
There are 4 possible completion levels for each commitment:

Not started




Each summary includes the completion level for that commitment.

Lead Implementing agency

State Services Commission

Responsible person from implementing agency

Chris Lloyd


Senior Advisor Integrity




+64 4495 6691

Name and number of the commitment

Commitment 3 – Respond to the recommendations in the National Integrity System Assessment produced by Transparency International New Zealand (TINZ) in 2013

Main Objective

The main objective of responding to the recommendations is to clarify the issues relating to the recommendations and ascertain the relevant facts and policy considerations in relation to those integrity matters which the State services has a role in or can influence.  This with a view to reporting to Government about what, if any, action might be taken.

Commitment Description

Work with Transparency International’s New Zealand branch and with State service agencies on the issues and extent of implementation of the recommendations, in order to respond to the 2013 New Zealand National Integrity System (NIS) Assessment Report across the 12 ‘pillars’ of New Zealand’s integrity system.


Considering the recommendations and responding to them has provided an opportunity to engage with Transparency International on the issues, take a holistic approach to the integrity work being undertaken across the State services, and consider whether there are opportunities to improve the integrity and transparency of public services and their management through adopting any of the recommendations. Strengthening transparency and increasing the dialogue on our integrity systems improves the quality of what we do and increases public trust and confidence in the State services.


The ambition is to identify whether any further action might be taken in relation to the recommendations.

Completion level



The NIS recommendations are broad, comprising seven areas and 58 recommendations. Examples of areas covered are legislative processes, quality of policy advice, public sector procurement, and local government regulation. It was important to work with TINZ on the issues and identify relative priorities. This engagement process has enhanced our collective knowledge and understanding of New Zealand’s integrity systems and the roles that State service agencies are playing in strengthening the system. It was necessary to consult widely across government as a number of the recommendations touch on more than one area and have made ongoing progress.

A report is currently in draft, and notes progress in several key areas including:

Updating and strengthening New Zealand’s anti-bribery legislation and Ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption

Development and implementation of the first OGP National Action Plan

Developing and implementing a strategy to promote ‘evidence-based policy making’

Strengthening transparency, agency capability and accountability for public sector procurement

Encouraging proactive release of official information and promoting enhanced compliance with and understanding of the Official Information Act.

A small number of recommendations are not being implemented as they are contrary to the policy framework in place. These are described in the Government’s response.

These pages are the OGPNZ Draft End Term Self-assessment Report. The original document is also provided in MS Word format (.doc 287KB) and portable document format (.pdf 674KB). The content is the same in all versions. These documents were updated on 15 September 2016.

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