
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

“A sheikh named Muneer Arafat came to St. Louis talking all that jihad talk prior to the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks“. In St. Louis, from 1996 to 2000, Muneer Arafat became a well-known lecturer at different Masjids and built up quite a following. He gave lectures at local mosques that almost exclusively focused on Jihad week in and week out and this got him into trouble with Sheikh Muhammad Nur of the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis who at one point banned him from giving lectures at the Gateway Masjid. Muneer Arafat was preaching terrorism OK to be a suicide bomber.

FDLE INVESTIGATION SARASOTA FL: On 8 DECEMBER 2003, Special Agent Scott McAllister (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) along with Special Agent Thomas Baugher (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and Detective James LaPlante (Sarasota City Police Department) interviewed a confidential informant (CI), under control of the Detroit office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding Muneer Arafat and others in Sarasota Fl. Sarasota Imam Muneeer Arafat had been arrested on May 10th 2003 (his birthday) at the intersection of Bee Ridge Rd and Route 41 in Sarasota Fl for running a red light and having no drivers license, he was booked into the Sarasota County jail. The CI spoke of Muneer ARAFAT as the Imam of the local Sarasota mosque, ISSB, and that Muneer ARAFAT was a member of the Islamic Brotherhood, who follows a radical belief and teachings of Radical preacher ALBAZ, and Muneer ARAFAT wishes harm to the United States. According to the CI source, ARAFAT was reported to be in the Middle East raising money for the local Sarasota mosque, ISSB, (FBI SA Thomas Baugher verified this information regarding ARAFAT being out of the country at this time December 8th, 2003). From open court records in Tampa during the Sami al-Arian trial it has been revealed that Muneer Arafat had become an informant for the US Department of Justice (FBI) and they had paid him $35,000 to spy on a group of Muslim used car dealers in Sarasota Fl, but was Arafat working both sides of the street at the same time ?

Muneer Arafat claims he is a Jordanian born in Kuwait of Palestinian decent. Muneer Arafat came to the Islamic Center of Sarasota and Bradenton in March of 2000 from the St Louis area where he had been preaching Jihad in the Mosques, Mohamed Atta and other 9/11 Hijackers followed him to the Sarasota area in June of 2000. Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat’s prior roommate in Columbia MO, Manchester, MO  and St Louis was Al-Qaeda agent Ziyad Sadaqa aka Ziyad Khaleel who purchased and shipped a satellite phone for Osama bin Laden to be used in the 1998 US Embassy bombings in Africa. Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat and Ziyad Khaleel aka Ziyad Sadaqa were fund raisers who gathered up $20,000 for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) in Texas. On May 27th, 2009, U.S. District Judge Jorge A. Solis sentenced the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) and five of its leaders following their convictions by a federal jury in November 2008 on charges of providing material support to Hamas a designated terrorist organization. HLF was incorporated by Shukri Abu Baker, Mohammad El-Mezain, and Ghassan Elashi. Mufid Abdulqader and Abdulrahman Odeh worked as fund raisers, they received individual prison terms from 15 years up to 65 years, Muneer Arafat for some reason got a pass.

“Sarasota Saudi Family Had Terrorists Mohamed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, Wissam Hammoud and Adnan El-Shukrijumah over to 4224 Escondito Circle Prior to 9/11 Attack.”Wissam Hammoud told investigators that he often exercised with Abdulaziz al-Hijji and Al-Qaeda terrorist Adnan El-Shukrijumah and that they played soccer together on property surrounding the Sarasota mosque“….The “Sarasota Mosque” is the Sarasota Bradenton Islamic Center on Lockwood Ridge Rd, at the time in the summer of 2000 to into 2001, the Holy Man at the mosque was Al-Qaeda linked Imam Muneer Arafat who was arrested by ICE agents on November 22nd 2002 in Sarasota and shipped off for questioning before a Federal grand jury investigating terrorist links in St Louis on December18th, 2002.

See St Louis Post-Dispatch article of January 20th, 2003 above. I had been following Muneer Arafat and others linked to him in Sarasota Fl since June of 2002. I photographed Muneer Arafat’s vehicle parked in front of a Sarasota Muslim used car dealer’s house on November 16th, 2002 just before he was arrested by ICE agents and then again on December 20th, 2002 after he was released from jail in St Louis.

