PATRIOT NEWS: Feel free to copy or share this in any way you wish, this is free and open source material to help people.
PATRIOT NEWS: The following was posted from a various of sources:
THIS LIST IS NOT COMPREHENSIVE, IT IS ONLY MEANT AS A STARTING POINT. The invasion has already begun in certain areas of our country, including the Southern and Northern Borders, Detriot, Alaska, Crystal City, Denver CO, Florida, Free Trade Zones, some areas of our national forests, Anaheim, Chicago, New York City and Boston. To facilitate the usefulness of this article, I will part with convention and write most of it in the form of a semi-comprehensive list of ideas and strategies you and your friends and neighbors can use to help defend yourselves from violent psychopaths when Obama and his fellow terrorists give the final order to move against our country. READERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SEND MORE IDEAS FOR POSSIBLE INCLUSION ON THIS LIST. THIS ARTICLE/LIST WILL BE UPDATED EVERY DAY, AND MAY BE COPIED AND SHARED ON ANY SITE OR PAGE FREELY.
The mainstream media/entertainment/CIA/Switzerland/Vatican complex has effectively been brainwashing people en mass in our country to think with their fists and fight like apes while they hide in their underground bunkers in Denver, Vatican City, Crystal City, etc., and send their brainwashed minion/slaves to try to murder everyone else. Satan, Cain and their Jesuit “Superior Generals” KNOW that men and women who fight with their fists die easily under assault. They almost NEVER get into direct physical fights themselves, but instead send their stupid, disposable flunkies to fight in their wars FOR them. The NWO does not want you to THINK your way out of situations, because they cannot conquer you if you do that. The way to win EVERY fight is to AVOID fighting by being alerted to the danger and having a foolproof escape plan ahead of time, and let the Lord protect you instead. As the scriptures say, the ONLY people who will be safe in the Last Days (TODAY) are those who are gathered together with the Saints in Zion (the Wards, Stakes, etc. of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). Here’s how to defeat ANY invading foe without using force:
1 – Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and as much spiritual preparation and maintenance as possible, including continual personal, family and spousal prayers to our Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ, Family Home Evenings, daily scripture studies with family members and privately. Also maintain a constant state of positive, healthy thinking and calm. The most deadly attacks by the NWO are negative spiritual/ELF/HAARP/brainwashing/negative propaganda/Satanic temptation, doubt and fear-based.
MORE on #1:
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Members of the Church have been counseled for many years to be prepared for adversity. Preparation, both spiritual and temporal, can dispel fear. With the guidance of Church leaders, individual members and families should prepare to be self-reliant in times of personal or widespread emergency.
Family Emergency Planning
Church members are encouraged to prepare a simple emergency plan. Items to consider may include:
Three-month supply of food that is part of your normal daily diet.
Drinking water.
Financial reserves.
Longer-term supply of basic food items.
Medication and first aid supplies.
Clothing and bedding.
Important documents.
Ways to communicate with family following a disaster.
Disaster Cleanup and Church Volunteer Safety
Wards and stakes may organize volunteers to assist in the community following a disaster. Church volunteers should focus on cleanup rather than reconstruction. All volunteers should adhere to Church safety guidelines for disaster cleanup.
Guidelines for Disaster Cleanup and Church Volunteer Safety
Emergency Communications
During an emergency, normal means of communication may become inoperable. Communication needs should be addressed in ward and stake emergency plans.
Guidelines for Emergency Communication
Frequently Asked Questions on Emergency Communication
Ward and Stake Emergency Plans
Wards and stakes should have a plan in the event of an emergency. Plans are prepared by ward and stake welfare committees under the direction of the bishop or stake president. Plans should be updated periodically.
Guidelines for Ward and Stake Emergency Plans
Meetinghouses as Emergency Shelters
Following a disaster, the use of a meetinghouse as a community emergency shelter is occasionally needed. Permission is granted by the stake president, after consulting with a member of the Presidency of the Seventy or the Area Presidency. Following approval, the priesthood leader should contact his Church physical facilities representative (PFR).
Guidelines for Use of Meetinghouses as Emergency Shelters
2 – Perimeter sensors around your property.
3 – A number of plants within your house to provide constant oxygen in case of a bioterror attack that keeps you indoors for a prolonged period of time.
4 – Air horns to cause pain and alert others
5 – Paintball guns and rounds to blind parked MRAP windshields and helmeted UN troops
6 – Dogs surrounding your neighborhood and the whole town, to alert the town before they arrive.
