
-UN Dictators Club Attacks U.S. Police, “Human Rights” Record
-Establishment propaganda downplays danger to states’ rights

May 12, 2015 by Kurt Nimmo

With the Jade Helm exercises two months away, a poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports shows that 45% of voters believe the government will use the massive training operations to impose greater control over some states.

A mere 21% believe the exercises are an infringement on states’ rights, while 62% do not.

52% are not worried about the exercises and do not believe there are ulterior motives behind them.

The numbers are surprising considering a poll release in late April found that 62% of Americans believe the federal government enjoys too much power at the expense of the individual. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/april_2015/62_say_government_has_too_much_power_in_america_today

“Just 10% think the opposite, that there is too much individual freedom and too little government power,” Rasmussen noted.

Corporate Media Propaganda

The inability to recognize the threat of a standing army conducting large military exercises is largely due to establishment media propaganda.

“The national media has barely mentioned these efforts and local media chooses to mostly ignore the work,” writes Carol Miller, and “is not focusing on the tremendous financial cost, the potential environmental consequences, or the unconstitutionality of the plan. The media of both the left and the right are using the plan as yet another convenient tool in enabling the divide and conquer strategy of the Pentagon.”

Alex Newman documents attempts by the corporate media to downplay and ignore the threat posed by Jade Helm.

“Rather than focusing on or at least acknowledging the well-documented concerns expressed by Americans across the political spectrum, or on the reasons why Americans are so suspicious of their federal government, the establishment press would rather cite seemingly outrageous theories and demonize everyone who does not reflexively trust official pronouncements. The irony is that real journalists are supposed to question such pronouncements — not parrot them uncritically and demonize those who do question,” Newman writes.


Jade Helm and Operation Red Flag Point to the Coming Civil War

12 May, 2015 by Dave Hodges

Both Michael Savage and Alex Jones are on the record when they both state that there is going to be a civil war involving the United States.

Rumors are surfacing and becoming substantiated about a second set of massive military preparedness drills and it is not Jade Helm. These drills are known as Operation Red Flag. Many point to this video, submitted here from DAHBOO 7 in which he identifies Operation Red Flag as a civilian suppression drill which could accompany civil unrest or even civil war. Please refer to the following video.

There is no doubt that Operation Red Flag is, in part, about subjugating an unruly public through the use of microwave weapons. However, Operation Red Flag is much, much more than is depicted here. Before we get to exactly what Operation Red Flag entails, it is important to listen to what Alex Jones says about the coming civil war.

The enormity of Jade Helm is mindboggling. Listen to the following partial recording of the Info Wars Nightly News description. Alex Jones provides a most lucid and succinct account in the first 10 minutes of the following video in which he lays out how America is purposely being led to Civil War.

The following video content includes the build-up to martial law, the government documents which supports the fact that we are already under martial law and the intent of this administration to kill all who resist. The following 10 minutes is a must watch.

Are there any elements of the U.S. government who will come to the aid of the American people in such a scenario? Probably not. However, there is a branch of the military that Obama has not been able to totally bring under his control since he has become President and that is the U.S. Navy and in particular, the submarine fleet. Obama has spent significant energy in trying to negate the fact that the Navy is not loyal to this administration as evidenced by the following executive actions where commanders have fired or demoted.

– Captain Eric Merrill-U.S. Navy Commander submarine Emory S. Land (Jul 2011).

– Vice Admiral Tim Giardina(3 Star, demoted to 2 Star)-U.S. Navy Deputy Commander of the US Strategic Command, Commander of the Submarine Group Trident, Submarine Group 9 and Submarine Group 10 (Oct 2013).

– Commander Mike Varney-U.S. Navy Commander attack submarine Connecticut (Jun 2011).

– Lieutenant Commander Lauren Allen-Executive Officer submarine Jacksonville (Feb 2013).

– Commander Luis Molina-U.S. Navy Commander submarine Pasadena (Jan 2013).

– Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette-U.S. Navy Commander John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group Three (Oct 2012). Let’s not forget that it was Gaouette who conspired with former Africom commander, General Hamm, to attempt to rescue Ambassador Chris Stevens in an attempt to perpetrate a soft coup against the Obama administration by having a grateful Stevens “tell-all” about the terrorist funding activities of the administration.

– Vice Admiral Tim Giardina (3 Star, demoted to 2 Star)-U.S. Navy Deputy Commander of the US Strategic Command, Commander of the Submarine Group Trident, Submarine Group 9 and Submarine Group 10 (Oct 2013). Giardina did not succumb to Obama’s attempts to control the submarine fleet. Obama does not control the submarine fleet. Because the skills of submarine personnel are highly specific, the submarine fleet trains their own and Obama has not been able to figure out how to break through the fleet’s resistance to Obama’s dismantling of the military and the giveaway of American sovereignty. When it comes to the submarine fleet, Obama can keep cutting the head off, but it will keep growing back.

The Potency of the Submarine Fleet That Scares Obama

Getting information on the nuclear potential of our submarine fleet is difficult. However, because of the SALT treaties, I have been able to learn that there are 14 Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines maintained by the U.S. Navy. Typically, at any one time two of these submarines are in long-term overhaul, meaning that 12 are normally operationally available. Four other submarines of the Ohio-class have been converted to carry conventionally-armed cruise missiles in place of SLBMs.

The number of launch tubes on an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine. Under the New START Treaty, four tubes on each submarine will be converted so that they are incapable of launching an SLBM and thus will not be counted against the treaty’s limit of 800 deployed and non-deployed ICBM and SLBM launchers plus deployed and non-deployed nuclear-capable bombers. The U.S. Navy plans that the Ohio-class submarine’s replacement will have 16 launch tubes. Treaties aside, there are hundreds of nuclear missiles that Obama does not control.

This means that in a civil war action which would be opposed by elements of the Navy, this administration would have to rely on Russian and Chinese subs to counter the rogue threat posed by Naval forces which are not loyal to this administration and this is exactly what we find.

U.S. national security officials are concerned about the pace and intensity of Russian submarine development, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jon Greenert said back in October,2014.

“There are competitors that are pursuing us. We know about China. That is very well spelled out, but not as many people know what the Russians are up to. I can’t go into detail, obviously, but they spend a lot of money. The Russians have been working on a sea-based strategic deterrence – and an SSN (attack submarine),” Greenert said at the Naval Submarine League’s annual symposium in Falls Church, Va.

To counter the threat the Navy is engaged in their own version of Operation Red Flag in which the Navy is mostly kept out of its ports to avoid being taken over and in a constant state of readiness that includes developing counter-measures against the Chinese and Russian growing submarine threat. This constant state of readiness has been going on for almost 6 years, which is the approximate length of time that Obama has been in office. Before we discuss counter-measuresin detail, let’s take a look at the Navy preparations in this area.

A Riddle

The United States military has the bulk of its fighting force in Afghanistan. Unknown to most Americans is the fact that there has been a mammoth and ongoing set of war games taking place off of nearly every inch of the three coastlines surrounding the United States. This has required a significant redeployment of Naval, Marine and Air Force assets to be in a constant state of military readiness. The conscious act of keeping most of ourNaval assets deployed outside of the continental United States is significant. It relates to the present crisis as a big domino that is ready to fall and it speaks to how soon all us will get to visit our new homes, AKA Fema camps.

Take a look at the following map. It was originally published by the Navy in an AFAST document. These Navy (i.e. Operation Red Flag) war games are so huge it has drawn the ire of the Congressional delegations of California, Oregon and Washington. I will be presenting this information in a future article and it ties in with what’s happening today as well as what lies ahead. Please allow me to present this as a riddle. Any guesses as to why this is taking place? While you are contemplating your answer, please note that the Navy has nearly every inch of coastline covered.

