
Every month this year I am planning to write a summary of Project Stockwell.

Last year we started this project with a series of meetings and experiments.  We presented in Hawaii (a Mozilla all-hands event) an overview of our work and path forward.

With that said, we will be tracking two items every month:

Week of Jan 02 -> 09, 2017

Orange Factor


# High Frequency bugs


What are these high frequency bugs:

linux32 debug timeouts for devtools (bug 1328915)

Turning on leak checking (bug 1325148) – note, we did this Dec 29th and whitelisted a lot, still much exists and many great fixes have taken place

some infrastructure issues, other timeouts, and general failures

I am excited for the coming weeks as we reduce the orange factor back down

Outside of these tracking stats there are a few active projects we are working on:

adding BUG_COMPONENTS to all files in m-c (bug 1328351) – this will allow us to then match up triage contacts for each components so test case ownership has a patch to a live person

retrigger an existing job with additional debugging arguments (bug 1322433) – easier to get debug information, possibly extend to special runs like ‘rr-chaos’

add |mach test-info| support (bug 1324470) – allows us to get historical timing/run/pass data for a given test file

add a test-lint job to linux64/mochitest (bug 1323044) – ensure a test runs reliably by itself and in –repeat mode

While these seem small, we are currently actively triaging all bugs that are high frequency (>=30 times/week).  In January triage means letting people know this is high frequency and trying to add more data to the bugs.

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