7 – Watchmen on the Wall for your city. No one should know their names or where they are located.
8 – HAM Radio operator on every block, and hopefully in every house. (See #1)
9 – EMP guards. (See #55)
10 – Keep your TV screens, cell phones, computer screens, etc. all turned away from anyone and everything in your house as much as possible, even when they are “off.” They can and are all being used to spy on you through audio and video feeds by the FBI, NSA, DHS, etc.
11 – As much food storage and water storage as you possibly can get. Use non-GMO, heirloom foods and water purification bottles as much as you can.
12 – Escape tunnels from a secret part of your house to the nearby sewer, forest, or other undetected escape route.
13 – Set your house up so that you can easily burn it down if necessary. Keep all your vital records, bug-out-bag, meds, etc. in a pack. Use in conjunction with #12 if needed.
14 – Dress in black from head to toe, and wear a black ski mask at night.
15 – Gas masks with filters for radiation and gas attacks.
16 – Non-lethal gas grenades, including tear gas, smoke bombs, etc. for escape and distraction.
17 – Phone/personal contact trees with everyone you know in your neighborhood, town and families whom you trust. Keep the information flowing about threats and constantly personally trouble-shoot new ideas for yourself. Do not tell anyone all your plans.
18 – Barrels of gasoline with firestarting materials, to pour on enemy vehicles or in front of them to stop them in their tracks. Dawn dishwashing detergent combined with gasoline makes an effective firestarter
19 – Videocams, hidden and open, with live feeds to the internet and other contacts. Upload attacks to the internet and others. Identify all your attackers as much as possible and expose them later.
20 – Have many men ready with chainsaws to create a barricade across the roads, so that any non-flying NWO vehicles can not enter.
21 – Some sort of tool(s) for food obtaining…crossbows, bows, guns, traps, etc.
22 – Million candlepower flashlights to blind your enemies.
23 – Flares to alert others.
24 – Loud horns to alert people all across town. This is a classic and foolproof way that has worked for millenia.
25 – Spy drones with cameras to scope out your enemies from blocks away. This could be especially helpful for Chinese/Russian/Cuban troops, many of whom will be parachuting in to your area or coming from the National Forests where they live and train right now.
26 – Small oxygen tank/masks.
27 – Be aware of all military outposts, police stations and train stations and lines and avoid those areas when prompted by the Holy Ghost. Listen to the Holy Ghost’s promptings constantly and follow them.
28 – Create a secret, hidden room. Stock it with food, water, plants for oxygen, etc. Hide out in it until you can escape.
29 – Stay in the woods and out of sight if travelling if needed. Build forest shelters now for use later for possible use, or build them later.
30 – Bring something to cook with like a propane stove or hobo stoves, that will not make bright lights or a lot of smoke or steam.
31 – Have a bag stocked with easy to eat and prepare food, like perhaps MRES.
32 – Potassium Iodide to stave off radiation attacks from Fukishima and localized nuclear attacks on our cities by the NWO. These may also help to prevent problems in those with thyroid disorders.
33 – Use Google Earth maps to check out the local geography of your area beforehand. Make flexible plans for escape.
34 – Have a compass in your Bug-Out-Bag.
35 – Keep a Bug-Out-Bag in all your vehicles and one also in your home. Use ones that are dark in color to blend into the darkness and shadows. Waterproof it if it is not already. You can get some waterproofing spray at shoe stores on online easily for just 7 bucks or so.
36 – Get a LIFESTRAW (Google it)
37 – Small radio and batteries or a hand crank one that does not need any. Ditto for flashlights.
38 – Have a good little container of 16 penny and other size nails, along with a hammer and pioneering-grade twine/rope in your Bug-Out-Bags in case you need to build shelters or other necessities.
39 – Know the weak spots of your body (see photo A below from the Army Manual)
40 – Carry enough food for not just yourself, but for several others if possible, to barter with when the economy renders our unlawful Federal Reserve Bank counterfeit currency worthless
41 – Study the graduated responses chart of the Army Manual. Note that the official manuals are not necessarily what will be used to attack us, but it may give insight on what may happen so we can avoid it when it happens, most likely by Chinese, Russian or UN troops in either our uniforms or theirs (see photo B below)
42 – Move out of, and actively avoid, big cities:
43 – The NWO criminals are planning on using black helicopters during the early morning before dusk to “extract” political dissidents under the false “drill” “OPERATION: JADE HELM 15.” This is part of the reason they are conditioning you via the media to get used to the random flying of black helicopters (which Governor Rick Perry denied on film, along with many others, even existed, and people who “believed” black helicopters existed were “crazy.” For the past 2 years they are now openly flying black helicopters on the news and saying how wonderful they are, which means Perry and all the others are complete and utter liars and are enemies of the United States of America. This may happen at any time, so be aware of the sounds of helicopters during the night, have your bug out bag and escape plan in place, and you might want to keep on the road and cross state lines when you flee.
