
The Campfire E-Magazine, which was launched earlier this year, has issued the sixth edition, which covers the month of August. The free electronic magazine is becoming increasingly popular and people are also becoming strongly engaged in the Campfire Magazine online community. The latest edition covers the top campsites, as well as provide further important camping information. People are encouraged to register now to receive their own and future copies.

A representative from Campfire E-Magazine says: "When we launched, what we wanted to do was start a community of camping enthusiasts, talking about things such as where to camp, what to do, how to check RVs, and so on. While our focus was on the community, we felt that an e-magazine could also be beneficial. Now in its sixth edition, people are becoming more and more enthusiastic about the information that we provide for them."

The e-magazine is based mainly around an online community. Those who sign up to the website will be able to access a number of particular benefits. These include receiving future copies of the e-magazine, being able to enter various competitions, and mainly, to be a member of a community of other people who enjoy the same lifestyle. The Campfire Travel community is growing in popularity, and is becoming increasingly engaged. Signing up to the community is easily done through the website.

"Joining the community is completely free," adds the Campfire Travel representative. "It gives people the opportunity to share their experiences, photographs, tips, and more. It is a vibrant community where people can truly learn from each other. By joining the community, people will also be kept up to date with any future developments and, without giving too much away, some exciting developments are in the pipelines."

Another development in the works is the creation of a mobile app. This app will provide people with the same functionalities as the website itself, including taking part in competitions, voting for content, winning prizes, and joining in chats, to name but a few. The app will be launched soon for Android and Apple devices.


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