I would clear and take down all online accounts (except Whatsapp and Atlassian and Google).
Give my "main friends" access to my Atlassian account, domains, server keys, blah blah.
Head to the teaching hospital with my laptop and the "main friends" (25 minutes away).
Multitask with the following:
Remove my whatsapp profile picture.
Send out a whatsapp broadcast, letting people know that a warrior is leaving the battlefield.
Call dad, mum and brothers.
Call Dr. Toba. I'll like him to be there when they want to take my organs.
Push all local code on my laptop to Bitbucket.
Wipe my devices.
Handover all paperwork to my brothers.
Contact lawyer about how my vested equity is to be shared.
Call my girlfriend (this is probably going to take some time). Let her know how much I cherish her. Handover banking details and all my possessions to her.
Donate organs (this is something I've always had in mind).
Feel proud for finishing everything within an hour.
EDIT: I just learned that it would be better for me to contact the hospital first so that organ recipients can be readied because living organ preservation facilities aren't guaranteed at teaching hospital here.
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