
Editor’s note: NAIJ.com has earlier published a letter of Ishaku Abdul’rahman Mohammed, a man who converted to Christianity. The letter has gone viral and many Nigerians share their views on the matter.

Yakub Ibrahim, one of our readers, writes this piece to response for the record and for the benefit of those that seek the truth.

I read the article on the above subject and decided to response for the record and for the benefit of those that seek the truth. I wanted to write what I understood about the treaty of Hudaybiyyah in my own words but decided to copy and paste the story words for words for your readers to read themselves.

The author of the article on the above subject clearly misinformed your reader and it is my duty as a Muslim to educate people about my religion. I will by God’s willing comment on other issues the author raised later on but for now I would like you to please publish below article for people to read and understand.


The statement of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah is as follows:

“In your name, O God!

This is the treaty of peace between Muhammad Ibn Abdullah and Suhayl Ibn Amr. They have agreed to allow their arms to rest for ten years. During this time each party shall be secure, and neither shall injure the other; no secret damage shall be inflicted, but honesty and honor shall prevail between them. Whoever in Arabia wishes to enter into a treaty or covenant with Muhammad can do so, and whoever wishes to enter into a treaty or covenant with the Quraysh can do so. And if a Qurayshite comes without the permission of his guardian to Muhammad, he shall be delivered up to the Quraysh; but if, on the other hand, one of Muhammad’s people comes to the Quraysh, he shall not be delivered up to Muhammad. This year, Muhammad, with his companions, must withdraw from Mecca, but next year, he may come to Mecca and remain for three days, yet without their weapons except those of a traveller; the swords remaining in their sheaths.”

In 628, the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was signed between Muhammad, representing the state of Madina and the Quraysh tribe of Makkah. It was signed to help decrease tension between the two cities, affirming a 10 year peace and also authorizing Muhammad and his followers to come to Makkah for pilgrimage after Muhammad has received a revelation from Allah that Muslims should go for pilgrimage. They were not going to Makkah because of the enmity with the Quraysh. So in the year 628, the Prophet and a group of 1400 followers marched towards Makkah peacefully dressed as pilgrims with animal sacrifices, in a state of ihram which is a premeditated spiritual and physical state which prohibits fighting.  During their journey they met emissaries from and going to Makkah and negotiated with them telling that they have come in peace. During this time rumors spread that Usman bin al-Affan had been killed by the Quraysh upon which the Prophet called the pilgrims to make a pledge that they will not flee and will stick to whatever decision he takes even if it results in war. This pledge is known as “The Pledge of Acceptance” or “The Pledge under the Tree”. News of Usman’s safety arrived eventually which allowed the negotiations to continue.

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The treaty was signed to last for about 10 years and the clauses included in the treaty were cessations of hostilities, deferral of the Prophet’s pilgrimage to the following year and an agreement to send back any person who came to Makkah without permission of his protection but any person of Madina will not be returned if he goes to Makkah. Muslims were not satisfied with the treaty but Allah then send down Chapter 48 also called Sura Al Fath or The Victory and assured the Muslims that they were now victorious.

Battle of Khayber:

After signing the treaty, Muhammad and his followers fought against the tribe Banu Nadir of Jews as they were spreading enmity against the Muslims. The Jews confined themselves into a fort but they were not ready for a siege of a longer period. Without any water reserves that they could use, they had no other option than to surrender. Muslims who were in a lesser number, did not have enough provisions to last a lot of days so at that time Muhammad made an exception that one can eat the meat of forbidden animals only if there is no other means of survival. The Jews eventually lost. Then they were allowed to stay in the oasis of Kahyber under certain terms and conditions.

Conquest of Makkah:

After the treaty of Hudaybiyyah, the tribe Banu Khuza’a formed an alliance with the Muslims and Banu Bakr joined hands with the Quarysh. Two years after the treaty, Banu Bakr murdered some people of Banu Khaza’a in the Holy Sanctuary. Khuza’ah at once sent a delegation to Madina explaining to the Prophet that the truce has been broken and to seek help from the Muslim allies. After this incident, Muhammad sent a message to Makkah and offered them three options to choose from; they can repay in blood money for those who were killed; or they should disavow themselves of the Banu Bakr; or they should declare the truce of Hudaybiyyah null.

