
-MB Obama the Anti Semite Obama Prophecy in the News

-Pope Francis Tells Vatican Police Officers “Shadows And Dangers” Are Coming, Muslims Just Tried To Assassinate Him
-Are we toast? Saudi king is dead; ISIS expands; we’re abandoning Yemen and Iran has a missile launcher

January 24, 2015 By Ben Barrack

Whenever westerners warn of the threat of mass Islamic immigration, they are accused of being Islamophobes and Xenophobes. In the case of the U.S., any time someone suggests that America should construct a wall on its southern border to prevent illegal aliens from traversing that border, they’re labeled as intolerant bigots who lack compassion. The same was said about Israel when it constructed a wall on the West Bank to keep terrorists out; it’s been extremely effective. Now, Saudi Arabia has decided to construct a wall along its border with both Iraq and Yemen to keep members of the Islamic State out.

It’s now being reported that Saudi Arabia, perhaps the most Islamic fundamentalist country in the world is constructing a fence to keep Islamic terrorists from entering the country, according to NPR:

ISIS isn’t just a threat to Iraq and Syria. As the group spread across Iraq last summer and fall, neighboring Saudi Arabia started building a 600 mile fence aimed at keeping militants out. The Saudis are adding chain link razor wire fencing, silent alarms, watchtowers armed with video, along with thermal and night vision surveillance.

Toward the end of the NPR interview, conducted with an expert on Saudi Arabia, the guest actually comes extremely close to saying there is no difference between the Saudi government and ISIS:

“At the beginning of 2014, the Saudi’s officially put ISIS on their brand-new terrorist list. They criminalized any Saudi joining a foreign jihad. It’s explicitly illegal for them to be members of ISIS or even express support for ISIS. So, in that regard, the Saudis defined ISIS as a domestic security threat. And that was, I think, the big escalation. There’s also an effort on the part of the religious establishment at the behest of the Saudi government to try to delegitimize ISIS. That, of course, is a harder thing to do because, on the political front, it’s easy for the Saudi religious authorities to say these guys are bad because they stand and against our government. But, at the practical level, the way ISIS governs the territory it controls is not all that different from – at least in theory – the way the Saudi religious establishment thinks Islam requires you to govern any territory. They work from the same texts, and although ISIS is much more extreme and much more brutal, there is a similarity in terms of the core texts that both the Saudi religious establishment and that ISIS looks at for guidance about how politics should work in an Islamic State.”

It’s well documented that Saudi Arabia is a bigoted country that forbids the public practice of any religion except Islam. There are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia and the persecution of religious minorities there is legendary. Now the Saudis can be considered… Islamophobic too.

Saudi’s Bigoted road signs are legendary.

It would seem that Saudi Arabia’s strain of Islamophobia comes with an added dose of self-loathing that simultaneously immunizes it from a cacophony of charges that it – like conservatives in the U.S. – is made up of religious bigots.

One thing not brought up or even slightly touched on in the interview is the fact that the Saudis are doing exactly what Israel did with the latter’s security barrier on the West Bank. Yet, Israel is accused of being an apartheid government at nearly every turn:

Israel’s ‘Islamophobic’ Security Wall on West Bank to keep out terrorists.

The success of the Israeli security fence cannot be debated, though the real Islamophobes (left-wing projection artists) do it anyway. In fact, the Yemeni border wall looks very similar to the one constructed by the Israelis:

Saudis construct Wall along border with Yemen.

If it doesn’t work, why are the Saudis doing it on their borders with Yemen and Iraq?

For that matter, why aren’t the same people who deride Israel and conservatives in the U.S. calling the Saudis Islamophobes and Xenophobes?

The answer is that those leftists are either part of an agenda that has no interest in the truth or simply can’t wrap their heads around that truth.


Obama, the Anti Semite in the White House along with Prophecy in the News

January 24, 2015

Short Video made by David Horowitz Freedom Center in 2011 which is as relevant in 2015 as it was back in 2011.

Charles Krauthammer Fox News contributor and columnist for the Washington Post gives his analysis on the current Bi Lateral relations with Israel and the United States.

Iran and Turkey are flexing their muscles in the Middle East. We will see this play out over the next few years with the culmination of an alliance with Iran and Turkey in order to wipe out Israel. We will see Egypt swallowed up by Turkey. We will then see the false peace treaty along with a 3.5 year period before the final battle of Armageddon/Gog Magog.



January 23rd, 2015 by AIFD

We at AIFD will shed no tears for King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who passed away yesterday, January 22nd.

