
11 Points That Led Scott Sonnon To Choose Hemp FORCE

Via Scott Sonnon Facebook:

After initially publishing articles on protein supplements, I received such a massive flood of comments asking for suggestions, that I decided it was time to share what I personally use. I feel reluctant to recommend brands because we each have such individualized needs, preferences and circumstances. I have never in my career ever recommended a brand officially because, frankly, I hadn’t found something that met ALL of my (following) needs. So, in order for me to make a recommendation, allow me to offer my evaluation criteria (as yours may be different than my own):

1. Supplement not substitute:

Whenever possible, I eat whole / fresh, raw / rare, high quality / nutrient dense, genetically-unmodified, organically-produced, naturally unextended shelf-life / unprocessed, minimally seasoned / sauced, self / slowly prepared food.

A supplement can be used to support healthy nutrition, but none can substitute for it. Traveling hundreds of thousands of miles a year, I’m often subjected to the opposite, and often such low quality that it can only be described as a manmade ingestible substance. But, I require temporary support from a protein source, without which I cannot continue to remain healthily performing my job, so I sought out supplementation of my nutritional needs, which include…

2. Preventing muscle loss with aging, stress, work and travel:

I regularly lose 6-8 pounds per two week trip because I cannot consume sufficient food at the right time, because I exercise so intensely and frequently. Even the good meals I can get, don’t get properly utilized because they’re at the wrong circadian time slot from working in a dramatically different timezone. As recent research has revealed, a good meal at the wrong time can be as ineffective as a bad meal at the right time. I need a supplement to address my high activity lifestyle (which WILL change in the future as my lifestyle changes, but right now for this period of my life, I have found the optimal supplement for me.)

After many years of experimentation, tests and experience, I know healthily performing my job must remain my highest priority, not merely because my quality of life depends upon it as I want to enjoy my life, but as months will turn into years, the accumulation of adverse reactions will create illness and disease inevitably, and faster than I imagine. So, here are my prohibitions mandatory for healthy high performance:

3. No gluten:

Headaches, sinus inflammation and general fatigue result any time I take gluten. I cannot afford to drain my training, work and quality of life with flu-like symptoms. For some, gluten isn’t an issue. Due to my sensitivity, it makes gluten a strong prohibition.

4. No soy:

Soy protein makes it difficult for me to digest (and affects me hormonally with the high estrogen I absorb from the quantities I would have to take). Soy contains inhibitors that block the action of trypsin and other enzymes that are needed to break down protein. This can often result in unwanted bloating and gas. Others may not be affected by the phyto-estrogens in soy, but the hormonal imbalance it causes in me suppresses thyroid function, inhibits my digestion, and frankly, makes me moody, affecting my ability to perform multiple tasks as a writer, speaker, athlete, coach and family man.

5. No dairy:

Even in high isolate whey intensification, the small lactose remaining still causes my intolerance to it indigestion, diarrhea, gas and bloating. Though these may appear like minor inconveniences, with the amount of travel, teaching and training I must do, they become the difference between low and high quality of life. I say, “No Whey!”

6. High fiber, complete protein and good fats. Foods can be classified as complete, partial, or incomplete sources of proteins. In order for a food to be classified as complete, it must contain all eight essential amino acids. I need a supplement low in saturated fat, but contains the essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, in an optimal 3-to-1 ratio. Fat is my primary energy source rather than carbs, as I’ve taken the time to transition from fast to slow burning fuels. For me, a supplement must contains two types of proteins, edestin and albumin (globular proteins, which dissolve easily so they are readily accessible for the body to use). Without high-fiber, I cannot maintain bowel health and movement consistency, which is a premium to prevent against colon issues; it lowers the bad type of cholestero (low-density lipoprotein), reduces blood pressure, helps control my blood sugar.

7. Lower carb. I need complex carbohydrates to utilize my protein, but high carb amounts blow out my insulin. Lean body mass IS one of the indicators of longevity especially at my age (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7572703). I also like looking good. Enough said.

8. No sugar / artificial sweeteners or caffeine / stimulants (Blood sugar control):

Formerly being pre-diabetic with a family history of diabetes, spiking my insulin due to a hit of sugar or sugar alcohols (sweeteners) will eventually kill me. Premature health failures often appear from Type II diabetes: a sign that relevant organs are no longer capable of processing the sweet and starchy foods that are too often consumed. To balance my blood sugars I must have a high quality lean protein in my diet, as the glucagon released when I eat protein keeps my insulin in check; and by avoiding all refined carbohydrates – sugars and starches.

I cannot afford to be buzzed or crashed from sugar / sweetener content. It causes me disorientation, decreased focus and concentration, lowers my alertness, and exacerbates symptoms of my dyslexia. I prioritize healthy performance. I also cannot afford to waste a workout. If a supplement doesn’t supply me with the correct balance of macronutrients, and instead uses caffeine or sugar / sweeteners or some other appetite suppressant, not only does the insulin release, waste the short (catabolic fat-burn and anabolic muscle growth) window of a workout, the stimulants also wreak havoc on my work performance and quality of life. I don’t like feeling buzzed at all, as it interferes with my writing, speaking, training and general life. Other people feel differently about mind/mood-altering experiences. I prefer to create my own, rather than cause it.

