
PATRIOT NEWS: The so-called “Nation of Islam” is a Jesuit CIA hate group designed to incite racial extremists and jihadists. Obama has now officially declared the CIA’s Nation of Islam’s calls for White and Christian Genocide in the United States “protected speech under the First Amendment.”


Another excerpt from WND:

“I’m looking for ten thousand in the midst of the million. Ten thousand men who say, ‘Death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny,’” Farrakhan told the congregants at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Miami in a speech that he posted on his Facebook page earlier this week.

He then launched into a poetic tirade against whites backed up with Quranic verse.

“Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children, while white folks give the killer hamburgers.

“Death is sweeter, than watching us slaughter each other, to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Yes, death is sweeter.

“The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says, ‘Retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain.’ Retaliation is a prescription from God, to calm the breast of those whose children have been slain.

“So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”

CIA Member Farrakhan Says CIA is Going to Exterminate ALL Christians in America:



via Yankee Patriot News:

Published on Aug 4, 2015

August 4, 2015 – Louis Farrakhan calls on blacks to rise up and kill white people.

Farrakhan: Retaliation! If the federal government won’t intercede in our affairs, then we MUST rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!

Last week in Miami at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan said he was looking for “10,000 fearless men” to “rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”

Farrakhan said “I’m looking for 10,000 in the midst of a million. Ten thousand fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny. Death is sweeter than continuing to live and bury our children while the white folks give our killers hamburgers. Death is sweeter than watching us slaughter each other to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Death is sweeter. The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain. Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government won’t intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!”

The official newspaper of the Nation of Islam, founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan, “The Final Call,” published the sermon excerpt as part of its “Justice Or Else” theme of the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March event set for October 10, in Washington, D.C.


WND Exclusive

Will Farrakhan be arrested for call to kill whites?

‘Let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling’

Published: 08/05/2015 at 7:34 PM

Farrakhan Calls for ‘Retaliation’ Against Whites Who Kill Blacksby Rick Moran

August 4, 2015 – 1:04 pm



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A chilling example of the double standard applied by the Obama Justice Department to hate speech was on display when Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called on his followers to “rise up” and “kill those who kill us” if the federal government fails to “intercede in our affairs.”

His speech was delivered in Miami before an enthusiastic crowd, many of whom stood up and applauded when he suggested “retaliation” against whites.

This, from his Facebook page:

Retaliation! If the federal government won’t intercede in our affairs, then we MUST rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel our pain.

Farrakhan is planning another “Million Man March” for October. In connection with that event, he has created a social media campaign with the charming hashtag #JusticeOrElse

The radical Muslim is calling for 10,000 men “among the million” who are willing to die in order to carry out this “retaliation.” Here’s the relevant snippet from the speech. (Note the segregation of women, who are relegated to the back of the church.)

Meanwhile, media outside of Miami didn’t seem particularly interested in Farrakhan’s hate-filled rant. The local CBS affiliate covered the speech but couldn’t bring themselves to quote anything from it. The Miami Herald story is also notable for what it doesn’t say:

According to the Twitter feed of Brother Jesse Muhammad, a blogger and member of the Nation of Islam who attended Thursday night’s gathering, Farrakhan spoke about respect for women, religion and race relations in America. Journalists from mainstream media outlets such as the Miami Herald, WLRN-FM, CBS 4 and others were not allowed into the church for the event.

“Every time they kill a black man, beat a black woman, we’re being radicalized,” Muhammad quoted Farrakhan as saying.

God forbid the Herald does anything like honest reporting. Perhaps they could have hung around outside the venue and interviewed people leaving the speech? I’m sure they would have gotten an earful.

image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2014/06/lhohmann_avatar.jpg

Leo Hohmann About | Email | Archive

Leo Hohmann is a news editor for WND. He has been a reporter and editor at several suburban newspapers in the Atlanta and Charlotte, North Carolina, areas and also served as managing editor of Triangle Business Journal in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Preaching directly from the Quran before a packed Baptist church, the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told his adoring audience that violent retaliation is the only way for American blacks to “rise up” and overthrow their white oppressors.

Conservative black leaders told WND Wednesday they believe Farrakhan’s statements went beyond the limits of free speech into the realm of criminal incitement, although a noted constitutional attorney cautioned that prosecuting on these terms would be an uphill battle.

