
The 2016 budget has taken the community out of radio with a failure to maintain funding.

With a cut of 1.4 million per annum, this loss puts all community digital radio services at risk.

The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia says community broadcasting is a key pillar in the Australian media landscape, and that this move raises serious concerns about the future of Australian media.

As University students there are a lot of cuts that affect us. As you walk around campus you can see fliers for rallies against cuts to higher education and the internship program is a hot topic.

As students who are currently enrolled in a topic on community radio, there is another cut that could affect us and many other hopeful journalists and radio buffs.

Although the prospects don’t look great with the current cuts, the good news is that community radio has great support and outlets such as the CB-double A are vowing to speak up loud and clear and call for both the coalition and labor to restore the funding if they win government.

You can head to their website http://www.keepcommunityradio.org.au/ to sign the petition.

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