to kill off our national currency. In the context of the establishment of a one world government, however, it fits well into the larger agenda of a one world monetary system, a necessary component of the “New World Order.”

The TPP is indeed a Trojan Horse, and its implementation is the culmination of decades and even centuries of planning in secret, by the power elite who, regardless of their political affiliation, are pushing the Communist utopian dream against the will of the American people.

We are looking at the modern day version of Plato’s Republic, or as author Paul McGuire has well documented through his writings, the synthesis of the beliefs of Plato, Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler, filtered and refined through the work of Fabian Socialists and those of like minds.

For the fate of our nation, the sake of our children and future generations, the TPP must be stopped and those behind it exposed for what and who they are. Some will say it’s too late. Regardless, is it not our duty to try? For the agenda is much greater, the battle is much bigger, and the stakes are much higher than what is obvious.

When the day of our judgment arrives, will we hear “well done my good and faithful servant?” Or will we stand before God, and be asked why we did nothing when we still had the chance?

It’s time to act, not just for this battle, this war against our freedoms and the future of our country, but for the sake of future generations. It is up to you whether your children, their children and all future generations will remember you with admiration as having the will, the courage, and the integrity to stand up for truth and the preservation of the rights bestowed upon us by Almighty God, or hold you in contempt for failing to act when you still had the chance.

Who will fight the Beast?


Unraveling the Secrecy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

June 10, 2015 By John Anthony

President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership is actually the name of one of three agreements that together comprise the largest international trade agreement in US history. In popular use, the name also refers to the entire trade pact.

Senator Mitch McConnell and House Speaker John Boehner are working tirelessly to pass the TPP.

Fast-track, or trade promotion authority, are temporary powers Congress grants to the president in which they agree to pass his trade agreements without any amendments or filibusters. The president needs these powers to advance his TPP. On May 22, the Senate passed fast-track and set the stage for full passage of the agreement. John Boehner is now pushing aggressively to pass fast-track in the House.

Unlike any trade pact ever presented to Congress, the TPP authorizes control over vast segments of Americans’ lives, including the information internet service providers must collect, the healthcare system, the privatization of hospitals, and even control of banking institutions. The agreement consolidates greater power in the executive and diminishes Congress’ role in trade oversight.

Opponents complain the President shrouded the trade deal in secrecy. The administration counters, “There are going to be many months in which people will be able to look at every comma and period and semicolon in this deal.”

The president argues the pact will “level the playing field” internationally, boost imports and lower tariffs for US goods in Asia-Pacific region nations. All of this will create 650,000 new jobs and $77 billion in new income.

TPP is shrouded in deceit and misrepresentation

While the WH did solicit opinions and publish summaries of their intentions for the pact, this might have been little more than a polite listening session. Most Americans still have no clue what the actual agreement says or does nor if any of those opinions were included.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is in a locked room where Congress can read it. Congressional members may not remove it, nor repeat or distribute details of what is in the agreement. Any notes they take must be surrendered upon exiting the ‘secret’ room.

President Obama rightly says he does not want to “announce our bottom lines…to the other side of the table.” Still, this whole process raises red flags, given the expansiveness of the new program, and that the Constitution provides Congress, not the executive, final trade authority. At the least, Congress is guilty of neglecting their responsibilities. It appears few members have gone to the private room to read the TPP.

As for “leveling the playing field,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), read sections of the agreement and concludes it does the opposite. According to Warren, the TPP is a handout to large international corporations. Under the agreement, if a multi-national corporation is in violation of US law, they can bypass our judicial system and take their case to an international board of arbiters.

Not only does this undermine the US rule of law, the conflict of interest is staggering. Many of the board judges are the same corporate lawyers representing the companies they are to judge. Since only large international investors, not small businesses can use this court; the TPP is inherently unfair.

Then there is the claim of improved exports and new jobs. According to an Economic Policy Institute report titled, “Heading South, US-Mexico Trade and Job Displacement After NAFTA”, as the result of the 1994 trade agreement, the US lost a total of 682,900 net jobs and continues to lose more every year. Over 60% of the job losses were in manufacturing.

Nor did the predictions of improved exports under NAFTA materialize. According to the report, “Abstract promises about increased jobs and exports misrepresent the real overall effects of trade on the U.S. economy.”

What is most disturbing is that congressional leaders and administration officials continue to make the same job predictions for newer trade agreements. KORUS, the US-Korea Free Trade Agreement signed in 2007, predicted a $4-5 billion improvement in our trade balance with South Korea. Instead, domestic exports decreased by $3.5 billion in the agreement’s first year alone. By 2012 KORUS had cost the US 40,000 jobs.

We now know that the administration fabricated the 650,000 new jobs claim by manipulating the data in a policy analysis from the Peterson Institute for International Economics. It is unlikely the TPP will create any net new jobs. Peter Petri, one of the report’s authors explained, trade agreements barely effect new jobs at all.

Sen. Jeff Sessions: Power the agreement bestows on the executive branch and the worsening of our trade deficit

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) read the agreement and defied the WH by speaking out. He points to several inclusions that should disturb Americans. Two of his major concerns are the power the agreement bestows on the executive branch and the worsening of our trade deficit.