“I’m looking for ten thousand in the midst of the million. Ten thousand men who say, ‘Death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny,’” Farrakhan told the congregants at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Miami in a speech that he posted on his Facebook page earlier this week.

He then launched into a poetic tirade against whites backed up with Quranic verse.

“Death is sweeter than to continue to live and bury our children, while white folks give the killer hamburgers.

“Death is sweeter, than watching us slaughter each other, to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Yes, death is sweeter.

“The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says, ‘Retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain.’ Retaliation is a prescription from God, to calm the breast of those whose children have been slain.

“So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”

The crowd responded with a standing ovation as the 82-year-old Muslim preacher bathed in the moment.

Watch the clip of Farrakhan’s sermon to the Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Miami:

One former follower of Farrakhan’s was not surprised by the bombastic tone and content of the speech.

“When I was young I used to go listen to Farrakhan and I bought into his racist and hate-filled message,” author and radio talk-show host Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson told WND. “To young people who don’t have stable families and fathers around to guide them, Farrakhan’s anger and rhetoric seems like courage and strength. In my anger, I would have killed for Farrakhan. I know what it’s like for these angry black people to be manipulated and convinced to mindlessly follow this black racist.”

Peterson said Farrakhan is no different than ISIS calling for an attack on Americans.

“He’s calling for an American version of a suicide bombing,” said Peterson, an exclusive WND columnist and author of the book “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.”

Read Joseph Farah’s brilliant take on Louis Farrakhan’s “declaration of war” on white America

‘At least he’s honest’

Robert Spencer, author of the blog Jihad Watch and several books about Islam including “Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Guns or Bombs,” said he admires Farrakhan for one thing: His brute honesty.

“Farrakhan apparently figured his audience knew that the Quran does sanction the murder of unbelievers who are considered to be at war with Islam. He knew that they would see in the Quran the justification for his blood-chilling call to violence,” Spencer told WND. “As monstrous as he is, at least his honesty is a refreshing break from the legion of pious dissemblers who constantly insist that Islam is a religion of peace and that only ignorant ‘Islamophobes’ think otherwise.”

Jack Cashill, a WND contributor and author of the new book “Scarlet Letters: The Ever-increasing Intolerance of the Cult of Liberalism Exposed,” said the presidency of Barack Obama has resuscitated and breathed new life into Farrakhan’s ministry, encouraging him to spew ever-more outrageous racial invective.

“The Obama presidency has given the 82-year-old Farrakhan new life,” Cashill told WND. “By racializing just about everything he has touched, Obama has raised black paranoia to new heights, and Farrakhan is exploiting that paranoia with potentially lethal consequences.”

Media blackout

While Farrakhan’s Miami speech has been going viral on social media, Cashill was bemused by the lack of interest from the corporate media. This from the same media that gave wall-to-wall coverage of Donald Trump’s comments about illegal aliens, Paula Dean’s use of the “n” word, and former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s racist comments to a mistress.

“Still, not a word from the White House or the media on Farrakhan’s call to wage jihad on America’s police,” Cashill said.

Alveda King, an evangelist and pro-life advocate with Priests for Life, said the Islamic leader should take a cue from her uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“I would pray to remind Minister Farrakhan that my Uncle Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that ‘we must all learn to live together as brothers [and sisters], or perish as fools.’ Violence begets more violence,” King told WND. “Nonviolent albeit brave and courageous conflict resolution has proven to be very effective throughout the ages. Living by the sword or other human weapons of destruction cause death by the same.”

Farrakhan’s assumption that the “federal government” should intervene in the affairs of black people is misplaced, she said.

“The government cannot deliver a people, only God can do that,” King said. “We must pray to live and not die to declare the works and Word of the Lord.”

Looking to spark race war?

Peterson said Farrakhan is a longtime demagogue looking to tap into black angst and spark a “race war.”

“Farrakhan claims blacks are suffering under the ‘tyranny’ of whites, but the only tyranny that’s controlling black Americans today is their own anger and hatred toward whites,” Peterson said.

Peterson said Farrakhan is deceiving blacks and he’s “leading them to the slaughter.”

“Farrakhan is a racist. He has referred to whites as blue-eyed devils. He’s taking advantage of the anger that exists in the black community for his own personal gain.