After choosing the last option, the people of Makkah realized their mistake and sent Abu Sufyan to renew the treaty but the Prophet did not accept that and prepared for the conquest of Makkah. The Muslims assembled an army of 10,000 soldiers which was the biggest army ever assembled. Muhammad asked the army to light torches of fire so that the army seemed even larger. The army was divided into four parts, each division was ordered to enter from all four routes that went to Makkah so that the enemy would be dispersed into many parts. The soldiers were instructed to not start a fight unless Quraysh attacked. The entry of Muslims from three routes was peaceful and without any bloodshed. The army on the fourth route faced resistance and the Quraysh attacked but after losing 12 men, they gave up.

With minimal bloodshed Muhammad took control of Makkah. The aftermath of this was that most of the people of Makkah accepted Islam. The Prophet forgave everyone except 12 people who were guilty of murder or had sparked off wars and disrupted peace. Some of these were later on forgiven as well. On the eve of the conquest, Abu Sufyan accepted Islam and became a Muslim as he believed that Meccan gods had proved themselves powerless and there was no god but Allah. Upon this the house of Abu Sufyan was declared a sanctuary: “Even he who enters the house of Abu Sufyan will be safe, he who lays down arms will be safe, he who locks his door will be safe.”

The prophet also declared: “Allah has made Mecca a sanctuary since the day He created the Heavens and the Earth, and it will remain a sanctuary by virtue of the sanctity Allah has bestowed on it until the Day of Resurrection. It (fighting in it) was not made lawful to anyone before me. Nor will it be made lawful to anyone after me, and it was not made lawful for me except for a short period of time. Its animals (that can be hunted) should not be chased, nor should its trees be cut, nor its vegetation or grass uprooted, nor its Luqata (most things) picked up except by one who makes a public announcement about it.”

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He then entered Kaaba and cleansed it of all the idols and all the gods were destroyed and then he recited the verse: “Say, the Truth has come and falsehood gone. Verily falsehood is bound to vanish.” – Al Quran [17:81]

After this, he addressed in front of the people in Kaaba: “There is no God but Allah. He has no associate. He has made good His promise that He held to his bondman and helped him and defeated all the confederates. Bear in mind that every claim of privilege, whether that of blood or property is abolished except that of the custody of the Ka’aba and of supplying water to the pilgrims. Bear in mind that for anyone who is slain, the blood money is a hundred camels. People of Quraysh, surely God has abolished from you all pride of the time of ignorance and all pride in your ancestry, because all men are descended from Adam, and Adam was made of clay.”

Then turning to the people of Makkah he said: “O Quraysh, what do you think of the treatment that I should accord you?

They replied: “Mercy, O Prophet of Allah. We expect nothing but good from you.”

Upon which the Prophet of Allah said: “I speak to you in the same words as Yūsuf spoke to his brothers. This day there is no reproof against you; Go your way, for you are free.”

The prestige of Muhammad grew all around Makkah and people from all over Arabia came to convert to the religion of Islam.

Battle of Hunayn:

Right after the conquest of Makkah in year 630, Muhammad was alarmed by the threat of war from the tribes of Hawazin who had made an army twice as that of the Muslims. They were joined by another tribe Banu Thaqif and together they gave orders to the army to hurl stones at the Muslim army when they saw them and then to make one man attacks on them. As soon as the army camped, the tribal army started throwing arrows at the Muslim army due to which there was chaos and utter confusion. The soldiers to the army ran but then Muhammad uttered a prayer. They all returned and the Prophet took a handful of sand and threw at the enemy. They couldn’t see and with dust in their eyes fought the Muslim army but eventually they ran and the Muslims won the war.

Battle of Tabook:

In the same year, the Battle of Tabook took place. Not a battle in a true sense as there was no combat, this fight was fought in between the Muslims and Byzantines. It was said that Heraclius was preparing for the war and his army consisted of soldiers in the range of 40,000 and 100,000. The Muslims army consisted of about 30,000 soldiers which was the biggest army they had ever put together. A few people tried to opt out of the battle and started making excuses. On this, a Quranic verse was revealed: Among them is (many) a man who says: “Grant me exemption and draw me not into trial.” Have they not fallen into trial already? And indeed Hell surrounds the Unbelievers (on all sides). – [Quran 9:49]

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Although the battle was not fought as the Byzantines were not at Tabook when the Muslim army reached, the aftermath of this march was that many tribes abandoned the Byzantines and joined the Muslims states.

The Prophet ordered all the pagan idols to be destroyed in Arabia. The last city to submit to this order was the city of Ta’if. But Muhammad refused to accept the surrender of the city until they agreed to convert to Islam. Then he destroyed all the statues of gods and goddesses. A year after the Battle of Tabook, Banu Thaqif and many Bedouins surrendered to Muhammad and adopted Islam.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of Naij.com.

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