Extract from The Book of Helaman:
18 And now behold, those murderers and plunderers were a band who had been formed by Kishkumen and Gadianton. And now it had come to pass that there were many, even among the Nephites, of Gadianton’s band. But behold, they were more numerous among the more wicked part of the Lamanites. And they were called Gadianton’s robbers and murderers.
19 And it was they who did murder the chief judge Cezoram, and his son, while in the judgment-seat; and behold, they were not found.
20 And now it came to pass that when the Lamanites found that there were robbers among them they were exceedingly sorrowful; and they did use every means in their power to destroy them off the face of the earth.
21 But behold, Satan did stir up the hearts of the more part of the Nephites, insomuch that they did unite with those bands of robbers, and did enter into their covenants and their oaths, that they would protect and preserve one another in whatsoever difficult circumstances they should be placed, that they should not suffer for their murders, and their plunderings, and their stealings.
22 And it came to pass that they did have their signs, yea, their secret signs, and their secret words; and this that they might distinguish a brother who had entered into the covenant, that whatsoever wickedness his brother should do he should not be injured by his brother, nor by those who did belong to his band, who had taken this covenant.
23 And thus they might murder, and plunder, and steal, and commit whoredoms and all manner of wickedness, contrary to the laws of their country and also the laws of their God.
24 And whosoever of those who belonged to their band should reveal unto the world of their wickedness and their abominations, should be tried, not according to the laws of their country, but according to the laws of their wickedness, which had been given by Gadianton and Kishkumen.
25 Now behold, it is these secret oaths and covenants which Alma commanded his son should not go forth unto the world, lest they should be a means of bringing down the people unto destruction.
26 Now behold, those secret oaths and covenants did not come forth unto Gadianton from the records which were delivered unto Helaman; but behold, they were put into the heart of Gadianton by that same being who did entice our first parents to partake of the forbidden fruit—
27 Yea, that same being who did plot with Cain, that if he would murder his brother Abel it should not be known unto the world. And he did plot with Cain and his followers from that time forth.
28 And also it is that same being who put it into the hearts of the people to build a tower sufficiently high that they might get to heaven. And it was that same being who led on the people who came from that tower into this land; who spread the works of darkness and abominations over all the face of the land, until he dragged the people down to an entire destruction, and to an everlasting hell.
29 Yea, it is that same being who put it into the heart of Gadianton to still carry on the work of darkness, and of secret murder; and he has brought it forth from the beginning of man even down to this time.
30 And behold, it is he who is the author of all sin. And behold, he doth carry on his works of darkness and secret murder, and doth hand down their plots, and their oaths, and their covenants, and their plans of awful wickedness, from generation to generation according as he can get hold upon the hearts of the children of men.
31 And now behold, he had got great hold upon the hearts of the Nephites; yea, insomuch that they had become exceedingly wicked; yea, the more part of them had turned out of the way of righteousness, and did trample under their feet the commandments of God, and did turn unto their own ways, and did build up unto themselves idols of their gold and their silver.
32 And it came to pass that all these iniquities did come unto them in the space of not many years, insomuch that a more part of it had come unto them in the sixty and seventh year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi.
33 And they did grow in their iniquities in the sixty and eighth year also, to the great sorrow and lamentation of the righteous.
34 And thus we see that the Nephites did begin to dwindle in unbelief, and grow in wickedness and abominations, while the Lamanites began to grow exceedingly in the knowledge of their God; yea, they did begin to keep his statutes and commandments, and to walk in truth and uprightness before him.
35 And thus we see that the Spirit of the Lord began to withdraw from the Nephites, because of the wickedness and the hardness of their hearts.
36 And thus we see that the Lord began to pour out his Spirit upon the Lamanites, because of their easiness and willingness to believe in his words.
37 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did hunt the band of robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part of them, insomuch that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from among the Lamanites.
38 And it came to pass on the other hand, that the Nephites did build them up and support them, beginning at the more wicked part of them, until they had overspread all the land of the Nephites, and had seduced the more part of the righteous until they had come down to believe in their works and partake of their spoils, and to join with them in their secret murders and combinations.
39 And thus they did obtain the sole management of the government, insomuch that they did trample under their feet and smite and rend and turn their backs upon the poor and the meek, and the humble followers of God.
40 And thus we see that they were in an awful state, and ripening for an everlasting destruction.
41 And it came to pass that thus ended the sixty and eighth year of the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi.
PATRIOT NEWS NOTE: mosquitonet.com, Covert Action Information Bulletin and David Chase Taylor POSTED THE FOLLOWING ON THEIR SITES:
“The Catholic Right and the Knights of Malta, in particular Baron Franz von Papen (see sidebar), played a critical role in Hitler’s assumption of power and the launching of the Third Reich’s Twentieth Century Crusade.”
