
International Association of Music Libraries NZ

Submitted on 29/08/2016 6:16pm

What sector do you work in?


How often do you interact with the National Library of New Zealand?


Do you think the 3 broad themes outlined (One knowledge network, A nation of readers, Words as taonga) are the right areas of focus for the National Library looking towards 2030?


Why or why not?

Yes the broad themes “words, reading, knowledge” are the right focus. However, this theme is “word”-centred and could be seen as a rather narrow view of what libraries actually collect and the service they provide to their customers. It should be acknowledged that The documentary heritage of music culture only partly involves words - it also involves sounds and musical scores. Although the byline also mentions “sounds and pictures”, this still does not encompass musical scores.

Do the strategic directions fit with your view of the role of a national library?


Why or why not?

Yes the strategic directions do fit with our view of the role of a National Library particularly in the areas of collaboration with other institutions and other stakeholders, and also taking a national leadership role in terms of digitization.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'One knowledge network' do you consider to be most important?

National contracts for licensing e-content & new systems


To establish National contracts for licensing e-content should be cost effective and achievable with a country our size. Partnership with publishers, copyright policy makers and rights management organisations makes sense. The National Library is the logical institution to facilitate this eg more material like EPIC would be positive. NLNZ could develop (or partner in the development or NZ-wide licensing of) tools to assist other institutions to improve access to digital music-related collections, e.g., standards-based web score viewers and AV players. Metadata standards for music content, especially around unpublished material, are inconsistent across NZ institutions. “One Knowledge Network” could involve better alignment around this.

Which of the proposed 'One knowledge network' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Local government and schools taking part in a NZ-wide shared library system


This would be a vastly expensive undertaking and very risky. We already have a really great interlibrary loan system that enables customers to borrow from anywhere in the country. It is efficient and cost effective. It enables a more personalised and flexible service to customers who may have very specific needs. It controls and monitors the movements of items very closely (often very expensive material). From a music point of view it would be a challenge to follow up a customer from the far end of the country who has not returned a complete set of parts. Interloans provides that security for us. Digitisation: Maintaining integrity of and access to digital information during software upgrades The recent upgrade of Te Puna has not been successful in terms choral and orchestral sets as all specific holdings data was lost. Consequently libraries have had to resort back to the print catalogue of Sing and Orchestral Scores. Where has all this data gone? Huge organisations like OCLC do not have the flexibility to cater for small or specialised customer groups/collections and their needs. One size does not necessarily fit all. Another example is The NDHA links, which has brilliant access already to all New Zealanders, will apparently be lost in the transition to the new Voyager catalogue. Both of these issues will require huge amount of work around which is very time consuming and costly. Often the work around is not really an adequate solution to the problem. There is a lot to be said to have digitised material duplicated on multiple platforms and this way if there is a problem with one it is still accessible. Eg mirroring National Libraries digital holdings on other sites and resources like the Open Music Library Ensuring that vulnerable media are given priority in terms of digitization so that they are not lost This digitisation process needs to include New Zealand produced AV material in outdated formats held by the National Library, specifically material on audiocassette and VHS tape. These two magnetic formats are constantly degrading with time even if not used, so their digitisation needs to be given higher priority than more stable material such as print.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'A nation of readers' do you consider to be most important?

Programmes to inspire reading & support literacy


Strong cross-sector commitment to achieve sustained social, cultural and economic outcomes for communities through the promotion of reading should be a primary goal for the National Library. This will provide a strong link to public libraries.

Which of the proposed 'A nation of readers' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Programmes to inspire reading & support literacy


But why not also a nation of musicians? There is equivalent research on the extensive benefits of exposure to music from an early age. The national economic benefits of music “literacy” are also well documented, in terms of employment/revenue around creative industries. Music should be in this theme somewhere. One example of a country developing musical literacy on a national scale is Malta who offers its entire population free access to the music learning website www.meludia.com. Other nations provide free access to Naxos online. Here is an opportunity to use things that children are interested in such as, hip hop, pop music, kapa haka and sports to encourage reading and learning and in the process building a nation of learners and creators and users of culture.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'Words as taonga' do you consider to be most important?