As the head of a tyrranical, murderous and notoriously repressive government, King Abdullah is responsible for the execution of dissidents, the torture of minorities, and the exportation of the most malignant strain of politicized, radicalized Islam the world has known.

We do not share in the saccharine and morally bankrupt assessment of many in the media. King Abdullah was no “reformer,” and we grant him no credit for “nudging” the Kingdom forward. Under King Abdullah’s reign, Saudi Arabia remained the country where bloggers are sentenced to potentially fatal lashings, where writers are jailed for tweets , dissidents and “witches” are beheaded, and where the monarchy itself participates in child marriage and the religious establishment calls Jews “apes and pigs.” We have to question the integrity of those in the media and ruling classes who are now eulogizing King Abdullah as though he were worthy of admiration. Even Queen Elizabeth has ordered Britain’s flags to fly at half-mast today. While we do not revel in death, we also will not celebrate or participate in the fictional retelling of King Abdullah’s legacy.

The House of Saud, with the king at the helm, likes to refer to itself as the “Custodian of the two Holy Mosques” – that is, the owners and overseers of the holiest sites in Islam. We at AIFD reject not only this structure, but also the Saudi regime’s stranglehold on contemporary Islam. From the megalomania of the House of Saud to the cancer of Wahhabism, we at AIFD recognize that the real reformers of Saudi Arabia are languishing in its jails, dying by its sword, and living suffocated behind its walls; while those in power fuel the radicalization that brought us 9/11, the attack at Fort Hood, and even ISIS. The real human tragedy and loss is that today, the world sends condolences for King Abdullah while heroes like Raif Badawi remain in prison, the marks of severe lashes yet unhealed.

While we will not cry for King Abdullah, we are also not optimistic about his successor, King Salman – said to be even more repressive and problematic than King Abdullah, particularly with regard to women’s and minority rights.

In the wake of King Abdullah’s passing, we will not just pray for, but also continue to work tirelessly for the day when we Muslims and the world rid ourselves of the evils of theocracy and dictatorship. At a time when the movement to advance individual liberty and autonomy within the “house of Islam” is already challenging, we who stand for freedom and universal human rights must be more diligent than ever. Our hill just became steeper.


Are we toast? Saudi king is dead; ISIS expands; we’re abandoning Yemen and Iran has a missile launcher

January 23, 2015 by Allen West

On Tuesday evening President Obama stated, “the shadow of crisis has passed and the state of the union is strong” — and of course the blind followers cheered.

Obama also hinted that we had “turned the page” on our fight against terrorism. Remember his unilateral declaration at the National War College that the war on terror had ended — and of course he has commanded that combat operations end in two theaters of operation; Iraq and Afghanistan.

But nothing could shine the light on President Obama’s naiveté (or approval?) more than the fact that just 48 hours after he dismissed the “shadow of crisis,” we are evacuating yet another U.S. Embassy — this time in Yemen.

It’s the same Yemen that just last fall, Obama referred to as the model of his success — just like Vice President Joe Biden once chimed that Iraq would be one of Obama’s greatest successes. When Obama said the shadow of crisis has passed, we had three U.S. Naval warships off the coast of Yemen ready to evacuate the embassy.

And if you’ve forgotten, this is the second U.S. Embassy to be evacuated in less than a year — the other being Libya…y’all remember the swan diving jihadists? This hardly reflects a state of the union that is strong. What it does reflect is a foreign policy of abject failure, resulting from the Obama “pivot” away from the Middle East.

And so now we have the Houthis, whose slogan is “Death to America, Death to Israel” by the way. We reported on them late last year, of course no one cared. Just the same as a year ago this week, when President Obama referred to ISIS as a “jayvee” team. The al-Houthi Islamist group is Shiite and backed by — yep, you got it — that nondescript country called Iran about whom Obama threatened a veto if Congress passed legislation restoring sanctions.

Let me put this all into perspective.

Yemen is home to the most vicious al-Qaida affiliate — yeah I know, they’re decimated and on the run – al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). This is the same group which claimed responsibility for the recent Paris Islamic terrorist attack.

There are now reports that ISIS is expanding into Yemen and as we reported last year, AQAP was seeking a pledge of alliance with ISIS. Yes, the Houthis and al- Qaida don’t exactly get along — but the Houthis are backed by Iran — who we are assisting the fight against ISIS in Iraq, along with their support to Bashar al-Assad in Syria.