WINTER 1986 Number 25
Pages 27-38
[1 of 4 ……. 27-29]
The Sovereign Military and Hospitaler Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, known also as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, or SMOM, is juridically, politically, and historically unique in the world today.
Representing initially the most powerful and reactionary segments of the European aristocracy, for nearly a thousand years beginning with the early crusades of the Twelfth Century, it has organized, funded, and led military operations against states and ideas deemed threatening to its power. It is probably safe to say that the several thousand Knights of SMOM, principally in Europe, North, Central, and South America, comprise the largest most consistently powerful and reactionary membership of any organization in the world today.
Although an exclusively [Roman] Catholic organization, in this century it has collaborated with, and given high awards to non-Catholic extremists in its current crusade against progressive forces in the West, the national liberation movements, and the socialist countries.
To be a Knight, one must not only be from wealthy, aristocratic lineage, one must also have a psychological worldview which is attracted to the “crusader mentality” of these “warrior monks.” Participating in SMOM Ñ including its initiation ceremonies and feudal ritual dress Ñ members embrace a certain caste/class mentality; they are sociologically and psychologically predisposed to function as the ”shock troops” of Catholic reaction. And this is precisely the historical role the Knights have played in the wars against Islam, against the Protestant “heresy,” and against the Soviet ”Evil Empire.”
The Catholic Right and the Knights of Malta, in particular Baron Franz von Papen (see sidebar), played a critical role in Hitler’s assumption of power and the launching of the Third Reich’s Twentieth Century Crusade.
SMOM’s influence in Germany survived World War II intact. On November 17, 1948 SMOM awarded one of its highest honors, the Grand Cross of Merit, to Reinhard Gehlen, the Nazi chief of intelligence on the Soviet front. He was subsequently installed by the Americans as the first chief of West Germany’s equivalent of the CIA, the Bundesnachtrichtdienst (BND: federal secret service), under West German Chancellor Adenauer, a devout Catholic who had received the Magistral Grand Cross personally from SMOM Grand Master Prince Chigi.
After the appointment of Knight of Malta William Casey as head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and another Knight, James Buckley, as head ot U.S. propaganda against Eastern Europe at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, several historians noted with interest President Reagan’s call during the summer of 1982 for a “crusade” against the “Evil Empire” in Eastern Europe.
[ including Balkans …… JP ]
In addition to Casey, and James Buckley, its current members, or Knights, after the feudal fashion, include Lee Iacocca, John McCone, William Buckley, Alexander Haig, Alexandre de Marenches (the chief of French Intelligence under Giscard d’Estaing, himself a Knight of SMOM), Otto von Hapsburg, and various leaders of the fascist P-2 Masonic lodge in Italy. While its organizational funding is relatively modest, its leverage is maximized by the presence of its Knights in key positions in other private and governmental structures throughout the world.
A leading figure in Hitler’s coming to power was SMOM Franz von Papen, known as “the devil in a top hat.” A devout Catholic aristocrat from an old family of Westphalian nobility, a former military attache and spy against the United States in 1915, von Papen became Chancellor in May 1932, with the support of the Nazis. In June he ordered the dissolution of the Reichstag, calling for new elections in July, in which the Nazis emerged as the largest party in the new Reichstag. After a meeting with Hitler, von Papen persuaded President von Hindenberg to offer Hitler the Chancellorship, which he assumed on January 30, 1933. Von Papen became his Vice-Chancellor.
In April 1933 von Papen was elevated to Knight Magistral Grand Cross of SMOM. After the murder of Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss in Vienna in July 1934, von Papen became Hitler’s Ambassador to Austria, and, in March 1938 stood by the Fuhrer’s side at his triumphal entry into Vienna. From 1939 until August 1944 he was the Nazi Ambassador to Turkey, and at the Nuremberg trials he was charged with conspiracy to wage aggressive war. He was one of several Nazi leaders acquitted, and subsequently received a generous pension from the first postwar Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer.
Page 28
The President of the American Eastern Association of SMOM is J. Peter Grace, President of W.R. Grace Company, who was a key figure in Operation Paperclip, which brought Nazi scientists to the U.S. 1
SMOM’s Sovereign Diplomacy
As its name suggests, SMOM is both a ”sovereign” and, historically, a “military” organization. Its headquarters, occupying a square block in Rome at 68 Via Condotti, enjoys the extra-territorial legal status granted to an embassy of a sovereign state. The Italian police are not welcome on its territory, it issues its own stamps, and has formal diplomatic relations and exchanges ambassadors with a number of countries.