The rectangles represent active war game zones. In U.S. military history, this massive of a war game is unprecedented both in length and scope.

Navy Counter-Measures Against the Russian and Chinese Submarine Threat

Why would the Navy be in a permanent state of readiness by conducting unprecedented and an unparalleled set of war games continuously going on off of our three coastlines and several of our overseas territories? Guesses have ranged from positioning the Navy, Marines and a fair amount of the Air Force off the coast to keep Americans from running if they are put in harms way when martial law is declared. Some believe that this has to do with preparing to begin World War III. These are all interesting guesses, however, they are not correct and the answer will surprise everyone as I know it surprised me.

These ongoing war games have angered much of the Congressional delegations of California, Oregon and Washington. When these representatives got wind of what was coming back in 2009, prior to the Environmental Impact Statement, they organized. Ask yourself, one question, with several members of Congress opposing these massive ongoing war games that have now lasted for 6 years, why wasn’t this been reported on in the mainstream media? By the end of this article, you will be able to answer that question. In response to Congressional requests, NOAA was unwilling to intervene and stop the war games from going forward and these Congressman, now joined by Senators Boxer and Feinstein, approached the Secretary of the Navy, B. J. Penn, and he rejected their request tostop these war games out of hand as well.

The United States has the bulk of its land-based fighting units in Afghanistan which totals about 165,000 troops. In a civil war scenario, these troops have been negated. Now we see a significant part of our Navy engaged in this massive off shore exercise. Why? And another important question to be asking is whether or not, the ships and their subsequent military maneuvers are facing toward our coastlines or primarily away from them?

The US Navy says they are conducting sonar exercises. Sonar exercises? The U.S. Navy is not conducting sonar exercises beneath the ocean in preparing to fight “sensitive marine” inhabitants, unless the Navy is preparing to fight sensitive marine inhabitants that contain submarines armed with nuclear weapons and I am speaking specifically about the Chinese and Russians. In any civil war scenario, the Navy must be neutralized, so that they cannot come to the aid of the people, and this is what we are looking at here. The Navy has been preparing to be attacked if and when civil war comes to America. And isn’t it ironic and coincidental that the original Jade Helm document would identify Southern California to be a “hostile” area. And where, exactly, are most of these forces in question headquartered, in Southern California. The Jade Helm map is a civil war map.

Please note the “hostile” designation in precisely the location where much of our important Navy assets are housed. How many coincidences make a conspiracy?

Operation Red Flag -Nellis AFB

What kind of weapons system would be needed to help negate the naval threat posed by this adminnistration? Air power would be at the top of the list. Operation Red Flag commenced in January of 2015 and it involved foreign assets from countries such as the UK. This version of Red Flag is based at Nellis AFB.


It is clear that there are two versions of Red Flag and they are working in opposition to each other. Michael Savage, Alex Jones and myself are in agreement, that the country is headed for civil war. The mystery surrounding Jade Helm is beginning to fade.


March 12, 2009

Protect Whales During Navy Training Exercises

Deadline April 3, 2009

Dear Colleague:

Please join us in sending the attached letter to Jane Lubchenco, Undersecretary for

Oceans and Atmosphere for the Department of Commerce, expressing support for the

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s review of measures that could

reduce harm to whales and other marine mammals from the Navy’s use of mid-range


The Navy estimates that its sonar training activities will “take” marine mammals more

than 11.7 million times over the course of a five-year permit. The scale of these exercises

and the vulnerability of protected species to sonar make it imperative that NOAA

prescribe mitigation measures that will best protect marine mammals while still allowing

the Navy to train effectively.

For more information, or to co-sign the letter, please contact Jeb Berman (Rep.

Thompson, 53311) or Rob Cobbs (Rep. Waxman, 54407).



