
Advancements in search engine optimization have enhanced the measurement metrics on web pages. Initially, simple metrics such as the number of traffic and bounce rate were the only metrics that were used to determine the success of the web page's content. Additionally, most people believe that generating more traffic translates to success, but this is not usually the case. That is because high traffic will not necessarily mean more sales and profitability and there are more efficient measurements metrics that correlates with your business goals and success. Various measurement parameters are used to determine the success of your business web content, all of which are key factors that contribute to engagement.

Engagement over entrances

The goal is to try and align your content marketing campaign with your business objectives and determine the level of engagement that your content creates among your audience. You should always have a measuring metric that shows the engagement level that can influence your business aims. Engagement is determined using various metrics that includes:

Total Time Reading (TTR)

As the name suggests, TTR involves summing up the total number of minutes that the readers spend in reading your web page content. TTR compiles and records the data from the time the reader start reading your web page, when they paused and the time at which they stopped reading. This metric measurement enables you to know how engaged is your page readers, and you can determine what your readers are interested in and maybe modify or make adjustments.

Scroll depth & time on page

This is the average time that the readers spend on your webpage as well as how far the visitor will scroll down your web page. Additionally, this metric will enable you to determine if your web page content is interesting or the extent to which you need to change or modify. It will also enable you to identify or know the extent of which the readers read your content. You will also know the length of time the readers spend reading your content which determines the level of interest.

Social lift

Social lift is calculated using seed views and social view to determining how 'viral' your web page content is, or the level of attention your page attracts. Social seed is the traffic that the page develops on its own while the social view involves the traffic that is generated outside the page itself such as referral links, social media or emails.

The bottom line

Most people create content with the main objective of increasing the performance against their bottom line. To understand this process, you will have to look at process through which the page visitor undergoes which includes:

Getting to the web page via organic search based on your keyword

The visitor clicks on a CTA in your page

The visitor downloads the content and exchanges his/her email address or another contact

The visitor equips him/herself with the necessary knowledge

The visitor goes through the page and signs up

Registered user invites other members

E-commerce and other businesses should evaluate their client's value by considering the bottom line value. You will also evaluate your content success based on the lifetime benefit of the sales by your client.

The correlation between engagement and ROI

Return on investment (ROI) metrics is influenced by the level of engagement such as TTR. You can determine the engagement metric that yields the highest level of ROI. You can improve your content by carrying out optimization tests using the engagement metrics to achieve the highest level of your ROI. Other factors that improve the engagement level of your content is by ensuring that your content is short such as say 2000-5000 words for a website and around 500-1000 for a blog post. This is because readers rarely take much time in going through a blog post. Additionally, including your CTA closer to the top of your content is more likely to have an impact than when you put it down at the bottom.

Lead generations and subscriptions are without a doubt the main determinants of how successful or excellent is your content. Lead generation represents the people who are most likely to convert and enable your business prosper and be profitable. Signing up or subscribing to access your exclusive information about your company or industry and also enables you to add them to your Contact Management System (CMS).

From the moment you create your first content you should be able to monitor the success from the start to determine the type of content that suits your clients, or that should be changed. You can also be able to determine how often you should be releasing new content. You should also ensure that your content is original, educational, informative and interesting so as to attract as many visitors as possible. Measuring your content marketing campaign using accurate metrics will help you to make better decisions in future and value the marketing approaches that are

effective or should be applied consistently.

Conversions on the other hands are also the end determinant of how successful is your content marketing campaign or their level of effectiveness. Conversions also determine how successful are your methods of organizing, keyword and search engine optimization applications. High rating contents campaign also encourages other site links to link to your, generate interactions in your site and social media platforms. Content marketing enables you to turn your clients into your company advocates, inform and engage your audience as well as boost your company sales and profitability.

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