“This man is a domestic terrorist and he needs to be arrested immediately for making terrorist threats. This is against the law,” he continued. “No white person could incite and encourage violence toward blacks and get away with it. They would be locked up and shunned. What Farrakhan is doing is evil and it’s not good for America. Whites are not causing the suffering and misery that exists in the major urban areas. The breakdown of the black family, dependency on the government, and lack of moral character are the real issues hurting blacks.”

Christians applaud Islamic preacher of war

The fact that Farrakhan made his remarks at a black church is even more troubling to Peterson, himself an ordained minister.

“That indicates that these men and women agree with his hate speech. There is no way you can believe in God and applaud and cheer for a demagogue,” he said. “There’s no way you can be a Christian and listen to someone who encourages you to hate your fellow man. That is not showing love. The people listening to Farrakhan need to repent. These people are encouraging the next generation to hate whites. At this rate, this race issue will never end.”

With his outrageous words Farrakhan may be bumping up against the outer limits of what is considered free speech under the First Amendment, but getting a conviction would be difficult under the criminal statutes of most states, said Herb Titus, a constitutional scholar and former law school professor at Regent University.

Before a case could come to the level of federal First Amendment rights, it would first have to go through the criminal courts, Titus said.

“The criminal law requires immediacy, particularity and, with a general statement such as this, it’s very difficult to find in the criminal law statutes that he’s actually done anything that you could convict him of. There is no such thing as a threat to murder. And attempted murder is very difficult to prove,” he said. “There’s some catch-all criminal statutes like mayhem but even then there requires evidence that someone is acting on whatever the person is encouraging them to do.”

Terroristic  threats?

Terroristic threats may provide the best option, but even that wouldn’t be a slam dunk.

“That’s troubling in itself. What is terrorism? What does that mean? It’s never been clearly defined. So again, that’s going to give wide discretion to the prosecutor. And laws threatening terror are very wide, one of the first things you are taught in law school is you have to define the elements, and oftentimes threatening behavior just doesn’t calculate into criminal behavior.”

Titus cited the landmark case of Watts v. United States that ascended to the Supreme Court in 1969.

Robert Watts, a young black man, allegedly stated during a protest rally in Washington, D.C.:

“They always holler at us to get an education. And now I have already received my draft classification as 1-A and I have got to report for my physical this Monday morning. I am not going. If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L.B.J. They are not going to make me kill my black brothers.”

Prosecutors charged Watts with violating a federal law that prohibits threats against the president. Watts countered that his statement was a form of crude political opposition, according to the First Amendment Center.

A federal jury convicted Watts of a felony for violating the law and a federal appeals court affirmed his conviction. On appeal, the Supreme Court reversed, ruling that Watts’ statement was political hyperbole rather than a true threat.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/08/farrakhans-call-to-kill-white-cops-is-it-legal/#G5YLgsqEtAHIzB27.99

CBS NEWS: CIA Puppet Farrakhan Says Those Who Do Not Bow Down to Sharia Anti-Christ Will Be Destroyed by Gigantic “Islamic UFOs”





The Last Refuge


Posted on April 26, 2015 by sundance

It’s not accidental, it’s not a mistake – nor is it coincidental.

It is a well scripted “social jihad”.

Baltimore Maryland erupts in riots, looting and civil unrest – and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings goes on television to thank the Nation of Islam for their support:

Pictured below -yesterday- are the “Bloods” and “Crips” gangs, together with the Nation of Islam (guys with red bow ties) in Baltimore. Note the Nation of Islam giving the extended forefinger salute representing allegiance with ISIS.

ISIS 2014 (pictured below)

Ferguson/Saint Louis 2014 (Pictured below)

Valdosta State University 2015 (pictured below)

AS PREVIOUSLY OUTLINED – The leader of the student group (pictured above) who was originally protesting, Eric Sheppard Jr., remains wanted by police for violent threats and firearms violations. Weapons were found in his backpack on the school campus. Sheppard fled the campus before police could arrest him. It is rumored Eric Sheppard is in hiding amid several organizations sympathetic to his ‘Islamic radicalization’ cause.

The sunlight upon the campus recruitment for Islamic Radicalization has brought an uncomfortable discussion into the backstory surrounding the events. According to local speculation the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party sympathizers are assisting Sheppard in avoiding law enforcement.

