
(This is part of the podcast discussion extension)

xcb, X11, wayland

Link of the recording [ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nixers...-08-14.mp3 ]

What's happening here!

--(Show Notes)--


# xcb, X11, wayland #

# Intro

What's happening here!

This isn't a podcast about window managers and the ways to make one.

(Though we might record one in the future)

It's about the architectural differences between the different ways of

interacting with the system to display graphics.

Be it by interacting with other layers such as X11 or higher or by directly

drawing them on the screen.

It's really not about how to use the functions, and the technicalities and

intricacies of everyone of the softwares we're gonna mention.

We might do that, but again, it will be the subject of another episode.

This one will only be and introduction.

In this podcast you'll get a general overview of x11, xlib, xcb, and wayland.

What are they?

What are the differences between them and what is there to know?

Why this matters?

# What are they

Let's go over what is what, and what they do.

Unlike many other operating systems, in the free Unix realm, there is

something called a display server that is separate from the graphical

environment the user usually interact with.

This is something that surprises many of the new comers to Unix, that

there's a layer that communicates with the display and that it doesn't

draw the widgets on the screen at the same time.

It only defines protocol and graphics primitive, it has no specification

for application user-interface design.

This premise implies that the graphical environment isn't enforced on

the user it's malleable and customizable.

So what's this display server thing.

What's its purpose?

Let's go through the boring wiki definition:


A display server or window server is a program whose primary task is

to coordinate the input and output of its clients to and from the rest

of the operating system, the hardware, and each other. The display

server communicates with its clients over the display server protocol,

a communications protocol, which can be network-transparent or simply


The display server is a key component in any graphical user interface,

specifically the windowing system.


As a simple definition the display server is the layer that sits between

the kernel and the graphical interface.

The kernel communicate with the hardware through the drivers for the specific

graphic cards.

The window manager communicates with the display server and tells it how and

what to draw on the screen and let the user interact with them.

With that in mind we can define what each software is.

X11, Wayland, and Mir are implementations of display servers.

Xlib and XCB are libraries implementing the client-side of the X11 display

server protocol.


At the bottom level of the X client library stack are Xlib and XCB, two

helper libraries (really sets of libraries) that provide API for talking

to the X server. Xlib and XCB have different design goals, and were

developed in different periods in the evolution of the X Window System.


Because we're talking about a server we need clients that interface with it

and that's what those are. Xlib and XCB.

There is even a higher abstraction layer, which we won't discuss here, that

specializes in the widgets: They give a bunch of building blocks such as

buttons and text inputs in a cohesive and coherent manner.

Let's name a few of those as reference: GTK+, FLTK, Tk, SDL, Qt.

Now you know what is what but what's the difference between them.

Why so many?

# Differences and Must Know

Now what are the big differences, why are there many of those?

What are the advantages of one against the other.

###X11 or X or also called X window system is a display server or "graphical

server", as we've said.

So what's particular about it.

It's the oldest display manager that is still alive today.

All its predecessors are deprecated.

The first versions were made in 1984 at MIT.

X provides a framework for drawing and moving windows on the screen and

also, and it's important to note, interact with the mouse, touchscreens,

and keyboard.


X provides no native support for audio; several projects exist to fill

this niche, some also providing transparent network support.


The big idea behind X11 is the following:


X is an architecture-independent system for remote graphical user

interfaces and input device capabilities. Each person using a networked

terminal has the ability to interact with the display with any type of

user input device.


So sorta' like the Unix system is multiuser and can be accessed throughout the

network, just like terminals connecting to the mainframe, the X11 is a server

that clients connect to to be able to display graphics on their screen.

It doesn't matter if the program is local or not.

And it made sense at a time where computing power was scarce, and it mostly

still does.

X was made with that in mind, it has network transparency, and it's made to be

used over the network.

What are thin clients anyway.

