Dailykos’s Cover-Up of Obama’s Ukrainian Atrocities
February 21, 2015 By Alexander Maistrovoy
Obama and his entourage did everything possible to make sure that the Middle East doesn’t perceive USA as a superpower anymore
Putin’s Triumph
During a recent visit to Cairo, Russian President Vladimir Putin was received with imperial honors. The streets of Cairo were decorated with giant portraits of the Russian ruler; Egyptian jets accompanied Putin’s aircraft in the skies of Cairo and an honorary cavalry escorted a limousine with Putin and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
The visit resulted in an agreement to build a nuclear power plant and a decision to cooperate in all aspects , including the military. As a first sign of cooperation, Putin gifted an AK-74 to El-Sisi. It was a meaningful gesture, especially given the fact that Moscow and Cairo signed an arms deal worth of 3 billion dollars.
In the ‘90s, it was would have been highly unlikely to believe that Russia would’ve been able to return to the friendship of the Middle East. Not only has Moscow returned, but it has returned triumphant.
The same day, coincidentally, in an interview with Vox Journal, President Barack Obama said that “we occasionally have to twist the arms of other countries that wouldn’t do what we need them to do”.
In reality, he actually twisted arms in his own country.
Strategic partners as bargaining tools.
Russia’s success, as well as that of China, which is negotiating a new Suez Canal Expansion project with Egypt, is Barack Obams’s “achievement”.
For six years he has been “twisting arms” of the USA’s strategic allies. As a result, the US has lost its influence in the region and it would be extremely difficult to regain it, if conceivably at all.
In the last 50 years, US has relied on the “Tripod”of the Middle East: Riyadh, Jerusalem and Cairo. The US-Egyptian relations were torn to shreds; alliance with the Saudis, Kuwait and the UAE poisoned by mistrust; Israel is afraid to repeat the sad fate of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
Since the late ‘70s, the US and its allies were united (despite the conflict of interests and polar ideology) by the hostility towards “Muslim Brothers” (the cradle of Islamic fundamentalism, including “al-Qaeda”) and the Shiite regime in Tehran with its puppets.
Obama turned the whole system on its head. He pushed away Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel and began to flirt with their worst enemies.
It was a conscious choice of the president. According to Egyptian Rose El-Youssefmagazine in December 2012, six famous American MB activists became prominent advisers to Obama: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.
The Turkish MB branch, Justice and Development Party led by Erdogan, and Qatar, the financial and media sponsor of MB, have become main allies of Washington in the Middle East.
After re-inauguration, Obama said he would cooperate with the three major regional powers: Egypt, Turkey and Iran. Egypt at that time was ruled by the Brotherhood. In Turkey they have ruled till now. In Iran … We know exactly who is who in Iran. Saudi Arabia and Israel were not mentioned at all, and after al-Sisi came to power Egypt was out of work as well.
His rhetoric about democracy and moral values were blatant cynicism. Erdogan has essentially become a dictator. Dozens of generals, journalists and dissidents were imprisoned in Turkey without charge or trial, based on fake charges, the West couldn’t care less. In Egypt, Shariah was entrenched by the Brotherhood. They mercilessly pursued secular liberals and turned a blind eye to Salafis atrocities against Copts. Iranian political prisoners are subjected to rapes and torture. Obama, apparently, believes that rape is the right to have sex.
Egypt: on the side of “jihadists”
Egypt became the first victim of the betrayal. Hosni Mubarak, a traditional ally of Washington, was thrown to crowds in Tahrir Square as a bone to hungry dogs, in the name of the mythical democracy in the Arab world. After Al-Sisi had overthrown Mohamed Morsi’s regime, the White House had frozen arms shipments to Egypt, and the Egyptian army didn’t get combat helicopters in its fight against Islamists in Sinai.
When the US, together with the EU, began to patronize the MB with the compassion of a Mother Teresa, Al-Sisi warned that the US turned their backs on the Egyptians, and that the people of Egypt would not forget this.
Obama and Kerry neglected this warning. In February, the representatives of the State Department met with a delegation of MB. According to Jen Psaki, they discussed “issues of democracy and human rights”.
Since the MB supports Islamists in Sinai, we can assume that it was “human rights” of terrorists from “Ansar Beit al-Maqdis” group related to ISIS they were talking about.