SAUDI MONEY: International Islamic Relief Organization logo: The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO). “The IIRO is affiliated with the Muslim World League, a major international organization largely financed by the government of Saudi Arabia.” The IIRO has funded Hamas, Algerian radicals, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya (a.k.a. the Islamic Group, an Egyptian radical militant group led by Sheikh Omar Abdul-Rahman), Ramzi Yousef, and six militant training camps in Afghanistan. “The former head of the IIRO office in the Philippines, Mohammad Jamal Khalifa, has been linked to Manila-based plots to target the Pope and US airlines; his brother-in-law is Osama bin Laden.” In early 1995, the Bojinka plot, an early version of the 9/11 plot that would have killed thousands, is foiled in the Philippines (see January 6, 1995).

It is quickly learned that Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, bin Laden’s brother-in-law, helped fund the plot while living in the Philippines as regional director of the Saudi-based charity, the Islamic International Relief Organization (IIRO). Counter terrorism expert Zachary Abuza will note that the IIRO is a “very well connected charity, whose supporters include the Saudi royal family and the top echelon of Filipino society.” One board member of “the IIRO Philippine office was, not coincidentally, the Saudi Ambassador.” Some of the biggest Muslim charities, such as the Muslim World League and its affiliate, the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), are headed by Saudi government officials and closely tied to the government. “Accompanying the money, invariably, was a blizzard of Wahhabist literature.… Critics argue that Wahhabism’s more extreme preachings—mistrust of infidels, branding of rival sects as apostates, and emphasis on violent jihad—laid the groundwork for terrorist groups around the world.”

Ziyad Khaleel in Missouri in 1996:
In November 1996, the FBI monitors the progress of bin Laden buying a new satellite phone and tracks the purchase to Ziyad Khaleel, a US citizen and radical militant living in Missouri (see November 1996-Late August 1998). Newsweek will later say that this puts the Sudan-based charity Islamic American Relief Agency (IARA) “on the FBI’s radar screen” because Ziyad Khaleel is one of IARA’s eight regional US directors. [Newsweek, 10/20/2004] Khaleel is monitored as he continues to buy new minutes and parts for bin Laden’s phone at least through 1998 (see July 29-August 7, 1998). He is also the webmaster of the official Hamas website based in Orlando Fl. His name and a Detroit address where he lived both appear prominently in ledgers taken by US investigators from the Al-Kifah Refugee Center in 1994, a charity front with ties to both bin Laden and the CIA (see 1986-1993).

That Detroit address of Ziyad Khaleel is also tied to Ahmed Abu Marzouk, the nephew of Mousa Abu Marzouk, his photo above, a high-ranking Hamas leader who is imprisoned in the US between 1995 and 1997 (see July 5, 1995-May 1997). Furthermore, Ziyad Khaleel is working for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), a Hamas-linked organization co-founded by Mousa Abu Marzook. [National Review, 10/2/2003] A secret CIA report in early 1996 concluded that the IARA was funding radical militants in Bosnia (see January 1996). US intelligence will later reveal that in the late 1990s, IARA is regularly funding al-Qaeda. For instance, it has evidence of IARA giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to bin Laden in 1999. US agents arrest Ziyad Khaleel while he is traveling to Jordan (see December 29, 1999. The US government will wait until 2004 before shutting down IARA in the US and raiding the Missouri branch where Ziyad Khaleel worked. Newsweek will later comment, “One question that is likely to arise [in the future] is why it took the US government so long to move more aggressively against the group.

The ARC is widely considered bin Laden’s publicity office. ARC head Khalid al-Fawwaz will be indicted and convicted for his involvement in the US embassy bombings in 1998 (see 10:35-10:39 a.m., August 7, 1998 and August 21, 2001). Denver-based radical publisher Homaidan al-Turki begins to be investigated over suspicions he is involved in terrorism in 1995, although it is unclear whether this is related to the Saudi Arabia-Britain phone lines. [Associated Press, 8/31/2006] Another likely suspect for this communications hub would be Ziyad Khaleel. He lives in Denver in the early 1990s until about 1994, and is vice president of the Denver Islamic Society. In 1998, he will work with al-Fawwaz to buy a satellite phone for bin Laden (see November 1996-Late August 1998). [Denver Post, 1/27/1991; St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1/22/2003] It seems likely Khaleel is in contact with Anwar al-Awlaki at this time, since al-Awlaki works as an imam for the Denver Islamic Society from 1994 to 1996. In 1999, al-Awlaki will be investigated by the FBI for his links to Ziyad Khaleel (see June 1999-March 2000). He will go on to be the Imam for a couple of the future 9/11 hijackers in San Diego, California, and then will become a prominent radical in Yemen.

