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Note: I’ll do a 15-minute rant and then bring Dan Gordon on after the short break!  His book is riveting…

“In Day of the Dead, Gordon has written a frighteningly realistic thriller, a page-turner which paints a compelling portrait of Mid-East combat and espionage, in the age of ISIS and Hamas.” Steven Pressfield, Best-Selling author of Gates of Fire and The Lion’s Gate “Dan Gordon has crafted a tale about the vicious world of radical Islamists, criminal gangs, and their victims. His incredible 40 years of service in the Israel Defense Force, knowledge of the US and the Middle East, and ability to spell-bind enables readers to feel the pulse of terror and see into the dark minds of evil incarnate. Day of the Dead: Book One – Gaza is a gripping story as real as today’s and tomorrow’s shocking headlines.” General Robert Magnus, USMC (Ret) 30th Asst Commandant of the USMC


Dan Gordon is the screenwriter of fifteen Hollywood feature films, including “The Hurricane”, (which earnedDenzel Washington an Academy Award Nomination for Best Actor), “Wyatt Earp” (Kevin Costner), “The Assignment” (Sir Ben Kingsley), “Murder in The First” (Kevin Bacon and GaryOldman) and “Passenger 57″ (Wesley Snipes). Gordon also has more than two hundred hours of television programming as a writer, director and/or Executive Producer, including head writer on Michael Landon’s long-running series, “Highway to Heaven”.His plays have appeared in New York and include “Irena’s Vow”, nominated for Best Play on Broadway (Outer Circle Critics Award), and “Murder in The First” (nominated for seven Innovative Theater Awards, including Best Play). In the UK, his stage adaptation of the movie “Rain Man” (Olivier Award Nominee Adam Goddley for Best Actor, and costarring Josh Hartnett in the West End Production), and “Terms of Endearment” (staring Linda Gray). In addition, Gordon is the author of seven novels.

Gordon left home, with the active encouragement of his parents, at the age of sixteen and wound up on a kibbutz in Israel, where he went to high school. He returned to the US to attend the UCLA School of Film, Television and Theater and sold his first screenplay at the age of 20, becoming the youngest professional feature writer in the United States at that time.

The desire to return to Israel took Gordon back to that country, where he was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in 1973, in time to serve during the Yom Kippur War. Gordon has worn the uniform of the IDF ever since, in a variety of roles; in the Israel Air Force, later as a sniper and squad leader in an armored infantry reserve unit, attached to the Northern Command during the late 1970’s at the height of PLO raids from Lebanon. During that time, his unit served many times as the rapid response counter terrorism force along the Lebanese border.

Gordon then joined the ranks of the Military Spokesperson Unit, serving as an escort officer and Spokesperson. He has served in Operation Defensive Shield (2002), The Second Lebanon War, Operation Cast Lead (2009), Operation Pillar of Defense (2012), and in Operation Defensive Edge (2014). Most recently, Gordon has begun serving with one of the IDF’s most elite combat units, The Givati Brigade, which was the most highly decorated combat unit of the last Hamas/Israel War. In fact, he is the oldest person ever to have attempted, let alone completed, that unit’s grueling 40 kilometer overnight forced march, at the end of which he was personally awarded the unit’s distinctive beret by the brigade commander, the only one to have received such an honor.

In the Pre Oslo Accords period (1980’s), Gordon co-authored a Peace Plan endorsed by then Chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee, Lee Hamilton, and traveled with the late Congressman Wayne Owens (D/Utah), meeting with the leaders of Egypt, The Late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, King Hussein of Jordan, Israeli leaders Shimon Peres and Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as with various leaders of Palestinian terrorist factions from the West Bank and Gaza.

He has written extensively on Middle Eastern Affairs and Counter terrorism on such diverse sites as The Huffington Post, Breitbart News and American Thinker. As a Spokesperson for the IDF and Middle East Analyst, Gordon has appeared on virtually every major US and European broadcast and cable news outlet. In 2006 he was widely quoted as stating at the end of the Second Lebanon War,

“Israel has not cured the cancer that is Hezbollah. But we have put it into remission.

Now it will be up to the Lebanese people and the International Community to see if

that cancer stays in remission or spreads. As for the Lebanese People, they will have

to decide whether they wish to remain Lebanon, or become an extension of Iran.”

Gordon was one of the first to coin the phrase “terrorist army”, a phenomenon which today has become commonplace, as embodied by ISIS, Hezbollah and Hamas. His words turned out to be as accurate as they were prescient.

During the 2014 Hamas/Israel war, Gordon was a firsthand witness to a new and terrifying weapon of today’s terrorist army; Terrorist Tunnel Attacks, which can cross international boundaries unnoticed and sprout terrorists in suburban areas like zombies rising up from the grave. Unfortunately, these zombies are armed with RPGs, submachine guns, grenades, tranquilizers and handcuffs.

