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Nexus Od NIH. NIH Extramural Nexus
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12:09 PM ET Steve Fainaru Close ESPN Senior Writer Winner, 2008 Pulitzer Prize in International Reporting Four-time first-place winner in Associated Press Sports Editors competition Co-author of New York Times best-selling book, “League of Denial...
Sortof. In his latest column at ASBMB Today, Steve McKnight attempts to further his assertion that peer review of NIH grants needs to be revamped so that more qualified reviewers are doing the deciding about what gets funded. He starts off with a comment...
NIH names Dr. Richard Nakamura director of the Center for Scientific Review, December 3, 2012 News Release - National Institutes of Health (NIH) NIH Office of the Director (OD) For Immediate Release Monday, December 3, 2012 Contact: NIH Office of...
Throughout discussions of the NIH peer review system, it has been clear (and not at all surprising) that different individuals and groups have quite different perspectives on the NIH enterprise. This goes back to the "Enhancing Peer Review" process ...
Description: Would you like to increase your chances of submitting a successful grant application? If so, consider becoming a federal grant reviewer! Participating as a Peer Reviewer for external funding agencies is excellent experience to grow and...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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NIH Extramural Nexus – NIH Extramural Nexus
We occasionally look at the breakdown of our supported workforce by educational degree to gain further insights into topics like age at first award, funding inequalities, and demographic diversity. He...
February 20 (Monday), 2017: NIH Closed For the Federal Holiday | NIH Extramural Nexus
NIH (including help desks) will be closed Monday, February 20, 2017, for the federal holiday (Washington’s Birthday). If a grant application due date falls on a federal holiday, the application de…
NIH Extramural Nexus | NIH Extramural Nexus
NIH Extramural Nexus
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