The Agile2016 conference is less than a month away, July 25th in Atlanta, and we are extremely excited! Agile2016 is a fantastic conference, dedicated to furthering Agile principles and providing a venue for people and ideas to flourish. The QASymphony team will be there as a sponsor.
If you are attending Agile2016 this year make sure to stop by the QASymphony booth to:
Meet our team (interested in setting up a in person meeting? You can do so here)
Pick up some fun free schwag (think frisbees, tshirts and more!)
Take our “Tester Personality Quiz” and snag a fun laptop sticker with your software testing personality
And if you are attending the conference or just happen to be in the Atlanta area on Tuesday night, July 26, 2016, email our marketing team and ask if we still have space at our “Above Atlanta Happy Hour” at the Sun Dial. Happy to pass along the invite, if we still have space!
The agenda for Agile 2016 this year is fantastic, so we put together a few of the must-see sessions below:
(Check out our list of the Top Software Testing Conferences for 2016)
Here are the Must-See Sessions at the Agile 2016 Software Testing Conference
1)Keynote: Managing for Happiness
This is the one session you wont want to miss! I personally have never seenJurgen Appelo speak, but I have only heard wonderful feedback about him. He is a top keynote speaker and writer, pioneering management in creative organizations so i’m sure he will not disappoint us!
His point is clear: happy workers are more productive workers.
You can buy his book Managing for Happiness here.
2) Agile Testing Maturity – What does “Good” Look Like?
We are really looking forward to hearing what Bob Galen has to say about Agile Testing. Learning outcomes of his session include:
Introduction to the 3-Pillars agile quality & testing framework
How to apply the framework to attendee contexts – generating strategies, roadmaps, and continuous improvement action plans
How to communicate your intentions and progress for ongoing improvement efforts
3) Does Agile still need testers?
John Stevenson will be sharing common misconceptions of testing and testers. Including: Testing is a bottle neck, Testing happens at the end of the sprint., We do not need to test we can get our users to test it. It sounds like it will be a very interactive session!
4) Modern Agile (Joshua Kerievsky)
Joshua Kerievsky will explain what he means by modern agility, share real-world modern agile stories, show how modern agile addresses key risks while targeting results over rituals, and reveal how the 2001 agile manifesto can be updated to reflect modern agile’s four guiding principles.
I hope that gives you a good list of sessions to check out at Agile2016. We hope to see you there!
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