On November 13, 1951 Italian President Alcide de Gasperi recognized the diplomatic sovereignty of SMOM, although he held off formal exchange of diplomatic envoys.2 On January 11, 1983 the New York Daily News announced that,
“The Vatican and the order of the Knights of Malta, believed to be the smallest sovereign state in the world, have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, a joint statement said today. “
President Reagan’s Ambassador to the Vatican, William Wilson, is, coincidentally, a Knight of Malta.3
On September 5, 1984 French Foreign Minister Claude Cheysson signed a formal protocol with SMOM for various cooperative projects includlng “aid to victims of conflicts.”4 (See below on Americares.)
Historical Antecedents
Already in existence at the time of the first Crusade in 1099, in 1113 the Order of St. John was given its independence by Pope Pascal II, permitted to elect its own Grand Master, and soon the Order began military participation in the Crusades along with with the Knights Templar and Teutonic Knights. The Order of St. John recruited successfully among the Eurupean aristocracy and soon controlled extensive estates throughout the continent, assimilating those previously belonging to the Knights Templar which it had helped crush during the first two decades of the 14th Century, with the Templar leadership burned alive as heretics.
J. Peter Grace and Project Paperclip
On January 16, 1980 ABC-TV broadcast a special “News Closeup,” “Escape from Justice: Nazi War Criminals in America” which discussed Grace’s Role in Project Paperclip.
The transcript of the program, available from ABC on request, states,
“Project Paperclip ……. from the end of WW II to the mid-1950’s brought more than 900 German scientists to the United States. ….. Otto Ambros ….. was a chemist and a Director of the notorious I.G. Farben Company which supplied gasoline and rubber for Hitler’s war effort. Ambros …… played a supervisory role in the construction of Farben’s plant in the Polish village of Auschwitz. For I.G. Farben, Auschwitz concentration inmates provided a plentiful source of cheap labor. ….. The Nuremberg prosecution charged that each day at Farhen’s plant one hundred people died from sheer exhaustion. …… Otto Ambros was convicted of slavery and mass murder and sentenced to eight years in prison. But even while on trial at Nuremberg, Ambros was a target for U.S. recruiters from ‘Project Paperclip.’ His prison sentence was commuted after only three years by American officials and he was helped in a bid to enter the United States by …… J. Peter Grace, President of W. R. Grace, a major American chemical company. …..
An internal State Department document describes how J. Peter Grace helped Otto Ambros in his efforts to enter the U.S. In a memorandum to the U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Grace acknowledges that Ambros was a war criminal. But he adds that in the years he’s known Ambros, …… ‘we have developed a very deep admiration, not only for his ability, but more important, for his character in terms of truthfulness and integrity.’
Today Otto Ambros does consulting work tor W. R. Grace and Company and lives here in Mannheim, Germany. In a recent telephone interview Ambros [said] ‘I’m happy to still be working as a chemist …… but it’s funny. Now I’m helping the Americans.’ “
In June 1981, largely in response to the efforts of well known war crimes researcher Charles Allen, Yeshiva University cancelled a $150-a-plate dinner it had organized to honor Grace. (See also, Joe Conason and Martin A. Rosenblatt, “The Corporate State of Grace,” ‘Village Voice’, April 12, 1983.)
When the scandal broke in West Germany over the Flick company paying huge sums of money to various politicians and parties, it was learned that additionally Flick had taken improper tax waivers and used the money to pump millions of dollars into W. R. Grace Co., becoming a major shareholder. Friedrich Karl Flick himself sits on the Grace Board. As the Moscow New Times reminded its readers (No. 8, 1983, citing Der Spiegel), Friedrich Karl’s father, Flick Sr., had poured money into the coffers of the Nazi party in January 1933, and, ”after Goering had promised the Ruhr magnates that “the March 5 elections will be the last elections in this decade and perhaps in this century,” he contributed another 200,000 marks; this sum was handed to SS Reichfuhrer Himmler. Flick Sr. was subsequently sentenced at Nuremberg to seven years for using slave labor, spoliation and being an accessory to the crimes of the SS. To ensure a good beginning for his son, the war criminal sent him after the war for early training with W. R. Grace.
Page 29
In 1187 the Order was driven militarily from Jerusalem by Saladin. The Knights were forced to flee successively to Acre, Cyprus (1291), and finally Rhodes (1310) where they subdued the local population and establishcd a military dictatorship enjoying territorial sovereignty for the first time. In 1522 they were defeated by Sultan Suleiman’s forces of 200,000 troops and 250 ships after a six-month siege. By 1530 under Grand Master Villiers de l’lsle-Adam, the Knights established their headquarters on the island of Malta which had been given to them by Charles V.
Martin Luther was born in 1483, the same year that Torquemada unleashed the fury of the Inquisition, and while the Knights waged war against foreign heresies, they were soon confronted by the liberalizing Reformation challenge to Catholic Orthodoxy.