Under the agreement, the president can make additions to the trade deal. Congress is limited to either accepting or rejecting his regulations, but cannot change them.

This creates a large problem for Americans. Trade deal changes can run into hundreds or even a thousand pages or more. Congress does not read them. Like the Affordable Care Act, the stimulus package, Dodd-Frank and now the Trans-Pacific Partnership, most of Congress never reads bills before voting on them. They have no idea what the fine print contains.

There is no reason to expect future practice to be different. ‘Take it or leave it’ deals forced on Congress by the executive branch further erode government’s checks and balances and remove another layer of representation for Americans.

The TPP does require the president to submit any changes to Congress 60 days before providing the accompanying legislation. Even this is little help as it also authorizes the president to redact or black out information he does not want Congress to see. So, once approved, the agreement that was born in near secrecy, authorizes itself to continue in near secrecy.

Finally, the only way Congress can end TPP is to agree to vote it out of existence at the end of its authorization period. Even here, the administration has the advantage. The president, by filing a simple request receives an automatic extension.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a California-based non-profit firm that “protects civil rights in the digital domain.” They promoted President Obama’s Net Neutrality, (at least until they voiced serious reservations about the wording after the regulation passed,) and have generally supported the president’s initiatives.

After reading the leaked TPP Intellectual Property chapter, the group was outraged at the extensive control the agreement exercises over freedom of speech, right to privacy and limitations on due process. EFF notes, “The entire process has shut out multi-stakeholder participation and is shrouded in secrecy.”

The group concludes that “…innovation, the future of the Internet’s global infrastructure, and the right of sovereign nations to develop policies and laws that best meet their domestic priorities” are all placed at risk under this secretive agreement.

Few in the world are better at shedding light on secrets than Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks. His group recently published online the complete Investment Chapter of the TPP.

TPP constructs an entirely new regulatory structure above US laws and places it in treaty form

Assange observes that the TPP constructs an entirely new regulatory structure above US laws and places it in treaty form.

“By putting it in a treaty form, there are 12 countries involved, that means it is very hard to overturn. So, if there is a desire, a democratic desire to do it on a different path…you can’t easily change the TPP treaty because you have to go back to the other nations involved.”

In January of 2014, WikiLeaks published the TPP Environment chapter. While the administration presented the TPP as an “ambitious 21st century trade agreement,” upon reading the section, the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club and the World Wildlife Fund all agreed, “the TPP Environment Chapter text does not meet that goal.”

Assange remarked, “Today’s WikiLeaks release shows that the public sweetener in the TPP is just media sugar water. The fabled TPP environmental chapter turns out to be a toothless public relations exercise with no enforcement mechanism.”

Judging from emerging documents, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is more like a treaty wrapped in the verbiage of a trade pact. This construction enables the administration to win the authority of a broad treaty, while sidestepping the required 67 Senate votes.

Even more than secrecy, the TPP is shrouded in deceit and misrepresentation. Until there is greater transparency and an opportunity for all Americans to see what Congress is signing, I urge you to tell your representatives to vote “no” on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


EXAMPLE of TPP Dangers in practice… GOP votes to repeal country-of-origin labeling on meat

Under threat of trade retaliation from Canada, Mexico

June 11, 2015

WASHINGTON (AP) — Under threat of trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico, the House has voted to to repeal a law requiring country-of-origin labels on packages of beef, pork and poultry.

The World Trade Organization rejected a U.S. appeal last month, ruling the labels that say where animals were born, raised and slaughtered are discriminatory against the two U.S. border countries. Both have said they plan to ask the WTO for permission to impose billions of dollars in tariffs on American goods.

The House voted 300-131 to repeal labels that tell consumers what countries the meat is from — for example, “born in Canada, raised and slaughtered in the United States” or “born, raised and slaughtered in the United States.”

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said after the vote that the last thing American farmers need “is for Congress to sit idly by as international bureaucrats seek to punish them through retaliatory trade policies that could devastate agriculture as well as other industries.” [So why is Boehner pushing so hard for the TPP?]

More at….


The Frightening Third Purpose of Jade Helm

11 Jun, 2015 by Dave Hodges

As long-time readers to this website will recall, I have been very consistent with regard to the sequencing of how this nation would be brought to its knees.

1. A series of false flag events will take place that will lead to massive civil unrest/conflict.

2. Martial law will be imposed as a result of the civil unrest.

3. Martial law will result in the elimination of any meaningful resistance to autocratic control and the installation of the New World Order. In order to achieve planetary unity, with a greatly reduced population, it will be necessary to fight World War III.

Jade Helm’s Purpose

A blind man could see that Jade Helm is about (1) the removal of Red Listed political dissidents and, (2) the imposition of martial law and the elimination of all political dissidence. There now appears that Jade Helm has an even more sinister purpose. Jade Helm is also providing cover to the U.S. military so that military assets can be redeployed in preparation to fight World War III.

Walk with me through this progression as the third purpose of Jade Helm is revealed.