44 – Learn how to store fresh vegetables for months without a refrigerator:
45 – Learn how to start seeds indoors:
How to Start Seeds Indoors
Sow. Starting seeds indoors is a little different than sowing directly into the ground. Usually, the seed package will tell you how to sow outside. Some packages include instructions for starting inside as well as when to start seeds inside, so you can follow those instructions if applicable. Generally, larger seeds should be placed at least an inch apart. Depending on the size of your tray’s cells you may get 2-3 seeds in each. Medium-sized seeds can be a little closer together and small seeds can be about a half inch apart. Small seeds can be tricky to handle. You can sprinkle them using your fingers, or you can use a spoon or even tweezers to place the seeds.
Some seeds need direct light exposure for germination, and some can be covered with your seed starting mix. Some even want covering with black plastic. Your seed packet should tell you the specific requirements for your seeds. Don’t forget to label the trays with what type of seeds you have planted.
Heat. Your seeds need heat to germinate. Put them in a warm place – the top of a fridge is warm enough to get them sprouting. You can start them in trays using plugs or our seed starting soil. You can also use heat mats specially made for seedlings. Keep the soil damp but not soaked.
Light. Your seedlings will emerge in 1-4 weeks, and they’ll need light right away when they do. Put the seedlings in the brightest window in your home. Or better yet put them under a small grow lamp.
Thin. Plants aren’t good at sharing their space. A few days after your seedlings emerge, trim back all but the strongest plant in each cell in the tray. That seedling is going to need all the soil, space, and nutrients in its cell.
Fertilize. After a couple weeks your seedlings will run out of food. They’re young, so they don’t need much yet. Water them with a good, general purpose fertilizer mixed at half strength. We can provide recommendations in our store.
Transplant. After about a month, your plants will need more room to grow. To check if they’re ready to transplant, gently ease the seedling out of its cell. It’s ready to go if you can see roots growing around the edges of the cell. Select a larger pot with drainage holes at the bottom, fill it with a nice quality potting soil, make a hole big enough for your seedling, ease the plant back out of its cell – soil and all – and plant it in the new pot. Fill potting soil around the seedling. Water the new pot thoroughly until water drips out the bottom. Make sure they have light, water, and fertilizer.
Transition. After the weather warms up enough, you may want to move your plants outside. You can move them out in their pot to grow or transplant again right into the ground. Either way, make the transition gradual. The new environment can shock plants, so take them outside a few hours at a time for a week or so, gradually increasing how long they’re outside.
Let ’em grow. Make sure the soil doesn’t completely dry out and fertilize them regularly. You should be able to harvest leaves from your herbs all summer long. Pinch off any flower buds that appear to encourage more leafy growth.
We carry a full line of seed starting equipment and soils, plus organic seeds specially-customized for the Northeast. Stop in today.
Written by Tara F — February 17, 2015
46 – Tactical camouflage and deception techniques from David Black:
Safety Warning: Read up on your confined spaces safety prior to trying any of this. You can die so easily in confined spaces.
Now as preppers we have seen a lot of crap be done to build prepper fortresses both above and below ground. I would suggest that instead of looking to make your Bug Out Locations (BOL) look like Helms Deep that you should instead make it look more like the Hobbit Holes of the Shire.
Guess what… You need to consider that you exist on a planet where you don’t have to be the US Government to get Satellite imaging of a particular area… It is called Google Earth. So over head camouflage and deception is important.
The following is 15 commandments of Tactical Camouflage from the late Colonel David Hackworth aka Hack.
Thou shalt not expose thy shiny mess gear, for it bringeth unwanted guests to chow.
Thou shalt not wear white T-shirts, or thine enemies will dye them red.
Thou shalt provide overhead concealment, for thine enemies’ eyes are upon thee.
Thou shalt cover thy tall antenna, for fly swatters groweth not in yon wood.
Thou shalt use a red lens on thy flashlight, or it shall appear as a star in the East.
Thou shalt cover the glass on thy vehicle, for the glare telleth thine enemy thy location.
Thou shalt blend with thy surroundings, for trees groweth not in yon desert.