In England Henry Vlll’s assertion of an independent national policy was complicated by his marriage to Katherine who was the aunt of Emperor Charles V, patron of the Knights of Malta who in England were a militant bastion of Papal loyalty. By 1534 Pope Clement VII had excommunicated the King and two years later Pope Paul III published a Bull deposing the King and charging the Emperor with its execution. According to King and Luke’s authoritative history 5 of the Order in England
The staunchest supporters of Papal supremacy were naturally to be found among the religious Orders, and ……. the Knights were the loyal servants of the Pope, whose claims to universal dominion [the King] had repudiated, ……. it was thus a sheer impossibility for the King to permit the existence in England of an Order so powerful and so highly organized unless it was prepared to renounce its loyalty to his most determined enemy. Inevitably the Knights would become a center of disaffection and a rallying point for all the forces of reaction. ……
In July 1539, after two of the Knights had already chosen the martyr’s crown, the King wrote letters to the Grand Master which practically constituted an ultimatum, demanding that the Papal supremacy should cease to be recognized by the Order in England. ….. But it was impossible to accept the King’s conditions. In April 1540 ….. Parliament passed an Act dissolving the Order in England and conferring its estates upon the Crown. …… 6
Meanwhile on the continent and in the Mediterranean the wars against the infidels of the East continued. Since the military defense of Christendom required naval support, the Order created a powerful fleet and patrolled the seas of the Eastern Mediterranean fighting many naval actions.
Military operations ranged as far as Egypt and Syria, and by 1565 under Grand Master Valette, they resisted the Turkish siege of Malta. In 1571 SMOM’s fleet participated in the defeat of the Turks at the naval battle of Lepanto, and remained a major military presence in the Mediterranean until 1789 when Napoleon defeated the Knights and occupied the island. The Order finally sought temporary protection under the Russian Emperor Paul I in 1797; in 1834 Pope Leo XIII established its headquarters in Rome.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following information was first published on December 21, 2014 in “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014), a book and website by David Chase Taylor. Due to its shocking revelations, especially in respect to the CIA in Switzerland, it’s naturally being censored on an international level. Consequently, it is imperative to share this information in order to bring the country of Switzerland and its murderous CIA to justice for centuries of war crimes against humanity.
David Chase Taylor
March 31, 2015
SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Located in central Europe, Switzerland is home to the one and only “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA). The CIA, which operates under the alias Holy See (i.e., the “Holy C”), was founded 40 years afterConfoederationis Helveticae (i.e., Switzerland), roughly 755 years ago.
By employing deductive reasoning, it can be deduced that Switzerland is in fact home to the CIA. The first step in this process is to follow the money which leads directly to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, an organization which secretly funds the CIA’s nefarious activities.
Switzerland is very unique from every other country on Earth, something expected from a nation which harbors the CIA. Because Switzerland and its CIA are ultimately responsible for engineering the incessant assassinations, terror attacks and wars around the globe, it is naturally free of such mayhem.
In other words, Switzerland is the eye of the global storm—free of financial crises, free of state-sponsored terrorism, and free of war for over 500 years. After all, terrorists working for the CIA need a sanctuary, a place of peace and safety where they can return to after executing black operations around the world.
Said terrorists also need a place where they can avoid prosecution, hence Switzerland’s allegedly neutral position within the international community. This is precisely why the notorious bankers, pirates and terrorists formerly known as theKnights Templar and the Order of Saint John (see below) originally fled to the Alps, founding what is known today as Switzerland.
Because the CIA is in command and control of each country’s respective intelligence agencies and military, they are responsible for engineering the assassinations, terror attacks and wars seen around the world today. This is originally where the concept of the Swiss Army Knife came from for Switzerland has virtually every political and military option at their respective disposal.
Although Switzerland is famous for its mercenaries who were strategically placed by the CIA in foreign armies, courts and governments in order to conduct assassinations and espionage, 99% of Swiss citizens have absolutely no idea that their country is home to the CIA.