America Is the Most Hated Nation

In Michel Chossudovsky’s work The Globalization of War: America’s “Long War” against Humanity, the United States has become the real Big Brother of George Orwell’s 1984.The United States is the most hated nation on the planet as we have descended into an abject totalitarian state that brainwashes its citizens into believing that a state of constant warfare against terrorists that the CIA supplies (i.e. ISIS) and this endless war must be eternally waged against these totally mythical enemies. In the name of freedom, constitutional liberties must be sacrificed for the sake of national security and perpetual war is necessary to preserve the peace. The logic reminds me of the old Vietnam era saying which stated that “Fighting a war to preserve peace, is like having sex to preserve one’s virginity”.

In his book, Chossudovsky also went on to say the following:

“The rulers of the US state are global industrialists, bankers, and businessmen who seek to gain control of the world’s natural resources, including the vast natural gas, oil, and uranium reserves at the basin of the Caspian Sea, for power and profit. It’s a thesis that many in the main-stream media might dismiss as a conspiracy theory, save for the fact that it is supported by the chain of events that have unfolded since the close of World War II.”

I would add that the rulers of this country have gotten away with grand theft banking since 1913 by plundering the treasury and the economic future of the United by plunging the U.S. into unfathomable levels of debt for their personal profit. The center piece of the elite’s economic of this country is the misuse of the dollar. Since the removal of the Gold Standard as the necessary and proper backing for the dollar, the only thing that has saved the dollar from collapse is the fact that since 1944, the dollar has been backed by oil, or the Petrodollar as it is called. In this Petrodollar arrangement, the nations of the world that desired to purchase Middle Eastern oil, had to first purchase U.S. dollars which was the currency of exchange when it came to obtaining oil. This arrangement allowed the elite, at home, to plunder the People’s money in the name of the military industrial complex, while keeping the dollar afloat despite the growing debt levels.

The US Is Hit In the Face With BRICS

The BRICS, led by Russia, China and oil producer, Iran, are leading the world away from the dollar as the universal currency of oil. Combined with our $18 trillion dollar deficit, our $240 trillion dollars of unfunded mandates (e.g. social security, Medicare, etc.) and our $1.5 quadrillion dollar credit swap derivatives debt and the continual erosion of the Petrodollar, the U.S. economy sits upon the precipice of collapse. The incompetent and corrupt Obama administration attempted to save the Petrodollar, back in 2012-13 by attempting to gain the moral high ground with the end result being the invasion of Syria which would have been followed by the invasion of Iran. Both world and domestic opinion blocked these attempts and the Petrodollar continued its march towards extinction.

The Rothschild banking system has put the central banks of the world, including the Federal Reserve, on death’s ground. The Rothschild system desires planetary unity as well as 90% depopulation. The best way to achieve planetary unity is through fighting World War III.

The derivatives debt, introduced by the elite bankers have bankrupted the central banks. As a result, the central banks of each country are looking to exploit the resources of the other central banks and their respective nations. This has put the world on a collision course with World War III. All and I mean all of the national economies are on the verge of collapse. Ultimately, the U.S. must conquer Russia and China to preserve the Petrodollar and maintain their dominance of the United States.

Economic Collapse

Like a punch drunk boxer, the U.S. economy only needs one significant blow to bring this entire house of cards we call “the economy” to its knees. Since most people live paycheck to paycheck and have less than three days of food on hand, the thin boundaries of social control would quickly evaporate which would necessitate the government finding the need to “extract” those who would be most likely to lead a revolution against the power elite and their minions in Washington D.C. The “Red List” extractions, under Jade Helm, will be carried out by Special Operations Forces. In order to re-establish social control, martial law would be implemented with a vengeance through the use of convention military forces such as the 82nd Airborne. In a nutshell, this is Jade Helm.

“Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste”

As would any entity, the central bankers of this nation, the Federal Reserve, will do what is necessary to survive and that includes the continued plundering of the dollar, while not crashing the dollar beyond the point of not being to resurrect the dollar. For this Petrodollar scheme to continue, the BRICS anti-Petrodollar strategy must be eradicated and that means war against Russia and China.

All Wars Require Mobilization of Military Assets

Americans have been awestruck at the massive movement of troops around the country. The massive movement of troops seems out of proportion to the Jade Helm drill. Every state in the country is experiencing unprecedented military activity and now we are seeing foreign troops become part of the landscape (e.g. Russians, Danes, Canadians, et al.).

The Third Purpose

When the aerial assets of Pope AFB were moved, I became suspicious that Jade Helm was ultimately serving a larger purpose.

Most journalists, who have followed the horrific details of Jade Helm know that Jade Helm will eliminate all resistance to World War III. Now we are seeing the prepositioning of military assets under the guise of Jade Helm for the purpose of fighting World War III which is a war of survival for the Federal Reserve and the Petrodollar. In actuality, this world war will be a war of depopulation and planetary unification and will be fought for the Rotschild banking interests in Basil.

At the end of the day the Federal Reserve and the other central banks will lie in ruin as the march towards the seemingly inevitable conclusion of a one-world government comes into being.

Finally, the U.S. has been set up to lose World War III and I have documented this to a fault. The focus for each American should become individual preparation, both physical and spiritual.








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