
An introduction to package exams –

Part of my job as a researcher and teacher is to periodically apply and

grade exams in my classroom. Being constantly in the shoes of an

examiner, you soon quickly realize that students are clever in finding

ways to do well in an exam without effort. These days, photos and pdf

versions of past exams and exercises are shared online in facebook,

whatsapp groups, instagram and what not. As weird as it may sound, the

distribution of information in the digital era creates a problem for

examiners. If you use the same exam from past year, it is likely that

students will simply memorize the answers from a digital record.

Moreover, some students will also cheat by looking for answers during

the test. Either way, keeping the same exam over time and across

students, is not advisable.

This issue really bothered me. For large classes, there isn’t a way to

evaluate the work of students as cost effective as online or printed

exams. I’m strongly in favor of meritocracy in academia and I think that

a grade in an exam should, on average, be good indicator of the

knowledge that the students retained during coursework. Otherwise,

what’s the point of doing all of it?

In the past, I manually created different versions of questions and

wrote new ones in order to avoid cheating and memorization of questions.

But, year after year, it became clear to me that this was a time

consuming task that took more energy than what I would like to invest.

Besides teaching, I also do research and work on administrative issues

within my department. Sometimes, specially around deadlines, you simply

don’t have the time and mental energy to come up with different versions

of an existing exam.

Back in 2016 I decided to invest some to time to automatize this process

and try to come up with an elegant solution. Since I had all my exams in

a latex template called examdesign, I wrote package
RndTexExams that took

as input a .tex file and created n versions of exams by randomly

defining the order of questions, the answer list and textual content

based on a simple markup language. If you know latex, it is basically a

problem of finding regex patterns and restructuring a character object

that is later saved in a new and compilable latex file.

The package I wrote worked pretty well for me but, as with any first

version of a software, it had missing features. The output was only a

pdf file based on a template, it did not work with standard academic

platforms such as Blackboard and Moodle and, the most problematic in my

opinion, it was not designed to run embedded R code that could be parsed

by knitr, like in a Rmarkdown file.

This is when I tried out the package
exams. While my solution

with RndTexExams was alright for a latex user, package exams is much

better at solving the problem of dynamic content in exams. Using the
knitr and sweave engines, the level of randomization and creation of

dynamic content is really amazing. By combining R code (and all the

capabilities of CRAN packages), you can do do anything your want in an

exam. You can get information on the web, use completely different

datasets for each exam and so on. The limit is set by your imagination.

An example of exam with dynamic content

As a quick example, I am going to show one question from the exercise

chapter of my book. When it is ready, I will be serving the exercises

with a web based shiny app, meaning that the reader will download a pdf

file with unique questions that is processed in a shiny server.

In this example questions, I’m asking the reader to use R to solve the

following problem:

The solution is pretty simple, all you need to do is to ask for the

number of rows for the object output from a call to
available.packages(). The reader can find the solution with the


Now, lets build the content of this simple question in a separate file.

You can either use .Rnw or .Rmd files with exam. I will choose the later

just to keep it simple. Here are the contents of a file called
Question.Rmd, available here.

For the last piece of code, notice that I’ve set the solution of the

question in object sol.q. Later, in object my.answers, I use it

together with a random vector of integers to create five alternative

answers to the questions, where the first one is the correct. This

operation results in the following objects:

To conclude the question, I simply use Sys.Date() to get the system’s

date and later set the correct answers using function answerlist. Some

metadata is also inserted at the last section of Question.Rmd. The

line exshuffle: TRUE sets a random order of possible answers in each

exam for this questions. Do notice that the solution is registered in

line exsolution: 10000, where the 1 in 10000 means correct answer in

the first element of my.answers and the 0s represent incorrect


Now that the file with content of the question is finished, let’s set

some options and build the exam with exams. For simplicity, we will

repeate the same question five times.

The result of the previous code is a pdf file with the following


One interesting information from this post is that you can find a small

difference in the number of packages in between the CRAN mirrors. My

best guess is that they synchronize with the master server in different

times of the day/week.

Looking at the contents of the pdf file, clearly some things are missing

from the exam, such as the title page and the instructions. You can add

all the bells and whistles with the inputs of function exams2pdf or

change it directly in the different file templates. One quick tip for

new users is that the answer sheet can be found by looping over the

values of the output from exams2pdf:

By using package exams2pdf, I can code different questions in the
exams format and not worry whether someone is going to copy it over

and distribute it in the internet. Students may know the content of each

question, but they will have to learn how to get to the correct answer

in order to solve it for their exam. Cheating is also impossible since

each student will have different versions and different answer sheets.

If I have a class of 100 students, I will build 100 different exams,

each one with unique answers.

As for maintainability, the time value of my exam questions increases

significantly. I can use them over and over, now that I can effortlessly

create as many versions of it as I need. Since it is all based in R

code, I can use the code from the class material in my exams. Going

further, I can also automatically grade the exams using the internet

(see the vignette of

for information on how to do that with Google spreadsheets.)

In this post I only scratched the surface of exams. Adding to the

description of its capabilities, you can export exams to standard

academic systems such as Moodle, Blackboard and others. You can also

print the exam in pdf, nops (a pdf that allows easy scanning), or html.

If you know a bit of latex or html, it is easy to customize the

templates to the needs of your particular exam.

As with all technical things, not everything is perfect. In my oppinio,

the main issue with the exams template is that requires some knowledge

of R and Knitr. While this is Ok for most people reading this blog, it

is not the case for the average professor. It may sound surprising to

the quantitative inclined people, but the great majority of professors

still use .docx and .xlsx files to write academic work such as articles

and exams. Why they don’t use or learn better tools? Well, this is a

long answer, best suited for another post.

Package exams had a big and positive impact on how I do my work.

Based on a large database of questions that I’ve built, I can create a

new exam in 5 minutes and grade it for a large class in less than 1

minute. I am very thankful to its authors and this is one of the reasons

why I love posting packages in CRAN. It is my way of giving it back to

the community.

Concluding, package exams is great and I believe that every examiner

and professor should be using it. Thinking about the future, the

template of questions in exams has the potential of setting the
language of exams, a structure that could allow the user to output

questions in any format he wants, just as you can use Markdown to output

latex or word.

Sharing questions in a collaborative platform, such as Quora, should be

something for the developers (or R community) to think of. Questions

could be ranked according to popular vote. Users could contribute by

posting question files for other to use. Users would get a feedback on

their work and, at the same time, be able to use other people questions.

Students could also have access to it and independently study to a

particular topic, by building custom made exams with randomized content.

Summing up, if you are a teacher or examiner, I hope that this post

convinces you to try out package exams.

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