Had it not been for an Air Force veteran, Michelle Manhart, bringing national attention to the group – the activity taking place on the VSU campus would never have been scrutinized.

Eric Sheppard Jr was actively recruiting black students at VSU to take up his cause. Self-identified as anti-Christian and a follower of Islam, Sheppard was advocating for black students to join a violent uprising to destroy the social fabric of the U.S. His hate-speech was permitted on campus under the auspices of “free speech”.

However, the reality of his speech was/is a call for violence. Once that aspect was identified and shown to campus authorities, their opinion of the event changed dramatically.

Sheppard’s goals align with an aspect visible in social protests that is missing throughout all mainstream media coverage.

As we discovered in the Ferguson “Mike Brown Protests”, the actual agitating forces behind the protest were/are of Islamic origin. An example is the “Operation Ferguson” movement itself actually being coordinated by an Islamic group in Pakistan.

When you peel back the layers of inter-connected activity what you find is Arab Muslims exploiting black sentiment in the U.S. to further what would be best called a “social jihad”.

Young black populations throughout various communities in the U.S. are being indoctrinated to rail against Christianity in favor of Islam, radical Islam. And as a consequence racism is being used as the wedge to draw a manipulative contrast.

Christianity defined by the various Muslim groups as a “white religion”, and Islam promoted as a “black religion”. If you listen to the justifications within the advocacy highlighted on the VSU campus, or in Ferguson Missouri, or in Madison Wisconsin, or in Charlottesville Virginia, or the latest events in Baltimore Maryland, you’ll find this common theme.

Arab Muslim advocates using wedge issues and promoting grievances to stir up controversy and sell a belief system. Their goal is actually quite strategic: to attack the U.S. socially from the inside out.

However, their sales pitch is fraught with contradictions and factual aspects that must be avoided; that’s why they generally appeal to younger populations, easier to manipulate. As someone earlier noted if you look to the recent example of genocide via slaughter of black Africans in Darfur, it was Arab Muslims killing black African Muslims. It was pure race hate for blacks just as the Arab Muslims have always demonstrated.

Few young people are able to understand the inherent racism within Arabic ideology toward African blacks. Libya’s former dictator, Muamar Gaddaffi, was the gatekeeper between North Africa and Europe; he was also a prime example of a pure racist even in his terrorist activities.

Islam, in a very direct way, is a political system not a tolerant religious belief. As a consequence it can be used to leverage goals based on deception and scheme. In Darfur the black Africans were already Sunni Muslim but the Arab Muslims killed them anyway, solely for being black.

In the U.S. the current Islamic goal is to promote political anarchy through racism by convincing young blacks to think white Christians have historically oppressed them. This is the message you see throughout Eric Sheppard’s on campus speeches.

Sheppard does this with a simultaneous message to promote Islam as a colorblind religion. Weaving in and out of topics based on historical misguided liberal use of the term “colonialism”. However, the exact opposite is factually true. History reflects Arab Muslims have slaughtered, enslaved and are continually exploiting black people based specifically on their race.

That very identified exploitation and manipulation continues today through a keenly targeted Arab Muslim promotion of “Black Lives Matter”, or “F**k The Police”, or fill in the chosen blank.

The Islamic goal is removal of Western values, Christianity, and ultimately freedom, which all run counter to their political ends.

Saint Louis/Ferguson (left) or Valdosta State University (right) the message is the same…..

…. and now Baltimore – watch the video:



Continuing Knock Out Assaults – Baltimore Provides Victims #24, and #25 – However Baltimore Mayor Continues To Call Assaults “A Game”…In “Anti-White Intifada”

Not “Outsiders” – Arrest Reports Show It Was Locals In Baltimore Who Rioted, Looted and Turned To Violence…In “BGI – Black Grievance Industry”

Outside Baltimore Protesters Arrive – Confused, Perplexed – “Man this is weird”….In “Abusive Cops”

gettimothy says:

April 26, 2015 at 9:39 am

Obama giving the finger-up to African leaders

Syracuse Mayor appoints CIA/Nation of Islam leader to city school board http://wp.me/p5OuVj-P0







‘The Wheel’ – That Great Mother Plane: Allah’s (God’s) Calling Card


‘The time and what must be done’—2013 Lecture Series, part 51

[Editor’s note: The following article contains a distillation of the message delivered by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Part 51 of his Lecture Series of 2013 themed “The Time and What Must Be Done.” This message originally aired on Saturday, December 28, 2013 and is now available in its entirety on DVD and CD. Please call 1.866.602.1230, ext. 200, or visit store.finalcall.com to order. Be sure to continue to visit NOI.org/TheTime each Saturday at 6 p.m. CST (5 p.m. MST and 7 p.m. EST) to view the ongoing series.]