November 1996-Late August 1998: US Tracks Bin Laden’s Satellite Phone Calls. During this period, Osama bin Laden uses a satellite phone to direct al-Qaeda’s operations. The phone—a Compact M satellite phone, about the size of a laptop computer—was purchased by a student in Virginia named Ziyad Khaleel for $7,500 using the credit card of a British man named Saad al-Fagih. After purchasing the phone, Khaleel sent it to Khalid al-Fawwaz, al-Qaeda’s unofficial press secretary in London (see Early 1994-September 23, 1998). Al-Fawwaz then shipped it to bin Laden in Afghanistan. [CNN, 4/16/2001] It appears US intelligence actually tracks the purchase as it occurs (see November 1996-Late December 1999), probably because an older model satellite phone bin Laden has is already being monitored (see Early 1990s). Bin Laden’s phone (873682505331) is believed to be used by other top al-Qaeda leaders as well, including Ayman al-Zawahiri and Mohammad Atef. Al-Fawwaz also buys satellite phones for other top al-Qaeda leaders around the same time. Though the calls made on these phones are encrypted, the NSA is able to intercept and decrypt them. As one US official will put it in early 2001, “codes were broken.”

Tarik Hamdi – Employed by International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), Hamdi delivered a satellite telephone battery to an aide to Bin Laden in May 1998, that enabled Bin Laden to communicate with his followers in preparation for the Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Tariq aka Tarik Hamdi worked for Sami al-Arian in Tampa Fl. A St Pete Times story places Hamdi in Tampa at the Islamic Committee for Palestine from 1989 to 1992. International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) – IIIT is a core member of the Safa Group. Employs Tariq Hamdi. Corresponded directly with Sami Al-Arian’s groups in Tampa. 12402 Pampas PL Tampa Fl. FBI, ICE and US Secret Service Raid 12402 Pampas Place Tampa 8/12/2007, this address has been used for years by terrorists linked to the PIJ [Palestinian Islamic Jihad] , including the current head of the PIJ, Ramadan A. Shallah and Tarik Hamdi who was an al-Qaeda operative and currently wanted by ICE.

The two al-Qaeda operatives, Tarik Hamdi, on left above, and Ziyad Khaleel, photo in center above, have been involved with both the CDLR and the ARC. The Advice and Reformation Committee (or “ARC”) and the Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights (or “CDLR”) are both Saudi-dissident groups in London with ties to Osama bin Laden, his photo on right above. Tarik Hamdi’s former employer the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) – IIIT is a core member of the Safa Group. IIIT employs Tariq Hamdi who corresponded directly with Al-Arian’s groups in Tampa. International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO) – “Safa Group” corporation located at 555 Grove Street, #116, Herndon, Virginia, operated by Muhammad Ashraf, Ibrahim Hassaballa, Yaqub Mirza and Mohieldin Mohamed. The IIIT Institute’s Herndon, VA, headquarters, located at 555 Grove St., were subject of a March 20, 2002 raid, along with 19 other business and non-profit entities allegedly related to an umbrella corporation known as the SAAR Foundation, as part of a joint FBI-Customs Service program known as Operation Green Quest, a Federal Grand Jury investigation into all of these Saudi terror funding fronts is still ongoing!

The FBI conducts a counter terrorism inquiry into Anwar al-Awlaki, an imam who will later be suspected of involvement in the 9/11 plot. He serves as the “spiritual leader” to several of the hijackers (see March 2001 and After), and by 2008 US intelligence will determine he is linked to al-Qaeda (see February 27, 2008). The investigation is opened when it is learned he had probably been visited by a “procurement agent” for bin Laden, Ziyad Khaleel. Khaleel had helped buy a satellite phone for bin Laden; when Zyad Khaleel is arrested in December 1999 he reportedly tells the FBI crucial details about al-Qaeda operations in the US (see December 29, 1999). The FBI learns that al-Awlaki knows individuals from the suspect Holy Land Foundation and others involved in raising money for Hamas. Sources allege that al-Awlaki has even more extremist connections. Police in Jordan detain Ziyad Khaleel, who the FBI calls a Florida-based “procurement agent” for Osama bin Laden. The FBI says Khaleel’s role is to “procure computers, satellite telephones, and covert surveillance equipment” for al-Qaeda leaders. [Newsweek, 2/7/2000] In 1995, Khaleel started studied at Columbia College in Kansas City. The following year, using money sent by others, the FBI monitored him as he helped bin Laden buy a satellite phone (see November 1996-Late December 1999 and November 1996-Late August 1998). He continued to buy new minutes and parts for the phone at least through 1998 (see July 29-August 7, 1998).

