
By Paul Homewood


The Telegraph report on the latest round of the capacity market auction for 2018/19.

A raft of proposed new gas-fired power plants will be shelved for at least a year after failing to win Government subsidies, experts have predicted.

Some old power plants could also be at risk of closure after missing out on the payments, potentially worsening the capacity crunch in coming years, they warned.

Under a new “capacity market” policy, designed to keep the lights on, ministers are offering retainer-style subsidy contracts to existing or proposed plants to guarantee they will be available when needed from 2018.

At least eight big new gas plant projects were vying for the contracts but are thought to have missed out in favour of existing old plants that are cheaper to keep running.

Proposed plants that miss out will have to wait and consider competing in another auction a year from now.

A “reverse auction” to award the contracts has been taking place this week and is understood to have closed on Thursday night at a price of between £15 and £20 per kilowatt of capacity – far lower than had been expected by the industry, and less than half the £42 assumed by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in its impact assessment.

The result should lower the cost to consumers, which had been estimated at £14 a year on annual bills, but will not result in new plants being built and could have unintended negative consequences, experts said.

The DECC has recruited as many plants as it thinks are required in 2018-19. However, some of those old gas plants deemed surplus to requirements for 2018 could have been needed to keep the lights on in intervening years and may no longer see it as economic to keep running.

Gareth Miller of consultants Cornwall Energy said: "It’s not necessarily all good news because clearing at a low price will prompt some of the older CCGT [gas] fleet to consider mothballing between now and 2018-19.”

He said this could simply require more money to be spent on emergency “balancing services” to prevent those plants mothballing next year.

Peter Atherton, energy analyst at Liberum Capital, agreed. “There is a risk now that people will start to take plants off,” he said.

The capacity market was originally launched as a way of ensuring that there would be enough reliable fossil fuel plants to act as back-up for intermittent wind and solar power, as old coal plants are shut down by environmental rules.

Companies had been hesitant of building new, cleaner gas-fired power plants to replace them because only running as back-up might not have been sufficiently profitable.

But critics have suggested the policy is turning out to be poor value for money as instead of encouraging new gas plants it will instead hand subsidies to old nuclear plants that would have kept running anyway, and to old coal plants that are simultaneously being subjected to environmental taxes designed to force their closure.

Peter Atherton, energy analyst at Liberum Capital, said: “99 out of 100 people would tell you we need to start building some additional gas capacity pretty soon. The capacity market was due to deliver that. If the auction comes in at £20 it’s just going to reward existing plant that was going to be there anyway.”

If no new gas is built soon then by the early 2020s there would be a “massive black hole” to make up when coal is eventually forced to close, he said.

Mr Miller of Cornwall Energy said: “At a price of less than £20 I would absolutely expect there not to be any new large-scale CCGT [gas] new-build. That’s the plant we really need in the 2020s.”

He said if the auction cleared at a low level of less than £20 it would “call into question whether you needed to pay it at all”.

One new gas-fired power plant, at Carrington, is currently already being built may technically count as new under the auction rules.

The capacity market mechanism was designed to pay power plants to provide standby capacity to back up intermittent renewables. As I have noted before, the system is faulty as it favours existing capacity, who can bid at much lower prices, and who would be operating and providing such capacity anyway.

As a result, new gas fired plants, which are desperately needed to replace coal plants, are being squeezed out of the auction.

To aggravate matters further, the capacity auction is held for only one year at a time. Consequently, an operator may successfully bid for the 2018 auction, and build a gas plant on that basis. But it has no guarantee that it will successfully bid for auctions in 2019 and following years. There is therefore very little incentive to build new plant, which, without the capacity payment, would likely be heavily loss making in the face of intermittent operations and subsidised renewables.

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