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News, stories and media buzz related to POV World

  • Secure Coding in C and C++, Second Edition - Seattle, WA Seattle, WA [Aleph 1996] "Aleph One. Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit." Phrack 7(49), 1996. [Alexander 2003] Alexander, I. "Misuse Cases: Use Cases with Hostile Intent." IEEE Software...

  • Top 49 Source Code Editors
    via blog.profitbricks

    When it comes to source code editors, there are hundreds available, and they range in complexity to match users’ abilities. Some tools are just for Macs, some are just for Windows, and others are available for any operating system. Still others are web...

  • Indie Spotlight
    via dailydead

    We’re back with another edition of the Indie Spotlight, highlighting the recent independent horror news sent our way. Today’s feature includes DVD release details for Compound Fracture, trailers for ALTERGEIST and Aftermath, first details...

  • This special spring collection celebrates Women's History Month, with a mosaic of contemporary femmes - each one swaying the narrative with her passion, technological imagination and genius. Mosaic from bottom left moving clockwise and up to the centre...

  • Table of Contents 1. Preface 2. Embedding ECL in Qt5.7 3. Creating a Common Lisp project - Part I 4. Case against implicit dependencies 1 Preface Dear Readers, I'm very pleased to present the fifth volume of the ECL Quarterly. This issue is focused...

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  • Art Gallery: Magic Box (high resolution picture)

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