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

Greetings to you, I am Minister Louis Farrakhan, National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, that Great Preacher of Freedom, Justice and Equality to the Black man and woman of America and the Western hemisphere, and to the Aboriginal People of the Earth—the Eternal Leader of The Nation of Islam, and a Warner to the government and people of the United States of America, and a Warner to the nations of the Earth.

Our subject today on the 51st Edition of “The Time and What Must Be Done” is: “‘The Wheel’—That Great Mother Plane: Allah’s (God’s) Calling Card.” We are nearing the end of our year-long series of “The Time and What Must Be Done,” and as I have said in previous broadcasts, we would take up the subject of “The Wheel.” I want to conclude these broadcasts with “The Wheel”:

The importance of The Wheel

The relevance of The Wheel

And what that Wheel represents in terms of The Attributes of Allah (God).

In fact, every Attribute that is given to the One True God that is found in the Holy Qur’an is manifested in The Wheel—its power; its potential. Everything about it says that God is Present, now, in the world.

I believe that The Two that back me are pushing me to make known The Presence of The Two that are on The Wheel, 1.) The Great Mahdi, Master Fard Muhammad and 2.) The Messiah, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad: “Who” They are and “why” our representation of Them is so important, that the world’s leaders; the pope—all religious leaders, and political leaders, understand the seriousness of the presence of The Wheel and its work.

This Wheel is so magnificent … This Wheel is The Manifestation of The Presence of God! The Wheel is like His “calling card”; in words, the presence of The Wheel says to the world: “I want to introduce you to My Presence, and to Who I Am. Take My ‘Calling Card’—study it! Look at it carefully…”—and it will bear witness to the scripture of the Book of Exodus, Chapter 3, verse 14. When Moses asked God, “Who should I tell them sent me?” and God said tell them: “I Am That I Am,” that means “I Am”: “I am present. I exist. I have come.”


And so, Allah (God)—the “Son of Man”—shows up in a “Wheel”; and He comes down from The Wheel, and He finds Elijah. And He teaches Elijah (and oh God, did He teach that man!), and He makes Elijah Muhammad into Himself. Even in the 1940s, Minister Lucius Bey (who was the “dean” of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s ministers; but at one time, was a minister of “The Seventh Day Adventists” faith): He was sitting with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and he asked him: “How do you know that The Man you met is ‘God Almighty’ in Person?” And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad answered, saying: “Because He made me all up into Himself.”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad met with, and was taught by, The Great Mahdi, Master Fard Muhammad, Who he said is “The Manifestation of The Presence of God in the world.”

Do Americans believe in the existence of ‘UFOs’, government cover-ups?

According to Elijah Muhammad’s earliest writings, he said: “Master Fard Muhammad came to us from the Holy City of Mecca in Arabia. He pointed out to me a dreadful looking Plane a half-a-mile by a half-a-mile. It was made after the universe, of spheres: ‘wheels within wheels’.” Although many had mocked and ridiculed this Teaching, in America today many are bearing witness to what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has taught us.

The U.S. Coast Guard released this picture, taken at 9:35 am, by one of its photographers Shell Alpert, Seaman, at an air station, July 16, 1952 Salem, Mass. He noticed several brilliant lights in the sky, grabbed the camera and clicked the shutter with this result. This is in the midst of a deluge of reports received by the air force on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sighted in many parts of the nation. Photo: AP/Wide World photos