1. Switzerland located in central Europe
2. Switzerland only neutral nation on Earth
3. Switzerland only sovereign nation on Earth
4. Switzerland home to Onyx Interception System
5. Switzerland home to Holy See (i.e., the Holy C-I-A)
6. Switzerland home to Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
7. Names for Switzerland (i.e., CH and Suisse) equate to CIA and SS
8. Swiss National Day same date as the anniversary of Temple of Spies
9. Switzerland intimately tied to dictators (e.g., Hitler, Mussolini, Jong-Un, etc.)
10. Switzerland originally founded by the Knights Templar and Order of Saint John
1. CIA Located in Central Europe
It is imperative to note that the notorious CIA of the United States provides the necessary political cover for black operations (i.e., Special Ops) orchestrated by the CIA in Switzerland. In other words, America takes the blame for what Switzerland is ultimately responsible for. Although there are indeed Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters in Langley, Virginia, they are just the local headquarters of the CIA within the United States. In order to sell the world on the notion that the CIA is American in nature, the words “CIA Headquarters” are always followed by “Langley, Virginia” in virtually all Hollywood movies. However, Langley, Virginia is not located in central Virginia, nor is the state of Virginia centrally located within the United States. Switzerland on the other hand is located in central Europe, hence the name “Central Intelligence Agency”. The term central is defined in part by Merriam-Webster as “in the middle of something” or “located in the center of a thing or place”, definitions which are indicative of Switzerland, not Langley, Virginia. The term “central” is also defined in part as “controlling all other parts” and “having power over the other parts”, for the CIA in Switzerland is ultimately in command and control of all 206 countries and territories of the underworld. Although said countries and territories have different flags, languages and races, they all operate at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland.
2. Switzerland Only Neutral Nation on Earth
Switzerland is the only permanently neutral country on Earth. Neutrality is defined in part as “a sovereign state which officially declares itself to be neutral towards the belligerents”. However, if an allegedly sovereign state is funding said belligerents, it is not neutral. Although Switzerland has been neutral since the end of its expansion in 1515, theCongress of Vienna fully re-established Swiss independence in 1815, making Swiss neutrality permanently recognized. Consequently, Switzerland has remained free of terror attacks and war for over 500 years. By remaining neutral, Switzerland can be intimately involved in the day to day business of every country on Earth while publically appearing to be benign. Switzerland is also the only neutral country which actively engages in armed neutrality. Consequently, theSwiss Armed Forces has roughly 200,000 to 400,000 active-duty soldiers, one of the largest standing armies in the world. The armed neutrality of Switzerland only makes sense when it’s understood that Switzerland is home to the CIA. In the event that Switzerland’s political cover is blown and they are fingered as the progenitor of assassinations, terror attacks and war, its military will be able to defend itself again any attack or potential invasion.
Swiss Flag
3. Switzerland Only Sovereign Nation on Earth
Switzerland is the only sovereign nation on Earth. This relatively unknown fact is confirmed by the flag of Switzerland, one of only two square sovereign-state flags, the other being the flag of Vatican City which is coincidentally protected by the Swiss Guard. While the flags of all other countries (e.g., flag of China, flag of Russia, flag of the United States, etc.) are rectangular in shape, the flags of Switzerland and Vatican City are geometrically square for they represent the only sovereign states on Earth. The term sovereignty is defined as a state or a governing body that has the full right and power to govern itself without any interference from outside sources or bodies. In political theory, sovereignty is a substantive term designating supreme authority over some polity. In other words, Switzerland is the only country in the world (aside from Vatican City) which is in control of its own destiny. Consequently, the other 204 countries and territories of the underworld are not sovereign; meaning that another country (i.e., Switzerland) is ultimately responsible for its fate.
Onyx (2)
4. Switzerland Home to Onyx Interception System
If Switzerland were in fact a neutral country, it would not be home to the Onyx Interception System which is operated by the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), the official name for the CIA in Switzerland. Considering that Onyx is admittedly “controlled by an independent [unnamed] control authority composed of members of the federal administration”, it can be deduced that is it under the command and control of the CIA. The stated goal of Onyx is to “monitor both civil and military communications, such as telephone, fax or internet traffic, carried by satellite”, effectively allowing Switzerland to spy on the rest of the world. That being said, it’s highly likely that Onyx is also used as a secure and encrypted means of communication between CIA Headquarters in Switzerland and its respective offices and detention facilities (i.e., black sites) around the world. Despite the fact that Onyx is a global system, the only admitted locations within Switzerland are found in Heimenschwand, Leuk and Zimmerwald. Although the CIA still employs thousands of secret agents around the world, a majority the espionage they conduct is done electronically via state-of-the-art technologies (e.g., cell phones, drones, GPS, internet, satellites, watches, etc.) which are collectively linked to and monitored by Onyx.
Curia Confoederationis Helveticae
5. Switzerland Home to Holy See
The Holy See (i.e., the “Holy C-I-A”) is the official name of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a term evidently derived from Confoederationis Helveticae, an original name for Switzerland. Although the Holy See is allegedly located in Italy, its name suggests otherwise. Consonantly speaking, the term “Holy” (H+L) was evidently derived from the “Hel” (H+L) as in “Helveticae”, while the term “See” (i.e., “C”) is an apparent acronym for “Confoederationis”. Founded roughly 40 years after the establishment of Switzerland in 1300 AD, the Holy See is touted as the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See is the central point of reference for the Catholic Church and admittedly the focal point of communion due to its prominence. Consequently, the Holy See is viewed as the central government of the Roman Catholic Church. Diplomatically speaking, the Holy See acts and speaks for the whole Catholic Church. In other words, the Holy See is the highest form of government within the Catholic Church, just as the CIA is the highest form of government in the world. Similar to Switzerland, the Holy See is viewed as a sovereign state, having a centralized government entitled the Roman Curia. Coincidentally, the Federal Palace of Switzerland in the Swiss capital of Bern is entitled “Curia Confoederationis Helveticae”, further inferring that Switzerland and the Holy See are in fact one and the same entity. The term “See” found within Holy See was derived from the Latin word “sedes” meaning “seat”, a reference to the Episcopal throne (cathedra) of the Catholic Church. In other words, the Holy See is the “Holy Seat” or the “Holy Throne” of the Greco-Roman Empire in the underworld.
