ProM Tools. Driving services and internal functionalities in businesses, governmental bodies, and organizations around the globe. While there...

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News, stories and media buzz related to ProM Tools

  • A federal judge has rejected a proposed $100 million settlement between Uber and its drivers in a widely watched lawsuit intended to put the labor practices of the on-demand economy to the test. In an order handed down today in San Francisco, US District...

  •     Fortunately, learning is not limited to only a small minority of people anymore; it is not even limited to visiting a school or a university. The Internet makes it possible for us to distribute knowledge at a small price, and is full of...

  • By Jeff Jameson, Sr. Principle Product Marketing Manager, Red Hat On Tuesday the 25th, the OpenStack Foundation announced the session agenda for this Spring’s Summit in Atlanta. With several hundred sessions submitted to the foundation, I am pleased...

  • The vote for August 2016 Community Choice SourceForge Project of the Month is now available, and will run until July 15, 2016 12:00 UTC. SQuirreL SQL Client SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical SQL client written in Java that will allow you to view the...

  • OpenVPN (Русский)
    via wiki.archlinux

    Created page with "Category:Virtual Private Network de:OpenVPN zh-CN:OpenVPN en:OpenVPN {{Expansion|(at least) add support for IPv6 and L2 Ethernet bridging}} Эта стать..." New page [[Category:Virtual Private Network]] [[de:OpenVPN]] [[zh-CN:OpenVPN...

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