And the Obama administration just announced it would send 400 advisors/trainers to Syria. But we’re allowing Iran to pursue its nuclear program, 10,000 centrifuges,– and the Washington Post just gave President Obama three more Pinocchios for his SOTU assertion that Iran’s nuclear program has slowed down. And as you know, Obama threatened to veto congressional action to sanction Iran.

Why should we kinda care? The Yemeni government was pro-American and was aiding in the fight against Islamists within their borders. Now, not only has the Yemeni government been toppled, it has been replaced with the specter of Iranian influence in the vicinity of a chokepoint entering the Red Sea — and not far from Somalia — yet another hot bed of Islamism.

Now, add on top of this hot fudge sundae the fact that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia just passed away. Yemen is the southernmost country on the Arabian Peninsula where chaos now abounds at a time of a transition of leadership in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudis are Sunni and cannot be too happy with the Obama administration’s lack of focus and resolve in the face of Iranian regional hegemonic designs. So what does Saudi Arabia do? In concern for their own existence will the Saudis provide material support to Sunni Islamic terrorists in order to defeat the Iranian-backed Houthis?

And there is another wild card to this equation, as reported by The Algemeiner, “The Israeli satellite imaging company ImageSat released images from Iran revealing a new nuclear development site. The images show what appears to be a new missile launcher that stands 89 feet tall and is capable of launching a nuclear missile to Israel or Europe, according to a report by Israel’s Channel 2.”

“Among the new nuclear developments pictured was a large long-range missile, never seen before in the West. The missile is powerful enough to launch a satellite or a manned spacecraft, the report said.”

Now does this sound like someone with whom we should — or even can – be negotiating?

Ladies and gents, I know some of you may feel, who cares, let them all kill each other. Yes, to a point they will, but the shadow of crisis will not pass that easily.

From Libya extending all the way to Pakistan, and probably beyond, militant Islam has taken root and is exporting its terror and hatred all over the globe. And the policy of this administration is to remain in a state of denial. America sides with Turkey and Qatar. America is releasing Islamic terrorists back onto the battlefield. All the while w’re told move along, nothing here to see.

There’s lots to see, and my greatest concern is that the situation only worsens in these final two years of the Obama reign.

What can we do? Well, first we gotta pray — and I am serious folks. The situation in which we find ourselves is a perfect storm benefitting the Islamic fascists. Not only are they on the move and consolidating their gains while increasing recruitment, we are enabling it by decimating our own military capacity.

We must develop a strong, potent, expeditionary and lethal strike operations-oriented force for the 21st century battlefield. And I’m not talking about any “smart power” or nuanced rhetorical response, but rather a deterrent force capable of deployment and employment in any geographical contingency area.

This is not about nation building. And at some point in time we will have to combat the enemy’s ideology — we must defeat his belief system in order to delegitimize him. Challenge the enemy and make them own their actions — and stop being Islamapologists.

The crisis has not passed; it’s right here and all over the globe — heck, there’s even a Russian naval warship docked in Cuba while our state department bureaucrats are there to discuss opening up diplomatic and travel relations.

Can we really say that the state of our union is strong? If you believe that then you’re in a state of delusion. And remember, weakness is enticing.


Pope Francis Tells Vatican Police Officers “Shadows And Dangers” Are Coming, Muslims Just Tried To Assassinate Him

January 24, 2015 By Theodore Shoebat

Pope Francis has just told the police officers in charge of protecting the Vatican that “shadows and dangers” are coming, and he said this amidst numerous death threats from Islamic terrorists. But, Francis said that we should not have despair, saying “As Christians we are called not to lose heart or be discouraged”.

Now, what went so ignored is the fact that four Muslims linked to Al-Qaeda tried to kill the Pope while he was in the Philippines. The officers pursued the four jihadists but they managed to get away. As one report says:

Four plotters with links to al-Qaeda were nearly cornered by Manila police hours before the mass in Rizal Park last Sunday but they managed to slip away in the ensuing commotion, the retired officer claimed.

The Philippine government has publicly denied any terrorist plot to assassinate the pope during the visit.

The fact that four Muslims tried to kill the Pope just a few days ago tells us that its quite possible that he could be assassinated by Muslims.

ISIS is targeting Pope Francis, calling him the “bearer of false truth.” According to an Italian source, ISIS is not only setting their sites on the Vatican, but more specifically, on Pope Francis himself.

Italian authorities have already issued an alert giving warnings on places that our potential targets to terrorist, and one on the list, being very significant, was “places of worship,” which would include the Vatican.

It has been reported that at least 50 people from Italy are now fighting for ISIS, 80% of whom are native Italians who converted to Islam. One of the reasons for their conversion, according to one Italian newspaper, was “distrust in the Catholic Church,” indicating the connection between Islam and anti-Catholicism.

