
Notable Changes

buffer: coerce slice parameters consistently (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #9101


npm: upgrade npm to 3.10.9 (Kat Marchán) #9286

V8: Various fixes to destructuring edge cases

cherry-pick 3c39bac from V8 upstream (Cristian Cavalli) #9138

cherry pick 7166503 from upstream v8 (Cristian Cavalli) #9173

gtest: the test reporter now outputs tap comments as yamlish (Johan Bergström) #9262

inspector: inspector now prompts user to use rather than localhost (Eugene Ostroukhov) #9451

tls: fix memory leak when writing data to TLSWrap instance during handshake (Fedor Indutny) #9586


[f3b0cf5052] - async_wrap: call destroy() callback in uv_idle_t (Trevor Norris) #10096

[3e5b2eb49c] - async_wrap: make Initialize a static class member (Trevor Norris) #10096

[9ed60d308c] - async_wrap: mode constructor/destructor to .cc (Trevor Norris) #10096

[5eeac8cc57] - benchmark: add microbenchmarks for ES Map (Rod Vagg) #7581

[e108f20d5c] - buffer: use correct name for custom inspect symbol (Charmander) #9289

[0cffa3c87e] - buffer: coerce offset using Math.trunc() (cjihrig) #9341

[0276e9e82c] - buffer: coerce slice parameters consistently (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #9101

[c1aee029d5] - build: start comments at beginning of line (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #9375

[1ed58ed7fe] - build: reduce noise from doc target (Daniel Bevenius) #9457

[5c2ed2eefe] - build: make node-gyp output silent (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #8990

[c857586fd7] - build: use wxneeded on openbsd (Aaron Bieber) #9232

[9de8cfecd9] - build: fix config.gypi target (Daniel Bevenius) #9053

[b867294aa0] - child_process: remove unreachable execSync() code (cjihrig) #9209

[cbfde3cd0a] - child_process: update outdated comment (Tanuja-Sawant)

[4d4d02ace4] - crypto: fix faulty logic in iv size check (Ben Noordhuis) #9032

[9cfa91b585] - crypto: use SSL_get_SSL_CTX. (Adam Langley) #8995

[0d15ec82e3] - deps: cherry pick 7166503 from upstream v8 (Cristian Cavalli) #9173

[f0a8bcc735] - deps: back port OpenBSD fix in c-ares/c-ares (Aaron Bieber) #9232

[96e8e869c0] - deps: cherry-pick 6f68f30 from v8 upstream (Stefan Budeanu) #9610

[804b398239] - deps: revert botched V8 backport (Myles Borins) #9610

[a8840bbbe4] - deps: cherry-pick 3c39bac from V8 upstream (Cristian Cavalli) #9138

[bda45b510c] - deps: backport 5c8cb16 from upstream V8 (Cristian Cavalli) #9422

[39b4a1ca9b] - deps: revert default gtest reporter change (Brian White) #8948

[2230c26c49] - deps: upgrade npm to 3.10.9 (Kat Marchán) #9286

[0fcf249078] - deps: cherry-pick bb4974d from v8 upstream (Matt Loring) #9192

[d926f16c52] - doc: update minute-taking procedure for CTC (Rich Trott) #9425

[6fc0f1b99f] - doc: note that tests should include a description (Gibson Fahnestock) #9415

[d36c6f5e2e] - doc: update GOVERNANCE.md to use "meeting chair" (Rich Trott) #9432

[1726dc7f68] - doc: update Diagnostics WG info (Josh Gavant) #9329

[7b60288942] - doc: use 'an' over 'a', remove redundant sentence (Zeke Sikelianos) #9345

[6908bc4ed7] - doc: add more internal links to fs.Stats object (Zeke Sikelianos) #9345

[5d971afc04] - doc: fix outdate ninja link (Yangyang Liu) #9278

[c31fa2468f] - doc: fix broken links to Buffer.from(string) (Jesse McCarthy) #9294

[c379c29e1f] - doc: fs: fix link to mkdtemp (coderaiser) #9379

[7c90d9638a] - doc: update OpenSSL links (kobelb) #9338

[627c0cb3ee] - doc: child_process .stdio accepts a String type (Kenneth Skovhus) #9637

[653f092639] - doc: simplify process.memoryUsage() example code (Thomas Watson Steen) #9560

[d2b0caef33] - doc: update CONTRIBUTING.md to address editing PRs (Gibson Fahnestock) #9259

[eeaadcdd6a] - doc: add italoacasas to collaborators (Italo A. Casas) #9677

[adee93962a] - doc: more realistic custom inspect example (Ryan Scheel (Havvy)) #8875

[ae3ce7ff60] - doc: clarify buffer toString docs. (Olan Byrne) #8984

[a5860b4dbd] - doc: clarify relation between a file and a module (marzelin) #9026

[6f212b910b] - doc: mention case-insensitive env on windows (Oliver Salzburg) #9166

