



Conversation started February 4, 2014

James Dysart

2/4, 2:37am

James Dysart

hey Glen, thanks for the outstanding post on our site via Fake Snow. Great blog you’ve got, man. Would you like to become a Content Creator (reporter) for Patriot News One or II? You can post as the page (anonymously) that way about your stories and share your blogs with a lot more people if you’d like by posting them as a Page Status?

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 2:38am

Glen M Sutphin

Sounds pretty good. I’d be glad to.

James Dysart

2/4, 2:40am

James Dysart

right on…glad to have you aboard smile emoticon I’ve got an amazing piece on the Blue Plague coming up I think you’d like to see…should be out tomorrow

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 2:42am

Glen M Sutphin

Any place you want me to post to?

James Dysart

2/4, 2:46am

James Dysart

I just added u as a reporter for Patriot News II…I can add u on Patriot News One also if you like? and Patriot News V and IV are always open to everyone to post (they are groups though, so posts aren’t anonymous on those pages) we’ve got a Youtube page too for any videos you want to share, or we can like and subscribe to your own channel

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 2:48am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah sing me up for what ever. I have my own channel on youtube. But always looking for more exposure. I’m going to go OCCUPY: BED now.. but leave me messages and I’ll be back in touch and thanks.

or sign me up.. either will work.. I need sleep..

James Dysart

2/4, 2:48am

James Dysart

LOL sounds good, thanks man smile emoticon

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 2:48am

Glen M Sutphin

no problem. TTYL>

February 4, 2014

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 5:38pm

Glen M Sutphin

I’m getting all confused.. I think I see whats going on. What content did you want posted to your walls. this thing keeps posting everything to your wall. what topics did you want posted?

James Dysart

2/4, 8:00pm

James Dysart

oh, sorry, Glen smile emoticon whatever news you want to post…all you have to do is go up to the “Edit Page” box at the top of the page, click on it, and then click on the option “Use as Patriot News” and everything you share or post as a photo or status update will automatically then share as a Patriot News story, which will then notify everyone who is subscribed to our page.

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:01pm

Glen M Sutphin

I just figure that out a little bit ago. Thanks. Everything wasn’t showing up on my wall but went to your wall.. I started freaking out. Then started to figure it out..lol..

James Dysart

2/4, 8:02pm

James Dysart

LOL no prob man…Facebook is freaking confusing to begin with, I understand smile emoticon

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:03pm

Glen M Sutphin

just never had more then one page to feed so..yeah..

James Dysart

2/4, 8:05pm

James Dysart

yeah, true, sorry about that! thanks for your contributions smile emoticon

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:06pm

Glen M Sutphin

no problem. Just wanted to know what topics are taboo or what not. some people get real freaky about what gets posted.. I’ll just post that which I feel is news worthy. Not everything from my wall.

James Dysart

2/4, 8:09pm

James Dysart

anything that is true and important for the people to know to defend our country and global freedoms and is not pornographic is fair game. we have no other content restrictions

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:12pm

Glen M Sutphin

Okay no problems then..

like emoticon ‘ll figure it out as I go.. just need to get use to it..lol.

James Dysart

2/4, 8:35pm

James Dysart

like emoticon smile emoticon sorry, my computer was freezing up UGH LOL

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:36pm

Glen M Sutphin

Mine does that as well. I kick it turn it off then back on..

James Dysart

2/4, 8:37pm

James Dysart


I have to reboot the dang thing way too much

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:37pm

Glen M Sutphin

you running widows?

James Dysart

2/4, 8:41pm

James Dysart

yeah, I’m thinking of going back to Linux

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:43pm

Glen M Sutphin

was about to say that.. Linux is much better it just crashes different..

James Dysart

2/4, 8:50pm

James Dysart

LOL yeah

Glen M Sutphin

2/4, 8:51pm

Glen M Sutphin

I run zorin linux it works fairly well.

February 5, 2014

James Dysart

2/5, 11:24am

James Dysart

right on smile emoticon

March 12, 2014

Glen M Sutphin

3/12, 12:36am

Glen M Sutphin

Should I post these two articles of mine as me or would it be okay to post them as the page. They really need to get public more, it’s two article about the same place.

James Dysart

3/12, 2:05am

James Dysart

all of us admins are allowed to post as the page Glen smile emoticon

August 30, 2014

James Dysart

8/30, 7:46pm

James Dysart

Glen, we just created a Patriot News Youtube Channel where you can upload videos if you want

Glen M Sutphin

8/30, 7:50pm

Glen M Sutphin

Cool got a link..

James Dysart

8/30, 7:51pm

James Dysart

Im trying to find how to bring one up LOL

Glen M Sutphin

8/30, 7:52pm

Glen M Sutphin

go to the channel in it’s own browser tab then copy the link from there.

James Dysart

8/30, 7:52pm

James Dysart

its on Google plus under “patriotjones5@gmail.com” password newsbusted

Glen M Sutphin

8/30, 7:54pm

Glen M Sutphin

I’ll see if I can find it later tonight.. After I get back from this event I’m filming at 10:00 or so…

Do you want me to post some of my past stuff there as well?

September 5, 2014

James Dysart

9/5, 7:21am

James Dysart

sure that would be great Glen…especially your articles on the chemsnow would be timely with winter coming in a few months

im going to make another channel tomorrow for us

September 14, 2014

Glen M Sutphin

9/14, 3:07am

Glen M Sutphin

Be on the look out for fake accounts of me I just took like three down tonight. Their using me to attack my friends.. if it’s not this account or my desktop it’s fake..

James Dysart

9/14, 3:08am

James Dysart

K thanks Glen

Glen M Sutphin

9/14, 3:08am

Glen M Sutphin

They didn’t like my article..

James Dysart

9/14, 3:10am

James Dysart

which one?

Glen M Sutphin

9/14, 3:11am

Glen M Sutphin

and they are using my photos and such here on fedbook without my permission..

spread it around..

I have now become a “Jackass Whisperer”.

As many of my readers know I have helped many pages, clubs what have you out on fedbook. Several of them like the Amanda Todd Reporting Team, and United Against RIP Trolls and Cyberbullies just to …


Glen M Sutphin

9/14, 3:12am

Glen M Sutphin

seems to have stopped for the moment.

James Dysart

9/14, 3:15am

James Dysart

Yeah they are attacking all of us because their sicko NWO is being rapidly disemboweled

Glen M Sutphin

9/14, 3:16am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah.. these one’s are going off about chemtrails not being real and are attacking the activist I covered in the article. If I had their IP address I would go to the FBI.. but since fedbook protect them it’s almost useless.

it is however helping the article on my blog.. my blog blew up today and yesterday..

James Dysart

9/14, 3:17am

James Dysart


Glen M Sutphin

9/14, 3:18am

Glen M Sutphin

I’m of two minds on it.. It good for the article and my standing but they can do damage to me so…

James Dysart

9/14, 3:20am

James Dysart

ive gotta hit the sack but ill be back on monday have a good Sabbath my friend

Glen M Sutphin

9/14, 3:21am

Glen M Sutphin

you as well my friend.

James Dysart

9/14, 3:21am

James Dysart

September 27, 2014

James Dysart

9/27, 12:10am

James Dysart

Great posts Glen, thanks buddy! smile emoticon did you see the Pineal Gland post I just put up? pretty interesting

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:13am

Glen M Sutphin

Don’t think I did.

James Dysart

9/27, 12:14am

James Dysart

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:15am

Glen M Sutphin

cool like emoticon

James Dysart

9/27, 12:15am

James Dysart

I am totally doing this

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:16am

Glen M Sutphin

my latest article has caused the equivalent to sticking a stick in a bees mest.. I am tired of stupid people..

James Dysart

9/27, 12:16am

James Dysart

which one?

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:16am

Glen M Sutphin

the one about the cyberbully.

James Dysart

9/27, 12:17am

James Dysart

oh, yeah…I saw the headline

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:18am

Glen M Sutphin

dude attacks me and has his friends use my image to go after people I know then I’m the bad guy for putting it out in the open. Thought that was my job..

James Dysart

9/27, 12:30am

James Dysart

it is, screw them man…

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:32am

Glen M Sutphin

it’s like little annoying gnats that just get in your way.

James Dysart

9/27, 12:32am

James Dysart

all of us honest reporters catch so much troll flak its unreal, but like my Grandpa said: “Jim, you just gotta let it roll off you like water off a duck’s back” LOL


Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:35am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah.. It just irks me for a bit then next story coming up.. My next story is revisiting two stories I have previously covered. And showing what’s been done since.

James Dysart

9/27, 12:35am

James Dysart

U.S. Forest Service wants to charge $1,500 to take photos on federal wild lands

Still photography and commercial filming would also have to meet certain criteria.


James Dysart

9/27, 12:36am

James Dysart

good deal…my friend told me about this forest “service” crap yesterday and I laughed….good luck collecting on this unconstitutional crap idiots

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:38am

Glen M Sutphin

well Monsanto owns the sun so why not..

James Dysart

9/27, 12:43am

James Dysart

lol true

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:44am

Glen M Sutphin

crazy train…

James Dysart

9/27, 12:45am

James Dysart

some people are so brainwashed they’ll believe anything at this point

Glen M Sutphin

9/27, 12:47am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah they will. My impression of society http://youtu.be/L89C5ijZZcg..

Only one person standing at the end..

Youth Football Team Runs Into Banner

The 2014 Wallkill Mighty Mites out of Wallkill, NY didn’t fare well before the game when the banner refused to rip, causing a domino effect.


James Dysart

9/27, 12:48am

James Dysart

like emoticon

(y)you got it man!

September 28, 2014

James Dysart

9/28, 2:49am

James Dysart

September 29, 2014

James Dysart

9/29, 10:50pm

James Dysart

Glen, Vinny Eastwood just joined us on Patriot News

September 30, 2014

Glen M Sutphin

9/30, 8:31pm

Glen M Sutphin

Vinny’s a great guy. I was a guest on his show a month or so back. I support him. I’ll be back later I’m fighting a sickness and aren’t on much at the moment.

James Dysart

9/30, 9:08pm

James Dysart

sorry man, get well I’ll pray for you smile emoticon

October 3, 2014

James Dysart

10/3, 10:57am

James Dysart

Governments seize colloidal silver being used to successfully treat Ebola patients

Governments seize colloidal silver being used to successfully treat Ebola patients


James Dysart

10/3, 12:20pm

James Dysart

Michael D. Fleming

4 hrs

Hacked: Server dump from #Metrocall and #Skytel on 9/11.


FamilyTime’s Daily Dish

2001-09-11 03:00:00 Metrocall [1060278] B ALPHA 09/12@03:03:50 BETA13:Service (Oracle Web Lsnr 4.0(admin -DEFAULT_HOME,Intranet)) is not responding. Stopped. 1 2001-09-11 03:00:00 Metrocall [1421210] C ALPHA LAKEJob exceeded 4 hours on Lake 2001-09-11 03:00:00 Metrocall [1421210] C ALPHA LAKEJob 378…


October 16, 2014

James Dysart

10/16, 2:49pm

James Dysart

BREAKING! Ebola Hoax CONFIRMED! CNN+NYT Caught Red Handed!!!



James Dysart

10/16, 2:52pm

James Dysart

December 6, 2014

James Dysart

12/6, 3:40am

James Dysart

Glen you gotta see this man

James Dysart

12/6, 3:40am

James Dysart


HAARP Status Network — Just another WordPress site

Just another WordPress site


Glen M Sutphin

12/6, 3:42am

Glen M Sutphin

trying to screw the weather up again. or worse.. crazy.

James Dysart

12/6, 3:43am

James Dysart

not the weather man

they are using it to incite people to riots using Ferguson as the trigger

Discovery Channel scientists admitted they can do that with HAARp

James Dysart

12/6, 3:44am

James Dysart


HAARP Status Red Alert California | Alternative

Alert States: CA Alert Level: RED Detected: 12/5/2014 HAARP Status Network has detected a continued long duration high level HAARP Frequency activity across the state of California. This has been present for over a week now and it remains today….


James Dysart

12/6, 3:50am

James Dysart

HAARP CBC Documentary – US Army weather and mind control- Banned Video

HAARP – The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program-run by the u.s army and navy is known to change weathers, disrupt or tap communications, minde alt…


Glen M Sutphin

12/6, 3:51am

Glen M Sutphin

It doesn’t take much with these brain dead idiots no a days.

James Dysart

12/6, 3:52am

James Dysart

boy that’s for sure

Glen M Sutphin

12/6, 3:53am

Glen M Sutphin

I’ve been wondering for a long while if some of my condition isn’t effected by HARRP and other things. Seems when they use it and amp it up I get sick.

I know the gwen towers help with the tesla weapon to put out elf waves.

James Dysart

12/6, 3:59am

James Dysart

it probably is Glen

Glen M Sutphin

12/6, 4:03am

Glen M Sutphin

I know at times my head feels like it’s humming and vibrating.

especially during thunderstorms and bad storms and such. The same times they use harrp

James Dysart

12/6, 4:05am

James Dysart

hmmm interesting

James Dysart

12/6, 4:22am

James Dysart

Protection from Directed Energy Weapons HAARP Part 1 Targeted Individual Microwave Weapons

There is a part 2 to this. Frequency of the Sun very important! 1 Tens Unit 1 Orgone Frequency of the Sun For Healing. 126.22 hz search frequency of the sun …


James Dysart

12/6, 4:23am

James Dysart


This IS a “MUST SEE”! OPEN DESCRIPTION BOX FOR MORE INFORMATION: This powerful video explains the truth regarding Microwave weaponry and other exotic weapons…


Glen M Sutphin

12/6, 4:27am

Glen M Sutphin

like emoticon

James Dysart

12/6, 4:35am

James Dysart



HAARP: Weather Control. Is the HAARP Project a secret weapon used to achieve weather control and more? History Channel and CBC documentaries show the grave dangers of HAARP weather control and other electromagnetic warfare weapons.


January 12

James Dysart

1/12, 7:26pm

James Dysart

U.S. politicians on video with underage sex slaves?

A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997


January 15

James Dysart

1/15, 5:02am

James Dysart

Glen, Sarah and I just got hired by The Liberty Beacon, a huge conglomerate patriot news media non-profit group that works with Ben Swann, Susanne Posel and many, many others….if you ever have a story you want me to run for it (it has a huge reach) just let me know, I’ll post it

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:03am

Glen M Sutphin

Most definitely.. Congrats as well mate.. Keep it up

James Dysart

1/15, 5:03am

James Dysart

will do bro smile emoticon

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:04am

Glen M Sutphin

needed some good news after today’s event.. getting the footage uploaded now..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:05am

James Dysart

good deal smile emoticon what did you cover? I just posted our first couple stories for approval

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:07am

Glen M Sutphin

We were at the general assemble here in richmond, saw joe morrisey the crock who is in jail and got back in office while still in jail. And some of the guys who where there as support start to fight with us.. Someo f my past posts have been about today.

not to mention I have a masssive sinus infection and doulbe ear infection and it was sleet and freezing rain.. so

James Dysart

1/15, 5:08am

James Dysart

wow, I’ll check out your story, sounds fascinating

sorry about that man…i freaking hate sinus/ear infections

used to get them a lot

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:09am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah I get them every winter.. had to cancel my show till I get better and can hear.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:09am

James Dysart

a friend of mine just got this bizarre outbreak of ticks in mass. they just came out of nowhere…people think they were dumped from chemplanes

u might want to try sleeping elevated and on your stomach

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:10am

Glen M Sutphin

let me know the links t your stories and pages so I can spread the word..

on my stomach I will have a heart attack .. so not so good..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:11am

James Dysart

k will do man…we can get you hooked up with The Liberty Beacon too if you want…I’ve already been talking to Roger about it with you, Rhonda and Mary Neal, you guys are great

and Rose Colombo

oh crap sorry

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:11am

Glen M Sutphin

but I do have this neck pillow i use with a hole in the middle works great.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:11am

James Dysart

oh right on

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:12am

Glen M Sutphin

I’ll be putting a lot of thought into the beacon.. I’m not saying no just need to get back into the game after I get well

but yes we will work on it..

and thanks for the support.

and today was all that bad looking back I will use it to teach people.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:14am

James Dysart

you don’t have to do anything, i can just post your links or something if you want smile emoticon it should greatly increase your audience without increasing your workload

good man

that’s what I always do too, turn a negative into positive

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:15am

Glen M Sutphin

oh in that case by all means I can send a few stories to you that need to be out there then.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:16am

James Dysart

that would be awesome…i just want to help get your stuff out, you guys are far better than most investigative reporters you should have a large audience

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:17am

Glen M Sutphin

And this one I’m working on now will be a good one as well. yeah but at times like today it erupts into total chaos and yeah people arguing with citizens…

citizens defending police harassing people and press. and yeah.. it was and always is interesting.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:19am

James Dysart

LOL yeah people are nuts

i’ve seen some stuff out here you wouldn’t believe

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:19am

Glen M Sutphin

I can imagine..

I have as well. And most of it live as it happens then get told I don’t know what I’m talking about when I’m the only one with footage..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:21am

James Dysart


yeah i believe it\

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:21am

Glen M Sutphin

so yeah..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:21am

James Dysart

your camera is a conspiracy “theorist” LOL

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:21am

Glen M Sutphin

we live in interesting times

James Dysart

1/15, 5:21am

James Dysart

yeah we sure do

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:21am

Glen M Sutphin

lol.. I need to remember that one..

maybe use it as a title thats pretty good.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:22am

James Dysart

LOL go ahead smile emoticon

i love how people tell me i’m crazy but never look at the proof of anything I’m saying…not even right over their heads with the chemplane crap

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:23am

Glen M Sutphin

oh don’t get me started on that..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:23am

James Dysart


Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:24am

Glen M Sutphin

too much..

knows all about you but never has read anything you’ve done.. yeah that was today.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:25am

James Dysart

there was this guy in the paper out here that worked at Evergreen Air and died mysteriously in an “accident’ at work

yeah exactly

its amazing how well people with their heads up their butts can see compared to us journalists LOL

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:26am

Glen M Sutphin


I just wish I was feeling better I would have schooled the guy..

but feeling like crap and frozen in place being held up by the trash can.. I was a tripod..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:28am

James Dysart

there was these SEIU nuts out here a few years ago that turned up to agitate and ruin a Tax Day Tea Party downtown Portland

one of the guys from Fox’s “Red Eye” show showed up

it was a great event except for the SEIU maggots

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:29am

Glen M Sutphin

Chris and I are going to be there. Me sick as hell with a massive sinus infection and a double ear infection. So I don’t want to hear anyone’s excuses for not being there. And it looks like it will be yucky as hell. Show up and show your support. IF You’re not there today you’re not worth it in my opinion. Because if you don’t show up now when all you have to do is show up. You won’t show up when it hits the fan either and you’re worthless to me. I will continue to fight this crap as long as it is going on in this country. Give me liberty or give me death. Sic Semper Tyrannis.

Today was a day to say the least. I was close enough to joe morrissey to slap his smilition self. Had I have felt better I just might have, but feeling as I did he was just caught on video.. Video will be up l8r. I need to rest and I have some thinking to do.. I’m cancelling my show for the next two weeks at least till I get over this infection. And will be restructuring my show and how I do some things. And my arm froze to the trash can I was using to hold me up.. So yeah fun day.

This came up today and here’s my response. I do what I do so I can show and enlighten others to what is going on. And then people still question what I am doing and tell me I am not do right what I am doing. My response “At least I’m doing something. I am doing what I feel is right and what I know how to do. So how in that fact is what I am doing wrong.” And if what I am doing is wrong how would you change it to make it more effective? What really comes across is “you’re not doing the way I would therefore you are wrong.” And looking to me as a leader.. I ain’t here to join a club or feel good about myself, my job is to get the information out there and get the truth to as many as will listen.

The time to ask about tactics and what we are doing is for the get together meetings we had that no one shows up to, not the rally when we are suppose to have it all together. I’ll be covering this more when my head settles down. At the moment I don’t really give a phuck about any of it. I am tired of covering hypocrisy and corruption, to have to turn around and have to go back over years of research and time online to be asked why I do what I do.


As of today, from this day forward. I am done with anything to do with any “MOVEMENT”, if you say you are part of any freaking “MOVEMENT” I will phucking ignore anything you say. I will only respond to people out there trying to make a difference and doing what is right.

“MOVEMENT” has now become as repugnant as the word “CITIZEN” to me. “MOVEMENT” is now meaning to me a group of sheep looking for a shepherd or sheep herder to lead them so when the masses phuck up they have someone to crucify and make a target. I have never joined any freaking movement so how can I effect or affect the outcome of any of these so called “MOVEMENT”s. I am tired of trying to fit in to crap that does not do what needs to be done then told I am disturbing that movement.. The so called “LIBERTY MOVEMENT” for starters. More later trying to congeal my thought to make them understandable to persons.

I understand and comprehend what my job is. It’s everyone else that thinks they know what I should do and they love to tell me how to do it. And if I one little man can derail and mess up your whole entire “MOVEMENT” by myself just doing what I am doing well what the freaking hell does that say for your entire “MOVEMENT”?

For everyone’s information, my job is to document and record the events I cover.. THE END, I then make comments on what I have observed. That’s it. My job does not include holding your damn hand through every single thing and leading and guiding the direction your “MOVEMENT” is going. Setting up and organizing and telling you all the knowledge that you don’t listen too anyway..

Just a preview of what I’m working on.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:34am

James Dysart

everyone keeps looking for a leader to tell them what to do, when they should spend more time doing whatever peacefully they can instead of waiting for the perfect moment or leader to come along

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:34am

Glen M Sutphin


James Dysart

1/15, 5:35am

James Dysart

Glenn Beck made himself a leader and now sheep don’t believe in false flags or fema camps because they believe everything the clown says

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:36am

Glen M Sutphin

they also don’t understand an organic event that flows with how many people show up.. You can do a lot more with 10 people then with 4. and even more with 100 but when you only have 4 what can you really do..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:36am

James Dysart

God has given us the ability to think and know for ourselves with his help, but its easier for a lot of people to just turn on the tv and let themselves be told what to think

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:37am

Glen M Sutphin

and then telling me I need to do my job better???

well the media wasn’t around so it did count some how.. But the press was there..

it’s like a bad comedy movie at times

James Dysart

1/15, 5:38am

James Dysart

the alternative press are the only real press left

yeah I know…personally, I’m done with screaming at the ignorant

Im just going to build up my local community, post a few times a week, increase my closeness and power with the Lord, and let the willfully ignorant suffer the consequences of their actions

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:40am

Glen M Sutphin

thats why we are on break now.. restructuring and replanning our attack and tactics.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:40am

James Dysart

its no longer my responsibility to save everyone

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:40am

Glen M Sutphin

same thoughts here mate..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:40am

James Dysart

its like Noah and the Ark

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:41am

Glen M Sutphin

I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and lwet the fate hit the fan as it will.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:41am

James Dysart

I’ve spent years doing everything I can, but now its time for the people to either get on the knowledge boat, or get ready to drink some water

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:41am

Glen M Sutphin


James Dysart

1/15, 5:41am

James Dysart

its not our job anymore man

we’ve done what we can

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:41am

Glen M Sutphin

glub glub glub..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:41am

James Dysart

LOL yeah

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:41am

Glen M Sutphin

look bubbles..


James Dysart

1/15, 5:41am

James Dysart

yeah, and they

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:42am

Glen M Sutphin

I’m so with you there.

James Dysart

1/15, 5:42am

James Dysart

‘they’ll be saying how the water is natural as they drown too LOL

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:42am

Glen M Sutphin

did you ever see Erik the Viking?

James Dysart

1/15, 5:42am

James Dysart


heard of it though

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:44am

Glen M Sutphin

it has a scene where the town is sinking and everyone in the town can’t see it.. they just go on about there lives as they slowly drown.. towards the end there’s only a few people on top the tallest building and they to slowly drown never realizing the water was rising..

James Dysart

1/15, 5:45am

James Dysart

wow LOL

they must have seen our day

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:45am

Glen M Sutphin


James Dysart

1/15, 5:45am

James Dysart

that is so spot on

i’ve got to run, but I’ll be praying for you to get better bro

Glen M Sutphin

1/15, 5:46am

Glen M Sutphin

Thanks mate.. It always helps..

Erik the Viking – Hy Brasil Sinking

Clip from the 1989 movie Erik the Viking. Hy Brasil begins to sink.


James Dysart

1/15, 5:47am

James Dysart

thanks for the vid LOL i’m going to post this

January 21

Glen M Sutphin

1/21, 3:43am

Glen M Sutphin


This story I think in the wake of what is coming down on me at the moment could be a good start. I was on the vinny eastwood show with Susanne Posel for this one and it needs more umph..

20140524 March Against Monsanto. Or why is MONSANTO funding the MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO here in…

By: Glen M. Sutphin A.P.P.Press Correspondent # 59465SUT The video is not in order and a mess. This thing has been a nightmare from the get go. Sorry for the mess.Due to the heat and health issues …


January 22

Glen M Sutphin

1/22, 10:15pm

Glen M Sutphin

My new article is up.

2015 first article: Fan Club

Seems like Chris and I have another fan club. And here’s the president of the club now with some remarks. Please send all my hate mail to him, no kidding aside for the moment, I don’t even really k…


February 3

James Dysart

2/3, 1:48pm

James Dysart

right on…I’ll share this with Liberty Beacon Glen…sorry I haven’t been able to check in for weeks on FB…my computer got fried and so did Sarah’s by a FB or skype virus and then we got so busy with the wedding and all that we haven’t had a moment to breathe until today

Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 1:51pm

Glen M Sutphin

Cool take care and good luck with the wedding… Computer problems I know too much about. I’m down my main work computer as well. working off my laptop and can’t do as much and at half what I was doing but getting it out there as best as I can.

James Dysart

2/3, 1:52pm

James Dysart

good man

i’m out on the East Coast now, will be back in June in OR

Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 1:53pm

Glen M Sutphin

Also taking on the police lead psyop here in richmond as per the article about the fan club. I’s getting crazy here. the police are leading the protesters and working with them.. Working on the next artyicle now.

James Dysart

2/3, 1:55pm

James Dysart

wow very cool!

Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 1:57pm

Glen M Sutphin

it’s more crazy then cool. trying to get people to see what’s right out in the open and talked about on tv is a pain and a curse.. they can’t see their own noses.

and the threats are even funnier.

James Dysart

2/3, 1:58pm

James Dysart

yeah, i know what you mean Glen…but we’ve done our job with the masses, now its time to just focus on shoring up the people who chose to be awake and help peacefully restore teh Constitution

Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 2:02pm

Glen M Sutphin

yeah i’m still rustling the jimmies of city council here in richmond they need to be shaken and stirred right out of office.. doing what I can..

James Dysart

2/3, 2:03pm

James Dysart

good deal

Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 2:08pm

Glen M Sutphin

yeah I’ll send the next article when it’s done. hit a block on the article trying to figure out the rest of the article. I hate walls that pop up when your on a rool.

James Dysart

2/3, 2:10pm

James Dysart

just throw in a sexy pic of a celebrity, it always works for the msm LOL jk

Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 2:10pm

Glen M Sutphin

thought of that.. then no one will read the article..lol.

but it would get a lot of hits

James Dysart

2/3, 2:12pm

James Dysart


James Dysart

2/3, 2:15pm

James Dysart


Group Promoting Peace and Love Labeled As Terrorists, Surveilled by DHS and Police

According to the Missoula Police Department, promoting peace and love could be a possible sign of terrorist activity.


Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 2:16pm

Glen M Sutphin

had dhs yanking my chain at events as well.. bufoons

James Dysart

2/3, 2:25pm

James Dysart

freaking losers

Glen M Sutphin

2/3, 2:27pm

Glen M Sutphin

I just try to make them look stupid as hell when their on camera. Not hard really just let them talk.

James Dysart

2/3, 2:52pm

James Dysart

LOL yeah!

February 7

Glen M Sutphin

2/7, 5:19am

Glen M Sutphin

My new article is up about the police psyop going on here in Richmond,VA.

Why are the Police here in Richmond, VA leading the protesters? RICHMOND POLICE PSYOP.

Let me start off with several questions that need to be asked. Why are the police leading the protesters and allowing streets and such to be blocked off for them? Why are the police liaison’s leadi…


February 9

James Dysart

2/9, 9:29pm

James Dysart

right on, thanks Glen!! Dawn is still training me on a few things, but then I’ll be able to post some more stories, and yours are definitely on my list! smile emoticon great work

Glen M Sutphin

2/9, 9:31pm

Glen M Sutphin

No problem mate. I’ll just keep sending them use them whenever. This story I will be covering more tomorrow when the peeps and police event happens should be interesting cop lead protests..

James Dysart

2/9, 9:32pm

James Dysart

right on bro!!! thank you!!

Glen M Sutphin

2/9, 9:33pm

Glen M Sutphin

also did the first show of the year yesterday I’ll have the replay up on youtube soon. it’s on my ustream if you want to see it.

Glen M Sutphin

2/9, 9:33pm

Glen M Sutphin


Get The NEWS Straight LIVE

news richmond virginia gsdp glen sutphin nelga


James Dysart

2/9, 9:33pm

James Dysart

sweet, post it on my wall if you’d like and I’ll check it out…so busy I forget otherwise, two thousand things to do a sec LOL

Glen M Sutphin

2/9, 9:34pm

Glen M Sutphin

i hear that well get back to work mate.. lol..

James Dysart

2/9, 9:34pm

James Dysart


February 12

James Dysart

2/12, 4:05am

James Dysart

Glen, im working on posting this article right now…are there any important updates I need to go along with it that you’d like to see on TLB?

James Dysart

2/12, 4:05am

James Dysart


Why are the Police here in Richmond, VA leading the protesters? RICHMOND POLICE PSYOP.

Let me start off with several questions that need to be asked. Why are the police leading the protesters and allowing streets and such to be blocked off for them? Why are the police liaison’s leadi…


Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:07am

Glen M Sutphin

no it stands on it’s own. I’ll be doing a follow up soon. I have two shows this weekend my show and a radio show. so I’ll find time to do another article soon.

the follow up was the video I posted from this peeps and police event

if you want to mention that

James Dysart

2/12, 4:08am

James Dysart

okay awesome…is that the Bobby Stith one?

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:11am

Glen M Sutphin

no it’s the Here’s my full statement at last night’s peeps and police psyop. And yes the room was full of police. More police then “CITIZENS”. More later still getting stuff organized for a show or segment haven’t figured out which yet.

Thanks to a man called Chris Dorsey for the recorded footage. I’ll be editing my footage soon to include it as well but this says it all.

Man documents Deadly Police Failure

glen sutphin documents a failure of the Richmond Police which resulted in murder and was then covered up.


James Dysart

2/12, 4:11am

James Dysart

okay great, do you want this one included too: Glen M Sutphin

February 10 at 4:09pm

Bobby Stith head pf Security at Richmond City Hall attempts to enforce rules against standing during Richmond City Council meeting against only one individual. a man called chris dorsey documents that rules against standing during Richmond City Council apply to him but not to JJ Minor Chair of the Richmond Democrats, Police Informant Charles Willis, Press Secretary Tammy Hawley, Some camera dude, Bobby Stith and a lady he is hugging.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3UMoxdY3gA

Standing Ban For Meeting Enforced Only Against dorsey

Bobby Stith head pf Security at Richmond City Hall attempts to enforce rules against standing during Richmond City Council meeting against only one individua…


Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:12am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah.. that ties in to it as well.

it’s a big mess.. all interconnected

James Dysart

2/12, 4:14am

James Dysart

no problem, I know how it gets believe me smile emoticon

do you have a good cover image of the event for the pic to go along with the story? If not, I can just screenshot one from the tapes if you’d like

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:16am

Glen M Sutphin

screen shot one. I only ran video at the event.

James Dysart

2/12, 4:18am

James Dysart

k sounds goods


Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:19am

Glen M Sutphin

this was the local news coverage with my quote

Richmond officers and city leaders get an earful at community meeting

The “Police and Peeps Community Conversation” meeting was requested following several recent protests in the city connected to the national “Black Lives Matter” movement.


James Dysart

2/12, 4:22am

James Dysart

good job Glen!

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:23am

Glen M Sutphin

so that should keep you busy..

as said big ball of mess

and me still sick..

James Dysart

2/12, 4:30am

James Dysart

sorry man!

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:30am

Glen M Sutphin

that’s life mate.. never said it was going to always be sunny

James Dysart

2/12, 4:44am

James Dysart

yeah true

speaking of not being sunny, have you seen Ron Angell’s vids? holy cow

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:45am

Glen M Sutphin

don’t know if I have or not.

James Dysart

2/12, 4:46am

James Dysart

dude is being held prisoner by the feds in his own home in FL, he’s got proof on video

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:47am

Glen M Sutphin

is this by his sister also or as part of it. I think he was in contact with me for a while back about a year ago

James Dysart

2/12, 4:47am

James Dysart

here’s the photos/vids, you’ve got to see this…yes, that’s him: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.592194997552406.1073741921.146970875408156&type=3

Patriot News added 28 new photos to the album: 9/11 Investigator Tortured, Beaten and Lasered In Florida — with Ronald Angell.

Patriot News added 28 new photos to the album: 9/11 Investigator Tortured, Beaten and Lasered In Florida — with Ronald Angell.

Patriot News

James Dysart

2/12, 4:48am

James Dysart

crazy bitch sister of his found my folks’ number somehow spying on our conversation on FB on chat, then called us and harassed us so I exposed her

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:49am

Glen M Sutphin

damn.. yeah I know him.. I lost contact with him. so he fell off my radar

damn hope he’s ok

James Dysart

2/12, 4:51am

James Dysart

yeah me too…he posted on PN the other day so I think he’s okay

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:51am

Glen M Sutphin

crazy world we live in.

and i’m crazy for trying to make sense of all of it

James Dysart

2/12, 4:56am

James Dysart

LOL well, that makes two of us then

Glen M Sutphin

2/12, 4:59am

Glen M Sutphin

there are times i hate knowing all that i know

like when you’re outnumbered 100 to one and the place is crawling with cops and your telling them their guilty


James Dysart

2/12, 5:07am

James Dysart


February 17

James Dysart

2/17, 1:10am

James Dysart

Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:11am

Glen M Sutphin

watching it now

James Dysart

2/17, 1:11am

James Dysart

this makes me almost puke

Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:12am

Glen M Sutphin

might try it


James Dysart

2/17, 1:12am

James Dysart

that is simply horrible

Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:13am

Glen M Sutphin

yes but intriguing as well

might make a good article

James Dysart

2/17, 1:14am

James Dysart


Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:14am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah like I don’t have enough to do as it is..lol

James Dysart

2/17, 1:15am

James Dysart

LOL i know right??

Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:16am

Glen M Sutphin

get to have fun with police and internal affairs here soon. gonna fry them.. After we dig out from the snow we are getting.. good half foot or so already..

destroyed my greenhouse..

James Dysart

2/17, 1:17am

James Dysart

out here we are buried

Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:17am

Glen M Sutphin

yeah the universe decides what I get tto keep of stuff I get..

I need to get some funding or money to get and keep going..

James Dysart

2/17, 1:20am

James Dysart

talk to Dawn if you want and maybe you can join The Liberty Beacon

Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:21am

Glen M Sutphin


James Dysart

2/17, 1:26am

James Dysart

Dawn Egelseer, I’l send you an invite

Glen M Sutphin

2/17, 1:29am

Glen M Sutphin


she’s on my friends list already.

James Dysart

2/17, 1:33am

James Dysart

okay cool

February 20

Glen M Sutphin

2/20, 4:29pm

Glen M Sutphin

Continuation of a story that I am following that needs a push. I have contacted politicians and other agencies and this place is still there.


Hidden Valley no longer hidden dangers part 2

My continuing investigation into Hidden Valley condos in PA. Why are these places allowed to exist. I will be doing more on this and other stories from aroun…


February 21

James Dysart

2/21, 12:47pm

James Dysart

K thanks Glen, I’ll put it up smile emoticon

February 23

James Dysart

2/23, 10:57pm

James Dysart

THIS IS HOW THE MOSSAD/CIA Work to Cover Up Their Complicity in False Flag Terror Attacks. One of our reporters got this political and Anti-Christian harassment for posting on traitorous elements within the Israeli government, as he and Patriot News does for all Organized Crime/Terrorist NWO Groups, be it Muslim Brotherhood, CIA, Mossad, FBI, MI-6, Russian intel, China intel, Vatican’s KOM, etc. If you know this guy “Dabney G. Baker” and his group “Patriots,” he may be a Mossad/CIA shill. He is located in Norfolk, VA and sent me this as a message after we shared an article on the Israeli government’s interior corruption: Dabney G Baker Chat Conversation Start August 9, 2013 11:23 pm ty for befriending me and I ask ALL my friends what are their views on religion and politics? ty. I’m a Christian and a strict Constitutionalist TY for befriending me and we will add you to Patriots my new Christian Patriot friend. 6 hours ago (February 23rd, 2015): I hope I heard wrong that you are outing Israel. Please let me know. Patriot News PATRIOT NEWS: We assume this is where he “heard” we were “outing Israel,” which is a very strange thing to say. This has nothing to do with Israel, who is innocent. This has to do with organized crime rings within the Israeli government, as they existed within it during the semi-mortal ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. They were the ones who crucified Christ for telling the truth of their crimes and sins. Tina Siegert 7 hrs · ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH James Dysart? James Dysart posted this to his wall. I questioned him on it and here is what he said. I defriended him and wanted to give you all a heads up as well because we have 94 mutual friends. Too many to message. If you agree with him, please defriend me and leave my News The Media Won’t Show You Group. SEE WHAT HE POSTED TO HIS WALL “Israeli Barbarism: Terrorizing Palestinian Children, Prosecuting Them in Military Courts” https://www.facebook.com/james.dysar…/posts/729082853879407… \ (Here’s the post in full, where I never once bashed Israel, which is the Lord’s Chosen People. I bashed the corrupt, traitorous ISRAELI/ROTHSCHILD/VATICAN/NAZI CABAL that comprise their current government, and are bringing terror down on their own citizens’ heads, including their children. When Russia, China, etc. go after Jerusalem, it will be on the heads of the organized criminal traitors within the Holy Land, like similar organized criminals brought upon generations of innocent Jews by crucifying our Lord Jesus Christ. After the Lord comes again, everyone will know who to blame for all the destruction the Jews have ever gone through…their own treasonous, Judas Iscariot-type traitors within their own ranks. Like Lincoln said, houses/nations fall from treason within, as ours is now doing.: Tina Siegert James Dysart Do you seriously stand with and support palestine and muslims and are against Israel? REALLY? 10 hrs · Like James Dysart No, but thanks for asking Tina. I support people who aren’t evil against those who are…and the Israeli government is evil, just like the Arab’s governments are. They oppress their people and others. And I am an Israelite myself. Not a phony one like Netanyahu, a real one. 9 hrs · Like Lois York WOW! James Dysart I am stunned to see this kind of talk from you! 7 hrs Yeah, “stunning” to expose those who are trying to Divide and Conquer us all for Satan’s evil desires. Moron.) 12 people like this. \ Arleen Harnois Thanks for the heads up Tina!!!!!6 hrs · 3 Tina Siegert You’re welcome Sis † 6 hrs · 2 Ralph Patterson If you visit Mr Dysart’s FB page it is possible that you will come away with the impression that he does not have a full set of dishes…6 hrs · 3 Loanne Odell He is one of the conspiracy theorists!5 hrs · 1 Jonna Sigmon As Mal said, wish I could have the pleasure of deleting him, but fortunately, we aren’t neighbors.5 hrs · 1 Cecilia Munoz I never will friend anyone who is against Israel!5 hrs · 5 Jonna Sigmon You Rock Cecilia!!5 hrs Diane Black The guy is very obviously a TROLL. Israeli docs and hospitals regularly, at danger to themselves, treat Arab/Muslim women and children. You have nothing to defend for u unfriending him, Tina!!2 hrs · Edited · 1 Wendy Patterson OMG. What an ass3 hrs · 1 Wendy Patterson I’m so freaking sick of Muslim sympathizers. Liberal idiots.3 hrs · 4 Donna Ray Oddo I deleted him a while back for a similar post2 hrs Alexandra Claire Wainwright I will never befriend anyone who is not standing in unity with Israel.2 hrs · 1 Diane Black I always go to their FB page before I friend anyone–you can tell from posts and Likes usually, but not always.2 hrs · 1 Mary Ruth Chambley Not a friend & never will be. Checked him out. He’s a weirdo & looks the part.1 hr Christa Zod Great way to handle a very bad situation Tina!! 1 hrTi Like · Reply · Commented on by James Dysart · a few seconds ago

Patriot News

February 25

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 5:00am

Glen M Sutphin


working on getting a website built




James Dysart

2/25, 5:02am

James Dysart

sweet! I guess TLB is going to start paying us in the Fall full time hours…you should join up if you want, they can promote your website too…I told Dawn you would be a great asset

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 5:03am

Glen M Sutphin

Yeah I have to talk to her soon. I been swamped getting everything set up here to go after the police and yeah… I could use some pay.

James Dysart

2/25, 5:03am

James Dysart

yeah i hear that me too LOL

hey cool, one of the friends I invited just joined your American radio group already LOL

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 5:04am

Glen M Sutphin

everytime I get a free moment more crap

James Dysart

2/25, 5:05am

James Dysart

yeah me too

James Dysart

2/25, 5:13am

James Dysart

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 5:15am

Glen M Sutphin

I saw I shared this earlier today.

James Dysart

2/25, 5:23am

James Dysart

I knew they were pulling this

February 25

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 8:04pm

Glen M Sutphin

hey hey news mate.. Just got done talking with dawn.. I’ll be posting soon..


James Dysart

2/25, 8:04pm

James Dysart

hey right on man!! congrats!! smile emoticon

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 8:06pm

Glen M Sutphin

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 8:06pm

Glen M Sutphin


James Dysart

2/25, 8:06pm

James Dysart

i love your chemsnow article, that might be a big hit on TLB if you posted it

Glen M Sutphin

2/25, 8:07pm

Glen M Sutphin

yeah.. I’m starting off with the monsanto article as my test post and that one is on my list as well

cool news is I already use wordpress for my blog so it should be easy..

James Dysart

2/25, 8:19pm

James Dysart

right on!! i need to start a blog up there too for support usa: ban tsa and patriot news

March 6

James Dysart

3/6, 5:27pm

James Dysart

Patriot News II

We are a news organization that covers stories that are important for the well-being of the inhabitants of North and South America, and the world.


March 9

James Dysart

3/9, 3:04am

James Dysart

SHOCKING: Vatican Jesuit Thugs Triggering Obama at Westiminster Abbey on Live Video

MKULTRA Obama.wmv – YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtZ-Aw33hDw


March 12

Glen M Sutphin

3/12, 12:55pm

Glen M Sutphin


20150311 dominion protest not on our faultline

20150311 dominion protest not on our faultline – 01

20150311 dominion protest not on our faultline – 02

20150311 dominion protest not on our faultline – 03

20150311 dominion protest not on our faultline – 04

I’m the one with the camera behind the person with the gas mask on.

Group Protests At Dominion Headquarters In Richmond

Opponents of a proposed additional nuclear reactor to Dominion’s Lake Anna site protested outside of Dominion headquarters on Tredegar Stree…


James Dysart

3/12, 12:57pm

James Dysart

right on! ill reblog this story if u want to post it glen

Glen M Sutphin

3/12, 12:57pm

Glen M Sutphin

go ahead and post it.. I’m a hundred things deep at the moment..lol..

James Dysart

3/12, 12:58pm

James Dysart



Glen M Sutphin

3/12, 12:58pm

Glen M Sutphin

i need a telescope to see the top i’m that far behind.

James Dysart

3/12, 12:59pm

James Dysart

oh tell me about it man…i feel your pain, beleive me LOL

Glen M Sutphin

3/12, 1:00pm

Glen M Sutphin

yeah but a lot of it is good stuff so not complaining.

Glen M Sutphin

3/12, 1:00pm

Glen M Sutphin

James Dysart

3/12, 2:52pm

James Dysart

LOL yeah me too

sorry, had to take care of some of it there, just got back

March 13

Glen M Sutphin

3/13, 7:37am

Glen M Sutphin

What do you say when a news story happens and you hear about it and it hits too close to home for you, for you know the people involved? You continue on and keep going. I just want the people involved to know they are in my prayers. Till I find out some more I’ll just leave it at that.

Glen M Sutphin

3/13, 7:38am

Glen M Sutphin

Glen M Sutphin published an article on WordPress.

R.I.P. Birthdate: Aug. 8, 1996 Date of Death: Mar. 10, 2015 Resided In: Virginia Beach Too short a time spent here. It is with a sad heart and tears in my eyes that I post this. This young man and his father have been active in the area here with Chris Dorsey and myself. Chris lane has been on the radio with us and Dakota was active at several events. [ 172 more words. ]

Glen M Sutphin

March 13

James Dysart

3/13, 8:01pm

James Dysart

I’ve very sorry Glen

March 16

Glen M Sutphin

3/16, 8:33pm

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