Member of Congress


Member of Congress

March 12, 2009

Dr. Jane Lubchenco

Undersecretary for Oceans and Atmosphere

Department of Commerce

14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 5128

Washington, DC 20230

Dear Undersecretary Lubchenco:

On January 23, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

announced that it would conduct a comprehensive, 120-day review of measures to reduce

environmental harm from the Navy’s use of mid-frequency sonar in training exercises

and then report the results to the Council on Environmental Quality. We are writing to

encourage and express our strong support for this review process.

The sonar exercises at issue would take place off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Hawaii,

Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico – affecting literally every coastal state. In many

regions, the Navy plans to increase the number of training exercises or expand the areas

in which they may occur. Of particular concern are biologically sensitive marine habitats

off our coasts, such as National Marine Sanctuaries and breeding habitat for the

endangered North Atlantic right whale. In all, the Navy anticipates that its sonar

exercises will “take” marine mammals more than 2.3 million times per year, or 11.7

million times over the course of a 5-year permit.

Under these circumstances, it is essential that NOAA prescribe mitigation measures that

substantially reduce impacts on marine wildlife and habitat while allowing the Navy to

train effectively.

We are confident that NOAA’s review will identify the mitigation measures necessary to

minimize environmental impacts and improve monitoring of affected populations,

including the establishment of seasonal or geographic sonar exclusion areas that scientists

have identified as the most effective available means of protecting vulnerable species and


We appreciate your consideration of this important matter, and your efforts to improve

the health of our oceans.



Member of Congress


Member of Congress


UN Dictators Club Attacks U.S. Police, “Human Rights” Record

12 May 2015 by Alex Newman

While United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon was in Moscow schmoozing with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, autocrats and UN bureaucrats were attacking the United States over its track record on what the global organization refers to as “human rights” — in reality government-granted privileges that can be revoked at will. The tyrant-dominated UN “Human Rights Council,” which has previously lambasted the U.S. government for not further defying the U.S. Constitution and infringing even more on the gun rights of Americans, focused largely on verbally attacking U.S. police during a session in Geneva. However, the outfit’s members also demanded everything from closing Guantanamo Bay and banning capital punishment to providing more taxpayer funding for abortion worldwide and more welfare at home.

The UN’s “Universal Periodic Review” (UPR) of the United States, which took place in Geneva on May 11, was the second review of America’s “human rights” record. Representatives of some 117 governments and brutal dictatorships seized the opportunity to blast the U.S. government for not submitting quickly enough to their previous list of demands outlined in 2010. Those “recommendations,” often made by some of the UN’s most ruthless mass-murdering member regimes, focused mostly on surrendering more U.S. sovereignty to the UN by ratifying more global treaties, submitting to UN kangaroo courts, and allowing the UN to dictate U.S. policy. The communist and socialist regimes ruling North Korea, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and more all added their demands to the list. Iran’s Islamist autocrats called for the U.S. government to combat “gun violence.”

The most recent UN “review” of the United States, which every member government of the global body is purportedly “required” to submit to, mostly aimed at demonizing U.S. police as violent racists supposedly in need of national and global controls. The recent death of Freddie Gray under suspicious circumstances in police custody, already being exploited by Obama and the establishment to push for nationalizing local police forces, received a great deal of attention. Other recent high-profile killings by American police officers were brought up repeatedly as well. Also high on the agenda were attacks on NSA spying, which multiple hostile foreign regimes presumably being monitored by U.S. intelligence services criticized as a “human rights” concern. Spying on U.S. citizens without a warrant is already unconstitutional.

Each UN member regime participating in the spectacle was given just over a minute to lash out at America. Putin’s representative said “the human rights situation in the country has seriously deteriorated recently.” The U.S.-funded Pakistani regime’s delegate, meanwhile, said he had “serious concerns about the human rights situation in the U.S.,” pointing to Obama’s extrajudicial drone assassinations, CIA torture, illegal detentions, and alleged systemic police brutality against blacks. Indian government representative Ajit Kumar even called for the U.S. government to create a “national human rights institution.” Several European governments blasted the ongoing use of the death penalty by some U.S. states. Various “human rights” groups also attacked the United States for real and imagined violations of rights.

