
Rush Limbaugh Names And Shames Perps In Wisconsin John Doe Scandal

22 Apr 2015 by Matthew Boyle

Conservative columnist and multiple-time number one New York Times bestselling author Ann Coulter told Breitbart News that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s boldly stated position on immigration when it comes to protecting Americans from illegal and legal immigration is “fantastic” and “amazing.”

“YES! Fantastic, amazing, just what I’ve been waiting for! Romney, of course, said exactly this and also endorsed E-Verify and a fence on the border,” Coulter said when asked to react to Walker’s statements—and all the political establishment from both sides of the aisle and the media attacking him—on Tuesday.

“I’m bitter and cynical, but I don’t know how a candidate can weasel out of having endorsed E-Verify,” Coulter said. “Talking about a secure border – as most of them do – is easy to weasel out of. That’s code for ‘amnesty.’ (How will we know when it’s secure? A: When a board of amnesty-supporters tells us it’s secure! Thanks, Rand.)”

Coulter added that Walker is exposing the “cheap labor hacks” for what they are.

“Glad to hear Walker is smoking out the cheap labor hacks,” she said. “What on Earth are they saying? He gave them no opening! Walker said, quite properly, that we can’t keep doing this to our poor and working class. Are they saying we shouldn’t care about our poor and working class?”

Earlier this week, Walker—during an appearance on Glenn Beck’s radio show—laid out how he plans to stand up for American workers against not just illegal immigration but also any massive increase in legal immigration. Walker also doubled down on Megyn Kelly’s show on Fox News, prompting the entire Institutional Left—ranging from the Huffington Post to MSNBC to Mother Jones magazine—to berate him with, with several in GOP establishment circles including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and other liberal GOP senators joining. Walker has held firm, earning praise from conservative luminaries like National Review editor Rich Lowry and now Coulter, among others.

Previously, Coulter –in an interview with a Los Angeles Fox affiliate–said she hates the entire 2016 GOP field except for Walker.

“I hate them all except Scott Walker and my only issue with Walker is — and it isn’t a big issue, but I just think people are going to see him onstage, see questions about… trade with China, what are you going to do with Russia and think ‘damn, I wish that were Romney up there,’” Coulter said.


Scott Walker Breaks With the Kochs on Immigration

Apr 21, 2015

Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was enjoying his unexpected new role: Policy adviser to a Republican presidential front-runner. Scott Walker, alone among the 2016 contenders, had talked to Sessions about immigration policy. Sessions happened to be the Senate’s foremost advocate for reducing legal immigration to the United States so long as the people already in the country needed jobs.

“The next president and the next Congress need to make decisions about a legal immigration system that’s based on, first and foremost, on protecting American workers and American wages,” Walker said on Monday’s episode of the Glenn Beck Program. “The more I’ve talked to folks—I’ve talked to Senator Sessions and others out there, but it is a fundamentally lost issue by many in elected positions today—is what is this doing for American workers looking for jobs, what is this doing to wages, and we need to have that be at the forefront of our discussion going forward.”

On Tuesday, as he headed into the GOP’s weekly lunch, Sessions told reporters that he fully agreed with Walker. Any Republican who wanted to be the party’s 2016 nominee needed to be “fluid” on the issue–and Walker, unlike the three Republican senators now running for president, had consulted with Sessions.

“If Governor Walker commits to a discussion of this nationwide, I think it would be helpful for the republic.”

Jeff Sessions

“I thought it was a good statement that he made,” Sessions said. “He was just saying, ‘I’m going to ask the question, what is it going to do for the wages and job prospects of my constituents, the American people, as I analyze how to create a proper immigration flow into America.'”

Walker’s statement puts him to the right of even Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who told New Hampshire voters this weekend that there was “no stronger advocate” for legal immigration than him. “We need to improve and streamline legal immigration,” said Cruz.” We need to continue to welcome and celebrate legal immigrants.”

Just as surprisingly–and just as impactfully–Walker’s dalliance with immigration limitation puts him at odds with the Koch networks, just a day after David Koch told reporters that he was inclined to back Walker. The Charles Koch Foundation has aggressively campaigned for immigration reform along the lines of what got through the Senate in 2013. The LIBRE Initiative, a Latino outreach wing of the Koch network, has advocated some of the same reforms, and rejected any talk of limiting legal immigration.

“Congress must act to provide the legal avenues necessary to absorb the current undocumented population as well as accommodate future immigrants,” said LIBRE’s executive director Daniel Garza to Congress last month. “Immigration reform should address the children brought here through no fault of their own and allow for the undocumented population to ultimately become citizens after paying back taxes and any other appropriate penalties. But at a minimum, the U.S. should put in place a pragmatic, viable market-based worker visa program that legalizes voluntary employee-employer arrangements in a way that provides immigrant workers fixed, legal certainty, and allows our private sector to adequately respond to market forces.”

The contrast with Sessions’s advice couldn’t be starker. In January, the Alabaman released an “immigration handbook for the new Republican majority” which made the case for limiting new legal arrivals. “What sense does it make to continue legally importing millions of low-wage workers to fill jobs while sustaining millions of current residents on welfare?” Sessions asked. “We have an obligation to those we lawfully admit not to admit such a large number that their own wages and job prospects are diminished. A sound immigration policy must serve the needs of those already living here.”

Sessions’s argument was backed up by polling, and that’s one of the reasons both immigration defenders and critics are baffled by the Walker comments.

