This episode discusses the frequently challenging topic of delegation for new nurses, specifically to nursing aides as well as colleagues. We’ll discuss tips and tricks, as well as the importance of building rapport.
Your first year as a registered nurse is challenging. This podcast is hosted by Kati Kleber, BSN RN CCRN and features experienced nurses from, who discuss the basics of that first year. From orientation, code blues, tricks of the trade, and personal experiences, to time management, delegation, patient deaths, and more.
A word about show notes: our goal is to get show notes up on this blog for listeners by the end of January 2017. They are mentioned throughout the episodes, and it’s taking some time to compile all of them and make them as concise and impactful as possible. Thank you for your patience!
Please note, while patient experiences are discussed, their identifying details have been changed to protect their privacy and uphold HIPAA.
The post Episode 006: Delegation for New Nurses appeared first on FRESHRN.