Thou shalt cover the tracks of thy vehicle, for they draweth pretty pictures.
Thou shalt cover thy face, hands, and helmet, for thine enemies maketh war not on bushes.
Thou shalt pick up thy trash and litter, for they exposeth thy presence.
Thou shalt conceal the noise of thy generator, for thine enemies are listening.
Not looking like a target is important. Be low key. Having a triple canopy forest will help. It is hard for our thermal and NVG’s to penetrate dense foliage. We are fortunate that all the people who hate America typically don’t have that to aid them.
Urban Camouflage and Deception
Graffiti can be your best friend. Spray painting and tagging your own suburban home breaking out the windows and throwing trash out on the lawn. Bio-hazard Bags… Fake Search and Rescue Markings. Bad smelling odors. Anything you can do to make it seem like you really don’t want to enter a place is better than having a fortress. But if you have heavy metal or other shielding of your walls, windows, etc. inside the house, that is even better.
Now… Escape Tunnels
Escape Tunnels on the Missile Silos had no entrance. They remained unfinished. The last 5-6 feet of the tunnel you would have to dig yourself. This is ideal. No matter how good of a system you think you have… If someone really wants what ever you are defending they can pour enough ordinance and man power to take it from you. So have an escape plan.
47 – Learn how to make your own hidden passages:
48 -Avoid Monsanto foods, which kill you:
There are many companies involved with Monsanto Corporation.Many consumers are familiar with most of the brands on this list. These foods are harming our bodies. We should all think twice of what we consume.
Here’s a simple, printable list of companies that use Monsanto products. By avoiding products made by companies on this list, you can help ensure your money isn’t going to Monsanto and also watch out for the health of your family and yourself.
If you wish to print, simply click on the list and choose “Print” from your browser’s menu (or press CTRL+P/CMD+P).
Original list from the Ascending Star Seed blog
49 – Protect yourself from increasing chemtrailing. We are not trained doctors, and do not endorse any claims on how to do this, but the following info may or may not be helpful:
Chemtrails: Learn how to protect yourself from these treacherous poisons
(NaturalNews) Short of living in a hermetically sealed house and only eating food grown indoors, dodging the dangerous ramifications of chemtrails is nearly impossible. Unfortunately, these poisonous aerial sprays have become a day-to-day reality for most – requiring individuals to fortify themselves with detoxifying food and supplements in order to avoid serious disease. Whether enjoying a humble apple or specifically targeting heavy metals with chlorella, addressing the virulent effects of geoengineering is an exceptionally important daily routine.
Poisoned from above
The toxins found in chemtrails infiltrate every aspect of our lives, from the air we breathe to the water we drink and the food we eat. Is it any wonder that physical and mental diseases are increasing at a staggering rate? Astoundingly, these aerial sprays often contain the following bizarre mix of pathogens and poisons:
Pseudomonas fluorescens – Linked with biological warfare, severe blood inflections, coughing fits and vertigo.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa – Associated with pneumonia, bronchitis, ear and eye infections, meningitis, cystic fibrosis and joint and muscle pain along with gastrointestinal disorders.
Mycoplasma fermetans incognitus – A bioengineered pathogen connected with Gulf War illness and chronic fatigue.
Morgellons – Attacks the skin, leading to eventual death. Morgellons is a “mystery” pathogen, as scientists aren’t sure whether to classify it as a bacteria or virus.
Ethylene dibromide (EDB) – An EPA-banned toxin that damages the liver and respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Heavy Metals
Cadmium – Carcinogenic. Compromises the cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, neurological, reproductive and respiratory systems.
Nano-aluminum-coated fiberglass (CHAFF) – Impairs brain function. Linked with emotional instability, paranoia, poor memory, irritability, decreased alertness, mood disorders and bad judgment.
Mercury – Damages the nervous, respiratory, digestive, renal and immune systems.
Barium – Promotes cardiac arrhythmias, paralysis, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory failure. Barium is also implicated in neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis.
Detoxifying daily habits
If we want to protect ourselves from this health-harming madness, a few select foods and supplements can help.
Chlorella – Pulls heavy metals from tissue and encapsulates toxins to prevent reabsorption in the digestive tract.
Pectin – Absorbs heavy metals in the intestines and assists with removal.
Cilantro – Eliminates mercury, lead and aluminum from the body.
Kombu seaweed – Rich in heavy metal-absorbing alginate.
Oxygenated silver – Destroys bacteria, viruses and fungus.
Activated charcoal – Binds to heavy metals for safe removal from the body.
