Odyssey K12. Las Vegas Charter School Combining In-person Instruction with an Online Curriculum for Middle, High School, and k12. Free Tuition...


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News, stories and media buzz related to Odyssey K12

  • DeafDigest Blue – May 11, 2014 Blue Edition              Barry Strassler, Editor http://deafdigest.com – updated every Monday America’s Unique Deaf Stories; subscription...

  • For Immediate Release August 2, 2016 Contact: Press@CatherineCortezMasto.com Las Vegas, NV – Another day, another out-of-state special interest group propping up Congressman Heck’s campaign with lies about Catherine Cortez Masto. Last night, it was...

  • Teacher "Shortage" Coast to Coast
    via curmudgucation.blogspot

    Talk of teacher shortages has been popping up on a state-to-state basis, so I thought I'd engage in a rare act of actual data collection. I'm working from two basic sources here: 1) a report from USED that actually goes back to 1991, but we'll just focus...

  • IN 1990, A CHARTER CORPS of 500 recent college graduates joined Teach For America in what the organization describes as a mission to eliminate educational inequity. Since then, nearly 33,000 participants have taught more than 3 million children, especially...

  • Las Vegas – Vegas PBS announced it has been awarded $89,539 by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) to expand emergency alert and communications services in the community. Through CPB funding, Vegas PBS will expand the emergency services...

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