BIS (2)
6. Switzerland Home to Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland is the financial backbone of the CIA, secretly funding its nefarious operations around the world. Admittedly “the world’s oldest international financial organization”, the BIS funds 60 central banks (e.g., Bank of China, Bank of England, Federal Reserve Bank, etc.), which collectively make up 95% of the world’s GDP (gross domestic product). Although the BIS bills itself as an international organization ofcentral banks which attempts “to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks“, it is solely responsible for orchestrating the world’s financial crises simply due to the fact that it alone has the power to create money. In other words, the BIS is responsible for creating and distributing the world’s fiat money supply which is in turn used to fund the world’s respective governments, intelligence agencies and militaries, as well as the assassinations, terror attacks wars they engage in at the behest of the CIA. As the financial wing of the Central Intelligence Agency in Switzerland, the BIS is fiscally responsible for funding virtually all of the armed conflicts witnessed around the world today.
Swastika and SS
7. Names for Switzerland Equate to CIA & SS
Because Switzerland is home to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), their respective names are intimately linked in numerology. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is coincidentally located in Switzerland, the country code of Switzerland is CH (i.e., “Chi”), an acronym derived from Confoederationis Helveticae, an original name for Switzerland. When employing Jewish Gematria in respect to the Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) and/or the modern-English alphabet, the acronym “CH” numerically and consonantly equates to the acronym “CIA”. For example, the numbers/letters found within “CH” (i.e., C=3 and H=11) equate to “311” as the “H” symbol equates to the number “11” in the Roman Score. Conversely, the numbers/letters found within “CIA” (i.e., C=3, I=1, and A=1) numerically equate to “311” as the “I” symbol equates to the number 1 in the Roman Score. Since the letter “A” doubles as a Chevron symbol (i.e., “Ʌ”), the number/letter used to depict the letters “C” and “K” in the Roman Score, the acronym “CIA” equates to “CIɅ”, an acronym which can be depicted in a variety of different ways (i.e., CIC, CIK, KIC, KIK, CIɅ, ɅIC, KIɅ, ɅIK, ɅIɅ, etc.). The double “Ʌ”, “C” and “K” are grammatically and numerological tributes to Chania, Crete, the birthplace of the Greco-Roman Empire which now rules the world via the CIA in Switzerland. This is why the coat of arms of the Holy See (i.e., the official name of the CIA in Roman Catholic Church) depicts two keys or two K’s (i.e., “KK”), for the term “Key” (K) consonantly equates to the letters “C” and “K”, symbolically depicting the name of the CIA (i.e., KIK). Considering that the CIA is predominately staffed by males of Jewish decent, the derogatory term for Jews is “Kike” (C/K+C/K), a term which consonantly equates to “CIA” when the letter “A” is deciphered as a Chevron symbol (i.e., “Ʌ”). Unbeknown to most, Switzerland is also home to the World Jewish Congress, an international federation of Jewish communities and organizations which is curiously never mentioned as an active political body. Whether the World Jewish Congress is part of the CIA is not known, but it’s highly likely considering the secretive nature of the group. One of the original names for Switzerland is Suisse, its current name in French. Consonantly speaking, the term Suisse (S+S) equates to “SS” or “CC” (pronounced “See See”) as the letter “C” routinely doubles as the letter “S” in the English language (e.g., cent, century, citrus, etc.). Consequently, a double “SS” equates to a double “CC” which is, as previously stated, is representative of the CIA (i.e., CIɅ). Historically speaking, the “SS” is found in the names of symbols of various groups which were and are being used by the CIA to kill and terrorize billions of people around the world. For example, the letters “SS” were used by the Schutzstaffel (i.e., SS), the largest and most powerful paramilitary organizations in Hitler’s Third Reich, as well as the Waffen-SS, the multi-national military force of Nazi Germany. Said organizations also donned the Swastika, a symbol which in the letter “S” is superimposed upon another letter “S”, resulting in an “SS”. In modern times, the Swastika is used by the CIA’s neo-Nazi groups around the world. Lastly, similar to the tem Suisse, the name of the state-sponsored terror group ISIS (S+S) contains a double “SS”, a grammatical tribute to the CIA in Switzerland which is using the group to terrorize the world.