In 2012, ABC News blog writer Alon Harish (“UFOs Exist, Say 36 Percent in National Geographic Survey,” June 27, 2012), U.S. News blog writer Seth Cline (“Most Americans Believe Government Keeps UFO Secrets, Survey Finds:Survey for National Geographic finds extraterrestrial visits not that crazy an idea to most Americans,” June 28, 2012), and Educating Humanity, an organization which tracks UFO cases (“The Full Results of the National Geographic Poll On UFOs/Aliens,” June 29, 2012), all reported that: “Thirty-six percent of Americans, about 80 million people, believe UFOs exist, and a tenth (of our population, 40 million people) believe they have spotted (or have seen) one.” These reports are based upon a National GeographicChannel poll conducted in 2012 about “UFOs” (Unidentified Flying Objects), titled “Aliens Among Us” (in advance of airing the channel’s eight-part series Chasing UFOs – natgeotv.com/chasingufos). The poll also showed that 48 percent of Americans are “not sure” about the existence of UFOs, and 79 percent believe there is a “government cover-up” about UFOs.

Scholars and scientists of many disciplines, military people, highly placed individuals in many areas of science; people of every stripe, from presidents of countries, and prime ministers, to common people, have seen these Wheels—and have tried to bring it to the attention of the government of the United States of America to release what our government has said is “Above Top Secret.”


There is great interest among the American people and people of the world about this much talked of phenomenon known as “UFOs.” It is talked about in every country, particularly the countries that hold sway on the Earth, who have nuclear arsenals and are in engaged in great preparation for this Final War. And there are others who have seen them, and have been so intimidated by our government that they have refused to tell even their wives or their children what they have experienced; and some have taken the secrets of what they know to their graves.

Other nations have started letting their people know that such phenomena exists! According toThe Disclosure Project, which according to their website is “a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems,” the following countries have released, or are in litigation to release, their UFO files. As of August 2013, these 24 countries are: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, United Nations, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and The Vatican City (in Rome). But America is the last one—and America refuses; because to admit this phenomena exists, she would be admitting that there is a Power that is Present that America’s “power” cannot overcome, which then compromises the “sovereignty” and “security” not only of all the citizens of America, but all the citizens of the Earth.

Whenever a nation is faced with a superior power that possesses a superior weapon that the present “power” and its warmongers cannot master, then that nation is unable to do the first thing that a “sovereign nation” must do, and that is to protect and secure her citizens.

The protection of every human being on our planet now is threatened by The Presence of something that America has been dealing with since 1940. But, this Great Mother Wheel has been in existence since 1929… Let me stop here and state that these are not “extraterrestrial planes”—they are not from “outside” of the Earth! It is written in the Bible, and you go check it for yourself: These Wheels rose up from the Earth! (For example, in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 1, verse 19: “And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.”)

The intention of these broadcasts is to lay bare The Truth of this phenomenon as taught to us by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad! And it is to free all those who have been intimidated, and made to look crazy, so that they will rise up and join us to tell the world what they have seen and what they have heard, and what they have experienced.

My Vision-Like Experience on The Wheel attested to in ‘The Announcement’, Washington Post/Washington Times interviews

I would like to share with you, first, some historic events that will give you the background that establishes the foundation from which we speak on this subject of “The Wheel.”

In Washington, D.C.: On February 27, 1990, we met with the editorial board of The Washington Times; and on February 28, 1990, we met with the editorial board of The Washington Post. The owners of these papers, and their great editors, interviewed and questioned me for several hours. I believe these invitations were extended to me to examine me based upon my Experience on The Wheel which I announced four months earlier in a press conference held on October 24, 1989 at the J. W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Present at these meetings from The Nation of Islam was myself; our late former editor of The Final Call, Brother Abdul Wali Muhammad; our Eastern Regional Minister, Minister Don Muhammad; Sister Ruth Muhammad, Brother Dr. Abdul Alim Muhammad, Brother Akbar Muhammad, Brother Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad, Brother Mustapha Farrakhan, Brother Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad, Brother Abdul Arif Muhammad and Brother Jamil Muhammad. Some of those who were present at the editorial board meeting from The Washington Post were: Mr. Donald Graham, the son of the owner of The Washington Post; Ben Bradlee, Senior Editor; Meg Greenfield, Editorial Page Editor; and other senior editorial staff. Also present was writer Milton Coleman: A Black man that had broken the story of Reverend Jesse Jackson’s “Hymietown” remark referring to the Jewish community in New York that created an intense furor during Rev. Jackson’s bid to become the Democratic nominee for the presidency of the United States in 1984.

I had rebuked Mr. Coleman for violating the principle of disclosing a private conversation with Rev. Jackson. Not “defending” the reported remark by Rev. Jackson, however, I was then falsely accused of threatening Milton Coleman’s life. I spoke with Milton Coleman at that time, and he promised to meet with me if I would make known that I did not intend any harm to him, or his family. And I said to Mr. Coleman: “Brother, I’ll be on the Ted Koppel show tonight, and I will make that announcement from the Ted Koppel show…”—which I did. And when Mr. Coleman and I were to meet to iron out our differences, the members of The Washington Post’s senior staff forbad him from meeting with me; so, while I was at The Washington Post, I rebuked the owners and senior staff of The Washington Post at this meeting for not allowing Mr. Coleman to meet with me. This is contained in the full audio copy of the interview which is available on The Final Call website (store.finalcall.com).

These meetings were of such historic significance that they were published on the very next day on the front pages of The Washington Times and The Washington Post! The words and answers that I gave to their questions were given more space in these national newspapers than any Black leader has ever received in the history of these papers! It was as though both The Washington Post and The Washington Times wanted to give the world, through their readers, a “close-up view” of a man that had been labeled as a “hater,” an “anti-Semite,” and “an enemy of America and the White race.”

Reference Materials for “Part 51”: Both of these interviews that were excerpted in their papers, as well as the transcript of my October 24, 1989 press conference, and other relative resources, are posted on our website (http://www.noi.org/docs) so that you may read and understand how Almighty God Allah was guiding me in dealing with the scribes, or “writers of this world.” They were questioning me in the same manner that Jesus was questioned by the scribes, or writers of his day, as it is written of in the Bible.


My interview with The Washington Post on February 28, 1990: During the interview, which they published in their Thursday, March 1, 1990 edition on page A17, I was asked this final question: “We’ve had a chance to go over most of the areas where you have said something in The Post… One that came up in a press conference the last time you were in town that I’m frankly not sure I understood … is the business of The Wheel.”

During an international press conference at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in Washington, D.C. on October 24, 1989, Min. Farrakhan shared his vision and warned the U.S. government of the dreadful power of these crafts and how plotting against the Black man and woman, him and the Nation of Islam would led to the unleashing of their destructive force.

They were referring to the press conference on October 24, 1989, titled “The Great Announcement,” when I related my Experience with The Wheel, and made the announcement of President Reagan’s plans that weretold to me by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Here is the beginning of my answer to that question: “You know, I’m very glad you asked that. I was not going to raise it. I was just wondering who would. You know, Louis Farrakhan in teaching in the Black community for 36 years”—at that time—“is not known to be a nut, and is not known to be insane. [And if you have psychiatrists and psychologists at this board meeting, examining me and my words, I am sure you could attest to the veracity of that statement.] I’d like to just read something before I say what I said.”

I continued by stating: “A memorandum dated February 26, 1942, from Gen. George Marshall, U.S. Army chief of staff in World War II and secretary of state for foreign affairs from 1947 to 1949. He wrote a memo to President [Franklin Delano] Roosevelt giving details of a Los Angeles air alarm in February 1942 during which 1,430 rounds of ammunition were fired at unidentified flying objects during a five-hour alarm. [Former] president Gerald Ford, in a letter he sent as a congressman to L. Mendel Rivers, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, dated March 28, 1966, said, and I quote: ‘In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject.’ Former president Jimmy Carter, during his election campaign in May 1976 said, and I quote: ‘If I become president I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one.’” (Note: Jimmy Carter was elected president, and he never fulfilled that pledge. I’ll address that in another broadcast.) Also: “Senator Barry Goldwater [of Arizona], in a letter dated March 28, 1975, said: ‘The subject of UFOs is one that has interested me for some long time. About 10 or 12 years ago I made an effort to find out what was in the building at Wright Patterson Air Force Base where the information is stored that has been collected by the Air force and I was understandably denied this request.’ It is still classified—listen to the words … above Top Secret—Not just Top Secret, but above Top Secret—I have, however, heard that there is a plan on the way to release some, if not all, of this material in the near future. I am just as anxious to see this material as you are, and I hope we will not have to wait much longer. I don’t need to go to Prime Minister Winston Churchilland other

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