
PATRIOT NEWS: The following was posted by civil rights advocate and reporter Mary Neal:

Mary Neal’s Caucasian Stalker in the White Truck

This is an UPDATE on the articles entitled




“Mary Neal Finally Heard From Police Re 911 Emergency Call When Waylaid”


Item 22 in the Neals v. The Cochran Firm court docket in United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia, is a pleading from Cochran Firm attorney Angela Mason. (Sometimes, dockets are Changed after cases close in Georgia. Mine did.) She wrote to Judge Timothy Batten and asked that he stop Plaintiff Mary Neal from reporting that another Cochran Firm attorney had hired a Caucasian man in a white vehicle to follow Mary Neal. I never wrote that a Cochran Firm attorney had hired a Caucasian man in a white vehicle to follow me. In fact, I did not mention the color of the vehicle that regularly followed me home from work in 2008 to anyone, but somehow Angela Mason knew what color the vehicle was. The driver was Caucasian man who looked around 60 years old and regularly wore a cowboy hat. He has white hair and beard. This morning he was the first person I saw when I looked out of my window. He was apparently visiting my new neighbors, or he may have moved in next door, also. He still drives a white truck, but the truck I watched him load today was off-white and a later model.

The man in the white truck was also among those who followed me to Franklin Printers on Covington Highway in 2008. I had been forced to go to Franklin Printers to use their rental computers when a cyberstalker locked me out of my home computer through remote access. This was probably done to prevent me from filing a response timely at USDC. Within 30 minutes of my arrival at Franklin Printers, four cars of men arrived. They parked close to the building, including in the handicapped parking spaces. The men exited their cars and stood around on the sidewalk right outside Franklin Printers, and some went into the barber shop next door. Franklin Printers’ manager and employees were concerned about the men standing around and not shopping at the shopping plaza. The manager locked the door to her business although it was not closing time, as we were afraid that they planned to stage a robbery in order to catch me in crossfire. As her employees completed their day’s work, they left out of the back fire exit.

The manager wrote an affidavit about our ordeal, which I filed with USDC about the terrorism I endured during my lawsuit against The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm. The siege lasted for over an hour, until a well dressed black man arrived and told all the stalkers to leave. We did not call DeKalb County Police Department about the stalking incident because this was not my first siege. When I had called for 911 police assistance during the previous siege when I was followed by a federal vehicle leading four other vehicles, the police promised to respond but never did. In fact, I received no follow-up on the emergency call whatsoever until I contacted Representative Hank Johnson about police ignoring my stalking and siege. I wrote about that incident in “”Mary Neal Finally Heard From Police Re 911 Emergency Call When Waylaid” (the link is above). I did not learn until years later that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that police have no obligation to protect citizens.

The stalkers were aware that I planned to upload videos about Larry Neal’s secret arrest and murder in Memphis Shelby County Jail and The Cochran Firm’s fraud against my family (see Cochran Firm Fraud 1 and Cochran Firm Fraud 2 on YouTube.com and embedded below). I had reported my intentions in an article at NowPublic.com, published September 26, 2008, and the article was re-published by “Four Winds10.com.” I learned not to report my intentions ahead of time. My most disturbing siege happened the day after my article was published. Stalkers followed me six miles until I reached the neighborhood Chevron station. It happened shortly before Duanna Johnson was executed in Memphis after she arranged a lawsuit against Memphis police for her brutal beating during her intake at Shelby County Jail where she, a transgender woman, refused to respond to “Hey, he/she, come here.” This is the same jail that The Cochran Firm defrauded my family to protect from lawsuit after police secretly arrested and murdered Larry Neal, my brother who was a lifelong schizophrenic heart patient. See the raw video of Duanna Johnson’s beating on video at this url, IF they let you.


It was disturbing to see the white-haired, white-bearded, white man in the white truck again this morning, apparently visiting the white people who moved in next door to me a few weeks ago, so I wanted you to know about it. I had hoped to be rid of stalkers when I stopped driving in 2008. I did not call and file a report with police, because I assume they know. I finally learned the lesson Michael Jackson taught: “They Don’t Care About Us.”

Incidentally, I received another call from a former client who was defrauded by The Cochran Firm. Randy McMurray, Esq., the former Cochran Firm partner who sued the firm for RICO Act Racketeering, may represent the former clients if they sue for malpractice. I am not at liberty to tell more about the case at this point, but you know I will as soon as I can. Legal consumers must learn to consult the Internet for information about lawyers before contracting for legal services. I found consumer protection agencies and state bar associations are extremely unreliable when it comes to censuring and reporting corrupt law firms.