Most interestingly, the goal to force the Vatican to become Muslim was recently stated by an ISIS agent in Italy named Imam Ismar Mesinovic, a Bosnian Muslim who stationed himself in the country to recruit Italian converts to fight for ISIS. He said:

We Muslims believe that one day the whole world will be an Islamic state. Our goal is to make sure that even the Vatican will be Muslim. Maybe I will not be able to see it, but that time will come.

Shoebat.com was the first to find a video in which ISIS declared that they are going to take over the Vatican:

The Italians have also restricted airspace above Vatican City, and have even increased security for St. Peter’s Basilica, a place the Muslims would love to sack. In fact, in the year 849, the Muslims did indeed pillage and plunder St. Peter’s Basilica, stealing the altars and the chalices, and spilling Christian blood, but thank God Pope Leo IV drove them out, with God’s intervention.

Speaking on these security measures, interior minister Filippo Bubbico said:

ISIS poses an international and European security threat and we in Italy feel particularly exposed

The alert by Italian authorities came after Italy approved a measure to send weapons to Kurdish fighters combating ISIS. Ships exporting the weapons from Sicily into the Middle East have been under heavy security, as we read from an Italian report:

Italy’s national security authorities last Wednesday issued an alert for possible terrorist attacks on “sensitive targets” after receiving unspecified “threats”. The advisory came after parliament OK’d plans to arm Iraqi Kurds battling an Islamic State (ISIS) fundamentalist offensive in northern Iraq. As a result, authorities are ramping up security at all ports with connections to North Africa and the Middle East, most of which are located in Sicily.

In the 16th century, the Ottoman Turks attempted to invade the Vatican under the lead of the Sultan Mehmet II who said that he would invade Rome and have his horse “eat from the high altar of St. Peter.”

But first the Turks had to begin in the coast, in order to make their way toward Rome. They stormed the southern Italian city of Otranto, and captured twenty two thousand people, twelve thousand of which were butchered, most of them for refusing to become Muslim, and the rest were sold into slavery. Such actions were no different than what ISIS does today. Eight hundred men were each given the chance to bend the knee to Allah, and each refused, and like the prophets of Israel they were all put to death, and their bodies fed to dogs.

The Turks murdered every cleric in the city. The Archbishop of Ontranto remained in his cathedral, standing before the altar, his hands holding onto the Blessed Sacraments; the Turks seized him and cut his body in half. Isabel, the queen of Spain and main instituter of the Inquisition, reacted at once to the massacre by sending a Castilian fleet to Italy to fight the Turks. Fear took hold of Pope Sixtus IV, who considered fleeing; for no doubt the Muslims would have wanted nothing more than to conquer the Vatican. But in short time he decided to remain, and sent out warriors throughout Italy and Europe or protect the peninsula from the raging Turks. The king of England, on the other hand, did nothing; neither did the French nor the Germans decide to help their Christian brethren.

What will happen in the future will be quite similar to this: the revived Ottoman Empire, under the Antichrist, will try to invade the Vatican, but will be resisted by Italy and Spain, The Spaniards and the Italians, along with American, Russia, and other righteous nations, will be the instruments used by God to crush the Antichrist.

The Italian government has affirmed that the Vatican is an extremely primary target for ISIS, since Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of the jihadist group, has stated that to conquer Rome is to rule the world:

This is my advice to you. If you hold to it you will conquer Rome and own the world

Italian Interior Minister Angelino just said a few days ago that we should not ignore the words of al-Baghdadi and the fervency with which ISIS desires to conquer Rome because of the Vatican’s religious significance as the head of Western Christianity, describing the city as:

the cradle of Christianity and of which it is envisioned the conquest [by ISIS], is invoked for its symbolic value. It would not be correct to minimize the words of Al-Baghdadi

It has been my message for quite some time now that Islam was founded as an anti-Catholic movement, and these current becomings are a proof to that. Islam came to destroy the Catholic Church, and we will one day see the Ottomans attempt to invade the Vatican, just as they tried in the 16th century, but they will fail.

There is actually a prophecy in the Catholic Church, called the prophecy of Fatima, in which the death of a pope is foretold:

And we saw in an immense light that is God: ‘something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it’ a Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.

The pope here is killed, and then after him clergy and laymen are slaughtered, which signifies a mass persecution of Catholics after the pope’s martyrdom.

We must prepare our minds for the coming war against Islam.









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Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, Ebola, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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