With “Day of the Dead Book One: Gaza” along with its forthcoming sequel, “Day of the Dead Book Two: America”, Gordon has in essence created a new genre: not Sci-fi, but Terror-fi.

Gordon has also published:

“Murder in the First” – St. Martin’s Press

“Wyatt Earp” – Warner Books

“Just Play Dead” – St. Martin’s Press

“The Assignment” – St. Martin’s Press

“Davin” – Delacorte Press

“Postcards From Heaven: Messages of Love From the Other Side” – Free Press

New in our STORE!

That’s What the Old Ones Say

Untold stories? Untold outside of Ceremonial Grounds, Stomp Arbors, Powwow Grounds, and private family gatherings tucked away deep on tribal lands. I was honored and humbled to be able to sit and learn these old stories from elders hailing from many First Nations tribes. Comanche, Dineh, Apache, Anishinabe, Aztec, Cherokee, Creek, Cheyenne, Lakota, and Mohawk are a few of the First Nation’s whose elders shared their beautiful stories with me.

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I read this incredible book, spellbound, in one sitting!  Thanks Chief Joseph.  L. A. Marzulli

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I listened eagerly to these stories that were passed down from generation to generation as understanding filled my hungry spirit. These are stories that were told before missionary contact and I realized with each story that I listened to I had heard them before…not from my tribe but from another ancient tribe who has left an impacting legacy on the earth when they wrote down their stories on scrolls which eventually became the Bible. The Creator planted the seed in my heart to write this book as a way to help build the bridge of reconciliation and healing between people and especially the “church” and Native America. You might laugh, cry, sing for joy or wail from the deepest parts of your soul. Betrayal, love, reconciliation, unity, sacrifice, joy, peace, history, the perseverance of the human spirit and the longing for Creator to heal our land and broken hearts. The same longing for our spirit to be uplifted from the only One who can give Hope in the face of utter defeat and despair. It is time for these stories to be shared with the world and for the prophecies to be listened to once again. Seneco Kakona (Many Blessings) – Chief Joseph RiverWind

This is going to be a great CONFERENCE! Nephilim Mounds 3.

Sign up NOW And SAVE!



Go to www.lamarzulli.net and get the 4-DISC DVD Set for only $24.95


L. A. Marzulli’s Speaking Schedule 2015

January 16 & 17 – Prophecy Conference California – with Chuck Missler & Bob Cornuke! Details soon! Church of the Rock – Riverside California! http://www.rockchurchsr.org/CONFERENCE.html

March 12-15: Lion Heart Ministries in Knoxville Tennessee.  http://www.lionheartministries.org/calendar_conf_NephilimAgenda.php

March 15th: LA Marzulli will minister at Lakewind Church’s Sunday morning service (the conference venue – see above link).

March 18th: Calvary Chapel East Albuquerque

March 20: Farmington – Dine’s Baptist Church 3396 Hwy 62 – Waterflow NM

April 16 – 19:  Northeast Prophecy Summit – http://www.northeastprophecysummit.org/

April 21! UPARS – Studio City – Los Angeles – Studio City at 12355 Moorpark Ave., 91604. http://www.meetup.com/UPARS-Los-Angeles/

April 24-26: Memphis Tennessee – http://www.watchersconference.com

April 28h: Nashville! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/invasion-featuring-guest-authorlecturer-la-marzulli-tickets-15929991032

May 1-3 : Calvary Chapel Kennebec Valley located in Fairfield Maine!  www.cckennebecvalley.org

May 31! Southern California –  Seating is limited.   “For His Name Sake” 21151 S. Western Ave.Torrance, CA 90501 Sun at 11:00 Conference rm #210

July 11th – CERO – UFO Meeting w/ Richard Shaw.  This is in Los Angeles and we will be discussing our WATCHERS Series! www.cerointernational.com

July 24 – 25 – Church of His Presence – Daphne Alabama – http://churchofhispresence.org/

JUST ADDED!  August 21 -23 – Florida –  www.victoryworship.net

August 28 – 30 – Agape Christian Center – Belton Texas http://agape-tx.org/nephilim/

September 12: Nephilm Mounds III – Russ Dizdar, Gary Stearman, Chief Joseph Riverwind – Fritz Zimmerman & L. A. Marzulli!   http://www.nephilimmounds3.com

Just Added!: September 19th –36th Annual Midwest Hebrew Prophesy Conference – w/ Chuck Missler! St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

2742 15th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407

Just Added!  October 23-26 – Atlanta – W/ Pastor Caspar McCloud! www.freedomslightchurchofgod.org

Just Added !  November 6 -8: Fairton Christian Center – Southern New Jersey!  fairton.org

L. A. Marzulli shares the platform with a variety of speakers and does not necessarily endorse them unless specifically noted

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