
You can’t really say that I participated in SAP Hybris’ Digital Live Summit (#SAPHybrisLive) yesterday. It was a global event spreading multiple timezones – so yesterday doesn’t apply here. It was a unprecedented online event of a kind I’ve never experienced before. The event followed the sun, started in Singapore, continued in Munich and finished in New York. 21 hours of live streaming content and numerous on-demand content that is available for consumption anytime in the next months.

I must admit prior to the event I was a bit sceptical. After all I’m a networking person and I like to talk to people. But when I left the “Munich Broadcasting Base” yesterday I thought different! Great event, great concept and mixture of meeting and face-2-face conversations plus the feeling of contribution to a much larger audience on the internet.

Speaking of mixture…one of my favourite sessions was the presentation by Ulf Bonfert (SVP & Head of Enterprise Commerce at SAP Hybris):

Running at two Speeds – Tradition and Innovation in Parallel

In his talk he highlighted a few things that we as Dynatrace can confirm, see at our customers and also follow in our own product strategy:

We are in the middle of a paradigm shift – the Era of the Cloud

Disrupting technologies have one thing in common – API first and microservices

Cloud migration is a challenge and it’s ok to gradually “peel off” microservices at the edges while moving away from monolithic systems

No doubt that exciting times are ahead and while environments and architectures change at SAP Hybris’ customers and other industries, there is need for adopting your monitoring strategy as well. This is why Dynatrace also went through it’s own migration and provides the only purpose built solution with microservices and cloud architectures in mind.

No surprise, when it comes to monitoring and performance management of the new era platform of SAP Hybris – YaaS – Dynatrace is there from the very beginning, providing insight and watching over the emerging technology of today. With technology of the future: full stack visibility and AI driven analysis.

Next innovation and disrupting topic:

No Keyboard and Bots

Two speakers presented their vision of interaction and customer engagement: Anatoly Roytman from Accenture Interactive and CapGemini. The change of how we interact with machines and systems. A no keyboard principle. Could be as easy as Amazon Dash button or voice activated speech recognition. Smart assistants that we interact with like talking to other humans.

It’s amazing to see how this trend is applicable in so many areas – of course, after all it’s the most natural way of exchanging information.

We share the same vision: Meet D.A.V.I.S intuitive VoiceOps and ChatOps!

Last but not least:

SAP Hybris Profile

I must admit that the presentation by Co-Founder of Hybris Moritz Zimmermann was a bit scary in the beginning. Facebook data collection, shadow profiles and face recognition to influencing public votes and opinions… Profiling a customer and leveraging data for targeted marketing but also to the benefit of the customer by knowing and providing more value is what we should get used to. On the customer side, but also on the service side working with customers, using the information that a customer is willing to share.

There I found another touchpoint that I want to follow up with in the future. When monitoring with Dynatrace we do collect a lot of data about a user’s journey through a eCommerce site. We don’t do this to profile a user but for performance and anomaly analysis. Knowing exactly how visitors to your store are doing, being able to address problems quickly and what impact a problem on your customers has is critical. But wouldn’t it make sense to feed that information into SAP Hybris Profile? They could enrich that data with other information and provide it for marketing and service quality purposes.

I was so excited about this idea that I checked the documentation at yaas.io and the Profile service. Didn’t take long to realize that this won’t be a lot of effort to feed user interaction data from Dynatrace to Hybris Profile. But it seems we got much more detailed data than what was anticipated by the hybris developers. Looking forward to discuss this with the SAP Hybris team!

A simple example of what we can do with Dynatrace User Experience Data (we call it PureLytics stream) can be found in Andreas Grabner’s Online Performance Clinic. Just to get an idea!

Cool Concept and Great Event

My resume of the first Digital Summit: I had some doubts in the beginning, which were shared with people I talked too. But at the end of the day (the day in Munich) everyone I talked to was very positive! And of course there is still the On-Site SAP Hybris Summit later this year. See you in Barcelona in October!

The post My SAP Hybris Digital Live Summit Takeaways appeared first on Dynatrace blog – monitoring redefined.

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