See “COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD 1” — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1ltCpy1uu0&feature=related

Please see the video below: COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD 2 — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ5d_wju2M8&feature=related

Repeat of paragraph 1:

This is an UPDATE on the articles entitled




“Mary Neal Finally Heard From Police Re 911 Emergency Call When Waylaid”


But there’s one thing we must all be clear about: Terrorism is not the pursuit of legitimate goals by some sort of illegitimate means. Whatever the murderers may be trying to achieve, creating a better world certainly isn’t one of their goals. Instead they are out to murder innocent people. ~Salman Rushdie

Posted by MaryLovesJustice Neal at 7:25 AM

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Labels: CochranFirmFraud, Cyberstalkers, DuannaJohnson, Mary Neal’s Caucasian Stalker in the White Truck, Police911, Stalkers, Terrorism

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CoIntelPro Makes House Calls





Many Americans are experiencing gangstalking.  This article lists four more stalking events I recently faced, which I will report to police.  It was horrific to me to be terrorized and denied protection by police and ignored by federal agencies.  I stayed locked in my house for over a year except for essential trips that others could not make for me after a federal vehicle was actually leading the stalkers in four other cars in September 2008.  After numerous other terrifying experiences and continuous cyberstalking and phone interference, I learned about the CoIntelPro program and got mad.  How dare the government and/or The Cochran Firm treat people like slaves, possibly using our own tax money for the salaries and equipment to do it?  Gangstalking and censorship that started after Larry Neal’s police murder cover-up in 2003 are meant to serve the same purpose as cross-burning in the yards of black families in the 1940s who lost a member to lynching – terrorism to prevent any notion of seeking justice and warnings for neighbors who might want to help.  It would be great to have the capabilities of LULZSEC or ANONYMOUS, but I do not. I cannot punish cyberstalkers’ bosses for destroying or taking over eight computers in a year’s time to censor me, but now I stalk ’em back.

I decided to start “stalking” (picketing) the media, civil and human rights organizations that should help regarding my censorship and the injustices to my family, and the injustice system itself. It may be a good idea to stalk heads of these agencies by picketing them at their homes, since CoIntelPro agents made several trips to my home. Law enforcement, justice officials, politicians, judges, and human/civil rights organizations that are paid tax money to do their jobs or receive public donations for addressing injustices ignore the secret arrest and murder of my mentally, physically disabled brother and my censorship and stalking because I expose his death and The Cochran Firm fraud.  They should be exposed along with the sold-out media. Some pastors need “stalking,” too.  Many ministers preach about what Jesus and the Apostles did thousands of years ago but ignore the need to DO the Word of God like Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. did and Rev. Edward Pinkney does.  Prison profiteers have money tables that need to be tossed to the floor today because they are taking advantage of indigent and sick people, just like Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables in the temple for victimizing people for financial gain.  See this YouTube video if they let you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROkthmx1Dlc

On Thursday, June 16, I picketed at CNN (see the photograph above).  I also picketed The Cochran Firm and held my signs at numerous busy street corners in downtown Atlanta.  I did not stay in one place over 30 minutes because Atlanta police said last June that if I tell people about The Cochran Firm fraud and my brother’s murder by police, they will taser and arrest me. I think Larry’s murder might be the first bona fide lynching America did in a while.  Usually there is some attempt to explain when the government kills citizens, true or fabricated. But my mother and I were expected to act like women did in the 1940s:  just shut up and bury our black man.  Instead we asked why Larry was held under secret arrest for three weeks while police denied having him; why and how he was killed.  We tried to sue for wrongful death, expecting the attorney to subpoena records regarding Larry’s secret arrest (that amounted to a kidnapping) and his murder.  Wrong.  The Cochran Firm worked behind our backs to protect Memphis Shelby County Jail.  We are denied any records or explanation, as in America’s many previous lynching cases.  Additionally, we are sorely punished for being such “uppity Negroes” that we dare to ask for accountability.

These Last Days are trying.  None of the rules we were taught seem to apply, certainly not “justice for all.” The rights Americans believed were “inalienable” are being eroded daily.  If nothing is done, more men will disappear into secret incarceration and emerge as naked corpses with no explanation given by the government.  It could even become a regular occurrence like in China.  Russia, China, and the USA were recently cited for serious human rights violations even though Larry’s lynching was not revealed to the examiners.  His murder is a national secret that hundreds of thousands of people know about.  The denial of accountability and records in this case is a blatant confirmation that the justice system was racist and criminal in 2003 when Larry was murdered, and it remains so under Attorney General Eric Holder.  While potentially innocent people face execution for unproved crimes, officials refuse to adhere to due process of law regarding the murder of a handicapped citizen in government custody.  Cowering at home like I did while the country turns Nazi does not help.  People must exercise courage and RESIST OPPRESSION. Go stalk your stalkers or those who are paid to address injustices and do not help.  It is written:

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

Today, I plan to picket at the Richard Russel Federal Building along with many other activists.  It is national War on the War on Drugs Day.  Atlanta Police have never threatened me at protest rallies white people organized.  It is like having a “pass.”  It is strange to need a pass to go to town in the 21st Century, especially with many blacks in decision making positions – or are they?  My advice to all targeted individuals is this:  Stalk them back! I plan to be like Cindy Sheehan and stalk Washington, D.C. this summer until justice comes.  People cannot address injustices they do not know about, and that is the purpose of censorship.  We thank everyone who helps by re-posting my articles that reveal human rights abuses against my family and others.


