Everyone is always looking for a way to save some money on their purchases and subscriptions, and I can understand that. Keeping your data safe can cost you a considerable amount of money. One way you can save money is by using a coupon or offer code to save on your initial subscription to your cloud storage or backup service, and I will admit many people come here to CloudStorageBuzz.com to do just that. After all we do have some excellent offers on cloud storage and backup and we do our best to keep those offers up to date. There are also sites like RetailMeNot that offer coupons and discounts on a huge number of stores but there is another level of shopping that will not only give you a discount but also offer you cash back on your purchases, including several popular cloud storage and backup services.
Now I will admit, if you found my site useful and helpful in your search for cloud storage or backup I would prefer that you clicked through and purchased through my links, not all are affiliate links, but many are and it certainly helps to pay the bills. BUT I can understand why you might want to use one of these cash back websites. In fact if you are not going to use my links I would rather you use one of these cash back websites over RetailMeNot any day of the week. The other thing you might want to know is some of these cash back websites offer their own affiliate programs and some of the links below are my own affiliate links to those cash back sites. Just so everything is all up front but here are some of the more popular cash back websites where you can save and earn money back from your cloud storage and backup subscriptions.
I found several offers at the following cash back websites for various services including: Carbonite, SOS Online Backup, Acronis, MyPCBackup and SugarSync. Not every website had the same offers either so you might even want to shop around and pick a site to join.
Many of these sites get their deals and cash back from the various affiliate networks, and there are many cloud storage and backup services that run their own affiliate or partner programs and are simply not listed on the cash back websites or simply choose to not allow cash back websites into their programs. However if you routinely order items online being a part of a cash back website could help you save several hundred dollars a year since many large merchants like Amazon are listed at several of the websites. Not to mention travel websites like Expedia and others. One vacation and you could easily make using a cash back website worth your time.
Do you use cash back websites? Have you purchased your cloud backup or storage through them? How much do you earn back a year? Let us know your experience with these websites?
The post Buy Cloud Storage or Backup and Get Cash Back! appeared first on Cloud Storage Buzz.