Shared expertise to acquire, curate & preserve our documentary heritage & make it accessible


Shared expertise to enable New Zealand’s cultural heritage institutions to acquire, curate and preserve our documentary heritage and make it accessible is a primary function of the National Library. There is an implicit understanding that this is what the National Library does. The emphasis is heavily around facilitating access to collections. This is good but there is also a need to build collections that will serve future generations. Coordinated collecting strategies could be part of the “national documentary heritage framework” (NDHF). If the NDHF was constituted as an independent sectorial body, one of its functions could be to advocate for improved resourcing to keep the current institutional network capable, diverse and sustainable. Many of the challenges of collecting, preserving and making accessible documentary heritage (esp digital) could be markedly improved with better government commitment.

Which of the proposed 'Words as taonga' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

A state-of-the-art National Library space for discussion & debate


The idea of having a state of the art space at the national Library is at odds with emphasis on digitization – unless these talks are live streamed! Would be good to bring the National Library out to the provinces like the recent Curatorial Lectures which were great and well supported.

What do you think is missing from the National Library’s draft strategic directions?

There is no Cost analysis. How are these big national initiatives going to be funded?

How does the National Library’s draft strategic directions fit with your organisation’s priorities?

The commitment to Collaboration with the community and organisations such as IAML(NZ) is key. Part of the reason why our organisation exists is that we are a professional body that can speak on behalf of the interests of its members at a national level and with the authority of the international body behind it. The focus on a Digitization framework will help to ensure the preservation of and access to important musical taonga and provide support to those institutions who maybe need encouragement to get digitization policies in place.

In which areas are you or your organisation interested in partnering with or contributing to the National Library?

to the National Library? IAML(NZ) is interested in partnering with/contributing to the National Library’s Music services and how they are delivered, access to its Music Collections in all formats: sound recordings, monographs and sheet music, and support of music librarianship. In the past we have • worked together on cataloguing standards and training • worked on collaborative Sheet music digitization initiatives • collaborated in the creation of the Cadence database of Orchestral and choral music holdings

How would you like to be involved as the strategic directions are progressed?

As a potential partner

Any other thoughts you'd like to share?

We would love to be kept informed, be able to share our expertise as music librarians and be active collaborators with the national Library

Lydia Wevers

Submitted on 29/08/2016 4:19pm

What sector do you work in?


How often do you interact with the National Library of New Zealand?


Do you think the 3 broad themes outlined (One knowledge network, A nation of readers, Words as taonga) are the right areas of focus for the National Library looking towards 2030?


Why or why not?

I have no quarrel with the themes as such but they completely miss out the production of content. When the word 'research' is used it seems to be linked to access r literacy. There is no mention of the Alexander Turnbull Library, New Zealand's premier research collection and for generations the engine for the production of nowledge through research. How would we be able to pursue treaty claims without Turnbull's magnificent collections of manuscripts, maps and Land court hearings? How would we be able to revise and understand our cultural history, social history, family history, literature?There is no point to innovation without content as endless studies have repeatedly shown-access alone does not make knowledge.

Do the strategic directions fit with your view of the role of a national library?


Why or why not?

only partly as I have explained above. Has the National Library rally considered what libraries are for? they are the mother ships of the future. They are not only systems and digital access.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'One knowledge network' do you consider to be most important?

Significantly scaled up digitisation of NZ content


With more digitised materials, more knowledge and content can be produced as it will facilitate research by many scholars and other interest groups.

Which of the proposed 'One knowledge network' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Partnership with rights management organisations to publish NZ’s output digitally


Who will own intellectual copyright?

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'A nation of readers' do you consider to be most important?

National reading strategy based on successful literacy programmes


We must grow child literacy (which is partly about poverty and access to books) to have any hope of producing a research-led society-beneficial in every area.

Which of the proposed 'A nation of readers' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Distribute te reo material through e-devices to te reo Māori learners


will the te reo learners be able to afford e-devices? who will have them? this has real equity issues.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'Words as taonga' do you consider to be most important?




Which of the proposed 'Words as taonga' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Shared expertise to acquire, curate & preserve our documentary heritage & make it accessible


I think all of these aims are more about 'vision' than practicalities and need a lot of unpacking. So, with this one, whose expertise will be shared? who will acquire what? by all means lets curate and preserve our documentary heritage but the vagueness of who this might be shared with leaves open many questions of competence, ownership and autonomy.

What do you think is missing from the National Library’s draft strategic directions?

