
OpenStack is the open-source cloud management platform software that can be used to build a low-cost private cloud for development, and cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) offering. Enterprises are also turning to OpenStack for data center and cloud deployment alternatives. Fortinet’s Cynthia Hsieh offers some perspective about OpenStack and security today.

Can you talk high level about what customers are considering in regards to the cloud today?

Beyond virtualization, organizations are beginning to plan and implement next-generation, software-defined networks and private cloud environments. These new architectures allow for instantaneous provisioning of resources, chaining together of services and the acceleration of workflows while abstracting away the overhead related to managing the physical layer of ports, servers, and switches.

How does OpenStack figure into this conversation?

OpenStack provides an innovative Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) management and orchestration platform for private and public cloud computing that provides the flexibility of open-source software without proprietary vendor lock-in. OpenStack software controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, managed either through a dashboard or via the OpenStack API. OpenStack works with popular enterprise and open source technologies making it ideal for heterogeneous infrastructure.

The need is increasing from carrier and service providers as well as enterprises for tighter integration of the network and security within their OpenStack production environments.

What is the security conversation around OpenStack?

Providing security in OpenStack is not as easy as simply deploying point solutions. Additional controls need to be considered. And since these new IT environments run alongside traditional data centers, making the deployment and orchestration of a single security standard difficult. Establishing and enforcing consistent security policies for data that flows between these domains can be challenging.

What is Fortinet’s story with OpenStack?

The Fortinet Security Fabric allows organizations to place a variety of purpose-built security devices into different architectural environments, yet still maintain centralized threat intelligence and consistent policy enforcement.

Key pillar features for OpenStack environments include:

Delivering Security and Performance at Scale

Auto-Scaling Security for Cloud Workloads

Multi-Tenant Provisioning

Physical and virtual internal segmentation

Scalable Security-as-a-Service

Integrated Security Directly with OpenStack

These are all solutions that Fortinet can provide for an OpenStack environment. In addition, we are also working with industry leaders. Examples include:

Fortinet is Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Helion OpenStack Ready and provides the advanced visibility, control, and governance that is needed for hybrid IT compliance at scale.

Fortinet has been protecting both OpenStack and VMware NSX deployments for a while, and the FortiGate-VMX virtual security appliance continues to be a leader when it comes to protecting your VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.

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