However by default the connection between the client and the X server is not

encrypted, but fortunately if you run it through an ssh session it becomes

wrapped inside encrypted packets.

With that you obviously have the network overhead.

To counter that X uses Unix domain sockets for efficient connections that are

on the same host.

Now let's go into a bit more details about the architecture.

Clients connect to the X server.

The X server communicated and interface with the OS kernel to get events from

the hardware, the keyboards, mouse, etc.. (evdev) and to tell the screen what

to display.

The window manager communicate with the X server to manipulate windows, it's

always the X server that moves the windows.

Now this is pretty much straight forward but the big thing to remember here

is that the communication between X and the hardware isn't direct, it goes

through the kernel to be able to act on the hardware.

You can get both 2D and through extensions like GLX 3D operations on the

client applications.

The X server has to handle those with the kernel in the middle.

It obviously knows how to accelerate operations if the kernel has a driver

for the GPU and can accelere it.

Now what's the deal with Wayland?


Wayland: Wayland is a protocol. It essentially is a standardized way in

which a compositor (the thing that draws the windows, handles the input,

etc) can speak to individual programs, and vice-versa.

There are many implementation of that protocol and they are called Wayland


The most popular, or reference implementation of this protocol is the

weston compositor.

When you hear someone say that they switched to wayland it probably means

that they switched to a wayland compositor.

The protocol is a decription of "asynchronous object oriented" actions.

There are objects living inside the compositor and the client interact with

them by doing requests.

Each client is assigned a different ID and cannot interact with other clients.

Let's note that the protocol doesn't specify, at all, the rendering API.

It does something called "direct rendering", in which the client must render

the window contents to a buffer shareable with the compositor.

The client chooses how to render itself with the help of high level libraries

such as GTK,Qt, Cairo for font, and all the freetype for font rendering.

So basically, you need to understand here that there's a delegation of role.

It's the role of the widget library to adhere to the wayland protocol and

for the applications to use those widgets libraries.



One reason is that Wayland is designed from the ground up to isolate

clients from each other. There is no shared coordinate space. Wayland

clients cannot snoop on each others input or inject fake input

events. They can’t draw on each others windows or cover up windows

with fake replicas.

All of these things and many other exploits are possible for malicious

X clients, because the X protocol wasn’t designed for untrusted clients.

This makes Wayland a much better choice of display protocol when

sandboxing untrusted applications, like xdg-app does.


So why the need to move to something other than the X server?

What's the difference and the critics.

The motivation for building Wayland:


A lot of infrastructure has moved from

the X server into the kernel (memory management, command scheduling,

mode setting) or libraries (cairo, pixman, freetype, fontconfig, pango,

etc.), and there is very little left that has to happen in a central

server process. ... [An X server has] a tremendous amount of functionality

that you must support to claim to speak the X protocol, yet nobody will

ever use this. ... This includes code tables, glyph rasterization and

caching, XLFDs (seriously, XLFDs!), and the entire core rendering API

that lets you draw stippled lines, polygons, wide arcs and many more

state-of-the-1980s style graphics primitives. For many things we've

been able to keep the X.org server modern by adding extension such as

XRandR, XRender and COMPOSITE ... With Wayland we can move the X server

and all its legacy technology to an optional code path. Getting to a

point where the X server is a compatibility option instead of the core

rendering system will take a while, but we'll never get there if [we]

don’t plan for it.



Most Linux and Unix-based systems rely on the X Window System (or simply

X ) as the low-level protocol for building bitmap graphics interfaces. On

these systems, the X stack has grown to encompass functionality arguably

belonging in client libraries, helper libraries, or the host operating

system kernel. Support for things like PCI resource management, display

configuration management, direct rendering, and memory management has been

integrated into the X stack, imposing limitations like limited support for

standalone applications, duplication in other projects (e.g. the Linux fb

layer or the DirectFB project), and high levels of complexity for systems

combining multiple elements (for example radeon memory map handling

between the fb driver and X driver, or VT switching). Moreover, X has

grown to incorporate modern features like offscreen rendering and scene

composition, but subject to the limitations of the X architecture. For

example, the X implementation of composition adds additional context

switches and makes things like input redirection difficult.