A couple of days after the meeting in Washington, the MB in Egypt called on its supporters and followers for “uncompromising jihad”.
Saudi Arabia: Carte Blanche to “Shiite Crescent”
In 2009 Obama bowed before the Saudi monarch. This didn’t preclude Obama from betraying the monarchy in the most difficult of times for Riyadh.
When the Saudis sent troops into Bahrain to save the ruling dynasty from Shiite upheaval, operated from Tehran, the State Department expressed its dissatisfaction. With the support of the US, Iran got access to the strategic Ras Musandam pinnacle in Oman on the other end of the Strait of Hormuz, making it a perfect base to advance into the heart of Arabia.
The rapprochement between the US and Iran behind Riyadh and its allies and the gradual lifting of the sanctions against Tehran was the lowest point in relations between the White House and Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis felt betrayed: US basically gave carte blanche to Iran to create “Shiite Crescent” from Bahrain to Lebanon.
Any step taken by Riyadh and its allies irritated the White House. The US helped Qatar, France and UK to overthrow Gaddafi, but condemned Cairo when Egypt and the UAE air forces bombed Islamists’ positions in Libya. Washington considered it as “destabilizing factor”.
When Islamic organizations in the US and Europe linked to MB such as Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) were added to the “black list” of terrorist groups by the Saudis, Kuwait and UAE, the White House demanded “clarification”.
Since Dwight Eisenhower Saudi Arabia was the main strategic ally of the US in the Middle East. Under Obama it has ceased to be one.
Israel: The spirit of Munich
Israel experienced the preferences of the “Big brother” right away. In his first term, the President has humiliated its strategic ally by aggravated shout outs and arrogant moralizing.
Obama associated the peace process with freezing construction in the West Bank and Jerusalem – even Arafat never demanded it. Abu Mazen had to follow Obama’s policy.
Assistants of the president barely concealed a pathological dislike of Israel. Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Philip Gordon and others saw Israel as the main cause of all the troubles in the world.
John Brennan called Jerusalem “Al-Quds,” and encouraged rapprochement with “Hezbollah”.
Martin Indyk, a self-hating Jew, who blamed Israel for the failure of the Camp David negotiations, was appointed as a special Middle East envoy of the peace process.
Some acts and statements of American leaders stunned Israelis; for instance, a comparison of terrorist attacks victims in Boston with provocateurs on the “Mavi Marmara”, made by John Kerry in Istanbul.
During a visit to Lebanon in June 2014, Kerry called Hezbollah “to engage in the legitimate effort to bring this war to an end”. It’s like asking gangsters to act as peacemakers.
The administration has regularly hinted that it could reconsider its right of “veto” in the UN. According to media speculation, anti-Israeli demarches of EU were initiated by Washington. In Jerusalem, negotiations with Iran are perceived as appeasement.
During the operation in Gaza, the State Department condemned Israel; Obama demanded to stop the operation and threatened to freeze all military supplies. The State Department gambled on Hamas backers – Turkey and Qatar, as opposed to Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and UAE.
“There’s no confidence in the Obama administration”
But that’s not all. America is no longer perceived as a superpower; it has become a source of headaches. Americans look like weak, naive and incompetent “suckers” – at best; and treacherous liars – at worst.
Obama’s “red line” in Syria is vanishing and negotiations with Iran have become the “red line” for the Arabs.“There’s no confidence in the Obama administration doing the right thing with Iran,” – said prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the nephew of former King Abdallah.
Russia and China are considered countries that don’t betray their allies in trouble, even if they are cruel. The US and Europe are perceived as ones that are willing to give up strategic partners for the sake of short-term interests and doubtful ideology.
Treachery and cowardice in the Middle East mean political death. The local people have a long memory. A strong player, even a not very friendly one, is respected.
The recent conflict on the Israel’s northern border with Hezbollah was settled by the Kremlin. Russia is not Israel’s ally, but its power and influence allow it to present itself as an arbitrator.
No one sees an arbitrator in Obama. He is a deadhead for Middle Eastern rulers and a source of deep frustration in Israel. He twisted arms in …his own country. It’s not surprising, that Putin was welcomed in Cairo as the victor.