FBI agents participate in a raid at the offices of the Islamic American Relief Agency at 201 E. Cherry in Columbia on Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2004. While living in the US, Ziyad khaleel also was helping Hamas, the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), and working as a regional director for the Islamic American Relief Agency (IARA), which was directly funding bin Laden (see November 1996-Late December 1999). On March 8, 2007, the IARA organization and five of its leaders were charged in the 33-count indictment, handed down by a grand jury in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri for sending $1.4 million to Iraq during the sanctions that took place from 1990 to 2003. US intelligence also linked Ziyad Khaleel to the Al-Kifah Refugee Center in 1994, a charity front with ties to both bin Laden and the CIA (see 1986-1993). Once in custody, Ziyad Khaleel cooperates with the FBI and is said to provide “crucial evidence about bin Laden’s US operations.” But he is quickly released. He will graduate from Columbia College later in 2000. [Newsweek, 2/7/2000; Knight Ridder, 9/20/2001] He will continue to raise money in the US for Palestinian groups the US government will later say are terrorist-related. He will leave the US around early 2001 and apparently dies in a car crash in Saudi Arabia in 2002, (yeah right).

Abdullah Awad bin Laden, a nephew of Osama bin Laden, his photo above. He invests about a half-million dollars in BMI real estate ventures, earning a profit of $70,000. For most of the 1990s he runs the US branch of a Saudi charity called World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY). He is investigated by the FBI in 1996 (see February-September 11, 1996), and WAMY will be raided by US agents in 2004 (see June 1, 2004). The raid is apparently part of a larger investigation into terrorism financing. In 2001, at least two of the 9/11 hijackers will live three blocks away from the WAMY office. Yassin al-Qadi, a Saudi multimillionaire. His lawyers will later claim he has no terrorism ties and had only a passing involvement with BMI and liquidated his investment in it in 1996. However, another company operating from the same office as BMI is called Kadi International Inc. and lists its president as al-Qadi. Al-Qadi is also a major investor in the suspect computer company Ptech (see 1994; 1999-After October 12, 2001). Al-Qadi and BMI head Biheiri have financial dealings with Yaqub Mirza, a Pakistani who manages a group of Islamic charities in Virginia known as the SAAR network (see July 29, 1983). These charities will be raided in March 2002 on suspicions of terrorism ties (see March 20, 2002). Shortly after 9/11, the US will officially declare al-Qadi a terrorist financier (see October 12, 2001).

Saleh Kamel: BMI allegedly receives a $500,000 investment from the Dallah Al-Baraka banking conglomerate, which is headed by Kamel. For many years before 9/11, Omar al-Bayoumi, an associate of 9/11 hijackers Khalid Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi, will receive a salary from Dallah, despite apparently doing no work. Some will accuse Omar al-Bayoumi of involvement in funding the 9/11 plot. Osama Sam Mustafa was the only person in the USA to hire one of the 9/11 hijackers, Nawaf Alhazmi. Anwar Al-Awlaki was the Imam for the 9/11 hijackers at the Al-Ribat Al-Islami mosque (also known as Rabat) on the La Mesa-San Diego border (see February-August 2000). US investigators will later conclude he is connected to al-Qaeda and involved in the 9/11 plot. After living together in Phoenix since December 2000, 9/11 hijackers Hani Hanjour and Nawaf Alhazmi move to Falls Church, Virginia, where Imam Anwar al-Awlaki now preaches

Saleh Kamel reportedly founded a Sudanese Islamic bank which housed accounts for senior al-Qaeda operatives. He is a multi-billionaire heavily involved in promoting Islam, and his name appears on the Golden Chain, a list of early al-Qaeda supporters (see 1988-1989). The Kuwait Finance House. According to Clarke, this organization is alleged to be a BMI investor and the “financial arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Kuwait. Several al-Qaeda operatives have allegedly been associated with the Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood, including Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Suliman abu Ghaith, Wadih El-Hage, Ramzi Yousef and now very possibly Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat. Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat was Member of Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood and Roommate of bin-Laden’s Procurement Agent Ziyad Khaleel and FBI Claims No Links in Sarasota to 9/11 Hijackers, OMG, LMAO!

Bill Warner Private Investigator Sarasota to Panama City Fl, SEX, CRIME, CHEATERS & TERRORISM at http://www.wbipi.com

Posted by Bill Warner at 6:23 PM

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Labels: Sarasota Imam Muneer Arafat was Member of Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood and Roommate of bin-Laden’s Procurement Agent Ziyad Khaleel and FBI Claims No Links in Sarasota to 9/11 Hijackers OMG LMAO.

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