The focus on graphic device drivers, EGL, OpenGL, OpenVG, etc..

Mesa3D, it's all about composition.

In X it's done by an extension.

Removing all the baggage that X took over the years and let the clients handle

the rest.

Unlike X, Wayland is not build with network transparency in mind, it's not

made for the network.

It's more towards segregation and security.

Clients cannot snoop each others, they all have a separate process space, ID.

X implements the ICCCMP for interprocess communication, Wayland doesn't.

Unlike X, wayland compositors are at the same time the display server and the

compositor, and the role of window manager. In X, if you remember they all are


However, the compositor implementation can have this feature if the devs

decide to implement it.

Another thing to keep in mind is that wayland doesn't handle inputs.

It's the role of the compositor to do so.

X does handle the inputs.

The compositors can use libraries such as libinput to provide generic input


Let's note that there's something called XWayland, it's an X11 server running

right inside a wayland compositor. It lets application that aren't able to

be rendered on wayland to work.


The canonical thing...


Mir is a computer display server for the Linux operating system currently

in development by Canonical Ltd. It is planned to replace the currently

used X Window System for Ubuntu


They always want to do their own stuff

Also built with EGL layer/composition in mind.

Uses Xwayland for the X11 compatibility layer. uses Jolla's libhybris too for

the EGL implementionat.

Other parts of the architecture are based on Android input stack.

Let's say it again, the only desktop environment with native support for Mir

is Canonical's Unity 8.

First in 2010 Canonical announced that it would use Wayland instead of X.org.

However, they stated it could not meet their "needs" because there was a lot

of objections and clarifications by the developers leading projects around


Because people didn't agree with their views of wayland they made their own.

The main argument was about inputs. Canonical wanted to include input event

hadling inside the display server protocol.

They are now using the Android input stack, as I mentioned.

Mir was criticized a lot for its licensing.

Unlike Wayland and X11 which are under the MIT license, Mir is licensed under



Contributors are required to sign an agreement that "grants Canonical the

right to relicense your contribution under their choice of license. This

means that, despite not being the sole copyright holder, Canonical are

free to relicense your code under a proprietary license."


"you end up with a situation that

looks awfully like Canonical wanting to squash competition by making

it impossible for anyone else to sell modified versions of Canonical's

software in the same market".

##Client side

Let's get over with the client side of the wayland stuffs.

The clients windows don't interact with the compositor directly, the

widget library they use do.

That's it, you're pretty much forced to use the widgets or to have to

reimplement the protocol for yourself, rendering of font and everything.

However, remember that wayland is a protocol, all the compositors implement

so once a widget library supports the protocol it'll work with all wayland


Xlib and xcb are both libraries to write code that interfaces with the

x11 server.

They are the helper layer that clients use instead of implementing all the

specifications and communication of the X11 server. They just include the

library and call the functions.

It would be awkward for applications to spit raw X protocol.

Most graphical applications don't use those libraries directly, they use a

widget library such as TK, Qt, FLTK, and GTK, and those have the job or

handling the lower layer of communication and rendering.

Let's dig a bit into those libraries.

Xlib is the classical client library that comes with X11.

As we've said those libraries help interface with X without having to know

the protocol.

Xlib first appeared in 1985, and let's remember here that X was created

somewhere around 1984. So it's about the same time.

It has a lot of helper features so as complex internationalized input and

output, accessibility, and integration with desktop environment.

Xlib contains an abstraction object or structure called the Display.

It's a sort of virtual display where graphical operations are done.

Xlib doesn't send all the requests the client does directly to the server but

stores them in a request buffer instead.

They are flushed/requested when the one in the queue before them has received

the response.