On August 1, 2003, my mentally, physically disabled brother died after three weeks of secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail.  Neither the jail nor the United States Government will tell us how/why Larry was murdered or release records regarding his fatal arrest in defiance of federal law and human decency.  My family contracted with The Cochran Firm to act as Larry’s wrongful death attorneys immediately after his demise, but the law firm defrauded its clients in order to protect officials in Shelby County and in the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ), who colluded to hide Larry’s death.  See WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL website – http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/ – My mother and I sued The Cochran Firm for fraud in Georgia Superior Court where the case against the firm was dismissed in May 2006 by a judge who was recently censured for a separate incident of impropriety – Judge Wendy Shoob (see a link below).  We sued a second time in United States District Court in 2007 under Judge Batten.  Both judges roadblocked the righteous case from going to jury for no acceptable reason.  Trial by jury is a “right” that Americans are easily denied by judges who can dismiss cases, whether they regard civil actions or criminal indictments.  The Georgia legislature passed a law in 2006 providing that whenever police officers or wealthy Georgians plead self-defense, grand jury indictments can be ignored.  Judges can now dismiss murder charges without jury trial.  See “Corey Ward: Police and Cochran Firm Victim.”

CoIntelPro intimidation against Mary Neal and the Neal family started when we sued The Cochran Firm in federal court.  Gangstalking and online censorship continue in an effort to accomplish four purposes:  1) stop the dissemination of information about Larry’s Neal secret wrongful death under secret incarceration; 2) prevent more people from learning about The Cochran Firm Cointelpro Fraud against minorities; 3) prevent my for Human Rights for Prisoners March across the Internet, including work to decriminalize mental illness (mentally ill people like Larry comprise over one-half of America’s inmates and most likely to return to jail, which makes them very lucrative for private prisons); and 4) stop advertising the BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE to prevent wide participation.

The BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE is a peaceful, powerful financial protest that virtually every American can participate in regardless of what injustice they detest, without missing work or leaving home.  Consumer power can restore power to the people, but only if we unite and use it while Americans are still major purchasers.  The shopping moratorium is scheduled for the 9th of every month throughout 2011.  We  issue invitations online for Americans to join the 9/11 emergency boycott against corporate greed and government misdeeds that gave rise to virtually every problem America faces.  Apparently, Big Business and Big Bad Brother do not appreciate the boycott idea, initiatives to decriminalize mental illness, exposing The Cochran Firm fraud, or my family’s questions about WHAT HAPPENED TO LARRY NEAL.  (Links to articles with more information about these four motivations for gangstalking and cybercrime follow the last paragraph below.)  Our latest in-person stalking eventhappened Sunday, June 12, 2011, hours before I was scheduled to speak on the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Show (computer censorship happens daily).  I’m on Rev. Pinkney Show most Sundays at 5pm EST. Access recorded shows http://t.co/UNpfYWY  (listener call-in no. for live shows (347) 994-3644).


A man parked his car at the curb across from our home Sunday morning and left a business card for a security company.  He went to NO other houses on our street. The business card indicated the salesperson’s name is Andre (handwritten, no last name given); phone number 678.365.8158.  The company listed is Lock Tite Security Services, an authorized ADT dealer.  We watched Andre come to our house only.  I called and asked him why he left a security card in our door.  Andre claimed he lives in the neighborhood and was leaving cards with neighbors.  I told him we watched him come to our house ONLY. Andre then said he was out of cards except for one and decided to leave it at our house.  I asked him what prompted that decision.  He claimed that he wanted to leave his card with a house without any security sign out front.  That has to be a lie.  Our house is probably the 25th home from the left or the right of our circular street.  Ours is the center house.  There are many homes in both directions that have no security sign in the yard, which he had to pass before reaching our house.  I told Andre I was gangstalked, and it seemed suspicious that he would come to my street where there are at least 50 houses and leave a security company card only in our door and drive away.  He tried to get me to talk about my being a gangstalking victim, but I figured he already knew more about that than I do.  I told him I was due on the radio that afternoon and needed to prepare, but he could Google COCHRAN FIRM COINTELPRO FRAUD to learn all about our troubles.  Andre called back repeatedly before and after the radio broadcast and even asked me to meet him outside.  I declined.  I have called DeKalb County Police to report the incident several times.  I was promised an officer would call back to take the police report over the phone.  I must have missed the call back each time, but I will file the report in person or continue to call until this and the three other stalking incidents below are on record.  We already made a police report about computer stalker Michael Moon.