Any real reference to the Alexander Turnbull library and the spectrum of research activities that any country needs. It can't all be digital, it can't all be scholars, but nor can it all be by enthusiastic amateurs and digital buffs. A sense of how knowledge is produced and the broad constituency of skills that drives it is missing.

How does the National Library’s draft strategic directions fit with your organisation’s priorities?

Digitising content makes the research-intensive life of an academic easier as long as it done to scholarly standards.

In which areas are you or your organisation interested in partnering with or contributing to the National Library?


How would you like to be involved as the strategic directions are progressed?

As a potential partner

Any other thoughts you'd like to share?


Rowena Cullen

Submitted on 29/08/2016 3:14pm

What sector do you work in?


How often do you interact with the National Library of New Zealand?


Do you think the 3 broad themes outlined (One knowledge network, A nation of readers, Words as taonga) are the right areas of focus for the National Library looking towards 2030?


Why or why not?

The themes have value but they are not the only focus the National Library should have, and perhaps overlook other significant strategic directions.

Do the strategic directions fit with your view of the role of a national library?


Why or why not?

Not really, because not complete. The Positioning for the Future document seems to reflect a limited focus, which suggests that the stakeholder consultation process might have been rather constrained. Furthermore, strategic directions need to articulate how new strategies and directions will be positioned alongside essential and ongoing core business, The themes focus on only part of the purpose of the National Library as set out in the 2003 Act, ( not to mention the purpose of the Act), and interpret it fairly narrowly. The strategic directions ignore the important role of the Alexander Turnbull Library, and also ignore the major knowledge creating institutions of New Zealand, the universities, polytechnics, and scientific research centres (unless they are simply included in the term 'traditional partners', and other institutions with major research collections. As a result, the strategic directions are unambitious in some ways, and over-ambitious in others, and measures of success do not take account of where responsibilities lie ( which is sometimes with other institutions).

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'One knowledge network' do you consider to be most important?

Significantly scaled up digitisation of NZ content


All are important. But this is a key strategy to enhance Internet-based access to unique NZ materials, to support research and knowledge creation. However, strategies encouraging the publication of New Zealand books as e-books are also extremely important - one reason (among many) being that some public libraries are cutting services to the a growing elderly and house-bound population, suggesting they make use of e-books. Currently this cuts many people off from access to New Zealand publications.

Which of the proposed 'One knowledge network' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?




Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'A nation of readers' do you consider to be most important?

Programmes to inspire reading & support literacy


Most of these 'Horizons' are very similar, and most are highly important. But they need to be followed through with serious action and resources- I note the comments in one submission about poorly chosen resources provided by the Services for Schools Division and have been concerned in recent years by cutbacks in this area. The bold ambitions of the Strategic Directions must be supported by the appointment of adequate numbers of professional staff.

Which of the proposed 'A nation of readers' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

NZ Children’s Laureate appointed to champion reading


Appointments such as this tend to be 'preaching to the converted'. More pragmatic and innovative measures (at flax-roots level) would in my view be more likely to affect change with the people you are trying to reach. Literacy is a key issue, but the actions noted are the responsibility of public libraries. Should the NLNZ strategy include working with local and regional bodies to ensure public libraries ( and therefore membership and programmes) remain accessible by all New Zealanders. While NLNZ doesn't have to be the leader in all such activities it needs to 'think outside the box' how it can better strengthen existing initiatives. Areas of adult literacy NLNZ could consider getting more involved with include prisons, and community groups working with new immigrants. (This would require staff with expertise in this area. New Zealand librarians are NOT trained as literacy or ESOL experts.)

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'Words as taonga' do you consider to be most important?

A national documentary heritage framework & strategy for institutional collaboration


I think that this 'horizon' best encompasses all the horizons listed under this heading; I find it to some extent invidious to try to prioritise them, when they are all similar and inter-related. However, NLNZ must take a lead in preservation, both of physical formats and digital formats- it is resourced to do so, and the wording of these horizons suggest it may be pushing responsibility out to other institutions. At the same time, its own taonga the ATL, is not highlighted as a priority. I welcome the responsibility NLNZ is proposing to take for documentary heritage preservation in the Pacific Islands region. Such programmes are essential to preserve fragile and irreplaceable documents. However, I would also like to note that while I agree that language(s) are taonga and documents (both oral and written) can be taonga, I am not sure that is is helpful to label 'words as taonga ' as a strategic direction. This is possibly a slogan or catch-cry that will not have along shelf-life.

