
Inspire Health professionals offer one-on-one treatment sessions based on specific needs of the client. All therapy plans begin with a thorough evaluation.

Atlanta GA: Inspire Health is pleased to announce each of their physical therapists hold specialist certifications as Board Certified Orthopedic Specialists or are McKenzie Method Certified. Throughout Georgia, only 132 physical therapists are credited with the Orthopedic Certified Specialist designation.

All therapists are also trained and certified in Stott Pilates instruction. This training ensures that each client is provided with top-notch quality care. The PTs are leaders in the industry with constant upgrades and continuing education.

The first visit with the physical therapist consists of a comprehensive one-hour evaluation to determine the specific needs and impairments. The evaluation begins with a subjective history listing the onset and nature of the symptoms, pain level and patterns, medical history, and previous therapy. The session proceeds with a thorough physical examination to determine the cause of symptoms. Some of the measurements include range of motion, strength, flexibility, aggravation movements, and other tests.

The physical therapists at Inspire Health will work with patients to develop a Pilates program for specific needs. They may continue to work directly with the patient during each session or communicate with other members of the professional team to transition to a program that is fitness based. The physical therapist will help to modify a Pilates program, provide physical therapy if needed or provide a referral to a physician. The Clinical Pilates program provides a physical therapist as a regular Pilates instructor.

Some of the conditions which can be helped through the services of the physical therapist include degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, mechanical low back pain, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, rotator cuff tear or tendonitis, frozen shoulder, labral tear, and shoulder dislocation. Patients with medial or lateral epicondylitis, knee pain, patellofemoral pain, total joint replacement or tears, and other conditions can benefit from the PT services and modified Pilates.

For more information about the company, visit http://inspireatlanta.com/services/physical-therapy/.


Contact Inspire Health:

Sara Baker
(404) 605-9091
107 West Paces Ferry, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30305

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