Moon intercepted a phone call I placed in February 2010 for computer repair when CoIntelPro took over my laptop and put it on their Intranet to control when I could go online and to which sites I could browse.  Moon presented himself at my home pretending to be from the computer repair company I called.  I did not know otherwise until he had loaded my PC with even more Trojans, demanded an $80 check made payable to AHS (not Moon’s name or his company’s name, but the initials match Attorney Hesikiah Sistrunk of The Cochran Firm).  At that point, Moon presented his business card, and it did not match the company I called for repair.  Only after he left did I see the man had corrupted my PC thoroughly.  It even had an icon that said, “To go online, call this phone number.” No one has to call a computer tech whenever they want to go online.  It was the most blatant computer takeover I experienced.  After I reported the crime online and to the police, Moon’s phone number was disconnected and I discovered the business on his card went out of business four years before my service call. More about that horrible fraud and computer sabotage is in these article:  HOME INVASION http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/home-invasion-by-mary-neal.html  and a sequel to that article  THE HEATHENS RAGE http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/heathens-rage.html

DeKalb County Police Department said law enforcement could do nothing about Moon 1) gaining entry to my home on false pretenses and using false credentials; 2) extorting my 88-year-old mother and me of $80;  3) intercepting my phone call to the legitimate computer repair company I thought I was calling (stalkers can redirect cell phone calls as easily as they can redirect computer links), or 4) sabotaging my laptop, which cost us another $100 to fix (which only lasted until Moon or whoever else CoIntelPro uses sabotaged it again).  Police said they could do nothing about any of those crimes because Moon did not break into our home; I opened the door for him.  After police ignored my 911 call when I was followed by a USDOT truck leading four other cars in September 2008, I did not expect them to do anything about our home invasion.  (See “Mary Neal Finally Heard from 911 Police Call.)  I report these stalking incidents to authorities to make a paper trail.  I do not want people to be able to say I imagine the terrorism or online censorship.  That is why we have hundreds of videos showing real-time censorship and cyberterror and I get photos, witness affidavits, and make police reports regarding in-person incidents.  We even have photographs of the stalkers’ penises.  Cyberdogs sent the vile photos to my elderly mother’s phone one night after I accused them of terrorizing my mom and me to compensate for small penises.  They immediately sent photos showing black, engorged penises to prove me wrong.


The terrorism incident happened in April.  I left my home to catch the bus to the day care center where I volunteer and had to walk past new neighbors from Alabama (where the Cochran Firm’s home office is).  It was early afternoon on a beautiful spring day.  Everything was quiet on our street except for birds chirping.  When I drew even with the Alabama neighbors’ home (address 5362), their two pre-schoolers in the fenced yard started a chant:  “SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT IN THE HEAD!”  I could not believe it as the babies repeated this litany numerous times.  The little boy and girl who appeared to be ages 2 and 4 were marching in place and looking right at me as I passed their driveway.  Their little index fingers were pointed at their temples like pistols.  Immediately when I was out of the children’s line of vision, they quit chanting. I was so disturbed about this incident that I did not even think to videotape the children.  I usually carry a digital camera to photograph stalkers and record cybercensorship I frequently encounter using library PCs when stalkers render my own computers useless. (Patrons login using their library card number, and I suppose that is how stalkers know which computer to attack.)  My brother Edward served in Viet Nam.  I had heard about amoral people using children as weapons but never thought I would encounter it.

That was the second most terrifying stalking event I have experienced since my family and I became gangstalking victims after serving our federal lawsuit to The Cochran Firm.  Many circumstances I have been in seemed more dangerous than children marching and singing threats, but the only event more horrifying was when the USDOT truck and four other cars followed my grandson and me for six miles and waylaid us at the Chevron station while we waited for 911 emergency help that never came.  Two events after that made the stalking incident even more frightening:  Duanne Johnson, a transgender woman who also planned to sue Memphis Shelby County Jail, was fatally shot execution style as she walked home a few weeks later.  Secondly, former Attorney General Gonzales and other high-ranking officials were indicted in Willacy County, Texas in November 2008 for allegedly withholding investigations of inmate abuse in county jails in return for money or because they invest in private jails and prisons.

I already reported to my reading public about the homes that were foreclosed on my street being occupied by new neighbors with an inordinate interest in our home – people who moved in homes that were at that time valued at over $100,000 and drove late modeled vehicles (including luxury cars) but did not seem to work anywhere or claimed to work from home. See CITIZENS POLICE: MY NEW NEIGHBORS AND YOURShttp://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2010/06/citizens-police-my-new-neighbors-and.html  – I checked with DeKalb County Tax Assessors Office and confirmed that the houses were owned by the government or banks. DeKalb County personnel told me it seemed strange that the homes did not go up for sale after foreclosure. It makes perfect sense to me that people were assigned to watch my family because I expose The Cochran Firm fraud. I believe The Cochran Firm is the largest CoIntelPro operation in history with 30 law offices coast to coast that disclaim being Cochran Firm offices when defrauded clients sue them for malpractice and fraud. The fact that The Cochran Firm disclaims the existence of its law offices is news that mainstream media refuses to report and judges uphold that falsehood in court orders.

