
September 23, 2016

Dear Peachtree Road Family,

I hope this note finds you well. Let me begin by expressing my thanks to all in our church who helped make Sunday’s installation service of our new bishop “memorable.” (Maybe you heard that the fire alarm went off in the middle of Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson’s sermon! More on that later.) This was an historical occasion as we installed the first female bishop of the North Georgia Conference. I want you to know that the beauty of our church was matched only by the warmth and hospitality of our people. I was proud of my church!

Nearly 1,000 people attended the service, and they were welcomed by a smiling team of ambassadors and ushers. Our property management crew, administrative support staff, flower guild, altar guild, acolytes, choirs, nursery workers, and security team of deputy sheriffs outdid themselves in preparing for this event and offering hospitality and support. They especially were helpful in keeping people calm and safe as firemen and emergency crews came into our building. We have a tendency to take the work of these folks for granted here at Peachtree Road, but Sunday evening I saw their work through new eyes. Thank you to all who served!

When we got the “all clear” and were able to return to our seats, Scott led us in singing “How Firm a Foundation.” Then Bishop Sue stepped back into the pulpit to continue her sermon. She commented that in her college days at the University of Florida, they had a saying: “It’s not a party until the police arrive!” Well, Sunday was a party in many ways. Sunday we learned that we have a sharp new bishop who inspires with her preaching, maintains her composure in the midst of chaos, and is ready to lead in an encouraging and effective way. It was a great day and I am proud of my church!

I am looking forward to worship this Sunday as we continue our fall series: “I Believe…” This week we will focus upon our common belief that “God’s Spirit is at work!” Maybe that’s something you’re wondering about right about now. Once again our national attention has been drawn to a deadly confrontation between police and a black man, this time in Charlotte. Protesters have taken to the streets, and a state of emergency was declared by the Governor. We seem to be caught in a tragic cycle that is repeated again and again. I hope you will join me in worship Sunday as we look for evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work in our midst.

Sunday also is a day on which we will receive a special offering to benefit the United Methodist Children’s Home. By now, you have received a letter outlining the need for this ministry that was started 145 years ago by the Methodist people of the North Georgia Conference. You may be aware that our associate minister Julie Schendel is a foster parent trained by the Children’s Home, and she will share with us how foster parents are making a difference in the lives of so many children. I hope you will join Wendie and me in giving toward this important cause. You may make your check payable to Peachtree Road and marked for “Children’s Home” or you may give cash in the envelopes provided in the worship bulletin or give online here . Thank you for your generous support.

Last Sunday, members of Youth Ministry Architects out of Nashville were on our campus to conduct an assessment of our youth ministry. The good news is they found a ministry that is strong and vibrant. At the end of their time with us, they presented a plan with new possibilities to grow the ministry even stronger, and I am including it here for you. The plan will be reviewed by a youth advisory committee and presented to the Administrative Board as we decide “next steps.” I am so pleased with the leadership of Ashley Zimmerman, Luke Massee, Grace Southworth, and all of the adult volunteers who are working with our students. Please look for ways to thank them and encourage them.

I also want to make you aware of the Fall Orientation Classes for newcomers that are taking place. If you know of someone who is new to the community or is looking for a new church home, encourage them to attend the orientation sessions being offered the next two Sundays, September 25 and October 2, at 10:00 a.m. in the Hospitality Suite. If you are interested in learning more about these, please do not hesitate to contact Mimi Brunson at the church. This is an excellent way for newcomers to learn about the ministry of this great church.

Finally, let me remind you that the fall is stewardship season here at Peachtree Road. As a part of our “I Believe…” emphasis, I encourage you to make a pledge to the 2017 operating budget of the church. Your giving sustains our ministries of worship, nurture, outreach, and witness, and helps us care for our facilities, and your pledge is essential to our planning process for creating a budget for these. You will be receiving a letter from me in the very near future, and I hope you will make the commitment to support your church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness for the next year. Please know that I am grateful for your continued support. (Certainly, you may pledge now by going to the church website.) Thank you for your attention to this important spiritual matter.

As you can see, these are busy times at Peachtree Road. Thank you for your service to Christ through this great church. If I may be of help to you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

See you Sunday!


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