
Weatherford, TX business Cutting Horse Training Online is proud to announce that Todd Bergen has joined their team of coaches. Bergen is one of the world's most talented and versatile horsemen. He has come on board as a featured trainer to share his training sectrets and demystify concepts in training and horsemanhip. Full details are available here.

"We have developed a highly popular training website on cutting hotrses and have attracted many of the best trainers in the world," says Simone Cubb from Cutting Horse Training Online (CHTO). "Todd is a big name across at least three performance horse sports, so it was a big coup to be able to bring his expertise to CHTO."

Todd Bergen says he wants to address a very specific question: "what is the difference between a reining and a cutting turn?" This is a question that has been asked by many people in the past. He answers this by breaking each turn down into greater detail. In so doing, he is able to demonstrate the difference between the two, and also why it is so important to know each turn and how to successfully teach them to your horse.

Todd's knowledge is popular across a range of horse disciplines. These include the reining, working cow horse and cutting disciplines. By joining CHTO, he delivers invaluable advice, tips and experience that  transcends individual sports and can applied universally to training horses. Todd has earned more than $3.4-million in prize money and has won just about every major title in the National Reining Horse Association (NRHA) and the National Reined Cow Horse Association (NRCHA). Some further details about Todd Bergen and his specializations can be found on Todd's website http://toddbergen.com/aboutus.html.

The training has been very positively received by their many members. "Love, love, love Cutting Horse Training Online," says Sam G. "So easy to use and I get to watch and learn from my favorite trainers where ever I am in my downtime."

People are encouraged to visit CHTO's website on http://cuttinghorsetrainingonline.com/home.html for further information. Each of their trainers has included a bio of what they do and where they have obtained their own expertise. It also includes specialty content, videos by the various trainers, blog content, articles, interviews, personal online coaching and more. People who sign up for the online training will also receive their first week completely free.


Contact Cutting Horse Training Online:

Simone Cobb
102 Bob White Ave
Weatherford TX 76086

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