Alexander Maistrovoy is a graduate of Moscow Univ. in Journalism, worked there in his field and made aliyah in 1988. He works at the Russian language newspaper Novosty Nedely, has had articles posted on many internet sites and authored “Ways of God” about different religious and ethnic groups in the Holy Land, and with Mark Kotliarsky the Russian book Jewish Atlántida. . Alexander can be reached at: alfeldm55@yahoo.com
Poroshenko’s Army is Too Weak to Control Eastern Ukraine, German Media
Kiev could have a chance of success only in case of massive military support from the Western countries
February 21, 2015 by Sputnik
The German magazine “Focus” described three possible scenarios for further development of the events in Ukraine.
Poroshenko’s army has little chance to control the Eastern Ukraine as it is too weak to rebuff militias’ attacks, the German magazine “Focus” reported.
The magazine suggests three scenarios for further developments of the situation in Ukraine.
Scenario 1:
Ukraine’s President Poroshenko imposes martial law in Ukraine and declares a state of emergency. This leads to the limitation of citizens’ rights and possible expropriations to gain money for the country’s defense. The conflict would escalate with renewed force.
However, this scenario is considered highly unlikely as Ukraine has old weapons and is weaker than independence supporters from the military point of view. The country is also suffering from severe economic recession and needs a respite to solve its domestic problems.
Kiev could have a chance of success only in case of massive military support from the Western countries, the magazine writes. However, Germany has already rejected this option and the US is likely to abandon the idea of weapon supplies as well.
Scenario 2:
Militias in the South-Eastern Ukraine seek to bring the whole Donetsk and Luhansk regions under their control. The fighting continues, Kiev imposes martial law and deploys soldiers to get the territories back.
In this case, Western countries may consent to supply Kiev with weapons or impose further sanctions against Russia.
According to the magazine, this is a likely scenario as the expansion of the area under control to the entire regions of Donetsk and Lugansk would be useful for the militias from the economic point of view.
Scenario 3:
Minsk agreements are implemented, and parties are content with their current territories. The Ukrainian army and militias withdraw their weaponry, while DPR and LPR receive a special status. The conflict becomes ‘frozen’, like in Moldova and Transnistria.
This scenario is likely, but contains a lot of stumbling blocks that should be overcome, the magazine reports. If Kiev does not make concessions to the rebels, a new escalation will be likely to occur anytime.
Dailykos’s Cover-Up of Obama’s Ukrainian Atrocities
This is how democracy is conquered: by presenting any type of dictatorship as being ‘democracy’
February 22, 2015 by Eric Zuesse
Generally speaking, the falsely-called ‘liberal’ (some even call it ‘progressive’) website dailykos has ignored President Barack Obama’s coup a year ago in Ukraine, which violently overthrew that country’s unpopular but democratically elected President and replaced him with a racist-fascist (i.e., ideologically nazi) anti-Russian regime. It’s a regime that quickly set to work on a euphemistically called ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’ in its far-eastern region Donbass, where the voters had voted 90% for the very same man whom Obama’s State Department and CIA had just overthrown — an ‘Anti Terrorist Operation’ that kills its ‘Terrorists’ (i.e., the residents there) en-masse by firebombing, cluster-bombing, and shelling, the cities, towns, and villages, throughout the region. If those people survive and vote in future Ukrainian national elections, the nazi regime that Obama installed will be voted out of power; Obama’s 2014 Ukrainian coup will have been for naught. This is why he demands extermination, doesn’t object to it at all.
(NOTE: I request here that anyone who disagrees with anything in that paragraph, please first click onto the link or links to what’s being objected to in it, and check out that cited evidence there, before posting a reader-comment objecting to what is already shown in those links to be the case. And, if a person still questions whether Obama perpetrated a coup in Ukraine last year [ see previous posts below ], and additional citations that should be checked out, before posting a reader-comment objecting to it, are: http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/head-stratfor-private-cia-says-overthrow-yanukovych-blatant-coup-history/ http://rinf.com/alt-news/featured/czech-president-says-poorly-informed-people-dont-know-ukraine-coup/ http://fortruss.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-paet-ashton-transcript.html Disagreements should be on the facts, nothing else. Thanks for considering that.)
Here are typical examples of how this ‘liberal’ (or even some fools call it ‘progressive’) site, dailykos, has ‘reported’ on these events during the past year. (And, please consider that all of these articles were published after the U.S. President whom that site supports had already installed in Ukraine, via a violent coup, an outright exterminationist nazi regime; and, that this is supposed to be a ‘liberal,’ or even ‘progressive,’ ‘news’ site — this site that hides its hero’s nazism, is supposed to be taken as being instead liberal, or even progressive.)
