Progressive Christianity. Intelligent and collaborative approach to the Christian tradition and the life and teachings of Jesus that create pathways into an...

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News, stories and media buzz related to Progressive Christianity

  • Mike McHargue. Finding God In The Waves: How I Lost My Faith and Found It Again Through Science. Converent, 2016. (273 pages) The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting...

  • La Vie de Jésus By Christopher Sharrett. Bruno Dumont is among our most important filmmakers, a fact that has gone mostly unnoticed outside Europe. His particular significance seems unrecognized in the US. There are very few critical essays...

  • Industrial Utility In the vast arid lands of the Arckaringa Basin in Australia a major shale oil discovery has been made. Linc Energy has discovered across 16 million acres of land an estimated 133 – 233 billion barrels of shale oil lies in the...

  • Photograph by Brandon Zierer From the Christian esoteric tradition, a path beyond the mind Put the mind in the heart…. Put the mind in the heart…. Stand before the Lord with the mind in the heart.” From page after page in the Philokalia, that hallowed...

  • Listen to this episode on Itunes No matter what you decide to pursue for your life, at some point we all have to pitch something. Heck, I feel like we’re pitching ourselves everyday  in one way or another. The thing is that we often only...

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  • : About Us

      We are a 501c3 non-profit organization that  offers thoughtful and practical resources for individuals, families, and communities to explore and affect progressive Christianity, spiritual

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