8. Swiss National Day is Anniversary of Temple of Spies
Swiss National Day is the birthday/national day of Switzerland, a holiday which is celebrated annually on August 1, marking the foundation of the Swiss Confederacy. Coincidentally, August 1 is also the anniversary of the Temple of Spes (i.e., Spies). Spes (pronounced “ˈspeːs” as in “spies”) was the goddess of Hope in Roman mythology and religion because the Greco-Roman Empire hoped they would find out about potential threats and invasions prior to them manifesting in reality. Because Switzerland and its CIA spy on the underworld on behalf of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland, their respective birthday/national holiday is celebrated on the same day as the anniversary of the Temple of Spies. That is why the logo of the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), which operates under the aliases of theNachrichtendienst des Bundes (NDB), the Service de renseignement de la Confédération (SRC), and the Servizio di Intelligence Federale (SIF), depicts an outline of Switzerland superimposed upon an eye for the FIS is the official name for the CIA in Switzerland. Lastly, in what appears to be a modern tribute to espionage conducted by the state of Switzerland, the logo of Spy Optic sunglasses depicts a Greek Cross which is coincidentally found in the flag of Switzerland.
Mussolini and Hitler
9. Switzerland Intimately Tied to Dictators
Switzerland is intimately linked, albeit in a de facto manner, to a number of notorious dictators, namely Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Kim Jong-un. In the case of Napoleon, Switzerland served as the staging ground for French battles against the Austrians and Russians. Despite being temporarily occupied by French troops, Switzerland was never attacked or invaded by Napoleon’s troops. Although 3.5 million deaths are attributed to Napoleon, Switzerland remained unscathed. Despite the infamous Operation Tannenbaum (i.e., “Operation Christmas Tree”), the allegedly planned but cancelled invasion of Switzerland by Nazi Germany during World War II, Hitler never attacked or invaded Switzerland despite having the country virtually surrounded. Although 7 to 9 million deaths are attributed to Hitler during World War II, Switzerland reportedly only suffered 100 casualties. In 1902, future dictatorBenito Mussolini emigrated to Switzerland where he participated in a series of meetings that organized the communist revolutions and insurrections that later swept through Europe. Similar to his counterpart Hitler, Mussolini never attacked Switzerland despite the fact that it borders Italy to the north. Although 454,600 deaths are attributed to Mussolini during World War II, Switzerland reportedly only suffered 100 casualties.
Why Napoleon, Hitler and Mussolini did not attack or invade Switzerland (the richest country on Earth) while they raped and pillaged Europe only makes sense when it is understood that these dictators were funded and/or groomed by the CIA in Switzerland. Lastly, although North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is routinely portrayed as mentally unstable, he is under the mind-control of the CIA in Switzerland and acts accordingly. Similar to Mussolini before him, Jong-un lived his “handler” in Switzerland where he was “spotted” a number of times while attending a so-called “private school” where he was likely being groomed for his eventual role as dictator of North Korea. Consequently, any causalities incurred by Jong-un and North Korea are squarely on the shoulders of the CIA in Switzerland.
10. Switzerland Founded by Knights Templar & Order of St. John
The Knights Templar and the Order of Saint John (e.g., the Hospitallers, Knights of Saint John, Knights of Rhodes,Knights Hospitallers, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, etc.) were two medieval Roman Catholic Orders whose merger ultimately spawned the creation of Switzerland around 1300 AD. Consequently, the respective colors and symbols of said Orders are now depicted in the flag of Switzerland. These notorious military Orders routinely engaged is assassinations, piracy, terror attacks and war, traits currently exhibited by the CIA in Switzerland. According to legend, the Order of Saint John wore black surcoats with a white cross during its crusades with the Muslims. However, in 1248,Pope Innocent IV approved a new standard military dress for the Order of Saint John which consisted of a red surcoat emblazoned by a white cross, the exact same color scheme and symbol now depicted in the flag of Switzerland. Interestingly, the flag of Switzerland is now synonymous with neutrality and innocence, an apparent tribute to Pope Innocent IV who sanctified the Order. The Order relocated to Switzerland shortly after the Protestant Reformation (c. 1170) when its leaders in the Margraviate of Brandenburg declared their continued loyalty to the Order of Saint John while publically accepting Protestant theology. The Protestant branches of the Order admittedly spread throughout Europe, including “Hungary, Poland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Austria, the United Kingdom, and Italy”. After going undercover in the Alps, “It was established that the [Order of Saint John] should remain neutral in any war between Christian nations”. Since the flag of Switzerland bears the exact same color scheme and symbol as the Order of Saint John, and it’s the only permanently neutral country on Earth, it can be deduced that the Order of St. John became founded what is now known as Switzerland. Similar to the Order of Saint John, the Knights Templar were known for their white mantles with a red cross, a color scheme and symbol now depicted in the logo of the International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as in the flag of Switzerland, albeit the colors are reversed. The notion that the Knights Templar established Switzerland is corroborated by numerousscholars who believe that the “Templars fled into the Swiss Alps”. Since both the Knights Templar and the Order of Saint John admittedly relocated to Switzerland, and the color schemes and symbols of both Orders