We say they are blocking.

Xlib is mostly synchronous but the Xserver replies to the requests


This has caused some issues with certain people, especially in the case of

error handling.

And this is where we are going to introduce XCB because this is the

major point that the creators focused on.

XCB is pretty recent, it was released in 2001.

It stands for X protocol C-language Binding.

The library aims to replace Xlib by modernizing, simplifying and

optimizing it.

The main goal of this project is to:

Reduce the library size and complexity and provide direct access to the X11


They achieved that by doing multiple things.

One of the main was to restricting how xcb handles the X protocol omitting

some extra functionality of Xlib.

They also made xcb asynchronous, just like the X server is, so why not make

the library too.

Following that, it goes without saying that this makes it better at handling

multithreaded applications.

Also they minized the complexity of the X extension libraries.

In Xlib those were moved appart from the main code into their own library,

a library for every extentsion, for example libXrender and libXcomposite.

The same was done with XCB, creating libxcb-prefix type of library. However,

the extension protocols are not hardcoded, they are instead specified with

an XML description.

XCB is not only lighter, it's also faster.

XCB has a slightly lower-level API than Xlib, its function are generated

directly from the X protocol descriptions, it maps directly.

There are separate functions to put the requests into the outgoing buffer

and one to read the result back from the buffer asynchronously.

This means that there's no queue, and thus allow more flexibility, you are

not forced to wait for a response anymore, no overhead.

That also means that there are less system calls being made when using XCB

instead of Xlib, and less packets being sent when running over the network.

I've linked an example in the show notes about the conversion of the xdpyinfo

tool from Xlib to xcb.

There was a total of 237 system calls with Xlib and only 62 with XCB.

11554 Bytes being sent over the network with Xlib and 7726 with XCB.

That's quite the difference.

Now how would you make your application faster knowing this fact.

The truth is, you might just need to update your Xlib because

> Xlib appeared around 1985[citation needed], and is currently used in

> GUIs for many Unix-like operating systems. The XCB library is an attempt

> to replace Xlib. While Xlib is still used in some environments, modern

> versions of the X.org server implement Xlib on top of XCB

> Xlib and XCB compatibility was achieved by rebuilding libX11 as a layer on

> top of libxcb. Xlib and XCB share the same X server connection and pass

> control of it back and forth. That option was introduced in libX11 1.2,

> and is now always present (no longer optional) since the 2010 release

> of libX11 1.4.

That means that Xlib is compatible with xcb because Xlib is written using


> Calls to Xlib and XCB can be mixed, so Xlib applications can be

> converted partially or incrementally if desired.

If you want to optimize a slow asynchronous section of your graphical

application that was using Xlib you can find the hotspot and switch to

xcb without much hassle.

With this you'll have the perfomance benefit while having the easiness

of Xlib.

So, all the new window managers using XCB are indeed faster, but in

theory you could make the others just as light and fast if you pinpoint

the slow parts and convert them to XCB.

I'm rather interested in doing a benchmark of system calls for all the

window managers.


Both libraries are under the same license, namely MIT license, so they're

also compatible on that level.

However, the only caveat is that XCB documentation is sparse, there aren't

many docs and tutorials. The explanation behind this is that it assumes that

every XCB function is self explanatory and reflext the X protocol.

Let's add a note here.

All of the projects mentioned here are supported by the X.Org foundation and

the freedesktop.org.

They are all in the same boat: They want to make the Unix desktop better.

They aren't fighting each others.

Most of the people working on Wayland are also working on X, and same for the

Xlib and XCB people.

The only exception in the list is with Mir which is a canonical only thing.

# Why?

Why should this matter?

It's confusing for newcomers to understand the flexibility of the free Unix

graphical environment.

By listening to this podcast you've got the general overview of what fills

what purpose and all the possible ways to do the same thing.

Now you can make your mind about whether you like something or not and

you know what to use in what situation.

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