On 19 March 2014, a post at dailykos said, “The Russian claims that the entire upheaval in Ukraine that resulted in the ouster of Yanukovych was a fascists directed coup are pretty clearly overblown propaganda.”
On 15 February 2015, another said, “The rebels trying to create a new country or attach themselves to Moscow are only there because of Stalin.”
On 6 February 2015, another said, “February 21st is the one-year anniversary of the culmination of the Euromaidan protest in Ukraine. The Putin sympathizers will be very busy pushing their BS conspiracy theories about Nuland’s cookies, but here’s some images that show what an inspiring moment it was in history.”
On 13 November 2014, another said (and strongly disagreed with) “Henry Kissinger, that notorious Russian commie sympathizer, says that the West in effect caused the crisis in Ukraine (not, of course, that it’s OK for Russia to have, in response, intervened in Ukraine) because it failed to understand Russian strategic interests.”
A rare exception, of opposing Obama’s policy there, was on 19 September 2014: “Under Poroshenko, the new Ukrainian President, the rebels and the cities they occupied were shelled and bombed. We were outraged when Assad did something similar, but Europe and the US only mildly objected when the Ukraine bombed its own people. That’s when Putin, apparently, sent in Russian soldiers to turn the tide. But notice: with the exception of the special case of Crimea (host to the Russian Black Sea Navy, ethnically heavily Russian), Putin has not moved to take over Eastern Ukraine, only to stop Poroshenko’s brutal ‘anti-terrorist’ campaign against ethnic Russians. Since the ceasefire, Putin has pushed for a weak federal state for Ukraine, which would create a neutral country, much like Finland. The US should not be promoting NATO expansion to Russian borders.”
But even that article was profoundly dishonesst, because it failed to so much as just mention, merely once, the ‘Democratic’ U.S. President, Barack Obama, who was behind all this policy, which the writer here was objecting to, the man whose coup had installed this nazi regime, and who requires, even to this day, extermination of the residents in the area of Ukraine where the voters had voted 90% for the man whom Obama had overthrown a year ago. In other words: it’s like condemning the Holocaust without once mentioning Adolf Hitler. It’s phony. Even that dailykos post was fraudulent.
On 5 August 2014, another post addressed the President directly, and complained that he wasn’t helping the extermination campaign as much as he should: “Despite the fact that Russia is brazenly sending over tanks, artillery, weapons and personnel, across Ukraine’s border, you persist in assuming that sanctions are some economic nuclear weapon that will, once again – make Vladimir Putin see reason. And your ‘military assistance’ consists of what? Non-lethal aid?”
Dailykos also essentially ignored altogether the massacre of anti-nazis in the Trade Unions Building in Odessa on 2 May 2014, the event that so terrified the residents in the nation’s pro-Russian area (Donbass) as to cause them to seek separation from Ukraine, which the Obama-installed Government needed to have them seek so as to be able to call them ‘terrorists’ and thus get the support from suckers in the West for the Obama-demanded ethnic-cleansing or extermination of the residents in Donbass in order to make Obama’s nazi anti-Russian regime stick. (So, in a perverse way, exterminating these people assists their becoming despised; it also increases their determination to separate from Ukraine.) That’s why the White House wanted this massacre — which massacre dailykos thus virtually ignored.
In other words: dailykos is a Democratic Party shill operation, like Fox ‘News’ is a Republican Party shill operation. It’s not an authentic news-site; it is a PR or “propaganda” operation, for the Democratic Party, in order to fool liberal suckers to think that America’s aristocracy don’t control both Parties, and to deceive them to think that the United States is still a democracy — even though it no longer is.
For the most part, Obama’s “policy failures” (such as the ‘failure’ of Obamacare to achieve his promised “universal coverage,” or 100% of Americans being insured) are not really due to bugs (such as Republicans accuse); they’re due to features of his programs; they are intended to produce the type of results that they do. (Just ignore his rhetoric, which is intended to deceive.) This is also the reason why for the first time in history there is a continued widening of the gap between rich and poor even after an economic crash, which is precisely the period in the economic cycle when historically the income-gap has narrowed, instead of gotten wider.