As a powerful detoxifier of heavy metals, parasites, pollutants, bacteria, fungi and viruses, bentonite clay is an excellent defense against chemtrails. For internal consumption, only ingest the food grade variety known as calcium bentonite clay. It can also be used in the bath for gentle detoxification through the skin.
Additionally, DMPS (sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropane-l-sulfonate) is a sulfuric acid salt which is extremely effective in removing heavy metals from the body. In laboratory tests, when an intravenous shot of DMPS was given, 90 percent of heavy metals were excreted through the kidneys after 24 hours. Oral supplementation is also an option, although it’s considered less effective.
Ultimately, the discontinuation of spraying is the best protection against the health-ravaging consequences of chemtrails. Practical steps for stopping the assault can be found here.
Learn more:
49 – Study and prepare appropriate natural healing foods to help protect you against chemtrail, GMO and biological, stress and microwave emissions:
50 – Build your willpower. This article may help:
Willpower Part III: How to Strengthen Your Willpower and 20 Ways to Conserve It
by Brett & Kate McKay on January 15, 2012 · 27 comments
in A Man’s Life,Personal Development
In the first post in this series, we discussed the nature of willpower, noting that is a real mental energy.
In the second post, we explored the way in which this mental energy is a finite resource and how it can be depleted through the exercising of self-control and the making of decisions.
Now if willpower is a real, finite energy, the question that naturally arises is this: What can I do to strengthen, conserve, and harness this force to help me reach my full potential? The answer to that question is what we will be diving into today.
How to Strengthen Your Willpower
While there are many ways to conserve your willpower, there’s really just one way to strengthen it.
By working on any goal or habit that exercises your self-control.
Remember when we talked about how willpower is like a muscle, and that just like a muscle, you have to exhaust it in the short-term in order to build its strength in the long-term? When you work to change a habit, you deplete your willpower in the struggle, but over time, the strength of your willpower muscle increases from these exercises, making you better able to take on future tasks.
Your willpower is strengthened not only by tackling big goals, but also by doing anything that gets your brain out of its comfort zone—things like using your left hand instead of your right (if you’re a righty), working on your posturethroughout the day, and trying to stop swearing have all been shown to increase the overall stamina of a person’s willpower.
The best part about creating a new habit is that not only does it strengthen your willpower, it also frees up more of your willpower fuel for other things. When a decision becomes a habit, it draws little, if any, willpower from your supply. The more good decisions you can make habitual, the less taxes on your willpower tank you’ll experience throughout the day.
This is why people with stronger self-control actually spendless time resisting desires than those with weaker self-control. By creating good habits, they minimize the number of temptations they’ll be faced with by making as many decisions as automatic as possible.
How to Conserve Your Willpower
Okay, so in order to strengthen your willpower, you need to work towards reaching a goal or changing/creating a habit. But everyone who’s ever tried to do that knows it’s not easy! How do you get enough willpower to strive towards and achieve your aims in the first place?
They key is to consciously conserve this force, keeping it from being frittered away on dumb stuff and saving it for the things that are most important to you. What follows are 20 ways to do that. This is incredibly vital knowledge; the man who learns how to harness this force of greatness is he who reaches his goals, makes better decisions, and progresses farthest in life.
Note: Some of these points are interesting and important topics in and of themselves, not only as they concern willpower, but life in general, and we had so much to say that the first draft of this post grew into a truly epic tome. So a ton was cut out (it’s still long though!), but we will be revisiting many of these points with their own in-depth articles throughout the year (a comprehensive post on goal setting will arrive next week, in fact). In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about the very fascinating studies that back up the efficacy of these techniques, pick up a copy of the book this series has been based on: Willpower: by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney.
1. Only work on one goal at a time. If you only take one idea from this post, let it be this: only work on one goal or habit at a time. Because your willpower is a finite resource, when you spend your willpower on one thing, you have less it available for other things. Thus when you try to change multiple habits at the same time, what you’re doing is allocating just one sliver of your willpower pie to each goal. The result is not surprising: failure in most, if not all of them.
Instead, you want to funnel as much of your willpower fuel towards one thing as you can. Changing any habit is like driving an auto up a very steep mountain—the engine on your willpower-mobile needs as much power as possible to get to the top and over the other side without puttering out and sliding back.
2. Make changes during periods of calm. If your willpower is a finite resource, then you don’t want to attempt big goals and habit changes when you’ve got a lot on your plate. These stressors will suck away your willpower, leaving you without enough of it to reach your big goal.
