On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 11:16 AM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
Thats up to you
On May 21, 2015 10:10 PM, “GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri” wrote:
On May 21, 2015 9:38 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:
To: GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri
1) You have nothing to convey to the world, you crook. How dare you try and blackmail us with your greed?
2) When I choose to verify any of the accounts in the Global Debt Facility IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:25 AM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
Dear Karen,
My question is whether you’ve verified GCA 103.357.777? Not to argue opinions, research, or your job. But just convey what so my job to the world. If later the world’s financial situation worsened, they already know where to call. Same with you, ignore or accept what I say it is your right. Too many conspiracies out there. And all of it started in 1972. But it did not matter, our lives are safe from this crisis. And if there are those who want to collaborate using assets GCA 103.357.777 please meet with Owners to bring proof of verification in writing that this moment with us. And we were the only one in the world who dare to show the account number compared with the “owner” of another Global Collateral Account.
Thank you for this conversation.
White Eagle.
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Thu, May 21, 2015 at 7:45 AM
To: Herman Wijffels, info@utrechtsciencepark.nl, dmm-if@minbuza.nl, dsh@minbuza.nl, dsh-sr@minbuza.nl, jos.van.dongen@vara.nl, jan-willemle.grand@minbuza.nl, invo@pateo.nl, elleynekase@me.com, lokaal.geld@gmail.com, elvetwelve, fheemskerk@worldbank.org, eds19@worldbank.org, info@dutchhelp.com, dmh-gb@minbuza.nl, pierre.schreuder.sr@gmail.com, Henk Niggebrugge, mullers@hotelzurems.de, li.v.rooij1@hotmail.com, No nocancerfoundation@gmail.com, THE EUROPEAN GREENS BELGIE, Otto ter Haar, info@degroenen.nl, bianca.van.dijk.fitters@gmail.com, Arend Loomeijer, j.fitters1, Marjo v d Heuvel, Linda Van Vliet, EKC, Ronald van Uden, Jager Jikke, Jan Pasterkamp, Gerard Kucharek, sdn@live.nl, hans.v.d.broek@planet.nl, R.KAHLMAN, Jan Boeykens, Steven Brown, f.bovenkerk, julius vischjager, Anton F. P. van Putten, bosgroep miep, bosgroep wieteke van Dort, ronny.switten@skynet.be, griffie@constcourt.be, Parquet federaal.parket@just.fgov.be, kareldewerd@kpnmail.nl, Arie van Velsen, Erik Braeken, field.liberation@gmail.com, kleintje@stelling.nl, bmartens2008@hotmail.com, onrecht@yahoo.com, yvonnehoekema@hotmail.com, info@niburu.co, p.teesink@hccnet.nl, peter_vereecke@hotmail.com, Ruud Rietveld, judith.deruiter@uwv.nl, Rob Brockhus, molly.ramsdell@ncsl.org, tezcan.inanlar@pacificainstitute.org, sennishihara@capitol.hawaii.gov, coda@le.utah.gov, maralyn.chase@leg.wa.gov, Keshini Ladduwahetty, cbramble@le.utah.gov, rosaleen_manzi@sandp.com, elizabeth.mccarroll@moodys.com, rebecca.mirza@fitchratings.com, ocemail@montgomerycountymd.gov, dllr@dllr.state.md.us, chenjialin@dagongcredit.com
Perhaps Mr. Heemskerk is now ready to admit me back to the World Bank, and prevent Allied Barton from calling the DC police?
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Thu, May 21, 2015 at 7:31 AM
To: GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri
Cc: patricia@majorcitieschiefs.com, President of the Major Cities Chiefs Police Association
You and the Committee of 300 have nothing whatsoever to say on this matter. The Global Collateral Accounts, also known as the Global Debt Facility, are completely separate from the Committee of 300. The International Court of Justice, which attempted to steal the assets in the Global Debt Facility for the Committee of 300, conceded that it has no jurisdiction over the Global Collateral Accounts by retracting its misguided Notice dated April 21, 2015 in Ad Hoc Case no. UN-1421 https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Notice+to+The+International+Court+of+Justice. pdf
I am working for the coalition for the rule of law, consisting of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), Germany, the Group of 77 (133 developing countries), and the US minus the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve and the rest of the members of the insolvent BIS are in receivership in the Global Debt Facility. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.19.15.pdf The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF have embarked on a global currency reset. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.18.15.pdf [See page 4 of the document on this link, where this crook referred to “unprofitable people” and actually asked me to marry him?!!!! — ignore the bogus virus warning, a form of censorship]
The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF authorized me to go before the grey screens on behalf of the beneficiaries of the Global Collateral Accounts. However, the insolvent Bank for International Settlements is preventing me from entering my office at the headquarters building in Washington. This is only because the DC Police have failed to recognize that the Global Collateral Accounts now pays their salaries. The Global Debt Facility’s accounts will be verified only for purposes of the global currency reset and remediation of Fukushima.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility TVM LSM 666
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 1:17 AM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
And you are too afraid to verify this account.