“I’m extraordinarily glad I don’t have to defend a) that level of policy gymnastics or b) that specific dubious policy,” said Liz Mair, an adviser to Walker’s 2012 recall campaign who was quickly hired and terminated for his presidential bid, in a series of tweets. “Internal polling must be looking dubious, showing attrition to more grassroots-conservative-preferred candidates for him to try this one.”

In an interview with Bloomberg, Americans for Legal Immigration President William Gheen–who actually advocates lower legal immigration rates–said that Walker was only talking his language “because his polling data is saying that’s what Republican voters want.” Gheen had not forgotten that in 2006, Walker had made some favorable noises about a comprehensive reform bill. Mark Krikorian, the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, pointed out that Walker had said many of the same things to Sean Hannity recently, and made no waves.

“He name-dropped Sessions this time, and legal immigration cuts are what he seems to be implying, but ‘imply’ and ‘say’ are very different things coming from a politician,” said Krikorian. “I don’t mean to accuse him of bad faith, just that he’s been vague so far–maybe it’s a trial balloon, to see what kind of push-back, if any, he gets from the donor class, so he may get more specific as the campaign progresses.”

“Sure, he sounds great,” said Gheen. “He’s trying to sound great now. But earlier, he was saying something completely different. The Koch brothers and the Chamber of Commerce and the banks and the La Raza groups, everyone that’s on board with immigration reform — they’re looking for the best candidate that’s capable of deceiving people. It’s the biggest price tag in America today and it’s the reason that America is going to hell in a hand basket. No offense to you–I’m not talking about your work specifically–but the media generally allows politicians to get away with these lies.”

The media scrutiny of Walker’s new comments has found him sticking to his new position. In a statement to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Walker’s PAC spokeswoman AshLee Strong addressed the controversy without walking back the idea that sparked it. “He strongly supports legal immigration,” she said, “and like many Americans, believes that our economic situation should be considered instead of arbitrary caps on the amount of immigrants that can enter.” That was concordant with what Sessions wanted–and not with what the Kochs wanted.

Sessions saw that as a bold move by Walker, a willing break with the donor class. “There has been, within the broader sense of the word, an establishment,” he said. “Democrats and Republicans. I think there’s been a reluctance to have the issue framed in this way. So if Governor Walker commits to a discussion of this nationwide, I think it would be helpful for the republic.”


Rush Limbaugh Names And Shames Perps In Wisconsin John Doe Scandal (Audio)

April, 21, 2015 by nicedeb

For the second day in a row, an incensed Rush Limbaugh spent a significant portion of his show covering National Review’s bombshell report by David French detailing the state sponsored home invasions (or swattings as Patterico called them) that were perpetrated against private citizens by a hyper political District Attorney, a rubber-stamping judge and an all too compliant police force in Wisconsin in the Fall of *2013.

As Rush noted, “truly outrageous things” went on in the state of Wisconsin that was happening “at the same time as — and as part of — the effort to destroy Scott Walker.”

An effort was made “to destroy anybody and everybody who supported him and vote for him or donated money to him.”

“This effort was conducted by law enforcement!” Rush exclaimed.

The innocent in Wisconsin were guilty because they were conservative. The left in Wisconsin was losing everything. They were losing their union domination and control. Scott Walker was decimating all the systems they had put in place.

They literally lashed out in panic, anger, and you name it to punish people who had voted for Walker, who had raised money for him, who they thought had voted for him. It was the kind of thing that Vladimir Putin does and we all laugh about because that’s what we expect in a tyrannical dictatorship like the Soviet Union or Russia. We find out that it can happen here and has happened here, and there was no mechanism to stop it. The prosecutor’s name is Chisholm, John Chisholm, and I hope his name is never forgotten. .

The judge, without whom this case could not have happened, is Barbara Kluka, K-l-u-k-a, and I’ll tell you what she did.

She came along in the second John Doe investigation, and she approved every petition, every subpoena, every search warrant in the whole case in less than one day’s work. She enabled law enforcement to raid these innocent citizens’ homes. She’s since recused herself from this, but not before she enabled all of this to happen in the second phase of the John Doe 2 case here.

In the second John Doe case, the DA, John Chisholm, had no real evidence of wrongdoing by anybody. It didn’t stop him. Conservative groups were active in issue advocacy, which is protected by the First Amendment. It didn’t violate any campaign finance laws. Issue advocacy is politics 101. These people were targeted because they’re conservatives and liberals. As I say, what happened here in not only the treatment Scott Walker got, but everybody else, this is liberalism run amok without any checks, without any opposition, without anybody pushing back, and in its own way California is the same example.

Despite the fact that there were no violations of the law in any away, the DA, Chisholm, convinced “prosecutors in four other counties to launch their own John Does, with Judge Kluka overseeing all of them. Empowered by a rubber-stamp judge, partisan investigators ran amok. They subpoenaed and obtained (without the conservative targets’ knowledge) massive amounts of electronic data, including virtually all the targets’ personal e-mails and other electronic messages from outside e-mail vendors and communications companies. The investigations exploded into the open with a coordinated series of raids on October 3, 2013. These were home invasions,” including the ones that I have detailed previously in this half hour.

This entire affair does indeed rise to the level of scandal – and there are state officials – Chisholm and Kluka for starters – who should be disbarred and prosecuted for what they did.

(As a conservative, I am for naming and shaming evildoers. But not harassing or threatening them. That is the left’s purview. I hope the attention that this story has garnered on the right does not lead to anything like what conservatives – including Scott Walker himself – suffered at the hands of these left-wing totalitarian freaks. If they do not face justice in this world – they will face it in the next.)


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