The American public are massively deceived. How many news-media are there, which will report this fact, and report it honestly, not in such a way that itself deceives? How many news-media are there that serve their readers, instead of serving their owners and the people who serve them? No democracy can survive like that. This is the reality.
As a general rule: truth is not being rewarded; it is being punished — by ‘both’ sides, as well as in the ‘middle,’ between ‘leftist’ dictatorship, and ‘rightist’ dictatorship.
This is how democracy is conquered: by presenting any type of dictatorship as being ‘democracy.’
Dailykos pretends to be a progressive news site but it not only supports a pro-nazi anti-Russia President, it supports his nazi policy, to such an extent that it ignores the extermination-program that he initiated and supports, which wouldn’t even exist at all but for his decisions, and his policies. All of the estimated “up to 50,000” corpses thus far produced in Donbass are due to Obama, yet he threatens to send more weapons.
Dailykos is not America’s disease; it’s a symptom of America’s disease. The source of this disease goes much deeper. The source is America’s worship of power (in any form, “the Almighty,” or “the mainstream,” or “the successful,” or “the Establishment”) rather than of truth (“science,” “honesty,” etc.). And America isn’t unique in having this disease. Instead, this disease is normal; so, it’s not even being called a “disease.” But maybe now, it’s becoming terminal. That could happen. Think about it. Because not to, would be unrealistic, at the present moment in history. There is too much power now, concentrated in the hands of psychopaths (the people who naturally tend to hold and to increase their power). Nurturing power-worship, regardless of whether “Macht macht recht” or “the Almighty,” or any other, leads to this result. It led to this result. The underlying value-system is the problem. If that doesn’t change, then there is no realistic hope for the world’s future. None.
That’s the disease, of which dailykos is merely a symptom.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
Obama’s New Pentagon Boss: We’re “Rethinking” the Occupation of Afghanistan
New Afghan president says “deadlines should not be dogmas”
February 21, 2015 by Kurt Nimmo
Obama’s recently confirmed Secretary of Defense, Ashton Carter, a former Goldman Sachs adviser and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, says the U.S. is “rethinking” its troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Carter rendezvoused with U.S. commanders, military and civilian leaders in Kabul on Saturday. The meeting was unannounced.
“We’re looking for success in Afghanistan that is lasting,” he said ahead of a meeting with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, who says he wants the troop withdrawal slowed.
“How to do that, what the best way to do that is, is precisely what I’m here to assess,” Carter added.
“Our priority now is to make sure this progress sticks. That is why President Obama is considering a number of options to reinforce our support for President Ghani’s security strategy, including possible changes to the time line for our drawdown of U.S. troops,” Obama’s defense secretary said Saturday.
“That could mean taking another look at the timing and sequencing of base closures to ensure we have the right array of coalition capabilities to support our Afghan partners,” Carter said.
The United States announced in December it would end its mission in Afghanistan and withdraw 10,000 remaining troops by the end of 2016.
A previous agreement would have withdrawn the remaining troops by December of last year. Ghani, however, signed a security agreement allowing U.S. troops to stay longer.
“Deadlines concentrate the mind. But deadlines should not be dogmas,” Ghani said during an interview with 60 Minutes in January.
“If both parties or, in this case, multiple partners, have done their best to achieve the objectives and progress is very real, then there should be willingness to re-examine a deadline,” he said.
The new agreement changed the rules of engagement and expanded the scope of military operations, including air strikes on Taliban positions by aircraft from carriers in the Arabian Sea.
In September, the outgoing Afghan president Hamid Karzai said the U.S. is not interested in peace and invaded his country “because of its own interests.”
Karzai said he was troubled by the number of civilian casualties during the occupation. He criticized the U.S. for not targeting Taliban sanctuaries in neighboring Pakistan.
“Afghans died in a war that’s not ours,” he said during an interview last March.
A report issued in December said civilian casualties were expected to exceed 10,000 by the end of the year. 2014 was the deadliest year for civilians since 2009, according to the United Nation’s Mission’s for Afghanistan.
Other observers, however, say the number of dead is far higher. More than a decade ago, The Guardian reported as many as 20,000 Afghans lost their lives as an indirect consequence of the invasion.
In addition, the invasion forced thousands of Afghans to flee from their homes, creating a massive humanitarian crisis.
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