are evident in the flag of Switzerland, it can be deduced that the country of Switzerland was specifically founded so that these Roman Catholic military orders could fund and orchestrate assassinations, piracy, terror attacks and wars around the world under the guise of neutrality. Due to the wealth the Knights Templar confiscated during their centuries of conquests, the non-combatant members of the Order began to develop a massive economic infrastructure within Europe, creating financial techniques that became the earliest forms of banking, something Switzerland is now famous for. In 1150, the Templars began generating letters of credit for pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land, an innovative arrangement that became the earliest form of banking, leading to the formal system known today as checks. Consequently, the Order of the Knights Templar became the world’s first multinational corporation. Templar involvement in banking grew to the point where they began to practice usury, charging interest on money lent. Templar usury is still evident today in the form of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) which is located in Basel, Switzerland. In short, the BIS creates money out of thin air and then charges countries (and their respective citizens) interest on said money, keeping the world in a perpetual state of debt and slavery. Since interest rates can always be manipulated, no country can ever escape from their current economic status, regardless of how hard they work.
About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Truther.org, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. Taylor lives in Zurich, Switzerland where he is currently in the process of applying for political asylum since the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor recently authored Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the Terrorgate Scandal, the 2014 Memorial Day Massacre, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2014, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax.
READ: In the Event of My Death Prior to July 19, 2015—An Open Letter by Journalist David Chase Taylor
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Truther.org’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by Truther.org DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste
AUTHOR’S NOTE: The following information was first published on December 21, 2014 in “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014), a book and website by David Chase Taylor. Due to its shocking revelations, especially in respect to the CIA in Switzerland, it’s naturally being censored on an international level. Consequently, it is imperative to share this information in order to bring the country of Switzerland and its murderous CIA to justice for centuries of war crimes against humanity.
David Chase Taylor
March 31, 2015
SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Located in central Europe, Switzerland is home to the one and only “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA). The CIA, which operates under the alias Holy See (i.e., the “Holy C”), was founded 40 years afterConfoederationis Helveticae (i.e., Switzerland), roughly 755 years ago.
By employing deductive reasoning, it can be deduced that Switzerland is in fact home to the CIA. The first step in this process is to follow the money which leads directly to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, an organization which secretly funds the CIA’s nefarious activities.
Switzerland is very unique from every other country on Earth, something expected from a nation which harbors the CIA. Because Switzerland and its CIA are ultimately responsible for engineering the incessant assassinations, terror attacks and wars around the globe, it is naturally free of such mayhem.
In other words, Switzerland is the eye of the global storm—free of financial crises, free of state-sponsored terrorism, and free of war for over 500 years. After all, terrorists working for the CIA need a sanctuary, a place of peace and safety where they can return to after executing black operations around the world.
Said terrorists also need a place where they can avoid prosecution, hence Switzerland’s allegedly neutral position within the international community. This is precisely why the notorious bankers, pirates and terrorists formerly known as theKnights Templar and the Order of Saint John (see below) originally fled to the Alps, founding what is known today as Switzerland.
Because the CIA is in command and control of each country’s respective intelligence agencies and military, they are responsible for engineering the assassinations, terror attacks and wars seen around the world today. This is originally where the concept of the Swiss Army Knife came from for Switzerland has virtually every political and military option at their respective disposal.
Although Switzerland is famous for its mercenaries who were strategically placed by the CIA in foreign armies, courts and governments in order to conduct assassinations and espionage, 99% of Swiss citizens have absolutely no idea that their country is home to the CIA.
1. Switzerland located in central Europe
2. Switzerland only neutral nation on Earth
3. Switzerland only sovereign nation on Earth
4. Switzerland home to Onyx Interception System
5. Switzerland home to Holy See (i.e., the Holy C-I-A)
6. Switzerland home to Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
7. Names for Switzerland (i.e., CH and Suisse) equate to CIA and SS
8. Swiss National Day same date as the anniversary of Temple of Spies
9. Switzerland intimately tied to dictators (e.g., Hitler, Mussolini, Jong-Un, etc.)
10. Switzerland originally founded by the Knights Templar and Order of Saint John
1. CIA Located in Central Europe
It is imperative to note that the notorious CIA of the United States provides the necessary political cover for black operations (i.e., Special Ops) orchestrated by the CIA in Switzerland. In other words, America takes the blame for what Switzerland is ultimately responsible for. Although there are indeed Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters in