Posted on 5 April, 2014 by Skizit
Directed Energy Weapons Cause Horrendous Injuries to Targeted Individuals, Elderly and Handicapped
by Skizit Gesture
April 5, 2014
YouTube Channel
Gangstalkers Steal Brain Frequencies for Torture
“He who controls the entire electromagnetic spectrum will dominate the world.” – V. I. Vernadsky (1863-1945)
How is America treating its elderly? The woman you see in these pictures is being tortured and murdered with Directed Energy Weapons. Her even more elderly mother has recently been killed with these weapons. These injuries were made by an unseen criminal at a distance outside the victim’s home. The perpetrators commit some kind of assault on the victim almost every day. They got on this victim’s computer and erased 200 more pictures of this torture. A laser [1] is a line-of-sight weapon so someone is using see-through-wall technology to see where the victim is in their home and can see the exact body part they want to attack. This is premeditated torture of a senior citizen. The authorities don’t care that these people are suffering. They convince others to harass and radiate the gangstalked victim everywhere they go whether its the grocery store or the emergency room at a hospital. Targeted Individuals are gangstalked by hospital doctors, nurses and other patients. When the victim seeks help, hospitals and doctors accuse these victims of causing their own injuries and put them in mental institutions and take their homes and property as if they had absolutely no value. Individual states are taking people’s property when they are on Medicare and have to go into assisted living or mental institutions.
What if someone told you that you had no future? That is the message being given to thousands of victims who are being told to commit suicide in order to escape torture from Directed Energy Weapons in the US. One victim, Susan Watkins of St. Louis, Missouri was found hanged in her home on March 31, 2014. A note was scrawled on the wall, “They watched by satellite while I died.” Her death was no accident. She was murdered. If you do not understand the connection between Radiation, Gangstalking and population disposal programs such as Morgellons at this time, you will understand when you become the victim. At the present time, calculations have been made so that these programs only effect a certain number of people so they don’t end up in the news and do not upset society or overwhelm emergency services. Information on the weapons has been kept classified by the military.
This victim’s injuries were received in her own home which can very well be called the Modern Battle Ground. The Global Justice Department programs detail how government, fusion centers, law enforcement and gangstalkers work together in community policing programs.[2] The fact that this is being repeated in the same way all over America points to the fact that this is organized crime, detailed in the Justice Department program called COPS. America is now a police state and all human rights are suspended. This victim has no rights the local police and gangstalkers called (“cohorts”, “partners” or “watchers” in official documents) do not give them. What was the victim’s crime? They worked honestly all their life, raised a family, and are now collecting Social Security.
War has been declared on civilians considered to be “not the right people”. Most TI’s are single women of non-child bearing age. This program targets whistleblowers, people who have witnessed and reported policemen, firemen and paramedics involved in drug cartels, vehicle theft, smuggling and prostititution, artists, dissidents, the elderly, handicapped, people on Medicare and Medicaid, gays, oddballs, people on social security or anyone who has an opinion or is involved in activism. All you have to do is have a bumper sticker someone doesn’t like or express a religious or political opinion and you will be tortured until you die. Its what you might expect from a drug gang in South America but not in civilized society with a constitution and a bill of rights. The police are now a legal gang of murderers and torturers.
These are laser marks on the hardwood floor of this victim’s home. Gangstalkers break in and destroy electronics with their DEW weapons, poison food, shred clothing and put Morgellons insects in bedding and clothes. Vehicles, utilities and appliances are destroyed with beams of microwave energy. Once a victim is named a Terrorist, the Radiation and Gangstalking continues until they die. It takes all of a victim’s resources just to survive. They lose their jobs, thus their income and many have to go on disability because their injuries are so severe. Many have worms in their eyes which eat their corneas and they go blind, yet Social Security denies their claims. Their lives are destroyed.
As you can see by this meter, the energy and frequencies in the home is off the charts. With the right equipment, the exact nature of the weapons and even the direction and source would be evident. Unfortunately, the victims do not have the knowledge or the resources to protect themselves. Who could have known that people who have worked honestly all their lives would need to defend themselves from the entire United States of America, with the Army, Navy, Airforce and NASA behind them? If there is anyone who has the resources to help the people suffering these atrocities, would you please come forward and help in the fight for these people’s lives. No one deserves to suffer like this.
This is an illustration of how some are being triangulated with targeting with radiation. They are bathed in a super microwave field created by triangulating three sources. This can cause pain, blindness, organ damage, loss of memory, and a host other things. Notice that there is a magnetron (extremely heavy), a generator and antennas. You might see neighbors moving this heavy equipment into their homes. A person could be compromised mentally and physically without ever knowing it. Americans have been convinced with lies and slander to do this to other Americans. They are given the new weapons and technology and are being paid for their “services.” Some gangstalkers have bragged about getting three kills per week. This is only the beginning. [3] The man responsible for exposing this in Germany was arrested and put in a mental hospital. Here is his website which can be translated into English.
Some victims have installations in their homes and vehicles so they can be attacked with Directed Energy Weapons wherever they are. Your EEG or Evoked Potentials can be recorded any time you are out in a restaurant or standing somewhere in a line at a grocery store. A video showing a real theft of brain frequencies is on SkizitGesture’s channel on YouTube.
Your unique brain code is enhanced and calibrated by a super-computer 200,000 times. Then it is used in a brain-computer interface with special software and a phased-array antenna system which maps out where you are in space and time and can radiate you whether you are sitting at your kitchen table, sleeping in your bed or driving in your car. People with the high pitched sound in their ears are connected to the internet via their enhanced brain waves, computer software and satellite. [6] The antennas which radiate them can be programmed from a satellite communication system in a briefcase. This is a government program called TAMI, Thought Amplification and Mind Interface. Your brain is used like a radio, receiving and sending frequencies. Once entrained to receive messages via computer, thoughts can be put into your mind and you can be made to feel emotions which are not yours. You can even be told to commit crimes or to kill yourself. You hear voices in your head, not through your ears, you can be made to say things that don’t come from you, in other words, you can be mind controlled, more like a slave. Plus you can be tracked like an animal. Your local police have use of all this new science and are capable of tracking the victim wherever they go, listening to everything they say and seeing them doing personal things like bathing, dressing and making love. Nothing is sacred and there is no privacy in this Global New World Order.
This may be the screen of a weapon used to torture the victims of Directed Energy Weapons. They suffer all of the listed symptoms, including hearing voices in their head no one else hears which is colloquially called Voice-to-Skull. They suffer electric shocks and extreme vibrating of the entire nervous system when they are trying to sleep which causes fatigue and sleep deprivation. Their arms and legs move involuntarily. They suffer electrical jolts to their heart and lungs, unwanted sexual stimulation and electronic rape. A person can be forced to feel emotions which are not theirs. If this is not a real menu, it is a good list of things that victims suffer.
These weapons have been demonstrated to Congress who obviously knows their purpose and capabilities. They also approved the Patriot Act so they are fully aware of the purpose and effects of the legislation approving radiation of citizens. In terms of military strategy, Directed Energy Weapons represent the natural next step in the “speed-of-light engagement” process, addressing the slowest part of the detect-to-kill cycle; that is, actually delivering sufficient energy to a target to kill or disable human beings. DEWs enable the criminals to place energy on a target at the speed of light, thereby matching the “engagement” speed of the other parts of the “detect-to-kill” chain. [5]Anyone conceiving, developing, manufacturing or using DEWs has knowledge of their purpose, including universities, students, corporations and scientists.
Directed Energy Weapons (“DEWS”) are typically defined as devices that destroy/defeat targets using radiated waves or beams of microscopic particles. DEWs may include systems that are based on electromagnetic energy, acoustic waves and fluid/particle systems. They include Laser, Charged Particle Beam (CPB) and Radio Frequency (RF), High Power Microwave (HPM) systems, High Power Millimeter Wave, Dazzling Visible Lights, and Pulse Energy Systems, each of which projects energy that travels at or near the speed of light toward the target. Lasers attack in a straight line, while RF/HPM sources have “radar-like” antenna patterns, and are therefore considered an area weapon.
Electromagnetic DEW systems span the electromagnetic spectrum. Energy systems are classified by frequency and/or wavelength. This includes gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, the visible spectrum, infrared, terahertz radiation, microwave, and radio waves. In general, high energy laser (HEL) DEWs lie in the infrared through visible light frequency bands, while high power microwave (HPM) weapons lie in the lower frequency microwave bands (i.e., between 800 MHz to 3 GHz).
These weapons were used in the war in Iraq and are now being used on Americans. This is not a test.
“He who controls the entire electromagnetic spectrum will dominate the world.” – V. I. Vernadsky (1863-1945) Vernadsky was the physicist, biologist, geologist and architect of the Soviet atom bomb project. He created a program of fundamental research into the “physical geometry” of living processes, which included their interaction with electromagnetic radiation. Vernadsky coined the term “biosphere,” emphasizing the fact that the totality of living matter on the Earth forms a coherent process in powerful mutual interaction with the climate and geophysical conditions of the planet. All available scientific knowledge concerning the biosphere is to be mobilized in war in order to crush the enemy. This includes development of weather modification, manipulation of the ionosphere and other layers of the atmosphere, large-scale biological warfare, triggering of natural disasters, as well as global electromagnetic warfare.The absorption of minute amounts of “tuned” electromagnetic radiation, down to individual quanta, can decisively influence the course of biological events. This is known as the “informational role of electromagnetic radiation in biological systems.” Compact nuclear reactors which are already being used in radar reconnaissance satellites in pulsed mode and MHD devices are an energy source for a military orbital system. A large phased-array EP system in orbit or a ground based phased-array installation such as HAARP with a very large effective aperture could attack entire cities, with loss of life comparable to nuclear weapons but without collateral damage.
If you are suffering from Gangstalking or Radiation, take as many pictures as you can and make a backup copy and send a copy to a friend or you can send them You will not suffer in silence and you will not go unnoticed. More and more people are beginning to understand just what is happening in America. People are being murdered by cowards who are killing old women and helpless sleepers in their beds. This is the most dishonorable warfare, more like Nazism than a democracy.
[2] Construction of a Police State in America. Read the website about the COPS program very carefully and read between the lines. The gangstalking and Directed Energy Weapons are a part of the Global Justice Department.
The Future of Anti-Terrorism Technologies (excerpt)
By James Jay Carafano, Ph.D.
“WE ARE AT WAR. In fact, the global war on terrorism will be like most wars. It will have casualties and sacrifices, victories, defeats, advances, and setbacks. Progress will not be determined by the outcome of individual battles or campaigns. It will, to a remarkable degree, look much like the Cold War. Like the Cold War, it will be a long, protracted conflict because, despite the preponderance of power held by the nations united in their commitment to combat terrorism, we will not be able to come directly to grips with the enemy-then because it risked nuclear war and annihilation, now because the enemy is too disparate and diffuse to be defeated in climactic battle. We are in another long war. It is, however, a war of a different kind.” [governments are killing their own people]
[4] Dept of Defense’s WSTIAC Quarterly “Directed Energy Weapons and the Asymmetric Flight”
Directed Energy: the Promise and the Reality
Dr. Edward P. Scannell, Alion Science and Technology
Lanham, MD
Any discussion of directed energy must recognize the difference between long-term potential and short-term reality. There is no doubt that existing long-term development programs will provide significant military capability in the future. However, directed energy has also demonstrated its maturity and readiness for current operations in three different mission tasks from the Army Universal Task List [1], the Army Force Operating Capabilities, or the Joint Universal Task List documents. These include demonstrated abilities to engage and destroy rockets, artillery, mortars, unexploded ordnance, mine-fields, and explosive remnants of war; and perform unit level force protection tasks.
Defining Directed Energy
Directed Energy Weapons are typically defined as devices that destroy/defeat targets using radiated waves or beams of microscopic particles. With this definition, future DEWs may include systems that are based on other principles in addition to electromagnetic energy such as acoustic waves andfluid/particle systems.[2] Present DEWs are only based on electromagnetic energy principles and include Laser, Charged Particle Beam (CPB) and Radio Frequency (RF)/High Power Microwave (HPM) systems, each of which projects energy that travels at (or near in the case of CPBs) the speed of light toward the target. Because of the physical nature of their radiation source, lasers are a point weapon, while RF/HPM sources have “radar-like” antenna patterns, and are therefore considered an area weapon.
Electromagnetic DEW systems span the electromagnetic spectrum. Energy systems are classified by frequency and/or wavelength. This includes gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet, the visible spectrum, infrared, terahertz radiation, microwave, and radio waves. Directed energy systems currently include lasers (Figure 1), high powered microwave, high power millimeter wave, dazzling visible lights, and pulse energy systems.[3]
Categorization of DEWs
The DoD’s HPM program includes wideband RF, and a HPM sub-group addresses all of RF-DEW. In general, high energy laser (HEL) DEWs lie in the infrared through visible light frequency bands, while high po wer microwave (HPM) weapons lie in the lower frequency microwave bands (i.e., between 800MHz to 3 GHz), which are shown in Figure 1. With the nomogram provided in Figure 2, frequency values can be converted to wavelengths. It should also be pointed out that a common misnomer is to label HPM as “EMP,” since the latter refers specifically to the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generated by a nuclear detonation, which is in the very low microwave band, normally between 100 and 200 MHz.
Evolution of Weapons Technology
Directed Energy Weapons represent the natural next step in the “speed-of-light engagement” process, addressing the slowest part of the detect-to-kill cycle; that is, actually delivering sufficient energy to a target to kill or disable it. This delay is due to the present dependency of military platforms and weapon systems on the speeds of jet engines, rocket propulsion or detonation/deflagration of gunpowder and ballistic ordnance velocities. DEWs, however, will enable the user to place energy on a target at the speed of light, thereby matching the “engagement” speed of the other parts of the “detect-to-kill” chain.
[1] TRADOC Pamphlet 525-66 “Force Operating Capabilities,” Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Monroe, VA, July 2005.
TRADOC Pam 525-66, Force Operating Capabilities – U.S. Army
[2] Scannell, E.P., “Directed Energy Weapons Training Course,” Weapons Systems Technology Information Analysis Center (WSTIAC), Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Alion Science and Technology Corp., Annapolis MD, April 2005.
[3] Thompson, L., and D. Goure, “Directed Energy Applications Technologies, Applications, and Implications,” Lexington Institute, Washington DC; February 2003.
Directed Energy Directorate Gallery, US Air Force Research Laboratory’s Directed Energy Directorate,
Top Homeland Security Priorities for Congress in 2014