Polk. Career certificates and workforce employment programs. Learn more about our small class sizes, online learning and our vibrant community...


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News, stories and media buzz related to Polk

  • When Eileen Holden started a new job eight years ago in a new town to run a school then known as Polk Community College, she brought 19 years of experience in the state college system, a doctorate in education, a husband named Al and a map of Polk County...

  • Pitt lands their seventh commitment #NewToTheZoo #H2P — Kevin Stallings (@KevinStallings) March 6, 2017 Pitt landed a new recruit for basketball earlier today. Troy Simons, a 6’1” shooting guard from Polk State College committed to the Panthers. Simons...

  • Polk County EOT
    via forums.officer

    Hi all: So I've read and been trying to find some information on PCSO that isn't confusing and conflicting information. My husband is beginning his EOT process and we're using Polk State College. Probably the July class. I know once he gets it he can...

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