Create a household emergency plan
When a civil defence emergency happens, you need to be able to look after yourself and your loved ones for at least 3 days.
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Get everyone in your house together and agree on a plan — this will help you respond safely and quickly when a disaster happens.
Emergency survival items
Your kit should include:
torch with spare batteries or a self charging torch
radio with spare batteries
wind and waterproof clothing, sun hats and strong outdoor shoes
first aid kit and essential medicines
blankets or sleeping bags
pet supplies
emergency toilet — toilet paper and large rubbish bags
face and dust masks.
Check all batteries every 3 months.
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Food and water for 3 days or more
Your kit should include:
canned or dried food
food, formula and drinks for babies and small children
water (at least 3 litres per person, per day) for drinking
water for washing and cooking
a primus or gas barbeque to cook on
a can opener.
Consider stocking a two-week supply of food and water for prolonged emergencies such as a pandemic.
Check and replace food and water every 12 months.
How to store water
Wash bottles thoroughly in hot water.
Fill each bottle with tap water until it overflows.
Add 5 drops of unscented household bleach per litre of water or half a teaspoon for 10 litres. Don't drink for at least 30 minutes after disinfecting.
Label bottles with dates, store in 2 separate cool dark places and replace the water and bleach every 12 months.
Getaway kits
Everyone in the house should have a packed getaway kit in an easily accessible place. Each kit should include:
torch and radio with spare batteries
hearing aids and spare batteries, glasses or mobility aids
emergency water and easy-to-carry food rations
extra supplies of special dietary items
first aid kit and essential medicines
baby supplies like nappies and formula
change of clothes (wind/waterproof clothing and strong outdoor shoes)
towel, soap, toothbrush, sanitary items and toilet paper
blankets or sleeping bags
face and dust masks
pet supplies
important documents:
identification documents (birth and marriage certificates, driver licences and passports)
financial documents (insurance policies and mortgage documents)
copies of precious family photos.
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If you have to evacuate
Take your getaway kit.
Turn off electricity and water.
Turn off gas only if you suspect a leak or if asked to do so by the authorities.
Take your pets with you.
Find out more about disasters and how you and your family can get ready, and get through