Which of the proposed 'Words as taonga' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?




What do you think is missing from the National Library’s draft strategic directions?

Acknowledgement of the unique role of the ATL in these strategic directions, ( and other heritage collections in New Zealand). A commitment to helping New Zealanders to access global knowledge - which used to be a strong part of the National Library's role and which is still critical. A commitment to the New Zealand research community as well as school and public library users. Further thinking about how the National Library sees itself enriching the economic life of New Zealand - not only through literacy programmes . Some thought given to new ways of achieving the partnerships and collaborations it sees as measures of success- forming better and more effective collaborations than have been achieved in the past.

How does the National Library’s draft strategic directions fit with your organisation’s priorities?

My university is committed to engagement with national and regional organisations, and already has an MoU with NLAZ - but I cannot find that it was approached to contribute to the Draft Strategic Directions.

In which areas are you or your organisation interested in partnering with or contributing to the National Library?

Through dialogue, research, professional training, and knowledge networks.

How would you like to be involved as the strategic directions are progressed?

Keep me informed

Any other thoughts you'd like to share?

I did not find the format of this invitation to respond to the Draft Strategic Directions very helpful and feel that it may have deterred many potential contributors from responding.

Kareen Carter

Submitted on 29/08/2016 1:33pm

What sector do you work in?


How often do you interact with the National Library of New Zealand?


Do you think the 3 broad themes outlined (One knowledge network, A nation of readers, Words as taonga) are the right areas of focus for the National Library looking towards 2030?


Why or why not?

A good simple strategy. I heard Bill McNaught speak to this at he LIANZA Wellington Region AGM recently. I came away inspired by his portrayal of these themes and the challenges ahead. Clear strategies and principles that can be related to, across many sectors of the population. Actually, I've heard Bill talk a few times now and always come away thinking that our National Library is in good hands.

Do the strategic directions fit with your view of the role of a national library?


Why or why not?

But the National Library also has a leadership role within the wider Library sectors that I am not sure is being met - I have a suggestion that I have made in a section below.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'One knowledge network' do you consider to be most important?

National contracts for licensing e-content & new systems


It can be tricky working with International vendors and publishers, BUT it has been done on national scales overseas and on State and Territory levels in Australia. NZ's population number makes this achievable, if funds are available - National Library needs to be working across Ministries (Education, Health, Business & Innovation, Primary Industries, etc.) to get high level buy in for access to resources. Health is an area that applies to all New Zealanders, from birth through their entire lifespan, keeping the population well, engaging them with health providers when needed, and providing the health providers with the best evidence available to enable them to provide the best care possible. Health sector librarians have worked on a plan for a national electronic health library over a number of years, but have been unable to take it forward. It needs a strong champion at a high ministerial level.

Which of the proposed 'One knowledge network' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

National contracts for licensing e-content and new systems


Getting high level buy in from the respective Ministries.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'A nation of readers' do you consider to be most important?

Programmes to inspire reading & support literacy



Which of the proposed 'A nation of readers' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

A cross-sector partnership to improve literacy levels


Who owns and measures this?

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'Words as taonga' do you consider to be most important?

Shared expertise to acquire, curate & preserve our documentary heritage & make it accessible


Accessiblity is key. Making sure that all New Zealanders can find the information they need to build their knowledge on our countries past and future potential.

Which of the proposed 'Words as taonga' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?




What do you think is missing from the National Library’s draft strategic directions?


How does the National Library’s draft strategic directions fit with your organisation’s priorities?

My Library works across sectors and organisations - as both a University and a Health Sciences (Medical) Library serving a District Health Board. Our priorities are in developing a strong health workforce and contributing to the highest quality scholarship, teaching, research, and clinical practice; for the good health of all New Zealanders.

In which areas are you or your organisation interested in partnering with or contributing to the National Library?

Horizon three in each of the directions is relevant, as is Horizon one in One Knowledge Network

How would you like to be involved as the strategic directions are progressed?

Keep me informed

Any other thoughts you'd like to share?

