
The third annual Satoshi Roundtable has been announced and this year’s attendees will gather in a secret location in North America later this month. The gathering, deemed the “Bilderberg meeting” of the crypto-world last year, involves bitcoin and blockchain luminaries discussing the future of this technology.

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The Third Annual Satoshi Roundtable Takes Place This Month

Filled with bitcoin developers, investors, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders, the meeting is invite-only and will be limited in size to 100 movers-and-shakers within the digital currency and blockchain environment. According to the itinerary, the event will be located at a secret location somewhere in the North America.

Last year’s event was more than just influential people rubbing elbows, as it also involved discussions regarding consensus in the block size debate. Of course, consensus has yet to be achieved, but attendees did sign a letter of intent to improve future dialogue. The letter was signed by Michael Terpin of Transform Group, bitcoin core developer Eric Lombrozo, Overstock’s Patrick Byrne, Peter Smith of Blockchain, Peter Todd bitcoin core developer and many more. Last year’s Satoshi Roundtable letter states:

We the undersigned, feel that while we may disagree on various technical and business issues, that it is best for all to foster an environment of tolerance and respect.— We will endeavor to hold ourselves to the highest possible standard in respectful and productive communications, and we will also endeavor to hold our employees, our friends, and our industry associates to this high standard.

This Year’s Attendees and the Roundtable’s Agenda

The event, in its third year, will include attendees such as Dr. Adam Back, CEO of Blockstream, Jonathan Johnson, President of T0, Erik Voorhees, founder of Shapeshift, and bitcoin core developers such as Peter Todd and Eric Lombrozo. The event’s itinerary details that leading members of the Ethereum environment will be in attendance as well as representatives from Bitfury, Bitstamp, Civic, Unsung, Bitgo, Bitfinex and more.

The Roundtable meeting will also host executives from large financial operations such as IBM, World Bank, and Fidelity Investments. Furthermore, there will be individuals from the U.S. government, and regulatory advocacy groups such as Coin Center and the controversial Blockchain Alliance.

Alongside the one hundred guests discussing this emerging technology, the retreat will showcase different formats. This will include concepts such as the “open space technology” or a decentralized “unconference” format. The event will also have a few formal keynote presentations, workshops, and “participant-driven discussions.”

No Media and a Vacation Like Atmosphere

The event’s program states attendees at the Satoshi Roundtable will be able to converse without media attention during the gathering. Additionally, there will be several group meals situated around the two-day Roundtable discussions. Activities such as golf, an evening poker game, and board games will also be organized. As with the past Satoshi Roundtable events, the crypto-elite will need to get permission to attend.

“To receive an invite, prospective attendees typically must be founders or C-level execs of funded startups, senior blockchain focused executives at major corporations, active investors, accomplished developers, or leading academics, notable authors and influencers. Interested parties can request a waitlist or invitation from the hosts,” details the Roundtable’s announcement.

What do you think about the Satoshi Roundtable meetings? Do you think these types of Bilderberg-like gatherings are good for the bitcoin economy? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Images via Medium, the previous Satoshi Roundtables, and Pixabay.

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