It must streamline government surveillance on black and brown people to use a trusted law firm, because people voluntarily tell their lawyers anything about themselves and perhaps relatives and associates, believing the information is held confidential. Clients do not know they are talking to attorneys whose real job is to reduce or eliminate damages from client’s lawsuits for government entities or certain corporations like Cochran Firm attorneys did regarding my brother’s murder under secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003, the Kathryn Johnston murder by police officers in 2006, and the Corey Ward murder by police case, and probably the Billey Joe Johnson wrongful death investigation in Mississippi.

I met a man at the Malcolm X birthday picnic in May who thought I had been on The Alley Pat Show in on Atlanta Public TV when I told him about being a Cochran Firm Fraud victim. He said another woman who was defrauded by The Cochran Firm had appeared on that show.  She reported that she tried to sue the firm but was also told the law firm is nonexistent in the State of Georgia, despite its public advertising and presenting itself thusly to clients, signing for and sending mail under that identity, etc.  I wanted to check the show’s records and connect with the Cochran Firm fraud victim, but that show is no longer broadcasting.  Since the government does not want public TV, it is underfunded. Only elitist mainstream media owners can be trusted to hold government officials’ secrets; therefore, public broadcasting is under attack.


On Saturday, January 15, a young man actually confessed that he was hired to stalk me. He was driving a red V6 Cavalier – DeKalb County license tag BKP8027. The man looked so much like Micheal Moon that I asked if they were related. The stalker indicated that he was indeed related to Michael Moon, the computer technician who invaded my home in February 2010, destroyed my computers, and extorted $80 from my aged mother and me.  I asked the young man why he stalked me to the library.  He said, “Because it pays well.”


DeKalb County Police may not have jurisdiction over what happens in Atlanta, which is in Fulton County.  However, I will also report that two Atlanta police officers threatened me with tasering and arrest for telling people about Larry’s secret arrest and murder by Memphis Police and about an apparent Cochran Firm Fraud against 92-year-old Atlanta police victim, Kathryn Johnston.  I do not know who has jurisdiction over police officers when they intimidate citizens to hide government crimes or if any jurisdiction would be exercised to bring justice since the United States Department of Justice is uninterested in justice for the Neal family.  It seems that when the government wants to hide abuses against “slave class” citizens (people in the working class or on fixed incomes), law enforcement, mainstream media, and judges help with the cover-ups.  There is too little respect for justice in America.  Now and then, the justice system or individual officials do something that makes me cheer.  But that does not happen often.  Welcome to Revelation.


It is horrible the things these people do to sabotage work to decriminalize mental illness and improve justice for the disenfranchised in America.  Black people are especially targeted for retribution by the injustice system if we take a stand against wrongdoing. I did not know that fact or anything at all about CoIntelPro until an online acquaintance told me my reports seem to indicate I am a CoIntelPro target.  Although The Cochran Firm is a billionaire celebrity law firm that can easily pay Michael Moon and his relatives to follow me, the computer interference I experience seems to require dominance over the entire Internet or moles within major Internet service companies and agreement with online networks to ignore my help requests and disconnect certain features stalkers don’t want me to have, such as video uploading capabilities, a “reply all” for my emails at Care2, and “follow me at Twitter” buttons for my blogs, etc.  I feel sorry for all Americans when elitist overlords institute some of the Internet controls being contemplated by Congress.  They will be able to secretly arrest and KILL YOUR LOVED ONES like Larry Neal without fear of families reporting the abuses of power online.  Judges will be able to declare law firms and other corporations “nonexistent to be sued” when citizens are hurt or have their rights are trampled, like Judge Wendy Shoob declared The Cochran Firm nonexistent in 2006 to help the CoIntelPro law firm avoid a jury trial when we sued the firm for its fraud and deliberate malpractice.

Although I miss the work and the salary I earned as a legal secretary for large corporate law firms, I would never accept bribes for betraying people’s trust the way some of America’s judges and lawyers do – the way some Department of Justice officials were indicted for doing.  Justice officials, lawyers, and judges earn a good salary, so why do they sin against God and their fellow man for money?  Honesty is the best policy.  I was laid off in 2008, and CoIntelPro prevents my interfacing with potential employers via phone or email.  My employer had offered me a transfer to a safe position before downsizing, but I declined because I was so shaken over being followed home every night by from one to three vehicles.  I did not expect to need to work any more after the federal lawsuit, frankly.  The Cochran Firm had absolutely no defense for signing contract with my family under an undisclosed conflict of interest, writing us lying letters about legal work that was not actually being done while the statute of limitations passed, committing perjury in court and presenting fraudulent, redacted records that I proved were frauds by presenting the originals, committing a fraud on two courts by falsely claiming to have no law firms connected with The Cochran Firm in Georgia or in Memphis, and conspiring with a murderous jail to hide an inmate death.  Judge Shoob had already lied for The Cochran Firm and issued an order (five months after the deadline to grant the firm’s motion to dismiss), ruling falsely that there was no Cochran Firm office in Georgia, but we expected better from federal court and did not get it.  Judge Batten ruled that everything The Cochran Firm did to the Neal family was “immaterial.”  Apparently the secret arrest and murder of a handicapped black man like Larry is insufficient reason to sue Pharisees and the law firm that is likely a government operative.  Everyone needs to do whatever we can to help Troy Davis, a death row inmate who has been denied a new trial by jury on new evidence of innocence.  Justice for black people, including trial by jury, was actually ruled immaterial in Georgia courts.

