
An F16 fighter jet

February 24, 2015 by David Daoud

Iran nuclear agreement Iran Nuclear Program John Kerry Saudi Arabia and Israel Saudi Arabia and Palestinians Saudi Israeli Military Cooperation united states

In closed talks with European lawmakers, Saudi Arabian diplomats said they are in total accord with the Israelis on the Iranian nuclear issue, Israel’s Channel 2 reported on Tuesday.

According to an official at the headquarters of the European Union, as part of a framework coordination agreement with the Israelis, Saudi Arabia is ready to allow Israel’s air force to traverse Saudi airspace to attack Iran, if necessary.

However, the Saudi approval is conditional upon progress towards an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. The Saudi government is sensitive to public opinion, and cannot allow Israel to use Saudi territory or airspace for military action without demonstrating some progress on the issue of Palestinian statehood, according to the report.

Meanwhile, Israeli officials have denied that they do not know the details of the deal with Iran currently being negotiated by world powers, to which they are opposed. The lawmakers stressed that Israel doesn’t need the United States to reveal what is being said during the talks because Israel has other partners among world powers, along with information obtained from Israel’s intelligence services, which alone have made it clear that the deal in the offing is a bad deal.

An official close to the Obama Administration said that security guarantees won’t be discussed with Israel because the United States, “can’t initiate substantive discussions” before Israel’s upcoming elections.

Today, US Secretary of State John Kerry addressed the issue of negotiations, less than a day after a major leak occurred regarding the negotiations with Iran. Kerry, who spoke during a Congressional hearing on the State Department’s budget, said that it is too early to speak of an agreement between the parties, and noted that the United States is not prepared to agree to a nuclear Iran. Kerry also lashed out at the opponents of the agreement – including Israel – saying that they do not know the details of the talks.

“This is our policy: Iran will not get nuclear weapons. Anyone going around saying that they don’t like the deal, doesn’t even know what the deal is. There’s still no deal at all,” said Kerry. He added that the United States expects to know soon whether Iran is ready to agree to the proposed terms, which he said were reasonable and verifiable. He ended saying that Iran must comply with the demand of the p5+1 and demonstrate it is not interested in nuclear weapons.

Before Kerry’s address, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that he intends to fight the emerging agreement when he visits Congress next week. During a tour of Israel’s Southern Command bases, Netanyahu said that, “Unfortunately, the information I have been receiving these last few days confirm many of our concerns about the upcoming deal between the P5+1 and Iran. This agreement, if signed, would allow Iran to become a nuclear threshold state.”

Netanyahu added that, “this is a bad agreement which endangers our future. My duty as Prime Minister is to do everything possible to avoid such an agreement. So I am going to Washington to speak before Congress, because Congress might be the last chance to stop the agreement with Iran.”


Kerry: U.S. Aware of Illicit Iranian Nuke Facility

Secret facility disclosed by Iranian opposition group

February 25, 2015 BY: Adam Kredo

Secretary of State John Kerry admitted before Congress on Wednesday that the United States is aware of a secret Iranian facility that an Iranian opposition group identified this week as part of an undisclosed parallel nuclear program.

The group, the National Council of the Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has a history of disclosing the existence of Iranian nuclear facilities that the United States has been later forced to confirm were indeed part of a clandestine nuclear program.

Kerry, under questioning before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, acknowledged that the United States has evidence of the facility, but declined to elaborate to lawmakers about its nature.

“Did the [Iranian] regime tell us about existence of this new nuclear facility,” Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.) asked Kerry at the hearing.

“What you’re saying is it’s a nuclear facility,” Kerry responded. “That is yet to be determined, but we know about the facility, yes.”

“So had they disclosed that facility to us?” Rohrabacher asked.

“It has not been revealed yet as a nuclear facility,” Kerry insisted. “It is a facility that we are aware of, which is on a list of facilities we have. I’m not going to go into greater detail, but these things are going to have to be resolved [in negotiations] as we go forward.”

Questions about the site come in the wake of a report released Tuesday by an Iranian dissident group claiming to provide evidence of “an active and secret parallel nuclear program” in the suburbs of Tehran.

The facility is said to be an “underground top-secret site currently used by the Iranian regime for research and development with advanced centrifuges for uranium enrichment,” according to a copy of the findings by NCRI, also known as the MEK.

Years-long concerns about several secret Iranian nuclear facilities have plagued advocates of an emerging Iran deal and provided ammunition to critics who maintain that the agreement would leave Iran with sufficient infrastructure to continue producing a nuclear weapon.

The existence of such sites has been known for some time to U.S. intelligence agencies and runs counter to the Obama administration’s narrative that Iran can be trusted to comply with a nuclear deal.

“There has never been a time in the past 15 years or so when Iran didn’t have a hidden facility in construction,” a senior Obama administration official admitted to the New York Times in 2013.

Concerns among lawmakers and others have been amplified in recent days following the revelation by the Associated Press that the United States is considering permitting Iran to keep its nuclear infrastructure in tact.

The deal is shaping up to be a two-phased agreement, meaning Tehran would be subject to restrictions on its work for around a decade before they are lifted, the AP reported.


Italy Trolls the Islamic State

Leaning Tower of Pizza / Rodrigo Galindez

IS threatens the “leaning tower of pizza”

February 25, 2015 BY: Stephen Gutowski

The Islamic State has a reputation for brutal violence and social media savvy. While their brutality isn’t in question, their social media reputation took a hit recently after a tangle with the Italians over Twitter, according to the Global Citizen.

People often comment on how advanced the social media tactics of the terrorist group known as the Islamic State are.

Last week though, it seems their strategy fell apart in the face of a truly fearsome enemy: the Italians.

After a typo-riddled tweet threatening to attack Rome and throw “homosexuals” off the “leaning tower of pizza” from an IS supporter, Italian tweeters hit back.

Having a chuckle at the #We_Are_Coming_O_Rome hashtag. Happy that Italians reply to the absurdity of this with irony. pic.twitter.com/LmeO7Z6sif

— Annalisa Manca (@AnnalisaManca) February 23, 2015

Awww #ISIS! You could've taken part in the annual santa bike ride if only you weren't so tardy #We_Are_Coming_O_Rome pic.twitter.com/LUgal5x1lO

— V (@cwithta) February 23, 2015

OK ISIS. This was it. We had enough. Don’t touch our beloved Tower of Pizza! #We_Are_Coming_O_Rome pic.twitter.com/CZ0QXaQ3gN

— Rodrigo Galindez (@rodrigogalindez) February 24, 2015

You need to tackle the Leaning Tower of Lasagna before you try the Leaning Tower of Pizza #We_Are_Coming_O_Rome pic.twitter.com/AeetJTjlBn

— V (@cwithta) February 25, 2015

We are so scared! pic.twitter.com/xt5gK22BNi

— untoashes777 (@nygaten15) February 20, 2015

No conquest is a true conquest without a “brioche con gelato”! Try it!
#We_Are_Coming_O_Rome pic.twitter.com/btmkDifw1Y

— Marcella Cremisi (@MCremisi) February 25, 2015

#We_Are_Coming_O_Rome looking forward to pic.twitter.com/X1ZGQuC19y

— Paolo (@TheNullist) February 25, 2015


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