The Survival Medicine Hour, with Joe Alton, MD aka Dr. Bones, and Amy Alton, ARNP aka Nurse Amy, wish you and your family a wonderful Merry Christmas. May 2017 bring you a multitude of blessings and good health. About 16% of our population is alone and lonely during the Christmas holiday.
This special episode will help you and others find ways to be a part of this joyous time of year. Helping others, being a listening ear, making home-made presents, visiting the less-fortunate or sick, or joining a helpful cause are just some of the advice to help you and those around you feel more Christmas spirit. Christmas is not about store-bought presents. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2017 to you and yours.
To listen in, click below:
all the best,
Joe and Amy Alton
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Survival Medicine Hour: Lonely Christmas Survival Tips NurseAmyandDrBones Survival Medicine Hour: Norovirus, Cold Myths, Man Flu NurseAmyandDrBones
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Joe Alton, MD is a retired physician whose current focus is disaster, wilderness, and epidemic medical preparedness.
Dr. Bones maintains an active medical license in his home state and is a member of the Wilderness Medical Society.
His Mission: To put a medical prepared person in every family. Email us at Dr Bones Podcast at AoL dot com