Being gangstalked is horrifying, especially at first.  Such terrorism to silence families about police murders seems to take the place of crosses burning in the victims’ yards.  That used to be the way black people were kept “in our places.”  One night when I drove home from work, I could not lose the followers until I removed the battery from my cell phone that had a strange light blinking rapidly that I had never seen before.  When I lost my tail and made it home safely, I immediately emailed all 2,000 people on my Yahoo mailing list, including the groups.  Cochran Firm attorney Angela Mason was on my mailing list because she was the defendant’s attorney when we were suing The Cochran Firm for fraud.  Mason immediately filed a pleading with Judge Timothy Batten in United States District Court complaining that I accused The Cochran Firm attorneys of having a Caucasian man in a WHITE vehicle following me.  I did not accuse anyone in particular and never told anyone the color of the vehicle. Therefore, Mason should not have known the color of the vehicle that followed me home most nights.  After that slip, Mason had herself removed from the case.  I pointed out to Judge Batten that my civil rights were being violated through in-person and computer stalking.  I should not be harassed for filing a lawsuit against our lawyers who worked behind our backs to help Shelby County Jail hide Larry’s murder, enabling the jail to falsify records to the United States Department of Justice reporting there had been no inmate fatalities during the month Larry died under secret arrest (a fraud on the government which federal officials knowingly permitted).  Batten did not respond except to allow Mason to remove herself from the case.

Other stalking events include the FBI interviewing my middle aged niece immediately after she facilitated service of our lawsuit on David McLaughlin, the Cochran Firm attorney (a so-called super lawyer) who was directly responsible for Larry’s wrongful death and negligence cases he neither investigated nor filed in court, despite initial promises and lying updates.  The agents actually questioned my niece about nude dancing, knowing full well she never did any such thing.  My sister, niece, nephews, and daughter have been with me from time to time when we were followed by up to five vehicles.  Some relatives have been followed when they were alone, also.  But most of the stalking centers on me because I expose the crimes and protest inhumane incarceration on the Internet.  How officials can still hope to keep The Cochran Firm CoIntelPro fraud secret is beyond me.  Despite all the censorship I endure, my NowPublic articles have gotten over one-half million readers.  Our WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL website got up to 7,000 hits monthly the last time I checked.  The online advocacy group I founded to help decriminalize mental illness, called ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL, has around 300 members.  Most of the articles I published at NowPublic were cross-published at Care2 Network News (before CoIntelPro put a stop to it).  Numerous articles made front page and were emailed to Care2’s millions of members worldwide.  My Twitter account, called @koffietime, has over 900 followers.  There would probably be twice that number if CoIntelPro did not covertly delete many if not most of my @koffietime followers who are black people, followers connected with the media or entertainment, or human/civil rights activists.

For more information about advocacy to decriminalize mental illness, individual examples of inhumane treatment of free and incarcerated citizens and immigrants, and my persecution as a human/civil rights advocate, please see the articles listed in the index on the right side of this page.  Grab a few links and send them to your friends to help us overcome censorship.  Maybe when millions more know about my family being held under siege with our telephone and computer usage monitored and controlled (no matter how many times we change phone carriers or buy new computers), these people will STOP TREATEING US LIKE WAYWARD SLAVES who deserve punishment for asking that Larry Neal’s death be investigated and prosecuted as though he, a black mental patient, was equal to Michael Vick’s pit bulls – especially with all these black-looking people in positions of power.  I find it hard to believe America attacks other nations for abusing and killing their citizens, considering how my family is treated and the fact that mentally ill Americans are cruelly imprisoned rather than hospitalized or treated in their communities, depending on their conditions and offenses.  The things that happen in this case negate Democrat’s right to accuse the GOP of being insensitive to the needs of handicapped and poor Americans.  Crimes against the Neals are current and ongoing but denied any real assistance by local and federal government officials so far, even with blacks in office.

I write a lot because 1) I am home more than I have been since I was a preschooler; 2) advocacy for victimized people, particularly sick prisoners, is a moral obligation for everyone and a duty for Christians according to Hebrews 13:3 and Matt. 25:40; and 3) people who murdered Larry, decided my mother does not deserve justice as much as a pit bull bitch, and defrauded us of righteous judgement for his murder and then lawyer fraud deserve to be EXPOSED so that others might be spared what we endure, especially being gangstalked if you tell. The best defense may be to go on the offensive, targeted individuals. I was so angry because the cyberstalkers destroyed yet another computer and control what I could put online on my cellphone that I “stalked” CNN and The Cochran Firm yesterday.

