Py Touhou Linkmauve. Libre reimplementation of the Touhou 6 engine in Python
Py Touhou Linkmauve. Libre reimplementation of the Touhou 6 engine in Python
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Welcome to all the brave souls that didn't scream and/or quickly scroll on when reading the title. I know a fair percentage of SurvivalBlog readers are concerned about OPSEC, but what about your electronic OPSEC? Is it as good as it should be? As good...
Created page with "==antiX-13 full== abcde 2.5.3-1 all A Better CD Encoder acl 2.2.51-8 ..." New page ==antiX-13 full== abcde 2.5.3-1 all A Better CD Encoder acl 2.2.51-8 i386 Access control list utilities acpi 1.6-1 i386 displays information on...
For about six months I’ve been using a Raspberry Pi 3 as my desktop computer at home. The overall experience is fine, but I had to do a few adjustments. First was to use KeePass, the second to compile gcc for cross-compilation (ie use buildroot). ...
Initial Page Creation New page __TOC__ = The Options = Users with ATI cards have the following driver options: * '''vesa''' - very basic, lacks 2D/3D acceleration, and focuses on compatibility with all VESA-compliant graphics cards. It is good for...
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 340 for the week October 21 - 27, 2013. Links to UWN Wiki page: In This Issue Ubuntu Stats LoCo News Convergence In The Cloud Jonathan Riddell...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Touhou file formats documentation
Touhou file formats documentation Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Formats PBG3[1] (dat archives) STD[2] (stages) ECL[3] (enemies and patterns) T6RP[4] (replays) CFG[5] (configurati...
Un Libre reimplementacion del motor de juego de Touhou 6 en Python
Réimplementation libre du moteur de Touhou 6 en Python
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