On May 20, 2015 11:31 PM, Karen Hudes wrote: You are not the real owner. You are nothing. Go away.
On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 12:07 PM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Best Wishes,
This is a message from The Real Owner of the Global Collateral Accounts, GCA 103.357.777 (Name can be seen when you verify this Special Account in the Treasury Department, Second Screen).
That the current world financial remaining 10%, even shrinking. Like water in a bucket perforated, should be divided evenly. But it was in vain, although it could be divided evenly remain unable to withstand the global crisis.
Currently, all banks in the world need a Cash Collateral. It is not wise to wear customer funds, because it will create new problems.
The Honorable the Treasurers, the only way to confront this global crisis just by using the assets of GCA 103.357.777. And with the wisdom and goodness of His heart, The Owner invited all leaders of the countries, banking and companies to cooperation with PT. Garudha Putih Agroindustri, Indonesia to use this Special Account assets that have been spread throughout the 1.200 accounts that the bank has been a member of the Committee of 300. Please utilized.
The Owner has not thought about the use of this account assets illegally in the past. Anyone who comes to bring proof of official verification in writing and apply for a partnership, the owners will agree by giving signatures Morning Star as a Top Approval Authority the use of these assets.
We wait for a response from you soon.
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
White Eagle www [dot] garudhaputihagroindustri [dot] com
On May 6, 2015 12:56 AM, “GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri” wrote:
@cerrabella They forgot this: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf … & this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGNPMNTl6Wk …
* For me nobody have a gutz to verify this account number
On Apr 30, 2015 8:01 AM, “GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri” wrote:
Yeah, I know why you like this reaction. First, you do not have the ability again to verify the GCA 103.357.777 at the Department of Treasury and confined to research and your investigation is useless.
Second, you do not dare to verify this account because of fear of the actual truth will be revealed, and tear down your entire statement.
Occurrences The Real Owner of Global Collateral Accounts, GCA 103.357.777 This is definitely going to destroy maggots charisma like King Antony Martin Santiago and his minions, like you.
If you verify this account, review what you have to say during instantaneous collapse.
I know after reading this, your reaction would have been more rude and loud. Because it is just that you can do. Because it is you can not afford and had no strength left in the Treasury Department.
— W.E —
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 8:27 PM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
I am telling you that the Bretton Woods institutions represent humanity, and they decide WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR GOLD. NOT HIS GOLD. HUMANITY’S GOLD. Go away and stay away.
Yes, but they can not use it until whenever. Without the signature of the Morning Star.
Global Crisis snowball has been rolling, the strong will survive, though not for long. Weak, crushed without a chance to make a sound.
Yes, I will go.
— W.E —
On Apr 25, 2015 7:07 AM, “GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri” wrote: Ok. Thanks
On Apr 25, 2015 1:12 AM, Karen Hudes wrote:
If he is the owner, then why is he bothering me? The person who is telling you to contact me is a liar and trying to steal the world’s gold. I am telling you that the Bretton Woods institutions represent humanity, and they decide WHAT TO DO WITH THEIR GOLD. NOT HIS GOLD. HUMANITY’S GOLD. Go away and stay away.
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 1:02 PM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
Dear Karen,
I’m sorry, did not mean to bother you. But in the end, who can authorize the use of these assets is the name of the original owner listed on the Global Collateral Accounts, GCA 103.357.777 today to provide signatures Morning Star as a Top Approval Authority. I’m not going to argue with you. What do you believe is probably believe. What are the resources of your research, use.
But the information I submit, based on real historical actors who covered up that is The Real Owner, White Spiritual Boy & Spiritual Wonder Boy who is still alive as a Commissioner of PT. GARUDHA PUTIH AGROINDUSTRI – INDONESIA.
And he is ready to prove with documents and forensics.
What you know and believe, about anyone who has ever used the assets in these accounts as legal owner, has been recorded. And in time will be revealed.
Why is this information I convey to you? Because I think you can help me preach this.
Global crisis has passed, the velocity of money in the world are running low, only GCA 103.357.777 can recover. And the owner has an opportunity for anyone who wants to take advantage of this account is valid and legal.
But this is all up to you. We will all be affected by this global crisis.
White Eagle.
On Apr 24, 2015 10:22 PM, Karen Hudes wrote: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/soekarno.pdf
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 10:17 AM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
On Apr 24, 2015 7:36 PM, Karen Hudes wrote:
The Real Owners are the beneficiaries, humanity. “If I can get permission?” Do you think I do not know that I have the right to go before the interbank screens? You come back and insult me. Go away and stay away.
On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 8:25 AM, GarudhaPutih AgroIndustri wrote:
So Be it.
Thanks for the reply. If you can get permission to verify the Global Collateral Accounts, GCA 103 357 777 you will read the real owners. And what do you believe is right for this will fall. I am nobody. But honestly, try to check yourself this account, before giving a statement that this message lies.
— W.E —
White Eagle
Source Link: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter5.21.15.pdf