Cointelpro terrorism is done in secret. Gangstalking is designed to seem like harmless events and to make it appear that the targeted person is irrational when he/she complains. Document your episodes, and try to get witness statements. If you experience cybercensorship, videotape it. I uploaded 23 videos, most of which show real-time cyberstalking, at my YouTube channel: JKEMPP703. Keep a digital camera or a cellphone with video capability handy. Here is a link to six videos proving my censorship: http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2010/05/four-mary-neal-censorship-videos.html.  Present your film, photographs, and witness statements to authorities, who may have been instructed to ignore hard evidence. I presented videos with irrefutable evidence of cybercensorship and online terrorism to federal and local officials and heard not a peep back from any of them. Maybe they gave my cyberstalkers a raise! Most officials do not care because it does not affect them and they have no regard for justice.  Exposure is needed to inform more Americans that secret arrests and murders are happening and that CoIntelPro is back, if the program ever ended as it reportedly did after Johnnie Cochran and other attorneys exposed the racist FBI program in their successful efforts to win prison release for Geronimo ji Jaga (Pratt).

Secondly, STALK THEM BACK. Picket your stalkers or the agencies and officials who should help and do not. That is what I decided to do.  I enjoy it and plan to include large hotels and other venues. More in-person picketing is necessary because cyberdogs attack my PC constantly.  Incidentally, Negro Confederate soldiers were hired to stalk me.  There is no party or racial loyalty regarding justice issues.  People must unite, because the elite already did.

Regarding the Cochran Firm fraud, be aware that Johnnie Cochran died six years ago, shortly after partnering with some unethical, racist people.  Attorneys who worked with Cochran in his Los Angeles office were immediately fired or forced out of the firm after his death.  These are NOT the same people who helped Johnnie Cochran win his reputation as a first class civil rights attorney.  That is explained in my article entitled  JOHNNIE COCHRAN’S COINTELPRO MURDER THEORY – at this link: http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/johnnie-cochrans-cointelpro-murder.html

Blessings from Mary Neal

Judge Wendy Shoob – http://www.opednews.com/articles/Heartbreak-Hotel-Georgia-by-Maynard-Eaton-110616-497.html

See a list of reasons to BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE on the 9th of every month at the previous articles in this series, and add your own reason: BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE: No Shopping May 9 article at this link: http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/04/boycott-4-justice-no-shopping-may-9.html

Human Rights for Prisoners BOYCOTT Beginning 3/9/11

WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL Website: http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/

ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL (online advocacy group at Care2 to decriminalize mental illness) –http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/AIMI

TRY to follow me at TWITTER where I am @koffietime http://twitter.com/koffietime , and I’ll try to follow you back.


Free Speak Blog – http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/

MaryLovesJustice – http://marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/

*JUSTICE GAGGED (Cyberdogs hide this one all the time) http://justicegagged.blogspot.com/

Mary Neal’s Care2 Sharebook – http://www.care2.com/c2c/share/sharebook/513396753

Mary Neal on HubPages – http://hubpages.com/profile/Mary+Neal

174 articles published as “duo” at NowPublic.com – http://www.nowpublic.com/user/51620/assignments

Mary Neal at OpEd News – http://www.opednews.com/author/author19344.html

See also Mary Neal at HubPages and Mary Neal’s Care2 Sharebook


Posted by MaryLovesJustice Neal at 8:09 PM


Monday, March 1, 2010

Citizens Police Gang Stalking Mary Neal’s Family

Seven (7) paragraphs, 11 links — CHINA IS MOVING AHED OF THE UNITED STATES in protecting citizens’ rights. Police in China are being tried for torturing a citizen. My mentally and physically disabled brother was secretly arrested and murdered in Memphis Shelby County Jail and the DOJ is helping to cover up the murder. In fact, the FOIA request we sent to the USDOJ in May of 2009 was answered. The Department of “JUSTICE” REFUSED to respond with records on Larry’s murder and the false testimony and records that Memphis Shelby County Jail entered into United States District Court during hearings that were held to determine if the jail was worthy of being released from federal overview for all the other inmates it killed or abused. Since Larry’s murder, three more federal lawsuits were filed regarding murder and abuses of mentally ill citizens in Shelby County, but their lawsuit didn’t get to trial either. PAY ATTENTION. CHINA IS MOVING AHEAD OF THE USDOJ in upholding citizens’ rights — China vs DOJ in human rights: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/world/china-police-face-torture-allegations/story-e6frfkui-1225835805524 – Compare China’s response to police brutality reported in the article with the denial of justice regarding my mentally, physically disabled brother’s SECRET arrest and murder in government custody and the cover-up that ensued and still continues. See this link: http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/


I am not supposed to write these things. I’m supposed to be so intimidated that I join in Larry’s wrongful death cover-up like mainstream media has by not publishing the crimes. That is why they moved “citizens police” in my immediate vicinity to stalk us, put my PC on a network, and follow us when we leave home. THIS IS LIKE THE FRENCH OCCUPATION, SLAVERY, AND NAZI GERMANY ALL ROLLED INTO ONE. Guess what? YO turn next. PETITION TO END MARY NEAL’S CENSORSHIP AND TERRORISM AT THIS LINK: http://www.nowpublic.com/culture/justice-mary-neal-petition-combat-terrorism-censorship