[ee01594d07] - doc: fixes formatting in process (Rod Machen) #9235

[4f2523697c] - doc: fix link to cli.md in vm.md (Daniel Bevenius) #9481

[1b792742e8] - doc: add Sakthipriyan to the CTC (Rod Vagg) #9427

[4c4b0f7a0e] - doc: add 2016-10-26 CTC meeting minutes (Rich Trott) #9348

[925a51b6a5] - doc: add 2016-10-05 CTC meeting minutes (Josh Gavant) #9326

[2a9fc7ccd3] - doc: add 2016-09-28 CTC meeting minutes (Josh Gavant) #9325

[ae73ecbe3f] - doc: add 2016-10-19 CTC meeting minutes (Josh Gavant) #9193

[53de0c258f] - doc: improve header styling for API docs (Jeremiah Senkpiel) #8811

[79e998abbb] - doc: add CTC meeting minutes for 2016-10-12 (Michael Dawson) #9070

[3ee94f24a8] - doc: remove confusing reference in governance doc (Rich Trott) #9073

[cfcf9481c7] - doc: v6 is now LTS rather than Current (Jeremiah Senkpiel) #9182

[a03811508a] - doc: suggest nodejs/help for general support (Myles Borins) #9128

[e680ad552d] - doc: fix header level for crypto.constants (Evan Lucas) #9187

[6c9a84b034] - doc: add ctc-review label information (Rich Trott) #9072

[bdd91e0d8e] - doc: fix typo in zlib.md (Parambir Singh) #9123

[fd006e5c46] - doc: further improve child_process doc types (Indrek Ardel) #9095

[e5777b344c] - doc: edit Stream api grammar (Benji Marinacci) #9100

[2c5b27a247] - doc: improved example for http.get (marzelin) #9065

[de2f050ac3] - doc: update reference to list hash algorithms in crypto.md (scott stern) #9043

[b2a2a57836] - doc: specify that errno is a number, not a string (John Vilk) #9007

[0d21f951b2] - doc: highlight deprecated API in ToC (Ilya Frolov) #7189

[0a2a39cb95] - doc: explains why Reviewed-By is added in PRs (jessicaquynh) #9044

[3af679ee36] - doc: explain why GitHub merge button is not used (jessicaquynh) #9044

[c0f8198d64] - doc: fix typo (Nikolai Vavilov) #9089

[70eadea8e1] - doc: fix broken links in changelogs (Evan Lucas) #8122

[d3128996e0] - doc: revise http documentation (Timothy Gu) #8486

[2ea5db92de] - doc: do not link in the headings (Sakthipriyan Vairamani (thefourtheye)) #9416

[ec90f73e64] - doc: reference signal(7) for the list of signals (Emanuele DelBono) #9323

[638ef09455] - doc: fix typo in http.md (anu0012) #9144

[4141c77a25] - gitignore: ignore all tap files (Johan Bergström) #9262

[847b15c177] - governance: expand use of CTC issue tracker (Rich Trott) #8945

[575fc4eca0] - gtest: output tap comments as yamlish (Johan Bergström) #9262

[cf5a00e904] - inspector: do not prompt to use localhost (Eugene Ostroukhov) #9451

[b5bcd25c7b] - inspector: fix request path nullptr dereference (Ben Noordhuis) #9184

[b3f8f8902d] - inspector: no URLs when the debugger is connected (Eugene Ostroukhov) #8919

[a178abfae6] - lib: change == to === in linkedlist (jedireza) #9362

[5efb3c373a] - lib: fix beforeExit not working with -e (Ben Noordhuis) #8821

[0f1a22d28a] - net: fix ambiguity in EOF handling (Fedor Indutny) #9066

[58b60fc79d] - repl: don’t write to input stream in editor mode (Anna Henningsen) #9207

[ed3de0854e] - repl: make key of repl.write() optional always (Anna Henningsen) #9207

[8a91616ba9] - src: replace SetNamedPropertyHandler() (AnnaMag) #9062

[89eb175c89] - src: remove unused function (Brian White) #9243

[0e37a6a2ce] - src: fix typo rval to value (Miguel Angel Asencio Hurtado) #9023

[59d8255b52] - test: remove watchdog in test-debug-signal-cluster (Rich Trott) #9476

[24fc1e24ac] - test: cleanup test-dgram-error-message-address (Michael Macherey) #8938

[0216dbe293] - test: remove timers from streams test (Anna Henningsen)

[4ccdbb27c5] - test: improve test-debugger-util-regression (Santiago Gimeno) #9490

[093d677252] - test: fix flaky test-net-GH-5504 (Santiago Gimeno) #9461

[aaf783443b] - test: fix flaky test-force-repl-with-eval (Santiago Gimeno) #9460

[b91d5e10f5] - test: update http-header-obstext (Gibson Fahnestock) #9415

[259b94202a] - test: move timer-dependent test to sequential (Rich Trott) #9431

[54def06d73] - test: add test for HTTP client "aborted" event (Kyle E. Mitchell) #7376