3. Make your goal as clear and specific as possible. While some cynics scoff at those who make New Year’s resolutions, the resolvers get the last laugh; people who make formal New Year’s resolutions are ten times more likely to reach their goals than those with the same aims and motivation, but who never clearly articulate their aims.
Hoping to reach a goal without clearly defining it is like trying to find a place by simply driving around; you’re not sure exactly where you’re headed and thus fruitlessly burn up your fuel—or willpower.
4. Set things up on autopilot. When I wrote this post about how to stop mindlessly surfing the internet, I recommended implementing firewall software that blocks you from looking at certain sites at set times. Some criticized this approach as insufficiently manly, arguing that I should just work to overcome my mindless surfing through willpower alone. And that would be a fine idea…if I wanted to make that my one big goal for a time. However, that’s way down on my goal list—I’ve got more important things I’m working on for which I need every possible drop of my willpower supply. So maybe someday I’ll get down to making the ability to resist mindless surfing a habit, but in the meantime, I want to minimize any willpower sucks in my life by making that an automatic decision.
5. Don’t make big decisions on an empty stomach. The glucose in your bloodstream is part of what fuels the energy source of willpower, and it comes from any food you eat that contains carbohydrates. Exercising self-control depletes relatively large amounts of this glucose, and when glucose goes down, so does your willpower. No food=no glucose=no willpower=risk aversion and poor decisions.
This is why you should never go into anything important—a meeting, an interview, a test–on an empty stomach. And why you shouldn’t schedule say, a pitch meeting, right before lunch if you want to increase your chances of getting a yes.
If you need your glucose hit right away, eat something sugary, as this will get the glucose into your bloodstream and to your willpower supply quickly. But if you have time, eat high protein, low glycemic foods—the glucose will take an hour to get into your bloodstream, but you’ll avoid a sugar crash and such foods are better for you in general.
By the way, this connection between food, glucose, and willpower is one of the reasons dieting is so difficult. To shed pounds you need to eat less, and to eat less you need willpower, and to get willpower you need to eat. This conundrum explains why willpower has been shown to be more effective for making improvements in areas like school and work rather than one’s waistline; people with high self-control are in fact only slightly better at maintaining a healthy weight (they do exercise more, but this has much less effect on one’s weight than diet does). Willpower experts thus recommend trying to lose weight by making very subtle changes to one’s diet instead of drastic reductions.
6. Make to-do lists. Once you finish a task, your brain largely forgets about it. But unfinished tasks have been shown to stick in your head and jangle around. Your brain hates loose ends and will keep nudging you to do something about them.
The problem with these loose ends camping on your cranium is that they’re subtly eating up your willpower. They’re like so-called “vampire appliances,” appliances that are plugged in all the time and suck up a little bit of electricity even when you’re not actually using them.
To un-plug your vampire to-do’s, you simply need to take the loose ends out of your head and put them down on paper. The classic to-do list can really work wonders for your willpower. Be sure to make your list of to-do’s as specific as possible—as GTD guru David Allen puts it, you need to figure out your next action on something. So don’t write: “Plan trip.” Write: “Search for best airline fare.” And once you cross that off, your new next action would be “Buy tickets.” And so on.
7. Make a precommitment. You’re doing a Paleo-diet and eating only things like meats and veggies. Your friends invite you out to a restaurant, and you think, “That won’t be a problem. I’ll just get a steak.” But when you arrive and sit down, the waiter brings out a basket of warm, freshly baked rolls, and you shout, “Hot damn! This must be what heaven smells like!” And in the blink of an eye, you’ve stuffed two rolls in your mouth.
What happened to you in there? You were so sure you could handle the temptation. But you fell victim to what’s called the “hot-cold empathy gap.” When you’re contemplating a scenario from your easy chair, you underestimate how difficult resisting the temptation will be in the heat of the moment.
To prevent the hot-cold empathy gap, you need to make a “precommitment,” the creating of a contingency plan so that when you’re in the heat of the moment, and decide to give in, the option of giving in isn’t available.
For example, if you’re going to go shopping with someone, but you don’t want to spend any money, don’t bring a credit card, or bring a set amount of cash.
If you’re trying to cut down on your alcohol consumption, keep your house spirits-free.
And if you’re a Paleo guy, tell the waiter as soon as you sit down not to bring over the rolls at all (hopefully you have very understanding, or gluten-allergy-suffering friends).