The Obama administration, meanwhile, sent high-level bureaucrats to grovel before the UN panel. “We must rededicate ourselves to ensuring that our civil-rights laws live up to their promise,” U.S. Justice Department official James Cadogan declared in Geneva. “The tragic deaths of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Michael Brown in Missouri, Eric Garner in New York, Tamir Rice in Ohio, and Walter Scott in South Carolina have renewed a long-standing and critical national debate about the even-handed administration of justice. These events challenge us to do better and to work harder for progress — through both dialogue and action.”

Cadogan said criminal charges were brought against more than 400 American law-enforcement officers over the last six years, but that more work was needed — and that more prosecutions were likely coming. “When federal, state, local or tribal officials willfully use excessive force that violates the U.S. Constitution or federal law, we have authority to prosecute them,” he said after being peppered with questions by foreign regimes about alleged racism and systematic use of excessive force by American police officers. Last year, exploiting events in Ferguson, UN boss Ban even demanded that local U.S. police departments adhere to what he called “international standards.”

On torture, already a blatant violation of the U.S. Constitution and federal law, the Obama administration continued its pattern of shielding torturers from prosecution, offering lip-service instead. “As President Obama has acknowledged, we crossed the line, we did not live up to our values, and we take responsibility for that,” said U.S. “legal advisor” Mary McLeod about the CIA torture report released last year, though she stopped short of saying that those involved in the crimes would face justice. “We have since taken steps to clarify that the legal prohibition on torture applies everywhere and in all circumstances, and to ensure that the United States never resorts to the use of those harsh interrogation techniques again.”

Unsurprisingly, brutal dictatorships of all varieties rushed to celebrate the condemnation of the United States by the UN dictators club. “The Universal Periodic Review that the UN Human Rights Council conducted over the United States’ human rights record on May 11 proved, once again, that no country is perfect in its human rights record,” claimed a spokesperson for the brutal Communist Chinese dictatorship’s “Foreign Ministry,” as if Obama’s lawlessness justified Beijing’s savagery. “The Chinese side hopes that any country undergoing review will be modest enough to listen to the advice of various countries, work hard to resolve its own human rights problems and improve its human rights status.” Propaganda organs for various dictatorships also released articles praising the UN “review.”

The UN launched its UPR scheme after being forced to rebrand its “Human Rights Commission.” The commission was replaced with the “Council” after it became an international laughingstock for, among other absurdities, electing Libyan tyrant Moammar Gadhafi’s regime to lead it. Of course, while some of the points raised by UN member regimes at the latest review in Geneva are indeed egregious violations of the unalienable rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, the UN “human rights” apparatus remains as discredited as ever. Among the paragons of “human rights” currently sitting on the UN council, for example, are the brutal regimes ruling Communist China, Cuba, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Communist Vietnam, Venezuela, and more.

In fact, the entire foundation of the UN’s “human rights” apparatus is inherently and fundamentally opposed to the U.S. Constitution and its protections for the God-given rights of all Americans. UN “human rights” are purportedly defined and granted to people by governments, dictators, treaties, and international organizations. The Declaration of Independence, by contrast, makes clear that everyone is endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, and that government exists to protect those rights. Article 29 of the UN “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” though, makes clear that UN “human rights” can be restricted or abolished by government at will under virtually any pretext. It also says UN-defined “rights and freedoms” may “in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

The UN review will conclude with a series of “recommendations” to be issued later this week. Rather than bow before mass-murderers and brutal dictatorships, though, the U.S. government should defund and withdraw from the UN dictators club. If Americans’ elected representatives would simply obey the U.S. Constitution they all swore an oath to uphold, the real, God-given human rights of everyone in the United States would already be protected from government infringement. On top of that, the UN’s bogus “human rights” schemes are being used as a weapon to attack real rights and the U.S. Constitution. It is time for Congress to put an end to the UN’s charade.

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com



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