There is an role for the National Library to lead within the Library sector and take responsibility for supporting Library Managers. There is a huge opportunity for building connections and collaborations across all library sectors, that I do not see occuring currently. In Wellington over the past 2-3 years there have been a large number of changes in Library Management positions across all sectors. The National Library is ideally situated to bring these managers together to connect and discuss the challenges in their organisations and sector. This is distinct from developing leaders, which is being well met by LIANZA. Managers can face challenges from all directions in their roles (from their staff, users/clients and managers) and Library Managers can feel quite isolated. I would like to see the National Librarian host a meeting of cross sector Library Managers, to establish the common ground and build networks for further collaboration.


Submitted on 29/08/2016 12:02pm

What sector do you work in?

Retired teacher

How often do you interact with the National Library of New Zealand?


Do you think the 3 broad themes outlined (One knowledge network, A nation of readers, Words as taonga) are the right areas of focus for the National Library looking towards 2030?


Why or why not?


Do the strategic directions fit with your view of the role of a national library?


Why or why not?

There is insufficient acknowledgement and provision for the use of the Turnbull Library for continuing research and writing and for the continuing collection of digital material.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'One knowledge network' do you consider to be most important?

Network connection linking digital content across all sectors


Important for ease of research

Which of the proposed 'One knowledge network' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

National contracts for licensing e-content and new systems


There needs to be just one provider for overall coherence

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'A nation of readers' do you consider to be most important?

Distribute te reo material through e-devices to te reo Māori learners


To acknowledge and support those for whom Te Reo is the basis of their identity thus enabling them to develop a healthy self-esteem and find their place in the wider NZ society.

Which of the proposed 'A nation of readers' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Cross-sector commitment for positive outcomes through reading


Too vague

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'Words as taonga' do you consider to be most important?

A greater diversity of people supported & inspired to create & share our diverse heritage


The increasing multi-cultural nature of our society

Which of the proposed 'Words as taonga' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

A national documentary heritage framework & strategy for institutional collaboration



What do you think is missing from the National Library’s draft strategic directions?

Acknowledgement of special needs of the Turnbull Library

How does the National Library’s draft strategic directions fit with your organisation’s priorities?


In which areas are you or your organisation interested in partnering with or contributing to the National Library?


How would you like to be involved as the strategic directions are progressed?


Any other thoughts you'd like to share?


Karen Trebilcock

Submitted on 29/08/2016 11:06am

What sector do you work in?

Chair of Public Lending Right Advisory Group

How often do you interact with the National Library of New Zealand?


Do you think the 3 broad themes outlined (One knowledge network, A nation of readers, Words as taonga) are the right areas of focus for the National Library looking towards 2030?


Why or why not?

It is exciting to see National Library taking the lead with many of these strategic directions. Well done.

Do the strategic directions fit with your view of the role of a national library?


Why or why not?

Writers and illustrators need to have their work preserved, readers need to be able to easily access that work. National Library has a role in both of these.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'One knowledge network' do you consider to be most important?

Partnership with rights mgmt organisations to publish output digitally


New Zealand content is easily lost when books become "out of print". When this happens publishers no longer support ebooks on platforms and library books which have become worn cannot be replaced. By digitising NZ books, they will be still be available to be read. This is an exciting proposal.

Which of the proposed 'One knowledge network' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Partnership with rights management organisations to publish NZ’s output digitally


Content providers (publishers, authors, illustrators) will need to be recompensed. A book cannot be made available for free to all, even though digital systems allow this, unless there is some method of payment to those whose work has gone into creating it. A system similar (but separate to) PLR could be the way forward - content providers are paid an annual fee for having their work available digitally. Payment on digital lendings (rather than holdings as is the case with PLR) may be workable if the data can be captured. This would reflect the use of the book, and so the loss of payment to the publisher/author/illustrator that has occurred due to the reader accessing it digitally for free on the library system rather than buying it.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'A nation of readers' do you consider to be most important?

Cross-sector commitment for positive outcomes through reading


A nation of readers is an informed nation which can make decisions. It is exciting to see National Library proposing to take the lead with this.

Which of the proposed 'A nation of readers' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Programmes to inspire reading & support literacy


So necessary but much more funding is required.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'Words as taonga' do you consider to be most important?

A sustainable, fit-for-purpose digital preservation approach to manage new digital content


If we don't do this, so much could be lost. Our words and our images are who we are - our history. We need to be able to preserve this for future generations.