8. Create routines.
If you have a set schedule for the day and a regular routine, you don’t have to dither about what you should be doing at any given moment. “It’s 10:00 pm—time to start reading for 30 minutes before bed.”
9. Build self-awareness through monitoring.
Self-awareness simply means consciously knowing what you’re doing each day, and it’s tightly linked with self-control.
Most people are pretty good at hiding themselves…from themselves. They have only the vaguest idea of how much time they’ve wasted surfing the internet, how much food they’ve eaten, and what they’ve spent that month. But if you don’t know where you’re at in a certain pursuit, there’s no way you’ll reach your goal; you won’t know what you need to change, how far you’ve come, and how far you have to go.
So look for ways to monitor, gather data, and “quantify” your life. Keep a food diary of what you eat each day. Weigh yourself every morning (while you may have heard weight loss gurus tell you this is a bad idea, studies have shown that those who weigh themselves daily are more successful at shedding the pounds). Use websites like to keep track of your finances, and apps that track how you spend your time online. And so on. The more clear reminders you have of both your progress and your backsliding, the more likely it is you’ll stay on track.
10. Set up an accountability system. It’s not only helpful to monitor your own progress, but to have someone else looking over your shoulder as well. Keep yourself accountable by making a bet with a friend, setting an appointment to work out with a buddy, posting your progress publicly on a blog or on Facebook, or using a site like
11. Tackle the tough things first.
Throughout the day, you’re going to be exercising your self-control and making decisions, which will slowly deplete your willpower until eventide. So tackle your most important tasks as soon as you can in the morning, when your willpower tank is full and fresh. When taking a test, do the hardest problems first, and save the easy ones for later. And forget that notion about not going to bed angry with your spouse—nighttime is the worst time for arguments; your willpower is low, your capacity for impulse-control is diminished, and you’re likely to say things you’ll regret. It is absolutely amazing what a good night’s sleep will do—problems that felt all-consuming the night before will seem completely insignificant when you get out of bed. If you and your wife need to have an important discussion, do it in the morning…ideally after you’ve both eaten breakfast.
12. Get enough sleep and take naps. Sleep refreshes your willpower supply. So don’t skimp on getting your zzzz’s at night, and take a nap between one self-control exhausting task and the next.
13. Limit your choices. You already know that having too many choices creates restlessness. But it also saps your willpower as well. As you might remember from last time, your willpower takes the biggest hit when you lock in a decision, but it also gets burned up simply through the process of shopping around and weighing different choices. With all that browsing, you might think you’d end up with the best choice, since you sifted through so many options. But the shopping lowers your willpower, which makes you risk averse and unwilling to make a decision that shuts out other possibilities. Basically, this means that in the pursuit of perfection, you end up with nothing, instead of something that wasn’t flawless, but would have made you happy.
This is why speed daters have better luck finding a partner than those who use online dating sites; drowning in choices, the latter get stuck in perpetual browsing.
Instead of endlessly shopping around, figure out a criteria for what you want, and when you find something that works for you, stick with it– whether it’s a product, a church, or a lady friend.
14. Don’t try to work or make important decisions when you’re sick.
When you’re sick, your immune system uses a bunch of your body’s glucose to fight off the infection. It pulls that glucose from everywhere, including your willpower supply.
15. Distract yourself.
In the first post in this series, we talked about a study done with children who were told they could eat the single marshmallow in front of them, or wait 15 minutes to double their prize. Many of the children were able to hold out for that second marshmallow with a technique even a four-year-old can understand: distracting yourself. They focused on something else other than the marshmallow.
Turns out the old maxim was right: idle hands are the devil’s romper room. This is something I’ve seen over and over in my life—when I’ve got a lot of time to kill, and only the temptation to think about, I give in. But when my life is filled with activity and friends and interests, I’ll forget about whatever it is I’m supposed to be avoiding.
16. Keep yourself and your surroundings tidy and clean. There is a strong connection between external order and the strength of your willpower. In one study, some of the participants were taken into a neat lab, while the others were placed in a messy one. Those in the latter group exhibited less self-control: they ate less healthy snacks, gave up quicker on tasks, and were more likely to take a small amount of money up front, instead of waiting a week to increase the payout.
So if someone ever says, “Why are you making your bed? It’s pointless.” You can now answer: “Because I’m building my willpower, foo!”
17. Surround yourself with those who have similar goals. The people you surround yourself with have a big impact on who you become. Whether it’s smoking, weight, happiness, drinking, even study habits and GPA, research has shown that your group of friends influences your behavior–for better or worse. If you and your friends are all working towards the same things, it’s a lot easier to stick with it. But if you’re the lone man out, always swimming upstream against what all your friends are doing, you’re going to use up more of your willpower, and be more likely to struggle and fail.