See this ShreveportTimes.com article about citizens police there: http://www.shreveporttimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2010100226008 – They probably have some in your neighborhood. While authorities are going mainstream with news regarding “citizens police,” this might be a good time to admit to having “citizens police law firms.” See this article: Can Law Firms Be Government Agencies?http://alturl.com/hwov
I may be a bit narcissistic. I thought that the “citizens police” in my area were all assigned to watch our family. I was riding with a neighbor recently who pointed out a house on my street and told me a spy lived there. My friend Lee claimed he observed the resident in that house stealing his garbage and also garbage bags belonging to neighbors on his street during the night. Lee has cameras around his property, so the theft may be on film. Lee told me the next morning he drove by the house where the “trash man” lives and saw his own garbage on the “trash man’s” curb for pickup by the county garbage trucks. Lee recognized some of his things protruding from the bag. People can learn volumes about you by digging through your discards. That is what America is becoming. On the other hand, perhaps it has always been this way. When I worked in a law office that helped clients regarding their social security claims, some of the elderly Negro clients complained that their social security checks did not reflect income for all the years they spied on Martin Luther King and others during the civil rights movement.(Dated terminology deliberately used). Perhaps the feds thought those retired “citizens police” would be too embarrassed to admit they had done that work and quietly accept the loss on their retirement income. But “citizens police” types are completely mercenary and nothing embarrasses them.

People who are outspoken about denial of human and civil rights in the U.S. are terrorized and censored because the camps and railroads are not ready yet, so fascism is undercover. Listen to “Mary Neal interviewed on Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio Show Oct. 11, 2009http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Rev-Pinkney/2009/10/11/MARY-NEAL-A-WARRIOR “ (Rev. Pinkney was America’s first minister to be arrested for quoting the Bible. He was imprisoned for months, and that was followed by house arrest. Listen to the interview at the link to discover which Bible verse is censored.) After the DOT truck and agents in four cars followed my grandson and me to the Chevron station on September 27, 2008, and we waited there for an hour for emergency 911 police who did not come, my elderly mom and I mostly stay home. (See Cochran Firm Fraud videos 1 and 2 on YouTube about the night my six-year-old grandson and I were waylaid at the neighborhood store). Since we stay home all the time, NEW neighbors moved in homes that were previously vacant with no for sale or for rent signs for months. The neighbors across from our home had deliveries the week they came by an 18-wheeler DOT truck. Every time I write something about “citizens police,” they delete the post. This is what America has come to – people like me who ask WHAT HAPPENED TO LARRY NEAL? and try to advocate for human rights for prisoners are surrounded by “citizens police” who do gang stalking, put my PC on a network to control my input, and follow me when I leave home. I used to be able to have Net Freedom at the library using their PCs, but I have to log on with a library member number, and the cyberstalkers now attached themselves to that and take over my use of library PCs. See PRISON LABOR PROFITS on YouTube for a sample of their handiwork. See how they followed me to Care2 and sabotaged my message. The USDOJ ought to just take a lesson from China where police are being prosecuted for torturing a citizen, and stop helping Shelby County Jail, Memphis police, The Johnnie Cochran Firm, and others get away with murder and the cover-up conspiracy that followed.

IT IS YOUR TAX MONEY PAYING FOR ALL OF THESE CITIZENS POLICE, SO PLEASE CALL OR WRITE THE DOJ AND TELL THEM TO STOP. I don’t think it is fair for the Neal family to have to live in fascism until the rest of you do, which is probably sooner than you think. I would ask you to sign my petition in the second paragraph of this FreeSpeakBlog post, but you will see when you open the link that the petition to stop my terrorism and censorship is itself censored. Petitions for human rights are often attacked. For instance, you may sign at no. 360 on Monday. If you check back on Thursday, your name may be at number 330. That means thirty names before yours were covertly deleted, forcing your name to slip backwards numerically. Cyberstalkers usually do not steal the signatures of people who post comments. They are probably taught those thefts might be noticed. Next time you sign a petition, write comments. If you have no comments, just write “I signed this petition at number 360.” That will put a wrench in their act.

Follow me on Twitter, where I am KoffieTime – http://twitter.com/koffietime

Please see my Google profile for more links to my radio interviews, articles, blogs, and social networks –http://google.com/profiles/MaryLovesJustice – Your assistance is requested. Find an article to re-publish in this blog and among my articles athttp://NowPublic.com/duo, or share evidence of my cybercensorship in PRISON LABOR PROFITS, a 2-minute video at YouTube. Write and request a CD filled with cybercensorship examples like PRISON LABOR PROFITS. Donations for production and postage and to further our quest to decriminalize mental illness are appreciated.

Mary Neal

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

P.O. Box 153, Redan, GA 30074


Posted by MaryLovesJustice Neal at 11:40 PM <img class="icon-action" src="http

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