Which of the proposed 'Words as taonga' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Shared expertise to acquire, curate & preserve our documentary heritage & make it accessible


We have many libraries in New Zealand, all with their own unique collections. These need to be shared not just within their own communities but be accessible to all.

What do you think is missing from the National Library’s draft strategic directions?


How does the National Library’s draft strategic directions fit with your organisation’s priorities?

National Library's proposed strategy to digitise all NZ content will have far reaching ramifications for Public Lending Right - I look forward to working with National Library to see that these go forward smoothly and fairly for all parties.

In which areas are you or your organisation interested in partnering with or contributing to the National Library?


How would you like to be involved as the strategic directions are progressed?

As a potential partner

Any other thoughts you'd like to share?


Keitha Booth

Submitted on 29/08/2016 10:46am

What sector do you work in?

no-profit sector

How often do you interact with the National Library of New Zealand?


Do you think the 3 broad themes outlined (One knowledge network, A nation of readers, Words as taonga) are the right areas of focus for the National Library looking towards 2030?


Why or why not?


Do the strategic directions fit with your view of the role of a national library?


Why or why not?

They retain the Library's traditional roles and set out a clear direction to have a dominant role in enriching the lives of all of New Zealand's ethnicities. However, the wording of the Direction 2 title appears to not include audio and oral forms of expression. Also, Direction 3 title presents as predominantly bicultural only, whilst the text is very inclusive of all ethnicities. You need to reword these titles.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'One knowledge network' do you consider to be most important?

Redeveloped digital services for better interaction with National Library collections


This will bring Internet users to the vast knowledge base and collection held by New Zealand institutions.

Which of the proposed 'One knowledge network' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Local government and schools taking part in a NZ-wide shared library system


The distributed nature of New Zealand local government and education inhibits prioritisation and ongoing funding/support for this.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'A nation of readers' do you consider to be most important?

Public library membership from birth & early childhood


If actively followed up by the public libraries, including teaching online access, a far wider membership from all ethnicities is more likely to be achieved

Which of the proposed 'A nation of readers' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Cross-sector commitment for positive outcomes through reading


Achieving this commitment is essential for meeting this strategic direction. However, NZ has a bad record in achieving such cross-government and sector aspirations. Legislation such as the State Sector Act and the Public Finance Act discourage this. It is time to address this.

Which of the proposed ideas for success for 'Words as taonga' do you consider to be most important?

Strengthened NZ & Pacific collections reflecting our changing population & culture


This would prioritise building collections reflecting all our ethnicities

Which of the proposed 'Words as taonga' ideas for success do you consider to be most problematic?

Digitisation and distribution of te reo Māori published content


The policy work to work through copyright ownership is only at an early stage

What do you think is missing from the National Library’s draft strategic directions?

The present document could be read as focusing only on the Library’s traditional stakeholders and users. We do not think that this is intentional and recommend that the final version is prepared with a wider reader and user audience in mind.

How does the National Library’s draft strategic directions fit with your organisation’s priorities?

Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand sees opportunities for a NLNZ/CCANZ partnership to assist creators, collectors, managers and users of information and knowledge understand and address copyright and licensing matters. Work to address this gap will enable New Zealanders to take full advantage of the Internet and digital technologies to legally innovate using New Zealand’s knowledge and culture.

In which areas are you or your organisation interested in partnering with or contributing to the National Library?

We are keen to partner to deliver on all strategic directions. Strategic Direction 1: We see CCANZ’s key partnership role as maintaining copyright licences that are legally robust for New Zealand and providing training, advice and resources to enable their easy adoption by authors, readers and innovators. We anticipate that we would work together with partners such as the Network for Learning and the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group. We also affirm our advisory role in ensuring that government content collected by the library is assigned CC licences as required by the NZ Government Open Access and Licensing (NZGOAL) and will assist directly as necessary. Strategic Direction 2: We see CCANZ’s key partnership role as assisting students, teachers and school librarians to only use and create content licensed for legal re-use. Strategic Direction 3: We see CCANZ’s key partnership role as working with the NLNZ, Te Puni Kokiri and tangata whenua to develop free legal tools for indigenous knowledge works. This would continue our current Indigenous Knowledge project.

How would you like to be involved as the strategic directions are progressed?

As a potential partner

Any other thoughts you'd like to share?

Thanks for the opportunity to participate. We have also submitted directly on this proposal

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