18. Keep it out of sight and out of mind. Researchers found that office workers ate 1/3 more candy when the bowl was sitting out in the open than when it was placed in a drawer. Why? Because every decision we make depletes our willpower, and every time the workers passed the bowl, they had to decide not to take a piece, and each decision wore away at their willpower until they eventually gave in. And this is true for a great many things–not just bowls of candy. For example, don’t study in your dorm room if you’re going to have to keep resisting the urge to crawl into your bed and take a nap.
I’ve found the opposite is true as well: in sight, in mind. If you place a book you’ve been meaning to read by the john or a kettlebell by the couch, you’ll be more likely to pick them up and use them.
19. Delay gratification instead of nixing it altogether. Cutting something out of your life entirely increases the desire for it (forbidden fruit!) and increases the degree of binge if you finally give in, while postponing a pleasure both diminishes the strength of the craving and allows you to be satisfied with less when you do indulge. This is why it can be very effective to allow yourself one cheat day a week on your diet where you get to eat whatever you want, and why the Pomodoro Technique (working for 45 minutes straight and then taking a 15 minute break) can help you study more effectively. When you know you have a scheduled break/indulgence coming up, it becomes much easier to stick with a program without feeling overwhelmed by what you can’t do or have at the moment. (Of course this doesn’t work with things you want to go cold turkey on—don’t schedule one day a week where you smoke 5 packs of cigarettes).
20. Have a higher purpose. Having a higher purpose helps conserve your willpower because the structure and path it provides makes many of your decisions, if not automatic, then at least a lot clearer. This is one of the reasons there is a strong correlation between having strong self-control and being religious (this link is also due to the greater monitoring the religious get–both from God and fellow congregants, and the way the requirements of faith give the willpower muscle plenty of exercise through things like prayer, meditation, fasting, service, ect.).
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52 – How to build an extremely effective fish trap:
53 – Find out if the Vatican/UN is using SMART meters, ELF/Cell Towers and/or WiFi to poison you with radiation. This is a more and more common practice by Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. and is ABSOLUTELY REAL and VERIFIED, including by the U.S. Department of the Interior themselves. You may or may not wish to protest and/or shield yourself with a Faraday Cage at night. More info:
PROOF: (Baltimore?) CELL PHONE TOWERS ARE ……/proof-cell-phone-towers-are-we…
May 9, 2015 – … document proves the use of cell towers to control populations. … Reblogged this on Patriot News III: Stop Chemtrailing Assaults on AMerica.
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Jun 17, 2015 – Richmond VA City Council Giving Seizures Through Cell Towers to Press TV/Occupy Corporatism/Patriot News Journalists.
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Jun 26, 2015 – Project Aquarius: Cell Phone Towers and Mind Control Secrets Revealed. … Patriot News II …. Create a free website or blog at
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4 days ago – Patriot News II. Defending America Through Knowledge. CIA Now Putting Up Their ELF Cell Towers of Death On Your Child’s Public School Property … VIDEO: Watch Your Cell Phones Pop Popcorn … Blog at
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4 days ago – Cell Phones COOKING EGG!!! Posted by Patriot News. 258 Views … CIA Now Putting Up Their ELF Cell Towers of Death On Your Child’s Public School Property · President … Create a free website or blog at
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4 days ago – Watch Your Cell Phones Pop Popcorn. Posted by Patriot News. 399 Views … CIA Now Putting Up Their ELF Cell Towers of Death On Your Child’s Public School Property … Create a free website or blog at
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Jun 18, 2015 – PATRIOT NEWS NOTE: IF IT KILLS PLANTS AND ANIMALS, IT IS … Important criticism of cell tower radiation guidelines have been made by …
Patriot News III: Stop Chemtrailing Assaults on AMerica
Originally posted on Patriot News II: … Richmond VA City Council Giving Seizures Through Cell Towers to Press TV/Occupy Corporatism/Patriot News …
Project Aquarius: Cell Phone Towers and Mind Control ……/project-aquarius-cell-phone-towers-and-mind-con…
May 9, 2015 – Project Aquarius: Cell Phone Towers and Mind Control Secrets Revealed … Reblogged this on Patriot News III: Stop Chemtrailing Assaults on AMerica. … …
54 – Learn how to avoid and expose C.O.P. (Citizens on Patrol) Agents if you bel