[2c056a40c7] - test: remove timer in test-dgram-send-empty-array (Rich Trott) #9361

[5e1fd2822e] - test: refactor test-http-client-readable (Rich Trott) #9344

[bec1ccae99] - test: clean up dgram-broadcast-multi-process test (Isobel Redelmeier) #9308

[ce05b70595] - test: fix freebsd10-64 CI failures (Rich Trott) #9317

[8b2b08a636] - test: fix flaky test-fs-watch-recursive on OS X (Rich Trott) #9303

[4ef7f00e2d] - test: refactor test-async-wrap-check-providers (Gerges Beshay) #9297

[4fcc2c1d3b] - test: run all of test-timers-blocking-callback (Rich Trott) #9305

[1d54f07b31] - test: refactor /parallel/test-cluster-uncaught-exception.js to ES6 (Deverick) #9239

[88e60c2124] - test: use strict assertions in module loader test (Ben Noordhuis) #9263

[0c32b03bdc] - test: remove err timer from test-http-set-timeout (BethGriggs) #9264

[8d985c293c] - test: clean up test-child-process-exec-cwd.js (Jeena Lee) #9231

[b83b5176d4] - test: add child_process.exec() timeout coverage (cjihrig) #9208

[0fdfba8fbe] - test: fix flaky test by removing timer (Evan Lucas) #9199

[ad4cc361dd] - test: add coverage for execFileSync() errors (cjihrig) #9211

[ef1cf6b040] - test: remove test-v8-inspector-json-protocol test (Ben Noordhuis) #9184

[1fee6c11e5] - test: writable stream needDrain state (Italo A. Casas) #8799

[7fbfb739c1] - test: writable stream ending state (Italo A. Casas) #8707

[f64d93f198] - test: writable stream finished state (Italo A. Casas) #8791

[210ae5607c] - test: prevent workers outliving parent (Sam Roberts) #9257

[1d79af6525] - test: case sensitivity of env variables (Oliver Salzburg) #9166

[18a235b9a7] - test: make flaky pummel test more reliable (Ben Noordhuis) #9241

[a46c02746a] - test: move flaky test to test/pummel (Ben Noordhuis) #9241

[60704fbb20] - test: fix flaky test-timers-blocking-callback (Rich Trott) #9198

[ce2d434ab6] - test: remove arbitrary timer (Rich Trott) #9197

[5c42d98bbd] - test: remove duplicate required module (Rich Trott) #9169

[88cd4cfcb0] - test: rename target to exports for consistency (Daniel Bevenius) #9135

[02f7e3aca3] - test: checking if error constructor is assert.AssertionError (larissayvette) #9119

[6f780893eb] - test: fix flaky test-child-process-fork-dgram (Rich Trott) #9098

[39a53a0f29] - test: remove unneeded escaping in template strings (Rich Trott) #9112

[127ed73f3c] - test: remove unused common.libDir (Rich Trott) #9124

[def6874b5f] - test: use npm sandbox in test-npm-install (João Reis) #9079

[97748c6d02] - test: move module out of fixture directory (Rich Trott) #9022

[ae3f31b267] - test: fix issues reported by Coverity (Eugene Ostroukhov) #8870

[9cc9001244] - test: refactor test-file-* (Jenna Vuong) #8999

[cc6b2f49cf] - test: fixes that do not affect performance (larissayvette) #9011

[a643d3caed] - test: output tap13 instead of almost-tap (Johan Bergström) #9262

[7b75cb9e5a] - test,lib,benchmark: match function names (Rich Trott) #9113

[9cb236ff45] - tls: fix leak of WriteWrap+TLSWrap combination (Fedor Indutny) #9586

[bd7c1e7542] - tools: allow test.py to use full paths of tests (Francis Gulotta) #9694

[2388648bea] - tools: make --repeat work with -j in test.py (Rich Trott) #9249

[07d34f98b2] - tools: remove dangling eslint symlink (Sam Roberts) #9299

[a120199ea9] - tools: enable ES2016 syntax support in ESLint (Michaël Zasso) #9218

[9077f63dcf] - tools: replace custom lint rule for getter/setter (Rich Trott) #9194

[e9d5cd79bb] - tools: update ESLint to v3.8.0 (Rich Trott) #9112

[87285ed984] - tools: avoid let in for loops (jessicaquynh) #9049

[e2bb2a2550] - tools: fix release script on macOS 10.12 (Evan Lucas) #8824

[8b85d47112] - tools: use long format for gpg fingerprint (Myles Borins) #9258

[52a04bbfe2] - util: use template strings (Alejandro Oviedo Garcia) #9120

[7dc875c08a] - v8: update make-v8.sh to use git (Jaideep Bajwa) #9393

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