9. Taste:

I am at the “cardboard stage” of my life. I’d rather eat cardboard than ingest something which will hamper my health and performance. Not many people are there, but I’d rather feel good than have me taste buds over-stimulated. I feel my food DOES taste good, but most people, like myself, have had such cellular damage in the past through processed chemicals, that only heavily seasoned and sweetened sensations appear to be “tasty.” But now, after healing my buds, I can actually taste what I’m eating. That said, when I’m traveling, I’d still eat “cardboard” rather than ingesting the fodder most often available (I think it tastes like garbage). However, if I found something that maximized my health and performance and I was actually very “tasty,” I’d be elated. (I did, and I’ll tell you about it at the bottom.)

10. Preparation and Travel Storage:

This may not be an issue for people who don’t travel as much as I do, but when you’re on the road as much as I am, you can’t afford a high mass, powder bomb in large bins. A dense, easily transported powder easily makes it through security checkpoints. (I’ve had protein puddings in sealed cans confiscated by border control and customs departments; and of course, I can’t take any meats, fish or even certain fresh veggies across some checkmarks.) I need it to be easily and conveniently mixed and quickly dissolved, so that I don’t have to spend long amounts of time during short breaks trying to get my supplement.

11. Plant-based, controlled high quality protein source is what I’ve sought out to avoid suspect animal products and their dangerous bacterias and viruses. My colleagues and I have gotten very ill, some almost fatally. With all of the animal-based protein sources I have tried, even egg, I have adverse reactions, including performance draining discomfort and nausea. This includes highly controlled and regulated animal herds, including wild game. Somewhere, someone needs to make a dollar, so they cut corners; and the end-user consumer suffers; or maybe it was just a sick animal which wasn’t tested and scrutinized before selling to the consumer.

Out of plant-based options, rice proteins don’t work for me due to the simple carb spike of insulin to causes. Pea based proteins don’t work for me because as a legume, the lectins and phytic acid disturb my GI making digestion highly uncomfortable. Though, I find spirulina and chlorella protein sources to be a rich source, for the above reasons, I cannot take in sufficient quantities to receive the nutrients I require. (I am continuing to research and encourage certain trusted companies to pursue this direction.)

Though inaccurately and unscientifically associated with marijuana, hemp protein has no psychoactive substances. Associating the two is like saying goldfish shouldn’t be kept as pets because they’re related to sharks. Your politics are your business. I just want to eat healthily. Due to my dyslexia, I absolutely cannot have psychoactive substances as I cannot function normally under their influence: I can’t write, speak or even think. I certainly can’t train with proper technique under intensity. It’s a frightening experience for severe dyslexics, whose very existence is founded upon conscious routines even to think clearly. Fortunately, hemp is not even remotely close to marijuana. Hemp is a health food, and its association is mere propagandized misinformation

That said, because of this inaccurate bias, my students who are US military should be advised of potential violation of Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, “Failure to follow a lawful order or regulation”. AR 600-85 Paragraph 4-2 (p) prohibits Soldiers from using Hemp or products containing Hemp oil.http://www.apd.army.mil/pdffiles/r600_85.pdf AR 300-67 Personnel Security Program makes a reference to this portion of the regulation as jeopardizing your security clearance as well. I feel frustrated for the units I train and the soldiers whom I have the honor of teaching, because they’re occupationally prohibited from a health food which could be readily produced, inexpensively delivered and even potentially governmentally distributed source of quality protein to support soldier health and performance. Until this erroneous regulation is rescinded, I suggest is seeking a spirulina / chlorella based protein instead of hemp to avoid endangering your service record.

My Recommendation: Hemp Force by Onnit

I have had to do my best due diligence, cause myself extreme discomfort through trial and error, and explore product after product attempting to find something that works for my lifestyle. I did. And I can say that I have invested a million+ miles flying trying to find the best product for my above criteria of evaluation.

I’ve tried as many different variations and options as I could find even from highly regulated sources in Sweden, Germany and New Zealand. Nothing frankly has held the same successful combination of healthy performance criteria as Hemp Force by Onnit.

(I have NOT tested all of their products, so I have asked them to dedicate a specific page to ONLY the product I endorse. I cannot promise any results from anything else, but I can assure you that Hemp Force has worked with the above heavily demanding criteria!!)

I’ve even tried to isolate the individual elements and combine them through bulk purchase direct from the farmers co-op. But, I cannot purchase sufficient volume to get the cost as affordable as Onnit has been able to make this product. So, I surrendered, and have chosen to back them; and put my reputation on the line.

So many thousands of you have expressed interest in the alternatives I must take, that I have finally conceded to make an official relationship with the product I use, and offer it as my personal recommendation to you.

I know that if you’re as high maintenance as me, and make healthy performance such as high priority that you will love Hemp Force as much as I do.

Very Respectfully,

Scott Sonnon, Master of Sport

Chief Operations Officer, RMAX International

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